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Business or Pleasure: Terri Adventures
Business or Pleasure: Terri Adventures
Business or Pleasure: Terri Adventures
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Business or Pleasure: Terri Adventures

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Trying to balance business and pleasure in my life is hard to do. Usually, it's all about business. I will say I have found happiness in my work on the ranch by helping others and working with animals. Having grown up on the ranch, I have found peace, but just not enough. Have you ever had times in your life that have gone all wrong? Well, I am on that crazy roller coaster that never stops. Drama happens when I least expect it and often. Through all the drama I have had, I have been hard on myself. There might not be a light at the end of the tunnel, but you can always hope. All the bad drama has taught me what do to and what not to do.

Pleasure in the form of men is nonexistent. I always question myself when it comes to men. Do I need to go on a date? I answer myself by saying I need to get out, but then I'm like, no, they won't like the way I look. They won't like how hard I work, and if they don't mind all of this, then they are just as busy as I am, and we would barely see each other. In my heart, I want a cowboy that loves the ranch and we can raise a family and sit on the porch looking over the beautiful ranch my family has built. What will my destiny be? Will a man show up to help with the business and will I find love or just move on? Will there be any more pleasure in my life? I hope whoever comes into my life doesn't throw up on roller coasters.

Release dateApr 15, 2021
Business or Pleasure: Terri Adventures

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    Book preview

    Business or Pleasure - Teresa Greathouse

    Chapter 1

    Day 1

    When you think life is going great, then you have a couple of weeks of something horrible or scary that either comes back to haunt you or terrifies you of the changes that may have to happen. You have been on a roller coaster you know starts with a few bumps and curves, but then you hit the part of the ride that you feel is going to wreck you. This too shall pass. The life-altering things will fade. Maybe not completely gone, but they will dissipate where you can function and try to have a happy life. My bumpy ride started when a group of men walked into my life that I didn’t know that were going to stay for a long time.

    Chance and Jay Sullivan are filthy rich from the horse business from rodeos, showing, board and train, and racing. Chance is the head honcho of his crew. Jay helps with a lot of the paperwork, clients, and the physical work on their properties. Their crew is strong and know a thing or two about ranching. Just so you know, my parents knew all about these men coming in. Ooh, child, will they get a talking to for sure! I am so secure in myself when it comes to the business, but other parts of my life, not so much. My love life sucks, and my wall is as tall as the barn, maybe higher. Life at the ranch is interesting, fun, and terrifying. You will see how everything unfolds. Be ready for the roller-coaster ride.

    I have not been getting out a lot lately because unfortunately I had surgery on my shoulder recently. Apparently ranch work in some cases, like me, don’t want you doing it for a long period of time. Well, tough cookies. Once I heal, I will be back at it again doing what I love. I have been on the mend for a few weeks now. I can’t lift anything over fifteen pounds in which, hello, that’s hard. I want to get out more of course but trying not to rush. Also, my love life is nonexistent. I am no toothpick. I am a voluptuous girl who doesn’t wear makeup unless I go out for special occasions, and I wear T-shirts with jeans or whatever is comfy. Me in a dress, ha! I don’t look good. I can count on both hands how many dresses I have worn as an adult. If I had the confidence in my appearance, I would probably be a happier person, I know, but I accept who I am and all I can do is take it day by day. Yes, I bitch about what I look like to myself and to any guy because I don’t feel like explaining myself to everyone. Honestly, what you see if what you get.

    I live on a ranch with my parents, Jasper and Lily Stone, who work with some great, rich, nice folks. Well, most of them are all nice. You get a few that come through that are hateful. Anyway, they are great friends with a rich cattleman Butch and his wife, Jill Thatcher. They are in the cattle, oil, and airport/airplane business. They go all around the world—Dubai, Italy, Singapore, and all over the United States. Butch and my father are also partnering in a few restaurants, five ranches, and eight jets, and they are thinking about getting a helicopter. My mother likes to fly but she doesn’t not ride on commercial planes, so they have an extra special jet for her. They use it for them and their clients.

