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Colony: Survey Intragalactic, #3
Colony: Survey Intragalactic, #3
Colony: Survey Intragalactic, #3
Ebook469 pages7 hours

Colony: Survey Intragalactic, #3

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After narrowly escaping death on New Harmony, Jenny Frasier retreats to Musashi to heal and find balance through meditation and training. But her respite is short-lived when she is pulled back into a galactic war against hatred that only she can help win. Together with deep-cover espionage specialist Lulu, Jenny and their team become pawns in a deadly game, where every move they make changes the rules. With the fate of two civilizations hanging in the balance, they must track down the omniscient game master before it tears society apart.


PublisherGina Pond
Release dateFeb 1, 2023
Colony: Survey Intragalactic, #3

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    Colony - Gina Pond

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed herein are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.


    Copyright (C) by Gina A. Pond

    All rights reserved.

    Cover artwork, book design and typography by Sarah Thompson.

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    For my wife, Sarah, who’s been through some things.




    I pushed the door to the dojo open. To my surprise, the spacious room was mostly empty, except for the instructors sitting in a line against the wall. Oh, shit, this is it, I thought. I walked to the middle of the room, turned towards the instructors, and bowed.

    Kneel facing the wall behind you, one of the instructors said.

    I bowed again, and did as I was told. I started breathing as I would for meditation and tried to clear my mind. My nerves felt as if they were on fire. I didn’t know exactly what this test would entail, and no one in the dan ranks would tell me. Time seemed to stretch and slow as I listened for any clue as to what was happening behind me.

    Then, I heard it. A light footfall behind me, barely audible. They were holding something, moving directly towards me. I breathed in and out quietly, listening to the steps get closer. When they stopped right behind me, I didn’t hesitate. I rolled forward, coming up into a fighting stance to see Georg-sensei crack the kinai on the mat. I didn’t think as I lunged forward, knocked the practice sword from his hand, and had him on the floor with my palm at his chin.

    Stop! yelled the Admiral.

    I stood up and helped Georg-sensei to his feet. He bowed to me with a look of surprise and respect on his face. Congratulations, Jenny-san. You have learned much in the last year, Georg-sensei said. He turned and walked back to his seat among the instructors. I stared at him, and tried not to open my mouth in awe. Georg-sensei had never given me a complement in the whole year he had been my instructor. I wanted to dance with glee. Instead, I turned toward the instructors.

    It was the Admiral who stepped forward, with the Executive Officer behind him holding a dan-jacket and another wrapped object. Please, kneel, warrior, he said.

    I did so, and he motioned for the Executive Officer, who came forward to put the jacket on me.

    I, Musashi-sensei, and all of the instructors welcome you into the ranks of the dan, Jenny. We present you with the jacket of your office, and will now hear the choice of vows you would make. Do you know which vows you will take?

    I do, I replied.

    Recite them, he ordered.

    I recited from memory:

    I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures, unless it is in the name of protecting my charge, the AIs, and those who cannot protect themselves.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual activity.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from incorrect speech.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from eating at the forbidden time.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from dancing, singing, music, and engaging in other entertainments when on duty.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from wearing garlands, using perfumes, and beautifying the body with cosmetics.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from lying on a high or luxurious sleeping place.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from accepting money or other forms of payment.

    The Admiral nodded to the Executive Officer. They kneeled before me and handed me the wrapped package on top of their open palms. I bowed to them, took the package, and unwrapped it carefully. The katana was in a plain black sheath with Musashi’s seal on it, but I knew that this was no ordinary katana. Everyone who reached dan status received a blade like this, and my heart leapt to have one of my own. I looked up at the Admiral, who smiled. I accept your vows, Jenny of the First Dan. He bowed to me then returned with the Executive Officer to the line of instructors, who all stood.

    Let us take Refuge, he said. I and the others recited:

    May the benefit of our work today, and all our work, be dedicated unto the Complete Liberation and the Supreme Enlightenment of all beings, everywhere, pervading space and time. May the benefits of practice, ours and others, come to fruition, ultimately and immediately, and we remain in the state of presence. So mote it be.

