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66 Days to Change Your Life: 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet
66 Days to Change Your Life: 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet
66 Days to Change Your Life: 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet
Ebook137 pages1 hour

66 Days to Change Your Life: 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet

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About this ebook

Are you tired of feeling stuck and held back by limiting beliefs? Do you want to unlock your full potential and become a magnet for abundance and success? Look no further than "66 Days to Change Your Life: 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet."

In this groundbreaking book, I share my personal journey of overcoming the beliefs and influences that were holding me back from achieving my goals. I understand the frustration of constantly losing money and failing in businesses due to the beliefs of others. That's why I created a system that can rearrange the patterns of our existence, focusing specifically on the material aspect of money.

Based on the premise that our thoughts shape our destiny, this book explores how the thoughts of others can have a powerful impact on our lives. Have you ever noticed the happiness some people exude when you fail? Or the sympathy they show when you're in a financial rut? These individuals are the same ones who resent your success later in life and try to discredit your accomplishments.

But there is another paradigm, one that contradicts this common behavior. I found it, and I've created a system to help you apply it. Through the step-by-step process outlined in this book, you'll learn how to remove mental blocks, reprogram your brain, and become a money magnet.

As you read the exercises and implement the techniques, you'll start seeing immediate results manifest in your own life. I've witnessed the power of this system firsthand, experiencing positive changes even as I was writing this book.

So if you're ready to break free from the limitations others impose on you, and truly change your life, "66 Days to Change Your Life" is your guide. It speaks to those who are tired of feeling held back, those who want to rewrite their story and create a future filled with abundance and success.

Don't wait another day to take control of your destiny. Start your journey to becoming a money magnet today!

Publisher22 Lions
Release dateFeb 12, 2023

Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques is a twenty-one-times Amazon bestselling author with five titles ranking as no.1. He has been awarded in multiple areas — as an entrepreneur, business consultant, lecturer, graphic designer and music composer. His background experience includes being a university lecturer on the topics of academic writing, creative writing, pedagogy, economy, entrepreneurship and success skills, teaching both college lecturers, future high school teachers and science students. He is also the owner of 22 Lions Publishing and Alienexed Records. As a ghostwriter, he has been the author of more than 300 titles, and as a musician, he has produced more than 600 musical tracks. His work was featured on Voice of America, MTV Music Television, Netflix, Sky One, and various national radios and podcasts. More information at

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    Book preview

    66 Days to Change Your Life - Dan Desmarques


    The main idea for the production of this book came after I realized how the beliefs of others were constantly causing me to lose money and delay my life in achieving my goals, even causing me to fail in businesses I had just started.

    Realizing this was extremely frustrating, but also difficult to control for a variety of reasons, including the fact that we cannot always identify who these people are, and even if we do, we may not be able to remove them from our lives.

    The only way to solve this problem effectively is to create a system that can rearrange the various patterns of our existence at once by focusing on only one area, preferably of a material nature, as is the case with money.

    The content presented here is based on the premise that if our thoughts interfere with our destiny, then the thoughts of others, operating by default, can have a greater influence on that destiny.

    Have you ever noticed how happy some people are when you fail, as if they expected it, or how sympathetic some people seem when you are poor?

    They are the same ones who resent your happiness and abundance when you become successful later in life, and then claim the most absurd things to prove that you are unworthy of what you are getting, while finding excuses to remove themselves from your reality.

    This social paradigm is so obvious that there had to be another one that contradicted this common behavior. I found it and later decided to create a system to help me apply it.

    After seeing immediate results manifest in my own life, even as I was writing this book - due to the fact that I was reading the exercises in my mind while preparing the content - I concluded that the application of this system would be very useful for my readers.

    Chapter 1 - Why Does This Knowledge Matter?

    There are millions of books, even courses and videos on attracting abundance and wealth, the law of attraction, vibration and manifestation.

    There are even groups on this planet with specific therapies to help people overcome their subconscious mind and attract wealth.

    However, as I have found after studying with many of these groups, the vast majority do not understand the full spectrum of how the human mind works, and therefore they usually fail to help most people, or can only help them get what their mind has already allowed within its limitations.

