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63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle
63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle
63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle
Ebook319 pages3 hours

63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle

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It takes sixty-three days for habits to be formed in our lives. The best habit formed is everyday reading and meditating on the Word of God and communicating with Abba Father. By simply creating that habit, you will change. You will change spirit, soul, and body. Whatever you give yourself to, you become. The Word is life. Meditation on the Word allows the Word to become flesh. You become the Word. What was dead comes to life. What was dying lives. That can be you. Will you?

Release dateFeb 13, 2023
63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle

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    63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle - Adelle Penn-Brown

    Table of Contents






    Day 1

    Some Closing Thoughts

    About the Author

    63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle

    Adelle Penn-Brown

    ISBN 978-1-63885-659-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63885-660-3 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2022 Adelle Penn-Brown

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Unless otherwise indicated, all quotes from scripture are taken from the NKJV (the New King James Version) of the Bible.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    First and foremost, for every book I have written and will write in the future, it is all due to the Lord Jesus Christ's working in my life. The Holy Spirit walked me through to receive healing. Then He furthered me into His best which is not getting sick but living in ‘Immunity' which is part of the work of the cross. Every step of the way He's been present teaching and leading me. THANK YOU, LORD.

    Audain, my husband, companion, chef, example. You're the best. You're one of a kind. When God is allowed to do a work; He does a great work. God designed us for each other.

    My V.I. Christian Ministries' family, you are special. As I have told you in the past and it still stands true, many pastors would love a gathering like you. You are faithful, strong in the Lord, prayer warriors, loving and kind. We've been through much together and we have stuck together. Persecutions, trials, didn't stop us nor divide us because we continued to choose God's way above everything.

    Special thanks to Accra Cyntje of IMAjYNdesign. You are truly gifted, a mother, producer, designer, entrepreneur, artist, accountant, editor. And I know there is much more planted in you just waiting for the right moment to come forth. You are truly a blessing to the body of Christ.


    This book is a setup from the Lord for you to receive your healing. These next sixty-three days will change your life if you faithfully follow the plan in this devotional. It can happen instantly or gradually. Why sixty-three days? Scientists say it takes twenty-one days to build long-term memory. The more you think on a particular thought, the more energy the thought has in your life. It becomes more powerful in your life. It takes a minimum of sixty-three days to form a habit. Therefore, as you continue meditating on the healing power of God through the Word of God and prayer, revelation knowledge will cause your body to change instantly or gradually. You'll also be established in a pattern of reading and meditating on the Word of God daily, if you have not been doing this already. This new pattern will keep the disease out of your life after you've gotten the revelation that you are already healed.

    This book is written from the perspective of the truth: Isaiah 53, Matthew 8:16–17, and 1 Peter 2:24. Jesus on the cross removed the curse. Galatians 3:13 tells us Jesus became the curse for us. The curse was the result of breaking the law of God. The curse killed Jesus. Our curse killed Him. He bore the curse for every human being, the penalty of breaking God's law. It covered every area of your life—sickness, poverty, fear, depression. The list of the consequences for breaking God's law is found in Deuteronomy 28. That's why the new birth is about accepting the One who removed the curse from your life. When you accept Him, the curse and its power are removed from your life. He replaces the curse with His life. That's how you became a new creature, and it was in Christ Jesus.

    In so doing, the way is fully made, and a relationship with God as Father is reestablished. When the Way, Jesus, is established in your life, it's no longer that you are trying to be healed; it's no longer that you are healed, but instead, you were already healed (sozo). You are reading this devotional to come to the point that you believe the Word, I was healed. You are coming into agreement with God. When you enter the place of believing, healing automatically happens. You are not waiting to be healed because you were already healed. It took place over two thousand years ago. It's simply you believing and when you believe you will act. If a relative left you a billion dollars, put it into your bank account, and it shows up on your bank statement, you will believe it. The most automatic response is you start to act it. You start using the money.

    Jesus has deposited healing in your account. You see it in the Word, which is the bank. When you believe it, you will automatically act healed. Your faith act is what seals the physical reality with the spiritual reality in your life. It's a simple matter of believing, and believing is not difficult. The enemy wants you think it is. The reason he attacks you with doubt is because this revelation would make him powerless in your life. Once you believe God's Word, your body will change, and the enemy is defeated in your life in the area of sickness and disease.

    If you are a born-again believer, the Word of God makes it very clear that the spirit of God dwells within you. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you (Rom. 8:11). The Holy Spirit lives in you. In Him, there is no sickness, disease, lack, premature death. He is the fullness of God in you. Everything you need in life you already have because He lives in you. In God, there is no sickness, disease, lack, fear—only divine health, immunity, peace, blessings, prosperity. That means you are already delivered, healed, and set free. The key is the releasing of the power of God that's already inside of you because He is the power of God. The release of His power in you happens when this truth is revealed to you—when it is unveiled.

    In other words, it becomes revelation knowledge. This is knowledge from the heart of God to your spirit, not your head. When the truth is revealed, you believe even though you don't see it. You have assurance that's deeply rooted in you, and nothing can change that believing. That's when your body changes. Each day a verse is taking you closer to the revealing or unveiling of truth. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Keep reading and mediating on healing scriptures, especially the ones about Him healing all.

    God's will is for everyone to be saved; that's why Jesus went to the cross. As it is God's will for everyone to be saved, it is God's will for everyone to be healed. That's why Jesus healed everyone who went to Him for healing. The cross is for all humanity. As salvation is by choice, so is healing. Healing is part of our promised inheritance.


