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No Coincidences with God
No Coincidences with God
No Coincidences with God
Ebook71 pages56 minutes

No Coincidences with God

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Our lives sometimes seem random and driven by happenings to us and around us. Yes. Maybe like the saying "blown by the wind." No Coincidences with God is meant to show the reader that God is always looking out for us, saved and unsaved alike. We go through hard times as God attempts to woe us to himself. Our need is for a savior because, at birth, our natural sinful nature draws us away from him. God will use whatever is necessary to turn us around to see him again. These cords that draw us are common to all, though we may not be conscious of them. Every story included here happened as we have lived it. Some of the happenings were more scary than others and, some, as rainbows and kisses in life. One does not see them beginning to end but must walk through with whatever mustard seed of faith we are able to apply at each and every step. For you now willing to examine your own life, please read on and enjoy!

Release dateJun 22, 2020
No Coincidences with God

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    No Coincidences with God - Jo An Dunn


    No Coincidences with God

    Jo An Dunn

    Copyright © 2020 by Jo An Dunn

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Another Wake-Up Call

    Salvation, 1986



    My Cars

    Car Memories

    God Smile

    Our Vans

    The Man

    Different Forks on the Road of Life


    Striking Out


    In the sixth grade I had a wonderful teacher named Ella Strail. She was a listener and an encourager. Under her wing, I learned to enjoy writing just for the sake of sharing ideas.

    I only completed a high school education, but I read furiously all my life. At age 63–64, I retired as a school bus driver. I now had time on my hands. In that time, which was about 2011, I took a college course or two. Who would think, but I really enjoyed the learning and discipline of finishing assignments. One of the courses was on writing instruction called, specifically, a spiritual topography class. To this day, I am not sure I successfully fulfilled the sought-for paper, however, it was applauded and commented on highly.

    I went on my own, and for Christmas the following year, I produced a book for my grown children. This book held memories of my own life growing up and also some of their formative years. I was hoping the memories would be shared with their own children. When we moved to Clay, New York, several years later, I joined a legacy writers group. I then dug in and continued with our stories, yet more and more, they evolved to telling a story of redemption and change. Many friends suggested I really should put my work out there, but I took it as just kind encouragement and not much more. That was until I met some new people who were struggling in life and needed a hand up. I am now hoping that this small work of mine, that truly God has produced, will in fact help them understand that change is possible. Not only that, but so much change can occur as to be called a modern-day miracle.

    I know the Bible ends, but I personally think the stories of all believers, if told, could fill our world with books!

    I have tried to be true to all facts, however, have left out some to pare this down to a reasonable read. There are truly no coincidences with God. He has his plans from the get go, and one tiny step after another, he will lead, to get us to his destination; that is, if we will only follow him.

    This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Special thanks go to all my spiritual leaders, family, friends, and prayer warriors over these last thirty-three years. My hope is all who read this small work will grow in understanding of God’s ways.


    My mind was down and out and way over the top, discouraged by the year just passed. Blows had been dealt to my life. Some were self-inflicted for sure, but many were the result of a marriage, simply put, gone bad. So in 1973, after nine years of marriage, a seven month separation, and then a month-long trial run to put the mess back together again, we finally cried uncle and determined to end the marriage. This time, I was the one who stayed in the farmhouse along with our three boys. We immediately put the land and house up for sale.

    A few days of advertising, and I had a knock at the door. The man said he had seen the ad in paper and was driving around. He wondered if he could see the place now. Mind you, as he was talking, he was looking me and my kitchen over. My mind went to, Look all you want, buddy. Not everything here is for sale. I had not been feeling well, so with less than a gracious attitude, I told him he could look outside all he wanted, barn included, but I was sick and puking and did not feel like showing the house.

    In the house, we had no heat or electricity as bills had not been paid, and things were not in order or very neat. The boys slept in one room, which was really the dining room. I was

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