    In fact, most of what you learn from them is simply a lie, outdated common sense, or misleading.

    As useful as such knowledge may be, it will never lead to outstanding results.

    Personally, I have always disliked wasting my own time and have even ended friendships and relationships that kept me from achieving my goals, usually facing months of loneliness because of the values I certainly did not want to give up. And of course it is hard to live an extreme lifestyle. But you only get one chance to prove your true worth in this world.

    Therefore, I conducted my own research based on the most advanced and effective techniques available for reprogramming and healing the mind, and then designed the strategy presented here for specific purposes, primarily with the intention of using it to achieve my own financial dreams and eliminate any limiting beliefs.

    The more I focused on applying this system, the faster I noticed that the naysayers, negative personalities, and anyone else who opposed my success began to disappear from my reality, while those who wanted to be a part of it began to change, become more supportive, and in some cases, even help me achieve the results I wanted.

    Only two months had passed when I noticed that almost all of my friends were now entrepreneurs or successful artists, just like me.

    It was then that I realized how deeply wealth is connected to everything else, even the people we surround ourselves with and how they feel about us.

    Finally, as I continued to attract wealthy people into my life and saw those who had a poverty mindset or did not believe in my success leave, I also saw my path to my dreams become clearer, allowing me to become more skillful at getting the results I wanted, which in turn attracted even more money in my direction.

    Having said that, I have no doubt that this system is a tremendous help to me in solving problems that I have been trying to get out of the way for my entire existence. And that is why I continue to use it on a daily basis. For this reason, it is my pleasure as an author and researcher to share this system with you.

    Chapter 2 - Why Does This System Work?

    Waking up early each morning and repeating the lists of exercises presented here is all you need to do to be successful with this book.

    If you are honest with yourself, if you do not suffer from a mental illness, if you are not an alcoholic or have a history of drug abuse, you will most likely see results in a relatively short period of time.

    Every person I know who has applied the knowledge outlined here and in other wealth books I have written has doubled and in many cases tripled their previous income, usually getting job offers where they got higher salaries, or starting businesses that allowed them to quit their own day jobs. And I have seen results like this consistently over the past decade as I have become more popular worldwide with my Law of Attraction and Wealth books.

    In fact, I have earned up to twenty times more than before by applying these same techniques to my own life.

    Despite these results, this book takes everything to a higher level because the purpose here is inward, not outward.

    Your real purpose with this book is to clear your mind of anything and everything that is preventing you from becoming wealthier, on the premise that you were born wealthy and any path can lead you there, to your desired destination, especially if you have always felt that the work you have done and the many hours you have spent studying about money have not allowed you to achieve your goals.

    This book will surely help you attract the wealth that is already destined for your life. And it will manifest in different ways, just as I have seen it manifest in the lives of others.

    If you want a higher salary, you may get a better job offer with the amount you want; if you are a business owner, you may see an increase in sales or get ideas that will lead you there, and much more.

    Personally, I was able to increase my income while creating this book and just reading the exercises. My income continued to increase month after month.

    I want you to do the same by sharing the secrets outlined here. They are based on extensive research that I have applied to my own life and the lives of others.

    Chapter 3 - Why 66 Days?

    Scientists have concluded that it takes about 66 days for a person to change a habit; and habits condition our thoughts, which are influenced by the truths we convince ourselves of.

    These truths then create what we call our comfort zone - a set of beliefs that may not serve us well or even help us achieve our goals, even though they condition our decisions on a daily basis.

    This is because our reality is so tied to our minds that we cannot easily and consistently change it. To do this, you need a system like the one outlined here.

    You see, many habits are familiar to us because they relate to patterns of behavior in others that match our own - the same people we typically insist on keeping in our lives because of their familiarity.

    Changing our habits then means facing a change in our environment and resistance from the people we know, and this makes the process much more difficult than a simple shift in focus.

    This is why so many techniques, such as affirmations or even self-hypnosis, have a high risk of failure, because it is much harder to get someone else to become familiar with a new presence within you, a new attitude,

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