    Jasper is seventy and 5'11" and has a lot of gray throughout his dark-brown hair. He is strong for his age especially working on the ranch. He has slowed down working on the physical part of the ranch but still runs all the business aspects along with me. I want him to pass this ranch onto me, so my crew and I will keep it going for my grandpa and grandpa who have passed. My dad has been talking to his business partner lately about selling this place to somebody else. Maybe I can buy it from them? Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be on this ranch permanently. Being here has taught me hard work and you need to be a people person and great in business. I didn’t do much college because I found my passion. I hope my dad and Butch know I can take care of this place on my own.

    On a Sunday morning, I wake up early, about five, go through my emails, and write down who I need to call Monday. Sundays on the farm are quiet because, we don’t train on Sundays also most of my men are with their families. I get some of them to come in to feed and water and also to let the horses out to graze and check on the cattle. This morning, once I am done with my emails and quick breakfast, I will go take a four-wheeler and go check the cattle. We have three big pastures of beef cows and just want to make sure the fences are good and see if there are any new babies. This season we have had a lot of new babies coming. Frisco, our new bull, is doing a great job of being a daddy and protecting his herd. I will have to see how he is doing of course from a distance because he can be a grumpy butt. Anyway, back to the emails, which there aren’t many super important ones today thankfully. So I get up and get my clothes which are my undergarments, work jeans, sleeveless white shirt, and a blue plaid long-sleeved shirt, then I go and get ready. Don’t forget the deodorant, hair brushing, and teeth brushing. When I am done and get back to my room, my phone rings. I look at it and it’s my best friend Tilly.

    I answer, Hey, girl, how are you this mornin’?

    Hey, I am doing great. It’s Sunday and we have plans today to go to the farmers market. Remember?

    Yeah, but I thought we aren’t going until ten or so?

    You said we would go get breakfast, then the farmers market?

    Well, I was about to go check on the cattle, but I can call one of my guys if they can go ride over there and check.

    Okay, I will pick you up at eight-thirty-ish. Is that okay?

    Yeah, that should be good. Gotta change.

    What are you wearing today?

    I am wearing jeans, cute shirt, and of course boots. Possibly my cowboy hat. I will bring it with me so if I have knackering to wear it.

    The weather is supposed to be nice today.

    Good, I have to go call my guy. I will see you in a bit.

    Sounds good, bye.

    I get off the phone and then get back on the phone with one of my foremen, and his name is Slade. He picks up on the second ring.

    Mornin’, boss, how’s it going?

    Good, I was wondering since one of y’all are in the back forty if you can check on Frisco and his herd to make sure the mommas and babies are doing okay?

    Sure, I am going to check the east side and Alex is checking the west. Then Kyle and Rico are feedin’ and waterin’.

    I appreciate it. Once y’all are done y’all can go be with y’all’s families. I will check on everyone when I get back later this afternoon.

    Sounds good have a great day boss.

    You too.

    Once I hang up with Slade, I go back to my closet and see what shirt I want to wear. I don’t have too many cute shirts because I am on the ranch all the time. The only time I dress up is when clients come to look at the ranch. I am looking, and I fall on a light green shirt that has a V-neck. My girls are doing the peekaboo thing. Now to find jeans that squish in my gut but doesn’t give me a muffin top. After trying on three pairs, I finally found one that makes me look somewhat descent.

    It’s about 8:00 a.m., and I am done getting dressed when I go down the long hallway and down the stairs. To the left is the kitchen where my mother and father are at the island drinking their coffees and my dad reading the newspaper. I walk in with a smile on my face and greet them. Good morning, amazing parents! How are y’all this morning? Mom looks at me with a smile and Dad grunts because he is not a morning person. I go around and give my mom a hug and my dad a slap on the back because it bothers him in the mornings when I do that, and it makes me giggle. Mom talks to me first.

    Hey, Terri, you seem happy this morning. What’s going on? They both are looking at me.

    Well, Tilly and I are going to the big farmers market in town today. Dad was about to speak when I said, I got the ranch covered until I get back. Slade and the boys are checking the herds and then I will check them when I get back this evening. Dad grunted.

    Terri, you don’t need to do that all by yourself. Get the boys to come back.

    No, Dad, it’s Sunday and they can have the rest of the day with their families. A couple of them will be back tonight to feed and water. I will just be checking on the cattle. It’s all set. No worries, okay? Dad grunts again and goes back to his paper because he knows I got the boys to do the heavy-lifting stuff. I am sometimes smarter than I look. Mom shakes her head, smiling.

