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Believers' Eternal Security
Believers' Eternal Security
Believers' Eternal Security
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Believers' Eternal Security

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How do you understand the concept of eternal salvation through Christ Jesus? Can a believer lose his or her everlasting salvation given by God due to circumstance? Are you afraid of losing your eternal salvation of grace through faith in Jesus since you believed? Is there anything you can do to secure your everlasting salvation without losing it? The answers to these questions and beyond are what this book is all about.

Believers’ eternal security is only based on eternal salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, which guarantees our freedom in Christ because of the grace pertaining to salvation we cannot lose. But regrettably, many believers are still under oppression of fear for uncertainty of their eternal salvation. They believed that they must hire security personnel to protect or hold their eternal salvation like an egg or work hard to secure it; otherwise, it will fall on the rock and break away for them to lose it, which in fact is completely a delusional threat from the deceiver who is the devil that always contradicts the true Word of God.

Nowhere in the New Testament scriptures can you find such theory or doctrine; it is totally and deliberately manmade fearmongering, danger, and confusing premature believers. For if in fact you truly believed in Christ and have received salvation, God who can never lie and can never change His mind has given it to you, then it’s eternal, it’s everlasting, it’s forever, and it has no end. You can never ever lose it irrespective of whatever happens. Eternal salvation is and will never be partial to lose it halfway since God who promised believers is impartial. Don’t believe any garbage more than the true living Word of God. Believer’s eternal security is confidently never losing the everlasting salvation received from God through Christ. Because eternal salvation is not a reward to the righteous but a gift to the guilty. Amen.

Release dateOct 20, 2021
Believers' Eternal Security

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    Believers' Eternal Security - Oppong Kyekyeku


    Believers' Eternal Security

    Oppong Kyekyeku

    ISBN 978-1-63814-630-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63630-576-9 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-63630-577-6 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2021 Oppong Kyekyeku

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    By God’s grace, I dedicate this book to all the members of Holy Ghost Hour Church worldwide. Through your prayers, spiritual and physical support, the vision given to me by God is fulfilling. I am forever grateful. May the faithful God, who never lied or disappointed, favor each of you to discover your God-given purpose in life and empower with all spiritual sources to accomplish your life purpose. By his grace, the victory of your destiny is indisputable. It is well with you, therefore, continue in the faith to the end.


    Ihumbly thank my Almighty God, the Creator and Judge of every soul through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, for empowering me with His wisdom to bring to light assurance of salvation to all believers especially ambiguous ones. I am sincerely grateful for my wife, Janet Oppong, for giving me enough private sleepless time for researching, reading, and writing to get this book done. My next gratitude goes to my children—Rachel, Nana Akwasi Kwarteng, Loretta, Joycelyn, and Nancy—for their prayers and physical support they contributed to make this book happen.

    My earnest appreciation extends to Reverend Emmanuel Amponsah, who proofread every word of the book before I sent it for publishing; Emmanuel Chinasa Ihejiawunze, who is more than a son to me, for his effort in designing the cover page. Again, I thank all my coworkers, New York and worldwide, for your prayers for me to bring this book alive. My final heartful gratitude spreads to all Holy Ghost Hour church members in New York, worldwide, and all believers elsewhere for your honest contribution to my life for fulfilling my God-given purpose of my life. I could not distinctively have accomplished this great work without your interactions and inspirations, I am forever grateful. May our faithful and sovereign God forever bless all of you in all things. Amen.


    Comprehensively, believers’ eternal security is only based on salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Which guarantee our freedom in Christ because of the grace pertaining to salvation we cannot lose. But regrettably, many believers are still under the oppression of fear or uncertainty of their eternal salvation. They believed that they must hire security personnel to protect or hold their eternal salvation like an egg or work hard to secure it; otherwise, it will fall on the rock and break away for them to lose it. Which in fact is completely a delusional threat from the deceiver who is the devil that always contradicts the true word of God. Nowhere in the New Testament scriptures can you find such a theory; it is a total and deliberate fearmongering, and confusion you about your eternal salvation. For if in fact you truly received salvation that God, who can never lie and can never change, has given to you, then it is eternal, it is everlasting, it’s forever, and it has no end.

    You unequivocally did not work for your salvation in the first place, but a gift from God Himself through His beloved Son Jesus Christ given to you. Your salvation is the work of God, done for you without your merit, long before you were born. The scripture says, For whom He foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified (Romans 8:29–30 NIV). Every work done concerning salvation in this scripture is he, not you. He predestined, he called, he justified, and he glorified! What did you do here? Or where can you find you in this scripture concerning your salvation? Absolutely, all is about he.