    The formalities complete, the instructors came to congratulate me. Some just bowed, some shook my hand, and others patted me on the shoulder. Then they began to leave the room. Still in awe of what just happened, with my new weapon cradled in my hands, I didn’t realize that the others had all left the room. Only the Admiral remained. I bowed to him again and said, Thank you, Admiral. I’m honored that you came to my test.

    He shook his head. You have no need to thank me. It was Miya and your instructors who knew you were ready for this test. Isn’t that right, Miya?

    Yes, Admiral, Musashi-sensei said. Jenny, you have shown incredible progress both in your martial arts training and in your spiritual training. There is nothing more you could learn in training that you can’t learn on your own. The Admiral smiled at this and I blushed.

    I— thank you, I said.

    Well, it does show that you did deserve your martial arts medal when you graduated from Unity Fleet Academy. You have a talent, Jenny, and one that we haven’t seen much of in many years. What will you do now? As you know, now that you are of dan rank, you are free to come and go as you please, unless you are assigned a specific mission. He had a twinkle in his eye that let me know he knew what I wanted to do, but he wanted me to say it out loud.

    I would like to go to New York Colony, sir. I need... I need to know what happened. To my family.

    I see, he clasped his hands behind his back and started walking around the room. I stayed where I was, since you only walked with the Admiral if you were invited. What do you think, Miya?

    Yes, Admiral. The arrangements could be made. I think we should arrange for someone to go with her, though.

    No! I blurted out.

    The Admiral stopped walking. No? You object to the wisdom of your Elders?

    It’s just that... I need to go alone, sir.

    Why? For revenge against your father? he asked.

    No. I just took a vow against that, I replied.

    So you did. Why do you wish to go to a place of pain for you? Are you punishing yourself for things you did in the past?

    I— I paused. Was I? I don’t think so, sir. But there are others in my family who were innocent of what my father did. I need to know what happened to them.

    The Admiral stopped pacing, standing in front of me. His dark eyes stared into mine for several minutes as he seemed to be weighing something. I stared back at him and let myself relax. Then he said, Miya?

    The reasoning is acceptable. I have made the arrangements.

    Thank you, Miya. I wish you a safe journey and a safe return, Jenny-san. Come see me when you return. I would like to hear about what happens to you.

    Thank you, Admiral, I said, as the Admiral walked out of the room.

    Jenny-san, we will be rendezvousing with the Ares in a month. They will take you to New York Station. You will have the usual stipend all warriors receive in Unity space. Additional information on the colony’s status will be sent to your tablet. You must bring a uniform with you, but I do not recommend wearing it while traveling through Unity. As you know, Survey is not well liked right now. I will inform you when Ares arrives. Until then, your time is your own. Rei and the others are waiting for you. They have made sweets in anticipation of the outcome.

    I smiled. Thank you, Musashi-sensei. I am honored that you recognized my work.

    You’re welcome, Musashi-sensei said. I belted my sword on and left the dojo.

    There was a squeal from across the common room when I walked in. Ami came barreling out of nowhere and hugged me hard. I knew you’d pass! She gave me a kiss on the cheek and led me into the room. Someone shoved a cupcake in one hand and some sort of drink in the other. Folks began clapping and whistling. My cheeks grew hot, which made some folks laugh.

    All right, all right! Give the poor woman some air! She just had to fight to the death or whatever to earn that sword! said Rei from behind me as she wrapped me in a big bear hug. I nearly dropped my food, but thankfully, my reflexes, still a bit on edge from the test, helped me keep hold of them until she put me down.

    Thank you, everyone! I really appreciate this, and everything you’ve all done for me this year! I said to the crowd. I teared up looking at all of my new friends. My voice cracked. You’ve all helped me in so many ways.

    A lot of folks said, Awww... while Ami steered me to a chair with a table next to it, so I could put down the food and wipe my eyes. Well, we all know you deserved this. Especially those of us on the receiving end of your fighting in training! She laughed, and so did a few others. Oh, and hey, what did you do to Georg-san? I saw him about ten minutes ago and he looked like he got stunned by a nanopicket!

    Ami! You know she can’t talk about the test, said Rei.