    I think I hear someone coming up the driveway.

    That will be Tilly. She is a little early, but we are going to go eat breakfast. I must go, but I will see y’all later this afternoon. We won’t be out all day because we both have ranch things to do. Mom smiles.

    Y’all be safe and call us if you need us.

    Will do and y’all have a great day. I walk into the front foyer, throw on my boots, and grab my purse, sunglasses, cowboy hat, and house key. Then I’m ready to go.

    I see Tilly’s truck to the right when I am on the front porch. Going down the stairs in front of me are the death stairs at the end of a grueling workday. There are ten steps, and yes, I counted. They are pretty steep. The house is on a small hill. It is a two-story house. Porches the length of the house on the front and back sides. We have two porch swings on the back and one porch swing on the front. There are four rocking chairs on the front porch as well to watch the sunrises and sunsets. Back to the truck. I go walk up to her new black Ford F250 truck. Tilly and I are truck girls. Plus living on a ranch, they are good for hauling stuff. The door is unlocked, and I got in. Hey, Til, this is a badass truck. I want a new one now.

    It is badass, and I love it. I can open the doors now without them squeaking. I finally got rid of the other truck I have had for fifteen years. Its nickname was Howler or Chug. Depended on the sound it made.

    I laugh. I know what you mean dad’s old truck used to be like that. I still can get a few more years out of my truck. So no shopping for me quite yet but this one is giving me some ideas.

    Well, I am glad to be of service and also are you hungry because I am starving.

    Yes, I am. Do you want to go to our usual spot or hold off and eat at the farmers market?

    Let’s go to our usual spot.

    Sounds good, let’s go. I put my seat belt on, and she drives us to a little diner that is about thirty minutes away. While we are in the car, I ask if I can turn on the radio, and of course she says yes, and I found a Miley Cyrus song, Party in the USA, and we sang it and danced to it. After that song, I change the channel and Wanna Be by the Spice Girls is on and we jam hard to that one. Then the last song out of many in between, we sing was I Got Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks. Great music with a great friend. We finally pull up to Daisy’s Diner and we go eat. I’m starving!

    We get out of the car and we go in. We see it’s busier than the usual today, probably because of the farmers market weekend. We are inside, and our favorite waitress/owner, Daisy, is there, and she greets us. Daisy is in her early sixties and has been working here for forever. She loves her job and rarely takes a vacation. Daisy is 5'2", average skinny, and all about business but is sweet and knows what you want without you even looking at a menu.

    Daisy smiles and chews gum at the same time. Hey, girls, unfortunately your usual table is filled, but I can get you back in the corner table. You want water and a sweet tea. We nod and go to the booth. From the front door which is in the front in the middle of this ’50s diner. When you walk in, they only have half a bar and then the rest are tables and booths. Our table close to the bar is unfortunately filled with four men. Not going to lie they are handsome but I’m too hungry to dwell on that. Of course, at our booth Tilly puts me where I am facing them. Tilly, you sit here and then I won’t get stared at by the men at our table.

    Well, if they are staring, then they think you’re hot.

    Yeah, not so much. I do look cute today but that’s it. Not pretty enough to stare at. Please change with me? She laughs. She turns around to look.

    No, here comes Daisy. Ugh, I hate when people stare. This will be a long breakfast. Daisy approaches and gives us our drinks.

    Daisy smirks. You got those guys’ attention that are at y’all’s table. They are very handsome. You should go introduce yourselves.

    I shake my head no. No, Daisy, I didn’t come here for men. I came here to see you, eat some great food that Pop’s cooks, and of course, chat with my bestie Tilly here.

    Daisy smiles a devilish smile. Maybe I should just go put in a good word for you.

    Tilly is laughing and shake my head furiously no. How about no thanks. Tilly and I want our usual, right, Til?

    Yes, please, Daisy, and extra crispy bacon for the both of us you know.

    Daisy laughs. You two are the only ones who ask for extra crispy so we always remember. I will go put in your orders.

    Thanks, Daisy.

    Tilly smiles. So what are you looking for today at the farmers market?