    Salvation apparently is the ultimate goal of Christ for individuals to build His church that everyone would obtain salvation only through Jesus Christ. For He has expressed the notion in His word in John 14:6, I am the way the truth and the life no one come to the Father except by me. In that view, the literature of this book is not about if a believer is saved; yes, of course, every believer is, because the salvation you have received through Christ Jesus makes you a believer. Not the church you belong to or the prayer you pray or how many bibles you possessed or read or your charitable deeds but how the salvation you have received is secured.

    Most of the time, we become so complacent in our cocoons of embedded theories and refuse to break out to become butterflies, stayed until we break and come out from the cocoon, we remain caterpillars. Many believers cannot break out from their embedded theory, which is not helpful spiritually. Comprehensively, the spiritual first step deems for every child of God is to accept the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus and have confidence, not fear, in that salvation because God gave it to you for your freedom, peace, joy, and comfort for eternal security, not to enslave you with threat, chaos, fear, and anxiety of losing it.

    Anything you are not sure of is a threat, not peace to you, so is the gift of God’s everlasting salvation is to secure our peace. However, it has become a threat to many believers due to lack of knowledge, and they are perishing (Hosea 4:6). The meaning of your salvation in Christ implies that you are completely justified from any condemnation of sin forever. But you always have a choice. Now this book is presenting to your freedom and peace to enjoy your everlasting gift of salvation in Christ. Then you can abort every fearmonger enslaving your salvation which is giving you a thought that you can lose your salvation, that’s totally delusional, contradictory, and dangerous to the word of God, because God never said so. May the Lord, who is the source of salvation and has promised you forever and everlasting salvation, enlighten your spiritual mind to acknowledge and exercise your freedom of peace in free salvation given to all those who believe in Christ Jesus without end whatsoever. Since this subject is more sensitive spiritually, I will collaborate most of the answers by the quotations in scriptures to give you a more cohesive understanding to quench your fear of losing your eternal salvation in Christ Jesus.

    Chapter 1

    God’s Plan for Eternal Salvation

    Assertively, let me begin this chapter with this question: what is salvation in a believer’s or theological perspective? Salvation is God’s gift through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross for mankind to reconcile the old broken relationship between God and man. In other words, salvation is a trustworthy relationship connecting man to God by Jesus Christ. Indeed, salvation is a mystery that the human mind cannot comprehend because God orchestrated it before the foundation of the world. And for anything you don’t understand, you have two options to choose from: either you believe or you reject it. That is the reason why the scripture expresses salvation this way, Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them (John 3:36 NIV).

    The scriptures describe salvation as not human intervention or effort but God’s ultimate plan for humanity before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20); chosen for salvation before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4); predestined to be adopted by God’s own will (Ephesians 1:5); called before time began (2 Timothy 1:9); and ordained before the ages (1 Corinthians 2:7). Where were you when God was processing your salvation? What these scriptures are exhibiting to us is that salvation was there before anything was created, and it was older than even Adam and the world itself. You were not saved because you wanted to be saved, but you were saved because God planned your salvation even before you were born and that is why it has happened. Your salvation did not occur by accident, but it was well-orchestrated before the world began by God, who can never lie and knew you before the world began.

    The Impartiality of God

    Is God partial by premeditated salvation for others before the beginning of the universe while others may end up in hell for lack of predestined salvation? Since this subject is so sensitive and argumentative, I will significantly quote the scriptures to answer most of the questions generally in this book because the scripture interprets itself. To begin with, Romans 11:2, New King James Version, says, For there is no partiality with God. Why is He not partial as far as the gift of salvation is concerned? Peter answered this question when the believers were confused about Christ long delayed for His second coming, while Peter was alive. Second Peter 3:9, New International Version, says, The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

    Sincerely speaking, God wants everyone to come to repentance, but at the same time, He knows every decision and action everyone would be making from the day you were born till the day you will die. In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him (Acts 10:34–35). For the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever (1 Chronicles 28:9). Both scriptures give us vivid power of choice. Irrespective of God being near with everybody and wanting everyone to be saved, He has not taken our choices, the privilege only human beings have among His creations, from us; therefore, it is up to the individual to make the decision to seek Him. By which He has fully assured that everyone who seeks Him will find Him. And the only way to find Him is through Jesus Christ, His Son (John 14:6). With this notion, He has already elected those who would accept Jesus for salvation since He knew us before the world began.

    For example, in schools, the teachers or professors can appoint one of the students among them to represent the entire class or school for a certain contest. Why was an individual chosen from the multitude of students? Or is the teacher bias? No. He or she was chosen because the teacher knew the abilities of that individual. Citizens are also always chosen to represent their nation because of individual’s capability, not everybody. The country with less corruption selects the people per their abilities. Likewise, without corruption and partiality, God knows everything about everybody before you were even born. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you (Jeremiah 1:5). God is everywhere at every time and knows everyone who is going to accept Jesus and receive the gift of salvation before passing away. Nothing at all is strange to Him or hidden from His sight.

