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Playing Politics
Playing Politics
Playing Politics
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Playing Politics

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Playing Politics is a very thought provocative book unusually written with a very unordinary perspective. A combination of subject matter containing and referring to our forefathers, the Constitution, the Bible, the Roman Empire, medieval scholars and science woven like a thread through time on up to our time today. Showing the undeniable verity of the Bible's place throughout history. A must-read book for anyone seriously concerned about the economic times we face today. Truly a book of truth that pulls no punches!

Release dateFeb 25, 2019
Playing Politics

David Miller

David A. Miller is the vice president of Slingshot Group Coaching where he serves as lead trainer utilizing the IMPROVleadership coaching strategy with ministry leaders around the country. He has served as a pastor, speaker, teacher, and coach in diverse contexts, from thriving, multi-site churches to parachurch ministries.

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    Playing Politics - David Miller


    Playing Politics

    David Miller

    ISBN 978-1-64471-018-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64471-019-7 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 David Miller

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents


    The Preamble and the Constitution

    George Washington’s Farewell Address and the Curious Year of 1984

    The Artificial God and the Beastly Root

    Two Wings of a Great Eagle: the Seed of Light and the Blind

    The Great Whore

    The Faithful Scholars and Martyrs

    The Dark Side of Science

    Closing Comments

    About the Author


    My purpose for writing this book is to speak to the conscience of our society and to call to attention, what is the true duty of our congressmen and leaders of this American country. In my book, my intention is to also point out the very relevant connection of the Bible throughout our history. From AD 1 to our present day, in the middle of an evil-economical world. I hope to bring awareness to the ever-increasing oppression of low income citizens, which has become a very serious situation, and harmful condition in our country. And that it would begin to be addressed sincerely, with serious action. Even though I express some serious statements of rebuke concerning leaders who sit in the seat of power, I want any reader to know and understand that I love my country very much, and do know that there are much worse economical situations in other countries in this world. But America as a Christian country should not have the problems and conditions that we see today. And America has not risen to the highest example to the world that our forefathers had dreamed and hoped it would be. The oppressed in this nation and waxing worse. Truly, there are forgotten people in our land.

    Chapter 1

    The Preamble and the Constitution

    We see and hear politicians talking constantly about where money is going to come from, to cover and pay for something somewhere, as if they are limited in places to look for funds and revenue, debating back and forth as if it’s some great perplexing difficulty to know where to look, or go to accomplish what they present confidently to the public face as a plan that will succeed. But rarely addresses the real need of the problems in a serious sincere way, which has all the appearance of a white wash.

    In humor, I say maybe if they actually found a simple solution that solved a particular problem or problems, they think they would not have a job anymore. Let’s keep it complicated and problematic, so we always have a great challenge before us, keep the drama up and always appear to be working very hard on the issue. But do they really, sacredly understand that when they sit in that seat that most of all their needs are taken care of and covered?

    When thousands and even millions of people struggle to survive and make ends meet on a week-to-week basis, overtaxed and regulated with fees that may seem like small amounts to those who sit in the seat but adds up and becomes a hard burden to bear for low-income citizens. Low income, not low class, not low life. They should always know that it is a fact that there is always going to be someone needed to do these lower-income jobs, which is a very integral part of support to upper-income lifestyle and should be recognized as highly valued. Yes (high in value), and the rest of the system of society is in their debt and owes them a great debt, and they should not be burdened or oppressed.

    The upper class (so to speak), so they class themselves. They enjoy their roads and highways. So they should appreciate the workers that built and do maintain them. They enjoy their nice buildings and hotels, so they should appreciate the workers that built and maintain them. They enjoy their electricity at the flip of a switch and push of a button, so they should appreciate the worker that keeps the power plants burning or it would be (black out) in one day. And that applies to all occupational fields.

    So then, it should be clear that we all agree and understand what a lot of the problems and issues are; after all, we hear in the political world of conversation, Health care for all and lower taxes on middle-class people and higher-paying jobs! So why does it seem so difficult and complicated to accomplish? Could it be that it is a gross misunderstanding of the constitutional message and foundational intent of our forefathers?

    The Preamble to the Constitution is very important and sacred, even though it is said in brief words. The word preamble itself actually and literally means before to walk or take a step. The word congress means together taking a step or a step together. The Preamble is written thus:

    We, the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of America.

    In Article 1 Section 8, the powers of Congress are stated. (8.1) The Congress shall have power:

    To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States: but all duties imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

    To borrow money on the credit of the United States.

    To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states. And with the Indian tribes.

    To establish a uniform rule of naturalization and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States.

    To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fixed standards of weights and measures.

    It is clearly seen that it is stated in the powers of Congress in (8.1) (To provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States) is mentioned as a direct quote from the Preamble. (8.3) states: Congress has power to regulate commerce among the several states.

    Clearly, from what is stated in the Constitution concerning powers of Congress (No step or act of congress should be done without knowing certainly it will fulfill and serve the Preamble.), and they are not limited as to where they could look or go for the funds to provide and serve the Preamble. They have the power; it’s in their power. Our forefathers put it there! Take notice that in the preamble, the words insure, perfect, establish, provide, promote, secure, and ordain are used.

    These are not uncertainties but certainties without doubt. Our forefathers, in their generation, did not know what the circumstances or situations in the times to come after their passing would be. But they were sure of the governmental foundation they had laid, could address and solve them all, if any acting congress in the times to come truly understood the spirit of their intentions in their documents.

    The Constitution does not stand alone. The Constitution is governmental set up as to how government would operate and proceed. Elected Congress, House of Representatives, Senate, and president and vice president, etc. By election of the people and describing the powers vested and limited to each section of government. But the rest lies in the hands of those who are elected to interpret correctly and do right.

    So, the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson, selected by our forefathers, cannot be considered separate from the Constitution, as far as what their expectations of their future posterity was. For it declares their intent and views without which the Constitution is a mere governmental machine that can be legislated and acted on by private interpretation.


    ! Not so. The Preamble and the Declaration of Independence must be considered sacred in the heart of anyone sitting in any governmental seat. For without it, the Constitution is like a body without soul and spirit—dead.

    The Declaration of Independence is a fairly long document and I will not speak of it in full entirety. But it begins with very strong words of conviction; and remember, they were declaring war on what was then the British Empire and any world country that would side with them. Basically, declaring war on all the world that would agree with the British Empire views against which they did not seem to be no match for. And if they were captured or lost the war, they knew they would be executed. However, the last paragraph of the Declaration states and reads: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our

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