    Well, I need a nightstand or bookshelf. You know the window nook we have in the library? She nods. Well, I want to put something next to it, so I can put my drink down and read. To not have to hold my drink the whole time would be great. I like to go in the library and do emails and computer work as well as reading. I’m looking for something unique though. You know how eclectic I am. Don’t need everything to match.

    She grins. I am the same way. Plus, I like different things from different eras. That’s one reason we have become such great friends because we’re both weird and we both accept it.

    Amen, sister! Daisy comes up with our food and our stomachs growl and we both laugh. I got two eggs, scrambled with cheese, extra crispy bacon, hash browns, and sour dough toast with butter and jelly. Tilly got the same except she got her eggs over medium. Yummy food!

    I am not going to lie. While we eat, we have an audience. Yep, you probably guessed it. The four men at the other table. They are all handsome, all cowboys, and all serious. Two of them have to be in their early thirties and the other two in their forties maybe. I am not great with guessing ages. Anyway every time, Tilly and I laugh, they look over at us and one gets on his phone a lot. Yes, I sneak a look every blue moon.

    We are almost done, and Tilly smirks. Something catch your eye over there? At our table I am guessing.

    No, nothing, because they just keep staring.

    Well, you are staring to you know, right?

    Yeah, well, I was looking to make sure they weren’t staring is all.

    Tilly shakes her head and smiles. Yeah, okay, whatever you say. Are you almost done? I’m ready to get to the farmers market. I take another drink of my water and finish my toast, and yes, I finish it all. It is amazing. Tilly is going to pay for breakfast, and I tell her I will buy lunch and she agrees.

    Daisy comes up to us and says, Don’t worry about the money. Tilly and I both look at each other and then back at Daisy. It’s already been taken care of.

    Tilly says, By who?

    Daisy looks over at the four men and we do as well. They tip their hats and we smile and nod back. What the heck? Who are these guys? Yes, they are nice for buying us breakfast, but I don’t see that happen especially if it’s me. I do have Tilly with me though, and she was super famous in the rodeo circuit, so we will just go with that then.

    I stand up. Tilly, you’re famous.

    No, I am not. I have changed my hair and I am not as glitz and glamour like I used to be.

    Well, we are just going to say it’s your fault they bought us breakfast.

    Well, I think we should go over and say thank you.

    You go right ahead and say thank you for me too. I will be out at the truck.

    She did go over and says thanks. I don’t mind talking to handsome guys when they are clients, but when I am in the world away from the ranch, I get a little shy and I guess it’s because I don’t get out much. I get awkward around men or I act like one of the guys because I am surrounded by them at the ranch. I will be single forever. I don’t mind it. Yeah, it gets lonely sometimes, but I get over it pretty quickly. I have too much work to do anyway.

    I walk outside and there are two doors, so I walk through one and another cowboy opens the other one. I say thanks and keep on walking. I don’t even make eye contact. I am ready to get out of here. When I get to the truck, I turn and see that Tilly is at the door where the cowboy is still holding it for her. I didn’t get a great look at him because he had his back to me, and I was in the back of the parking lot. I will say he has a nice body, and he has a nice voice. He said you’re welcome earlier. Let Tilly have fun with the guys. While she is talking, I pull out my phone and lean on the truck. After a couple of minutes, I hear the truck unlock. Then I put my phone up and I get in the truck. When I am in the truck, Tilly is walking alone thankfully. She gets in the truck and smiles.

    Tilly, what did you do? She smiles even bigger, and I know she has done something with those guys. Seriously.

    I haven’t done anything except maybe got their phone numbers. They might meet up with us at the farmers market later.

    I whine at her, Seriously Til why couldn’t you just have said thank you and be done.

    Well, I was going too, but they thought we were beautiful, and they are new to town and was wondering what there was to do around here.

    I cut in. Of course, there is stuff to do around here like the farmers market. Really now I am going to be nervous all day, and they must have been high or drunk if they thought I was beautiful. Can we just go please? I do a big sigh and look over at my friend who looks mad now.

    Hey, Ter look at me. I sigh and look. Ter. You’re beautiful and you need to tell yourself that every day. I know you have been through situations where you don’t feel it but know that you are. There are men out there that want to get to know you and will treat you with respect.