    If that is the case, then why does He allow those who would not accept Jesus Christ to be born, while He knows for sure that they may be going to hell? God allows them to be born because of the power of choice. The unique ability God has given to human beings to distinguish us from any creature, including angels, is a choice. Ability to think and choose like God. According to the scripture, only human beings God has made almost like Himself (Psalm 8:5 NRSV). That is an exceptional privilege. But every privilege or opportunity comes with responsibility. Therefore, only human beings among God’s creations also have the will to choose, and we are responsible for our choices. Subsequently, God cannot impose His will on anybody to do anything when you don’t want to. Your exceptional privilege is that God will never take your rights to choose from you for the fact that you are a Christian or not. However, you are accountable for any decision-making.

    Throughout creation or the scriptures both Old and New Testaments, anyone God has used and is still using responded to Him by their own will: because of the given choice to choose. For instance, Abraham left his country to where God wanted him to go by his own will. Moses accepted God’s called before God went back with him into Egypt. And even Mary, the mother of Jesus, after the angel told her the miraculous conception which was going to be taking place in her life while she was still a virgin. Once she was convinced, she said, ‘Let it be to me according to your word.’ And the angel departed from her (Luke 1:38 NKJV). The angel did not force her; only she chose to accept the favor God brought to her life because she had the privilege to choose.

    Saul of Tarsus asked Jesus, Lord, what do you want me to do? (Acts 9:6). Jesus instructed him, after his arrest on the road to Damascus, to go into the city and someone would tell him what he should be doing! Regardless of God’s desire for everyone to be saved, your privilege of choice has not been deprived from you. You still have a choice to choose your salvation by opening your heart to receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. It is not automatic or inherited, but Whosoever (John 3:15–16; Whoever John 3:18, 36; He who 1 John 5:10, 12). Therefore, God is not partial about salvation because of the privilege of choice. Salvation is a choice to choose through which no one can choose for you, not your parents nor preachers nor the mother of Jesus. Again, nobody, even Mary, the mother of Jesus, can plead for you to be saved, all depends on only you through your decision to accept the gift of God (Jesus Christ) into your life.

    The Omniscience of God

    Why did God plan salvation when nothing had been created? He is an omniscient God, sees everything before it happens; that is why He does not make mistakes. So since He sees before anything happens, He always gets the solution before He permits it to happen. On the contrary, the reason why we always fall short or make mistakes in most of our lives is we don’t know before it happens to us, despite our privilege to choose. If you knew before the results of many decisions you have failed, you wouldn’t have made it at all. Rather you would do it differently because even if a fool knew that he would fail with his action, he would not even start it in the first place.

    God is infinite, all wise because everything is transparent before Him; He knew everything He was going to create before He created them, nothing was created by His surprise. It was not only that He knew everything before they were created but, once again, He knew from the beginning to the end of every creature before its being. Therefore, He discovered that man would one day fall despite the abundance of privileges given to him, and where there is a cause, there is also a solution. Without sickness, there would be no physician, and you don’t get sick before medicines are manufactured; they are already there because they know someone will get sick no matter what. So if He was going to create man and knew that man would be fallen, then He should provide the remedy to the fall else He should cease to create man. Nonetheless, He chose to create man since the provision of salvation for mankind was certainly in place. Therefore, salvation should fulfill its purpose; hence, nothing God has created is annulled but always has a purpose to accomplish. The purpose of salvation is to set sinners free from their sins. Then there should be a sin committed by a sinner before salvation could achieve its goal.

    The Cause of Eternal Salvation

    Sin is the prerequisite for salvation; salvation isn’t essential without a sinner in want of being saved. And without sin or a sinner, salvation is void. For example, medicines are made for sick individuals, but nevertheless, it is more dangerous taking medication when you are not sick. Jesus said, Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick (Mark 2:17). So it is with salvation. You don’t need salvation when you are not a sinner period. But where there is a sinner, salvation is crucial because it is the only remedy to heal that chronic sin cancer. Is there anyone in this world who is born by a man without sin who does not need salvation? The scriptures say, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23 NIV). No one is good—except God alone (Mark 10:18 NIV). Why? Because, says the scripture, Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me (Psalm 51:5 NKJV).

    These scriptures are pointing to us that everyone needs salvation because all of us are sinners. And it has given us the reason why we are sinners: we were born in sin. How did a newborn baby who did not know anything become a sinner? When a sheep gives birth, what comes out from her also is a sheep. Nothing can ever give birth to any creature other than its nature. Likewise, human beings produce human beings, and the nature of every human being is sin. No parents train their children how they should sin, but while the children are growing, the sin within them also starts to grow together with them. It is simple and clear that we are not sinners because we sinned, but since we are sinners, that makes us sin. For example, it is not necessary for animals to grow and give birth before you discover its nature; as soon as that animal is born, you already known its nature.

    It is impossible

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