    I know! But...

    Let’s just say that I surprised him. He actually complimented me in the middle of it! I said.

    What?! Aimi said, and everyone looked at me in awe for a moment. I wasn’t the only one who noticed Georg-sensei was sparing with compliments. I blushed harder, and nodded.

    Someone in the back of the room laughed and said, So, who’s taking bets she becomes the Admiral’s apprentice? He’s been sitting in on her practices all year. He even brought Eli in to see her!

    I’ll take that bet! someone else said.

    Oh, please! I just got to first dan. Who knows what will happen in the future? I interjected.

    See? She’s already talking like him! said Ami. Everyone laughed, then people started to come over and congratulate me. I managed to eat some of my cupcake and the drink, which thankfully turned out to be a strong electrolyte drink. Eventually, everyone went back to their duties, with only Rei and Ami remaining.

    Ami came forward and gave me another hug. You have been through so much in these last years. I’m so glad you stayed with us after New Harmony. You seem so much more at peace now.

    I nodded. I am. The teachings here... you all... I’m not sure I could have really recovered elsewhere.

    Ami touched her shoulder. I’m glad you did. I have to go, but I’ll see you in the bath later?

    I nodded and she left. Rei was still sitting there. I looked at her and knew what was coming. I wasn’t really looking forward to this.

    You took the full ten, didn’t you? she said.

    I nodded, and her face fell. I sighed and said, Rei, I can’t be what you want me to be.

    Rei stared at the floor between her feet. But I love you! she said quietly.

    I know. But after New Harmony... I took a deep breath. Rei. I can’t be what you want me to be, especially off-ship. You love the idea of me, Rei, and I can’t live up to that ideal for you, no matter how I wish I could. My heart ached, but Rei deserved this truth.

    You wish you could? she asked, looking up with a little bit of hope in her eyes. I frowned.

    I wish I could, but I can’t. I looked her in the eyes. Rei, they didn’t break my spirit on New Harmony, or I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have passed my dan test. But they did break my body and mind in a lot of ways that I haven’t told people yet. Some of it I don’t even know if it was real or not. It was hard, the first few months, to even hug people or go to the baths. I know you saw this, Rei. You’re not stupid.

    She nodded, her face falling as she heard what I was telling her

    I wish you happiness, Rei. I wish you love, too. But it can’t be me.

    Rei stood. Yeah, ok, she said tersely. She left without looking at me.

    I felt relieved, though a little sad. I truly hoped Rei would find someone else someday, someone who could be everything she needed. I put my drink and the remains of the cake in the recycler, and took a walk.

    New York Colony



    The bar was dark and mostly empty, with only a few patrons. It was early in the evening, even for one of New York Colony’s most infamous bars. This was where members of the Kozalezi family hung out after the bombing took out their primary place uptown. Memories of the past started to surface as I entered. Now’s not the time to go through those memories, Jenny, I told myself. The bartender looked up when I walked in, staring at me as I came up to the bar. I sat down at the side away from the other customers. None of them even looked up from their drinks.

    Whadda you want? asked the bartender, as he walked over to the end of the bar where I was.

    I heard you were looking for a new bouncer, I replied.

    He looked me up and down. Huh. Well, you look like you could do the job, you being so tall and all. He pointed to the end of the bar. See that guy down at the end of the bar? He’s been here too long today already. If you can get him out for me, then the job’s yours.

    I looked at the man he had pointed to. He was a big bald guy who looked like he was made of more muscle than brain. In fact, he looked a lot like the typical goons my father used to hire. I got off the stool and went to the other end of the bar. Excuse me, but the bartender would like you to leave, I said politely.

    The man stood up - and up. He was a head taller than me, which was surprising given how tall I was. Yeah? What you gonna do about it, blondie? he slurred. His hand went towards his side, where he probably had some sort of weapon. I sighed.

    I will ask you to leave one more time. If you don’t then we’ll have to do it the unpleasant way.

    The man laughed loudly. Look ‘ere fellas, this girl says she’s going to hurt me! Oooooh! I’m soooo scared! He waggled his fingers at me and sat back down. Some of the other patrons chuckled.