    I know it’s just easier to build that wall and keep everyone out. I don’t want to talk about me anymore. Let’s start up this puppy and let’s ride! We both laugh, and we will have good day regardless. I hope.

    Chapter 2


    The farmers market isn’t but a couple of miles down the road. We actually found a good spot to park. She parallel-parks on the street and she grabs her purse, and I just take my wallet and shove my purse under the seat. I grab my sunglasses and cell phone before I do that. We get out and we walk about a half block and the market starts up. It is at a section of town that used to be small worn-down store fronts. They have torn them down and made a big cover and then there are booths everywhere. It’s open and airy plus on hot days they can put the fans on. There are some on one side of the street and some on the other. They also have a pavilion where you can sit and eat. They have live bands playing in the afternoons. This helps the town out a lot because this is a weekend thing. In between, the buildings on the street there are about ten food trucks that have set up, and they all have different food. All delicious. Yes, we have tried something from each—tacos, American burgers, corn dogs and hot dogs, fish and chips, coffees, and more. Best sweet thing we have had is a churro. OMG, it is amazing. Might have to get one today. Just sayin’.

    We start on the right side and we see everything. There are wood carvers, T-shirt vendors, persons making bows for girls, a guy selling dry soup mixes and dry dip mixes, and of course he has some to taste, and they are amazing. There are wineries, cake shops that have samples of what you can order, and a lot of furniture spots, which I am excited for. We have been looking around for about an hour just on this right side because there is so much to look at. I look up and there was a cowboy looking at me. He and a couple of his buddies had a knife booth it looks like. Well, I could always give a knife to my dad for Christmas. Tilly and I will have to go see.

    I get Tilly’s attention. Want to go look at the knives? I am thinking of a Christmas present for my brother or my dad.

    She looks over at the booth. Sure, I could always find me a new pocketknife or a date with one of the hot men. I laugh. We walk into the furniture place next to them, so I tell Tilly, Til, this furniture place looks promising.

    Yeah, it does. Let’s shop. I smile. Cross your fingers I find something.


    My guys and I have many businesses. We are called the Kings. Yeah, I know probably seems like we are full of ourselves, and yes, some of us are. I am here for the Four Horsemen and Cattle Company. I am ready to settle, and this place is probably the most beautiful ranch I have seen. I have talked to the owners of the land and businesses. They want to sell but there is a catch. One of the owner’s daughters has to stay on the ranch with us. I agree wholeheartedly because I have somewhat of a crush on her, and yes, I have never met her, but I have seen her a few times. She is a beauty and I want her. On paper, I have her. Her parents have sold her to me. Yes, I know that sounds wrong, but she comes with the ranch. She is going to be pissed off when she finds out, and she will probably run. In which honestly, I won’t blame her, but we will need her on the ranch. She knows all about her clients, what they like and don’t like, and also about their animals. We are smart men, but we can be stupid too.

    The beauty Terri is walking this way to me. Well, she was. She is now in the furniture booth next to us. She is looking at a small bookshelf and a nightstand. Well, now I know something I can make her if she doesn’t get anything today. I will give her my card. Show her some of my work. I am getting a little nervous, and I don’t know why. She is now heading this way with her beautiful friend. Her friend is pretty but not like my girl. My girl is perfect. She is 5'5" and voluptuous. She has curves in all the right places. I am excited to meet her. Here we go.


    Tilly and I get up to the knife booth and looked around. The cowboy that was staring at me earlier comes up and introduces himself. Hello, ladies, my name is Chance Sullivan, and this here is my brother Jay and our friend Gus.

    Hello, I’m Terri and this is Tilly. We are interested in some of your knives.

    Jay smiles. What are you looking for?

    Tilly smiles too. We are pocketknife girls, and Terri is looking for an intricate one for her brother or dad.

    Chance’s smile softens. Well, Terri, is there something specific, because I can make you one personally if you know what you would want.

    I look at him. Is he for real? Maybe he does this for everyone. I get serious for a minute.

    Well, let me look at what you have closer and then I will let you know.

    Sounds good, darlin’. How big of a knife are you looking for, and I will show you the different blades also.

    Well, my dad will display his. Do you have knives that all of it is wood? It’s a little more unique. Here hold on I will show you what I was thinking. Maybe you have something like it that might not be out.

