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Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit
Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit
Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit
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Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit

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I believe, as you read this book, you will feel the presence of God’s love and the power of the Holy Spirit in a way you never felt before.

These experiences that I had come directly from God. I believe, as you read this book, it will be exciting and energizing to your spirit like it happened to me. A lot of these manifestations took place when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When that happened to me, I also received healing with it and the gift of tongues. You will be reading about this in my book. I believe God allowed me to have all these experiences so I could be a better witness for him and also for me to share these experiences with other people. What God did for me will be a faith builder for a lot of people as they read this book. I also believe this book will bring people a lot closer to God, and I hope and pray that anyone who has not received Jesus as Lord and Savior in their lives will meet him at the cross.

I do want to say that the cross is number one. Nothing overrules the cross. Jesus paid a big price for our sins; nothing overrules that. I do want to say that what happened to me, I give God all the praises and glory. I would not have the ability to write this book if these experiences had not happened to me. I had thought about not writing this book because I had some things to happen to me. I had prayed to God, asking him if I should continue on. I had another manifestation of the Holy Spirit appear to me within the next hour or so of that, and I knew then that God wanted me to continue on with this book. You will find out more about this as you read the book. All the proceeds that are made from this book will go to a Christian organization. I will not accept any money after what God has done for me. I give him all the praises and glory for what he did for me. Get ready to go on an exciting journey with the Holy Spirit as you read this book.

Release dateMar 29, 2021
Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit

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    Exciting Journey with the Holy Spirit - Leon Elliott

    Delayed from Writing this Book

    About six years ago, I had to have an operation for an infection in my intestinal tract, so they had to cut through the muscle in my stomach which could cause you to come down with hernia if you are not careful.

    My doctor told me to be very careful, when I do any work, I have to wear a belt that went around my stomach. So I did some work in my yard, but did not have my belt on, which was a very stupid thing I did. I paid a price for that. I had an operation for hernia. When all that happened, I could not forgive myself for the stupid thing that I did which could have been prevented. I was very sore for several weeks.

    To be real honest, I thought about not continuing on writing this book. I had some other things to do, and I just did not want to continue on with this book. So I had been praying to God what I should do. I had also been praying to God what he wanted on the front part of my book. About forty-five minutes later, I got this phone call from the publishing company. I was talking to one of their representatives. They wanted to know how I was coming along with my book. I told them I had been delayed due to my surgery. I also told her that I may not write this book. While we were talking on the phone, all at once, there was this big clap of thunder. I said, Did you hear that?

    She said, I sure did.

    I was looking out my kitchen window when I saw this bright light, with this illuminated glow in the shape of a ball with a small flame of fire on top.

    I was talking to her about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It reminded me several years ago, when I first received the gift. I had seen a flash of lightning in my spirit, and I was also going to do a painting of my experience with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When I started to set my canvas on my easel, there was this bright light Flashed off of my canvas. It reminded me so much of this beautiful glow I had seen outside my kitchen window that day talking to my publisher. My kitchen window set up about six feet off the ground. It was centered in my window with perfect composition, and the lightning did not hit the ground. There was just one little streak of lightning; you could barely see it centered between my evergreen tree and my awning. When the light appeared to me, I knew God right then wanted me to continue on with my book, and that bright light with a flame on it, he wanted that to be put on the front cover of my book.

    When all of this happened, I was in a state of shock. I felt like God was telling me to go ahead with the book. From another point of view, I had been praying about the book forty-five minutes prior to the phone call from the publishing company. I don’t believe that was some strange coincidence the way that happened. I believe wholeheartedly God wanted me to continue on with this book.

    After all of this happened, I realized that I had four different experiences with lightning. First, there was the flash of lightning when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The second one was when I decided to express my inter-emotions on canvas for this painting that I was about to do. I had been praying to God how he wanted the composition of the lightning to be positioned on my canvas. I was driving down highway I-19 one day, and there was a streak of lightning. It hit the center part of the median. It was probably about a quarter of a mile, just a little farther away from me, and of course, it scared me. After that happened, I said, Okay God, you don’t have to bring that lightning any closer. I know now how you want it to be expressed on canvas. I must say, God really has a good sense of humor. The third one was when I got ready to do my impression of the Holy Spirit, which was a few days later. When I set the canvas on my easel, there was this big bright light flashing off the canvas. I will talk about this later on. The fourth experience was the lightning in the front part of my yard when I was talking to the publisher that day.

    It is God’s plan for this book to be written, and it will be done in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. I believe God wanted me to write this book when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on June 7, 1982. I also believe that one reason why God allowed me to have all these experiences is so people will have better comprehension about the Holy Spirit regardless of what denomination you belong to. I also believe God allowed this to happen to me to be a better witness for him.

    I am not going to receive any proceeds that is going to be made off this book. All the proceeds will go to the Christian broadcast network. God knew, in 1982, that I would not receive any money from this book. He knew that he could trust me. And if I was going to make a money maker off all of this, he would not allow me to have all these beautiful experiences that I had. Thank you, Jesus, for you and the Holy Spirit allowed me to have all these experiences, and I promise you I will not keep any money whatsoever made off this book. Thank you! Thank you! I can’t thank you enough for what you did shedding your blood on the cross for me and baptizing me in the Holy Spirit with healing. By his stripes ye are healed not only pertains to salvation but also physical and mental healing. I know by my own personal experience.

    Getting Saved

    I got saved on June 7, 1981, or reborn of the spirit. Before I got saved, I was suffering from depression and a dislocated heart. After I was saved, I noticed these problems I had began to diminish, and I would hear a little voice speaking to me, By his stripes ye are healed, by his stripes ye are healed. This would come up in my spirit several times throughout the day, and it went on for probably two or three weeks. That little voice just kept coming up in my spirit. I noticed that this depression began to go away, and I noticed that this dislocated heart began to improve. I said to myself, Oh my gosh! After this experience, I began to believe when those Pentecostals have healing services; people are getting healed, and one day, I’m going to go and find out.

    When it comes to the scripture, By his stripes ye are healed, it does pertain to physical healing. A lot of denominational preachers will tell you that does not apply to physical healing. It does apply to physical healing, and I know this by my own personal experience when the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about the scripture By his stripes ye are healed. I had one person tell me one time that they had cancer. When they got saved, the cancer diminished. I heard another person say one time that they used to drink a case of beer a day. When he got saved, he never touched another drop of alcohol again.

    How does that work with God? When you are born

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