    I rolled my eyes. Then in one swift motion, I had him off the chair, with my knee in his back and his arm twisted behind him. The bartender would like you out of his bar, I said. I pulled him up, then marched him out the door, giving him a shove as I released his arm. Stupidly, the man tried to come at me again. I had him in the ground with his face in the dirt before he’d even managed a full swing. What part of ‘get out’ did you not understand? I asked. Then again, if you like being hit by a girl, I could recommend someone. She might be a bit pricey for you, though.

    The man grumbled something into the sand. I pulled his head up. What was that? I asked.

    I’ll go! Just let go of me, bitch!

    Go home, Teddy Bear, and sleep it off, I said as I let him up. He turned towards me again, and I raised my eyebrows. He seemed to think better of trying me again, and walked away. I waited until he was around the corner before I turned and walked back into the bar.

    The bartender and the other patrons were staring at me. I walked back to the bar, dusted off my black suit jacket, and sat back down. Water, please.

    The man gave me the glass. That was fucking impressive. I didn’t think anyone could take down Ollie. Let alone that fast.

    You better hire her, Bob, or I will! said one of the other patrons. It wouldn’t hurt to have a good bodyguard.

    All right, you got yourself a job. What’s your name?

    Jenny Brooks.

    Ok, Jenny, come back at 1800 and talk to Brock. He’s the head bouncer and he’ll give you your spot for the night. You need a weapon?

    No weapons.

    Not even a stunner?

    Nope. I don’t kill anyone either, nor do I do major injury unless they force me into it. I don’t drink, so you don’t have to worry about that.

    He nodded. Name’s Bob. The other bartender is Krissy, but she won’t be here till this evening. The outfit you got on will be fine. I was wearing black pants, boots, a black tank top and a black suit jacket. He hmmed, staring at me. Actually, maybe lose the suit jacket. Makes you look like a fed. We pay credits at the end of the night, so bring your chit with you.

    Right. Thanks. See you tonight then.

    Bob nodded. Oh, and if you see Ollie moping out there, tell him I said he could come back in if he pays his tab.

    I gave a little salute and left. I didn’t see Ollie on the way out, so I just went back to my apartment. Well, I thought, there’s one problem solved. Now to see what I can learn working here.


    Anna, darling, what are we doing here? asked Joseph as we drove through the lower rent district of the Capitol. There are so many better places to be than here!

    Joseph, I don’t pay you to tell me where to go, now do I? I said. Besides, where’s your sense of adventure? This was the area least affected by the bombing, so why not come here? I mean, really, it’s the only place in the Capitol where I know I can get a good drink right now.

    But there’s unsavory types here! If your father finds out!

    Oh, puh-leeeeez! What Daddy doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, there’s not much he can do from off planet.

    What about your credits, then?

    Oh, that. You know Daddy gives me a generous allowance, and I invest some of it. I’m not entirely stupid, you know!

    Joseph tsked. Of course you’re not stupid, my dear.

    Well, yes, just don’t tell anyone else, love, or it’ll ruin my reputation! I looked out the window of the air limo, scanning the bars on the street. Come on, Jenny, where the hell are you? My scanner shows you’re over here somewhere. A small map was showing her location in my vision. We were probably within a block of her, but it wasn’t as exact as the map on my tablet, which I couldn’t show to Joseph. I sighed.

    The air limo stopped at a traffic light. At a bar on the corner, a tall blonde woman in black was dragging a man twice her size into the street. Bingo! I thought. Stop the car! I want to check out this bar on the corner. The driver obeyed, turning the limo into the nearest side street. After the limo lowered itself to the pavement, he opened the door for me. Do you want me to wait, ma’am? he asked.

    Oh, you can just go park somewhere, Roy. We may be here for a while. I’ll ping if I need you. Come on, Joseph!

    Joseph looked a little green as we stepped out and Roy left. The air was cold, and I walked into the bar as quickly as my high heels would allow. The man that Jenny had thrown out was still unconscious on the ground outside. I smiled, admiring her work. She sure had learned a lot in the last year and a half. Then again, she had earned her first dan. I hadn’t known her all that long, but her takedown of the New Harmonists was glorious. I don’t think I could have done it any better.