    Chance smiles. Unfortunately this is all we have right now, but I can make you whatever you like. I look up at him, and he looks me straight in the eyes and I can’t look away. He is very handsome. Tilly nudges me and I hear the guys chuckle. I know I am beet red, but I grab my phone and get in a different state of mind. I pull up the picture, and it is a wooden knife, and the handle is a nature scene, with mountains and trees, also a deer.

    I ask, Could you make something like this.

    He takes my phone and looks at it and studies it.

    He finally looks at me. Of course, I can do this for you. Do you also want one for your brother?

    I nod. Could you make my brothers more of a cityscape. He is a city guy, and I think that would be different enough from my dad’s. I would also like stands made if possible if not let me know.

    Chance gives my phone back. Of course, I can make stands for you. Will you give me a couple of weeks and then I will send pictures to you. Make sure they are what you asked for.

    I nod. That would be great. If y’all don’t mind me asking, but how long have y’all been making knives because y’all have done some amazing work.

    All the guys chuckle. Thanks, sweetheart. This is our hobby. We like making an ugly piece of wood into art. Is there anything you are interested in? I see you eyeing up a pocketknife.

    I giggle. Yes, I kind of am a collector of pocketknives. They are the best tool especially being on a ranch. Never know when you are going to need it.

    Chance smiles and quirks his eyebrows up. You work on a ranch? You’re too beautiful for doing all the hard labor. Yes, I blush and look down at the knives.

    I do a little bit of everything. Paperwork, helping clients, working with horses and cattle. Don’t forget my dog Lulu. She is the hardest worker there. We all laugh.

    Tilly smiles. Terri is the hardest worker even though now she isn’t supposed to.

    I nudge her. Tilly shush they don’t need to know anything else about me.

    Chance smirks. I would love to know more. He looks in my eyes, and I back away a touch and look down.

    I am running away mentally; I look at Tilly. Tilly, we have to go, but thanks, guys, for your help and I will text you my number. Just let me know when the knives are done. Thanks. I look up at him, and he looked a little sad and worried at the same time. Tilly, I will meet you at the food trucks. She nods, and I walk away, but yes, it’s more of running in my life, but I don’t need a man getting to want to know me. I am too busy for a man in my life anyway. The ranch is my life.


    I watch my best friend walk away, and I am sad. She doesn’t see how beautiful she is and that men actually do want to get to know her. Once she starts to let that wall down, a man talks to her and her wall pops right back up and she runs. Some of it I understand, but she needs to let someone in sometime. I look at Chance. I’m sorry about my friend. How much do I owe you for the knife I picked out? Like Terri said y’all do great work.

    Chance smiled. It’s on the house and Terri’s is also. Y’all are very sweet. In exchange how about, I give you some cards and you pass them out to all your friends who like knives.

    Tilly shakes her head yes and grins. That’s very generous of you. Sure, I can do that and give me a few more and I will give some to Terri to hand out too. He hands me the cards and I throw them in my purse.

    Chance gets serious again. Is your friend always a runner?

    I look him in the eyes. If you knew some of the things she has been through, you would understand.

    She is a beautiful woman, and I would love to get to know her.

    Well, all I can say is tread lightly and maybe just maybe she will let her armored wall down. Good luck, and don’t hurt her.

    If I do, you can slug me.

    Fair enough. See y’all later. They nod, and I go to find my friend.


    Why did she run like that? She was nice about thanking us and everything, but when I wanted to get to know her, she backed away and fled.

    Jay comes up beside me. Are you sure you want to buy her ranch and be with her all the time?

    I nod. Yes, and she is a mystery, and I want to protect her. Need to get her out of her shell, but I think I am going to get frustrated a lot. Not used to women who flee from me. Most women gravitate to me. This will be a challenge I am up for. Let’s finish today out. Tomorrow is going to be interesting for sure, and I know one woman who is going to be pissed.

    Jay and Gus chuckle, then Gus says, Yeah, good luck and know we have your back. I really have heard great things about her ranch, and I think it will be a great investment. All the A+ listers board their horses there. I will be busy for sure.

    Chance grins. "For sure. Terri’s parents are awesome. I have met

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