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Mind Games
Mind Games
Mind Games
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Mind Games

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About this ebook

Detective Greenfield had been hunting a serial killer for almost a month when he finally caught his break. He was a member of a cult. Detective Greenfield, with the help of Apollo Steel found a list of cult members. most were dead or missing. 

the killer was found. his latest victim is missing, Greenfield was missing. and time was running out. 

PublisherA.A. Mercer
Release dateFeb 10, 2023
Mind Games

A.A. Mercer

A. A. Mercer has written mystery, horror and thriller books. he likes to spend his time meeting fans and signing autographs in Tucson Arizona, 

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    Book preview

    Mind Games - A.A. Mercer


    The morning sun made Warren Jackson cover his face and he got up to close the drapes which covered the large window. He got dressed quickly and traced his fingers across his wife’s face. She slept soundly and had been ignoring the alarm clock next to her.

    I don’t want to get up just yet. She said as he touched her face.

    We have to, he said as he brushed his dark blue jacket of lint with a small roller. They will be waiting for us.

    Tabitha sat up and glanced at the time, it was 745 am and wasn’t sure she really wanted to do this.

    Tammy is a little young. She said hoping her tone would make him stop and think about this.

    They had been followers of the church of the dark moon for a few days Warren had found them and wanted to check them out and something about them made him want to return.

    Brother Martin said this is what we need to do. And there will be other kids who are going to be there.

    Yeah, like that kid, Chris-something? she was on her feet and began to throw on her dress which was in the closet ready to go. I think that kid is a little nuts if you ask me.

    Warren brought his arms around his wife and looked at her deep blue eyes. I agree but brother Martin wants the kids to be a part of this ritual and it will bring us all closer.

    Tammy was looking at herself in the mirror, she saw how the pale white dress flowed around her young sixteen-year-old body.

    What am I doing? she asked as her mom walked in and saw her. You look great, and from what I know we are supposed to read from a book and then have cake.

    Tammy didn’t know if her mom was joking or not, from the smile on her mom’s face she was trying for funny. You really don’t know either do you?

    Well, it’s either that or you’ll be sacrificed to some ancient god. She laughed a little but there was no humor in it, she knew there was no doubt about the sacrifices, she had seen them.

    They were soon standing in the makeshift church, brother Martin stood at the alter with a book he had called a bible, it was a hand-written book with notes and copied pages from another book he bought from a bookstore weeks ago, he took passages from the book and created his own bible.

    He looked at the children standing near him and could feel something in the air.

    Building like a small storm, a chill went through him as he looked at the dark pages in front of him.

    Step forward Miss. Jackson. He said softly.

    He saw a young man named Christopher Kenny waiting his turn, his suit was a little big on him, his gangly body almost disappeared in the clothes he wore. He stepped forward as Tammy did.

    He wasn’t sure what to do, his father wanted nothing to do with this church and had threatened to throw him out if he went there.

    Brother Martin could feel something moving in the air and a tickle in his throat made him cough. Sorry, he picked up a small knife and held it above him. Martin glanced down at the boy and gave him a slight smile, his eyes looked at the congregation and then down at Christopher, with a swift stroke he sliced the skin open on Christophers palm. Christopher cried out as the sharp knife sliced his skin.

    The sting seemed to last forever and he jerked away, as he pulled his arm away his young eyes saw the book, it looked old, pages were dull white or yellow and there was a glow which made the tiny hairs on his arms stand on end and a knot grew in his stomach. His wound felt as if ants were crawling into his skin, he brought his hand up to see what was wrong with it but the blood was gone and the skin seemed to be healed.

    His young eyes looked up to the adults who were reading silently in the book.

    Brother Martin reached down and took Tammy’s hand; it looked so tiny in his big palm. Tammy looked up at the man with fear in her eyes but didn’t pull away, she was told it would be okay.

    You will be chosen for Christopher. He said and held Tammy’s left hand as he raised the knife and then with a swift swipe, he sliced her palm and let her go.

    She barely had time to scream when the blade sliced her palm, drops of blood stained the deep dark colored floor. The dark floor shimmered as the blood drops disappeared in the dark flooring.

    Tabitha took Tammy away and gave brother Martin a stern look as they stepped back and asked someone where the bathroom was.

    Christopher stepped forward and saw the drops of blood and felt fascinated by the color.

    Another child named Victor stepped up, he was ready, he was a few years older than Christopher and opened his palm to brother Martin who gripped his hand and with a quick swipe and sliced his palm. Victor didn’t react at all when the knife sliced open his palm and nearly cut off two fingers.

    Victor watched in fascination as the blood dropped to the carpet, he couldn’t take his eyes from it the dark red color splashed over the area of the green and brown carpet, he wanted more.

    Brother Martin stopped in his ritual and stared at Victor for a moment. He hadn’t let go of Victor as he looked at the knife, the blood was a deep red and seemed to dance along the edge of the knife.

    Brother Martin suddenly looked confused, a wild look filled his eyes, and he dropped the knife and let Victor go. The spell was broken, Victor was led away by another man and he saw the figure in the corner watching.

    I’m sorry.  He walked to the back of the makeshift stage a few others followed him and asked if he was alright.

    Christopher didn’t hear the rest of the sermon as he walked away and outside. He held the wound close to him and ignored the feeling inside there was a crawling inside which made him confused.

    As he walked, he saw someone outside, kids his own age dressed for church. He walked toward them as something began to cloud his vision. He felt someone there, walking with him. When he turned to see who it was, they were gone.

    Then he saw a girl with dark blonde hair. As he walked his breath caught in his chest, someone touched him, he could feel thin, cold fingers caress and burn him. What was happening to him?

    "You are my brother." The voice said, it felt like they were in his head and next to him at the same time.

    Who are you? he asked, tears ran down his narrow cheeks as he wanted to run.

    "Find Todd, he is with us."

    He saw someone sitting on a tree stump outside the house. I’m Chris, are you, my brother?

    The young boy turned away, Leave me alone. Todd said quietly.

    I’m sorry. Chris said and walked back to the house. He looked to the hills beyond the trees and wondered who was talking to him.

    "I am with you," it said and he looked around and in

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