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Truth Bird Five
Truth Bird Five
Truth Bird Five
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Truth Bird Five

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There was trouble brewing on Amazonia. Amazonia, a planet inhabited by women that live under the rule of their dictator queen, Joan, had DNA samples taken from David and Jenny when they visited earlier that year in an attempt to clone Jenny. Their scientist, appalled with the queen's request, produced their natural son instead and took him into hiding when he was born. Joan, outraged by the betrayal, unsuccessfully turned Amazonia upside down, looking for the insubordinates. Meanwhile, Amazonia's great warrior, Demerra—who was part of a resistance force planning to overthrow the queen—traveled all the way to earth, looking for Justin to inform him of the latest developments and to notify David and Jenny of their newborn son. Once David found out, he contacted Giorgio, who became furious after hearing the news. Sam, David, and Justin, along with Giorgio and all the aliens, head back to Amazonia to bring the boy home and to settle the score with the renegade queen once and for all. When they arrive on Amazonia, the Queen's forces were on an all-out offensive against the resistant forces and were closing in on the boy's whereabouts. The Truth Bird makes a daring trip to CNN studios to face off with his arch nemesis, Rudy Giuliani, on primetime live with Chris Cuomo over the mounting evidence of corruption and criminal behavior surrounding the Trump administration.

Release dateJan 29, 2020
Truth Bird Five

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    Book preview

    Truth Bird Five - David Velde


    Truth Bird Five

    David Velde

    Copyright © 2019 David Velde

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2019

    Illustrations by Jeremy Wells

    ISBN 978-1-64544-185-4 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-64544-186-1 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Truth Bird Five

    David Velde

    Now that the Democrats have handily won the back the House of Representatives, there will finally be a check on the president’s unorthodox and dangerous behavior. Trump, a self-proclaimed nationalist, has threatened Democrats that if he’s investigated, he will, in turn, open investigations against them as revenge.

    The day after the election, he wasted no time firing his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, with whom he’s held a bitter grudge ever since he recused himself from the Russia probe. Rather than replacing Sessions with his natural successor, Rod Rosenstein, he appointed Mathew Whitaker, who openly criticized the Muller investigation, and laid out a blueprint how to end it by cutting off funding and not approving subpoenas. Those reasons, along with not being legitimately confirmed by the senate and being under qualified for the job, raised many eyebrows why he was appointed.

    A week after the Pittsburg Synagogue massacre, there was another mass shooting at the small college town of California, where students enjoyed a night out line dancing at a local bar. Twelve were shot and killed, and many other were wounded. Trump made no attempt to comfort the victims or address the gun violence ravaging the country; instead, he pushed on as if the casualties were penciled in and the cost of doing business.

    Unfortunately, he made another overseas visit representing America. This time he met with world leaders in France to celebrate Armistice Day on the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. The war purged twenty million that included 116,500 American troops and over 200,000 wounded. If the vicious hand-to-hand bayonet fighting and chemical attacks weren’t bad enough to deal with, the Spanish influenza that killed fifty million bore down on them, insured that they were in a living hell.

    It’s always been tradition for American presidents to go to the graves of our fallen and pay respects. On the 100th anniversary of their sacrifice, Trump shamefully canceled his scheduled trip there because of rain. Before exiting Air Force One after arriving in France, in Trump fashion he sent off a tweet, insulting the Europeans for not contributing their share toward defense spending. In a show of unity, all the world leaders, absent Trump and Putin, walked together to remember the horrors of that war, what brought it on, and to make sure it never happens again. Later on during the ceremony with Trump sitting aside him, Macron made a speech in contrast about the dangers of nationalism. He said Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism, and it was the cause of the First World War that led to the economic crisis that brought on the Second World War.

    During this time two fires broke out in California, causing catastrophic damage and claiming a significant loss of life. The most problematic was the campfire—it wiped Paradise City off the map and destroyed more homes than ever before in California’s history. The firefighters were exhausted fighting the widespread fires; there were seventy-five people dead, over a thousand people missing, and the fires were only fifty percent contained when Trump sent out a tweet blaming the forestry for the fires and threatened to cut them from emergency federal relief funding.

    Bobo and the rest of the Bigfoots love California; they spend a lot of time in their forest, spooking campers and playing Bigfoot games, so they wasted no time volunteering to help fight the fires. It was treacherous and grueling work. Boo, Harley, and a few others worked side by side when the winds suddenly shifted and surrounded them with flames. They barely made it out, but not without their fur being singed by the fire.

    Trump finally made it out for a photo opt to assess the damage on the ground with the head of the forestry, the governor, and Bobo. As the four of them stood in the charred woods, Trump sized them up before publicly humiliating them. The state was in dire need of federal relief, so the governor and his crew honorably went to the whipping post for the sake of the people.

    The cameras started rolling and the reporter asked the president if he was going to declare the affected counties federal disaster areas and allocate emergency relief funding to them.

    The president replied, I’m standing here in California with the governor, the head of the forestry and the firefighters that have had to bear the brunt for the failed policies of their state. For years they’ve let the forest grow rather than cut down all the trees and develop the land with shopping malls and hotels. I’m going to give them some federal relief, but only after they agree and sign the Rake treaty.

    What the hell did he just say? Bobo whispered to the governor

    I don’t know. Maybe he’s going to finally address global warming, replied the governor.

    He continued, And what might the Rake Treaty be, Mr. President?


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