    The doorman stared at me as he opened the door to a bar that was barely lit and full of mostly masculine looking people. It hadn’t been hard to figure out why Jenny was here. I wondered if she had gotten any real information in the last six months. I took in the room. As the doorman closed the door, a lot of the crowd stared back at me. As well they should. I was dressed to be stared at. Black leather pants, a tight black tank top, and a bright red leather jacket, with fancy jewelry to match. And, of course, bright red patent leather stiletto pumps, which Joseph hated, but I adored, and not just because I thought they looked sexy.

    I spotted Jenny at the bar with a drink in her hand. She was the only one not drooling at my appearance, which I appreciated. It kind of made me want her, actually. I put that thought aside for later as I made my way to the bar. I sat close to where Jenny was sitting with her drink.

    The bartender came over. She was rather cute with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. Quite curvy, too. I gave her one of my most dazzling smiles, which made her jump. Uh, what would you like? she stammered out.

    Hmmm... a Grenadine Fizz, please. I like cherries, I said, and turned up the sexy, which made the poor girl blush a beautiful bright pink. Oh, and a martini for Joseph, here. Joseph sat next to me, looking like he was going to start pouting. When the bartender put my drink down, I took out the cherry and did my best come-hither cherry-licking. I thought the bartender was going to bolt for the back room. I ate the cherry and looked towards Jenny.

    You’re quite the bouncer, I said. I saw you dispatching that person before I came in, and I knew I just had to come into this bar. Seeing you, I felt that I’d be safe here.

    Jenny looked bored. I’m glad you think so, ma’am. If you’ll excuse me. She stood up and started walking around the room. I followed her with my eyes until she went to the other side of the bar and I couldn’t see her anymore. I sipped my drink for a bit, then gave the bartender another smile. The woman made her way over towards my end of the bar.

    Interesting that you have a female bouncer, I said. The woman gave a slight frown, then tried to hide it. I flashed her another brilliant smile.

    Oh, well, she said, brightening. She’s new, actually. Been here about six months. Pretty amazing, too. She managed to cow one of our most annoying customers and make him pay his tab, and that was just her interview! Doesn’t use weapons, either! I’m guessing she’s ex-Fleet, but she doesn’t talk much. Keeps to herself mostly, and only drinks water. I offered to make her something more interesting that’s non-alcoholic, but she always says no. Most of the men don’t try her after the first guy that did got his ass handed to him. Women and other folks are a little too scared to try. Then again, she kinda gives off ‘not interested’ vibes, you know.

    I nodded. Makes sense. She is a bouncer after all.

    True, said the bartender, but she’s a puzzle all right. You want another one of those? she asked.

    Oooh, yes please! That was quite tasty. What’s your name, by the way?

    Krissy. And the bouncer is Jenny. You need anything, anything at all, you let me know, ok? Krissy smiled and went to refresh my drink. Joseph harrumphed.

    Jealous? I asked.

    What, that you made yet another conquest? Not really. At least it wasn’t a guy this time.

    I shrugged. Sorry love, I can’t help it if I like my men queer.

    You could leave some men on the colony for us, you know!

    I suppose. Although, you did have a good time with the guy I brought home a couple of weeks ago.

    Joseph blushed. Well, yes, but...

    I turned towards him and gave him a smile.

    He frowned and said, You can be kind of a bitch, you know.

    Takes one to know one, sweetie.

    He rolled his eyes, but smiled back. So, who are you taking home tonight, then? The pretty bouncer, or the bartender?

    Both, if I’m lucky, I said. Joseph shook his head. Why don’t you help Roy with the car, Joseph?

    Roy doesn’t need my help! he said, starting to pout again. I just gave him a look, raising my eyebrow slightly. He looked to the bartender, then to me, then to Jenny who was coming back around to our side of the bar again. Oh, right. Well, I suppose he might, at that. He leaned in closer and whispered. I really wish you wouldn’t do this, dear. This bar is sketchy as fuck.

    Oh, don’t worry about me, Joseph. With my lovely bartender and bouncer, I think I’ll be alright.

