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Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina
Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina
Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina
Ebook43 pages41 minutes

Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina

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Lands of Bohemia. End of VII — beginning of VIII centuries.
Prince Czech and his large tribe leave their homes and rush in search of a new homeland. Říp becomes the capital of the new principality called Bohemia. From Říp, Czech rules over his lands and decides the fate of his people, the Czech tribe.
Young Krok and his family decide to leave Říp and settle in the still free lands. They find a suitable place near the stream. Once in the forest, young Krok meets the beautiful Medulina, not suspecting that she is a forest spirit. Love breaks out between Krok and Medulina. Medulina's parents, the forest god Bor and the goddess of childbirth, Didilia, bless their marriage. Three daughters are born in a young family: Kazi, Teta, Libuše. Medulina already knows about the destiny of her daughters. However, she is unable to change their fate, because the fateful threads are woven by the divine sisters of the Sudenitsy themselves.
Over time, Krok becomes the Duke of Budeč. The alien Prince Ladvik appears in the forests with his tribe, who left their native lands under the onslaught of the Saxon tribes. Ladvik is strong, cunning and worships the god Veles. Veles, in every possible way, favors his faithful admirer. Ladvik and his kmets (are warriors close to the ruler) ravage the border lands of the Czechs and Luchane. Krok enters into a military alliance with the Prince of Luchane, Radoslav, in order to confront Prince Ladvik. Together, the allies manage to repulse him. Ladvik suffers a crushing defeat and goes into the thicket of the forest to serve Veles himself in the guise of a bear. However, Veles is not happy that Krok and Radoslav intervened in his plans. Veles wants revenge and finds an ally, a dark god, Chernobog.
Medulina is trying to protect the family from the wrath of Veles and saves her husband from certain death. Bor and Didilia jointly oppose the magic of Veles and Chernobog. Veles and Chernobog retreat for a while. However, Veles, by all means, intends to get even with the Krok’s family and to start using the eldest daughter Kazi. For this Veles attracts Libor, the son of the Forest Prince Ladvik. Libuše and Medulina intend to protect Kazi, but in vain. From the connection between Kazi and Libor, a boy is born, intended to serve Veles. Medulina takes her newborn grandson and leaves the human world with him. Krok is very upset by the disappearance of his wife. Teta and Libuše try to support Kazi in every possible way, and soon she marries the Prince of Luchane, Radoslav. At his sister's wedding, Libuše has visions that foreshadow the death of a young man while hunting...
Prince Czech died. A struggle for power began in the capital of the principality. Branka, the wife of one of Czech's sons, dreams of elevating her husband to the throne of power. To do this, she resorts to the help of the Dark Forces. However, Branka's plans are crumbling. And she enters into a relationship with the magical Demon-snake.
At this time, Libuše had a love affair with Mirek. From time to time, Libuše was visited by visions that foreshadowed trouble. Libuše tried to understand their meaning and protect her relatives, subjects and beloved Mirek from the Dark Forces.
Nevertheless, Chernobog is strong and defeated the Light Gods. As a result, Libuše's father died.
God Veles in the form of a bear appeared before Kazi to take her child. Veles intended to raise a child and make him his faithful servant. Medulina is ready to protect her daughter Kazi and grandson from Veles and, if necessary, from Chernobog.
Libuše parted with her beloved Mirek. She was very upset by their breakup. Fate brought Libuše together with the son of a local Voivode named Přemysl. However, Vlasta, a faithful friend of Libuše, fell in love with Přemysl. And Vlasta does not intend to share Přemysl with Libuše.

Release dateFeb 6, 2023
Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina

Olga Kryuchkova

Olga Kryuchkova began her creative career in 2006. During this time, the author had more than 100 publications and reprints (historical novels, historical adventures, esotericism, art therapy, fantasy). A number of novels were co-written with Elena Kryuchkova.

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    Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina - Olga Kryuchkova

    Olga Kryuchkova

    Princess Seer. Crown of Power Series

    Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina

    Chapter 1

    Bohemia. End of VII — beginning of VIII century.

    The ancient Croatian land was inhabited by numerous tribes. They were similar in language, traditions, way of life and customs. The tribes grew and began to fight for the right to own land, forests and rivers. And a bloody feud began between the kindred tribes. It claimed many lives.

    Then two brothers Czech and Lech decided to leave their native lands in order to preserve their tribe. They decided to take their people to new lands in order to live and work peacefully.

    Czech and Lech called their tribe, told him about their intention. Then they offered up a prayer to the deities and offered them generous sacrifices. And the deities gave a sign, according to which the tribe, led by Czech and Lech, set off to the west to unknown lands. They led not only the people, but also herds of horses, herds of cows and sheep. So the tribe crossed the Oder River and set off.

    Numerous families were united into clans, each headed by an elder. And clan after clan followed. And they all believed in Czech and Lech. People believed that they would find a new homeland.

    Ahead of the clans were armed young warriors as scouts and defenders. Then, on horseback, the voivodes1 Czech and Lech, surrounded by loyal people and elders. Then there were numerous families with belongings on carts. After them, herds of horses and herds of livestock followed. All this procession was closed by armed warriors as guards. For the lands along which they moved were not familiar to them, and people and property could be attacked by the local tribes. But the forests and fields through which they passed were sparsely populated and the local inhabitants spoke kindred languages. This continued until the Labe River. And after crossing its waters, the villages did not meet at all.

    The way of people through new lands was difficult. They walked through impenetrable thickets, swampy meadows teeming with snakes and mosquitoes. Lech separated from Czech with his families and decided to settle in the new lands that he liked. Czech went further.

    The tribe walked through the forests, and finally reached the Vltava River. The tribe crossed it and began to displeasely say that there was no rest day or night. For wild beasts under cover of night caused problems to people.

    Czech understood here that the patience and strength of his people was running out. And finally the tribe reached a high mountain called Říp, and settled down to rest at its foot. In the morning the Voivode Czech climbed the mountain and looked attentively at the open spaces that had opened to him.

    And he saw mountains on the horizon. And right up to them stretches a picturesque fertile valley. The rivers, like polished silver, cut its. Czech was delighted that he had finally found a land where his tribe could settle. He went down the mountain and told people about his decision.

    The next day, Czech, his faithful people and elders went around the valley. They saw green grasses, rivers full of fish.

    Returning to Mount Říp, Czech and the elders told the people that the local land is suitable for living, cattle breeding and grain cultivation. And

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