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Simon Says
Simon Says
Simon Says
Ebook28 pages15 minutes

Simon Says

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The captain of an ice hauler, a smart aleck AI, and a young stow-away.


What could possibly go wrong?

Release dateFeb 11, 2023
Simon Says

Debbie Mumford

Debbie Mumford specializes in speculative fiction—fantasy, paranormal romance, and science fiction. Author of the popular Sorcha’s Children series, Debbie loves the unknown, whether it’s the lure of space or earthbound mythology. Her work has been published in multiple volumes of Fiction River, as well as in Heart’s Kiss Magazine, Spinetingler Magazine, and other popular markets. She writes about dragon-shifters, time-traveling lovers, and ghostly detectives for adults as Debbie Mumford and contemporary fantasy for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.

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    Book preview

    Simon Says - Debbie Mumford

    Simon Says

    Simon Says

    A Deep Space Story

    Debbie Mumford

    WDM Publishing


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Also by Debbie Mumford

    Preview: Voyages Into The Black

    About Debbie Mumford


    Captain Simon Jeffords commanded the Glacial Floe . Well, commanded might be a bit of a stretch seeing as he was the only human aboard the compact little ice hauler. Still, Floe was his, from stem to stern.

    He glanced around the command station where he sat in the deck’s one and only plasteel chair. Upright at the moment, though the angle would change when the ship pulled multiple Gs to yank a loosened ice floe from its gravitational field. Four multi-dimensional comm screens displayed Floe’s position in space. He seldom did more than glance at the port and starboard views, preferring the fore and aft screens.

    After all, fore gave him a view of where he was headed—especially important in asteroid fields where most ice floes were found—and aft allowed him to be sure whatever he was hauling was following in good order.

    He nodded. Floe’s command center was a slick little

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