    The man frowned, but downed the last of his drink and left to bring the car around. Completely predictably, a slimy, slick-haired guy came up to me as he vanished through the door. He was obviously plastered, staggering slightly as he tried to mount the bar stool next to me. I sighed inwardly, but didn’t move from my seat.

    Hey baby, you want some company tonight? he slurred.

    Not yours, sweet cheeks, I replied.

    Aw, come on! Don’t be like that! I can show you a real good time! He slimed his way closer to me. I could see Jenny and Krissy watching out of the corner of my eye.

    I’m sure you could, but I’m not interested, I said, and tried to turn my back on him. Come on, little fishy, I thought.

    The man came closer, putting his hand on my back. He stank of alcohol and could barely stand. Come on, cutie. Let me buy you a drink and we can have some fun! You’d like it, I promise.

    I tried to get his hand off me by moving to the side, although I didn’t do it too hard, as if I was a bit tipsy myself. Then I said, louder this time, No, I don’t want to go home with you! as I threw my drink in his face.

    He stepped back, wiping the grenadine out of his eyes. Bitch! he yelled. Krissy was moving towards me, but Jenny was faster. She had his arm locked behind him before I even saw her move.

    Was Boris here harassing you, ma’am? she asked.

    Yes, he was quite rude! I said in my best debutante voice. Jenny nodded, no expression on her face.

    Well, Boris, you know the rules. Bob doesn’t allow sexual harassment in here, and since you just broke the two strike rule, you’re out, and you’re going on The Wall of Shame.

    You can’t do this to me! Paulo Kozalezi is my uncle!

    Is that right? she said. I noticed a tightening of her voice. Well, your Uncle Paulo knows the rules of this place, and is an old friend of Bob’s who owns the bar and sets the rules. Who do you think your uncle’s going to believe, Boris?

    Yeah, but I’m Uncle’s favorite nephew!

    Well, if that’s so, then feel free to complain to him. Let’s go! she said, as she practically carried the man out of the bar.

    I took a business card out of my purse and handed it to Krissy. Call me when you get a chance. I gave her the dazzle smile again. Can I borrow your bouncer for a little while? I have a little job that she would be well suited for.

    Uh, sure, she said, her frown morphing into a smile. I can tell the head bouncer you paid for her time.

    No need to tell him that, lovely, I said and handed her a gold credit chit. Just take whatever her salary is out of that, and whatever the drinks cost. The rest of it is for you. And really, give me a call later. I sparkled at her again as she nodded in agreement. I made my way outside to see Jenny watching Boris stalk off down the street. I went up to her, waving in greeting.

    Thank you for saving me from that jerk! I said.

    You baited him, she said. You’re not all that drunk. Were you doing that just to watch me work?

    I may have, since I just paid your salary for the rest of the night.

    Jenny folded her arms. For what?

    Oh, just a little project. Come with me, my lovely Amazon.

    Uh-uh. I don’t do that kind of work. She started to walk back toward the bar.

    Now, really, I already paid for you, you could at least come with me and see what the job entails! I moved closer to her as the limo came up. I have a friend named Marsha who would like you a lot. Although, she wouldn’t come here because she doesn’t drink. Or, well, at least she shouldn’t drink. She’s had a hard time of it lately. Thankfully, her friend Jack is helping her out on a long trip with their friend Loki.

    Jenny widened her eyes in recognition. You!

    Yes, dear. Now, come along. We don’t want to keep Roy and Joseph waiting.

    Uh, yeah. I guess not, she said, and we got into the car.



    How in the world did you know I was here? I asked. And why do you look so different?

    To answer the second question first: surgery. I am a spy after all, but makeup doesn’t usually stand up to fucking, which I do a lot of. Lulu had changed out of the outfit she had worn to the bar, and now wore sweatpants and a silk camisole. She flopped on the hotel bed like a teenager. I sat on one of the armchairs, well away from the bed. As to how I knew you were here, well, you really didn’t think Musashi would send his best officer in a hundred years, who just got her first dan, out by herself, now did you?

    I suppose not, but why you?

    Oh, I was here already. I’ve been working this legend in person and remotely for a number of years now. I came here not too long after we left Musashi at Survey Hub. I spent a couple of months on Sun Tzu rearranging my face, and poof! I popped up here again.

    But you were gone a year for the Unity thing. Don’t the folks here wonder where you were?

    Oh, come on, Jenny! You know what Unity elites are like. The socialites like to go colony hopping. Most people assume that I’m living it up on Daddy’s money elsewhere when I’m gone. I mean, they’re not wrong exactly, are they? They just don’t know that Daddy happens to be an AGI that controls the biggest spy network in the galaxy. On the books he’s Alexandre Yeremeyov III, who owns YereTech, a leading trading company specializing in Survey derived tech on New York Colony and several others. I’m his jet-setting daughter Anastasia, who sometimes does work for the company. In reality, it’s a subsidiary of Intragalactic Survey, MC, which is the company that created Survey in the first place. No one really associates the company with Survey the Sovereign Nation anymore, and the AIs would like to keep it that way, thank you very much.

    YereTech? Seriously? My... the Kozalezis couldn’t stand Yeremeyov, especially since they couldn’t get anyone in the company to spy for them, and the CEO was notoriously hard to get a meeting with.

    Lulu giggled. Well, obviously! It’s not like Sun Tzu could take a meeting, right? But seriously, Sunny does send in an older guy to play CEO from time to time, and that seems to keep the business people happy. Sometimes I take some of those meetings, since they think if they can wine and dine me, then I’ll put in a good word with Daddy. She got up off the bed. You hungry? I am. She palmed open the door, and yelled Joseph!

    No need to yell, Missy, I’m right here, he said, coming into the room. What is it?

    I’m hungry. Have room service send us up something for the three of us. Oh, and I’m hiring Jenny as my bodyguard. I’ll need you to go get her stuff after dinner.

    Ok. I’ll need her lock code. I’d rather not have to pick the lock, Joseph said, looking at me, then walking out of the room.

    She closed the door then palmed it again, counting to five on her fingers. Ok. The privacy shield’s back up. Flopping back on the bed, she said, What?

    It’s just that, well, you seem so different from how you were on the Musashi, I said. And I’m kind of annoyed they sent someone after me.

    It wasn’t really sending someone after you. The message I got was more like ‘please look after her and make sure she doesn’t die’. If I read between the lines, I think they’re worried that you might have a revenge streak or death wish after all the New Harmony stuff.

    I stared at her. You don’t pull any punches, do you?

    Why should I? First, you’re from Musashi, and Sun Tzu and Musashi folks have always had a special relationship. Second, you know I’m an agent, so I don’t have to pretend that I’m not. And third, it’s my job to notice things, and there was a lot in the message that wasn’t said. I’m very good at analyzing on the fly. She paused, looking at me again. It felt decidedly like she was analyzing me on the spot. Then again, she probably was. So, do you?

    Do I what?

    Have a death wish or a revenge streak?

    I— I was saved by the arrival of our dinner. Lulu opened the door, and a waiter pushed in a table, with Joseph following behind them. The waiter began to lift the covers off a very large meal which looked, at least to me, extremely expensive, complete with caviar. It was almost overwhelming. I hadn’t eaten this richly for a very long time. It threatened to bring up memories I really didn’t want to think about right now.

    Ooooh! Earth caviar! Joseph, you really outdid yourself this time! Lulu said.

    Well, Anna dear, we have a guest. The waiter was finished, and Joseph gave them a tip chit. It was a gold one, summoning a huge smile to the waiter’s face.

    If you need anything, friends, please let me know. My name is Charlie, and I’m downstairs at your disposal until eight A.M.

    Yes, thank you, Charlie. We appreciate your service, said Joseph, trying to usher him out the door. Lulu gave him a smile with just a hint of sensuousness, and the poor waiter practically fell out the door. Joseph followed him into the front room, assuring him that we would, indeed, let him know if we needed anything more. All of this seemed so surreal, and not really what I had in mind when I came back here. I just watched while Joseph and Lulu continued their catty banter as they arranged the table to their liking. There was part of me that just wanted to go back to my apartment, maybe even leave the planet, but the greater

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