    Before starting the journey to your miracle, understand if you are taking medication, continue to take it until you don't need it anymore. I thank God for doctors and medication. I needed them until I got the revelation of healing. And if I need them, I will use them because I know they are not my source of healing. Medication alleviates symptoms. Your body will know when you no longer need the medication, and it will let you know as well. Sometimes you don't even know you are healed; you simply forget to take the medications and remember days or weeks later. That's when you realize you were healed. God has no problem with you taking medication as long as you realize medication is not your healer. People were not healed by taking medication, but with Jesus, all were healed who pursued Him for healing. The only person who can uproot the source of any problem is its creator. Jesus is your creator. When He deals with a sickness or disease, it is uprooted. That's what healing is—removal of a disease, not just symptoms.

    Medication helps manage symptoms; Jesus totally removes the source of the problem and its symptoms. Keep doing what you are currently doing until you have the revelation that you were healed. That means you know beyond a shadow of a doubt. There's no question if you are healed; you know, not because there are no symptoms, but because you believe what He says. You know that you know you are healed. When that happens, the cause, the problems, and the symptoms will leave; and you'll instinctively stop taking the medication because of the knowing. You don't have to think if you should stop taking medication. You know. This is not a head issue, it's a heart issue. If you have to ask someone, then you don't fully have the revelation. Keep meditating on the Word and fellowship with Him.

    These pages are God's secrets to you for healings and miracles. Take one day at a time, meditate, write the revelations you receive, and agree with the Word. Your body will change one of two ways, instantly or gradually. It will change instantly when you catch the revelation in that moment or gradually as you progress through the sixty-three days of healing, and after continually building the word of God in your spirit. Don't worry or think about time. Don't believe that time is running out on you. That is counterproductive to your studies in healings and miracles. That's one of the enemy's traps to distract you and create stress and fear to stop you from your healing and miracle.

    Man lives in time; God doesn't, and He knows exactly where you are, what's ailing you, how you feel, and what you need. The basis for this study is John 6:57, As the living Father sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me, he also will live because of Me and Matthew 4:4, But He answered and said, ‘It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' The living Jesus is referencing not only spiritual life but also physical life. There are many other scriptures, but these were my journey to healing.

    Man can't survive by eating food one day and never eating again. He has to continually eat so his body can daily get the nutrients it needs for living. So it is spiritually. We eat every day, and sometimes more than two meals a day. Unfortunately, many think we need less when it comes to eating the Word of God. We need it more because we live in a world that's not kingdom spiritual. The more we are attentive and in tune to God's kingdom, the more blessed and successful we are in life.

    Can you imagine living every day with a health problem? Some people don't have to imagine; many are living it. There are many people who were born to die. In other words, they entered the world with physical problems that are meant to take them out of the earth prematurely. These were the enemy's plans, but that was not, and is not, God's plan.

    You were fearfully and wonderfully made for a reason. God's plan is Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. If God has plans for you, then it is evident it's not His plan for you to be sick and die prematurely. Something happened in your mother's womb or your parents' DNA that caused an alteration in your physical makeup. Our DNAs were initially altered when Adam sinned. No matter how you came into the earth, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God has made a way for you to experience wholeness in the earth. It comes through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    One of the greatest revelations I received was John 6:57 and other scriptures that ends with and He healed them all, meaning He healed every sickness and every disease among the people. This refers to Jesus. He healed everyone who came to Him of every disease they had. What makes you different? Nothing! You simply need the revelation that Jesus healed everyone that came to Him and removed every disease—and He is still healing all from every disease, if you will believe.

    In this book, there is a scripture or scriptures for you to read and reread throughout the day and ponder until revelation light explodes in your heart and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are healed. Revelation reveals the Word is truth to your heart, it cannot be changed, and it refers to you. Revelation knowledge releases the power of God to produce a miracle in your life.

    Some days, there are assignments; and other days, there are none written. However, as you read and meditate on the scripture for the day, you will get an assignment. Follow through and do it. You will find an assignment inside of you.

    Please don't use the assignments as law; they are given to assist you in building your faith in the Word of God. Every day, please mediate on the Word for the day, pray in the Holy Spirit, and do. Don't just be a hearer; also be a doer. If you don't do the Word—act on the Word—you are deceiving yourself; nothing will happen. Start to do. But you beloved building up yourself on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Pray in the Spirit and pray in your understanding. When you pray in the Spirit, don't let your mind wander. Listen to what you are praying in the Spirit. Jude 1:20–21 also says, Keep yourself in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Keep means to prevent escaping; a fortress; to detain (in custody). Do not let yourself escape out of the love of God. If you want mercy, you must show mercy to others. Whatever you want God to do for you, do it to others and for others.

    Your journey toward the revealing of your healing begins today!

    Day 1

    As the living Father sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me (John 6:57 NASB). My first encounter with this scripture happened when I needed healing and was sitting in His presence. He told me, If I would feed on Him, I would live. At the time, I did not know the scripture existed! I had read it from the King James Version, which uses the word eateth. I searched the Bible to confirm it was a scripture. I ran a search on the word feed, and I couldn't find it.

    One day, while reading the New King James Bible, I found the scripture. The difference was the word He gave me was feed while many versions at the time used the word eat. When the Lord spoke to me using the word feed, I instantly knew what He meant and what I needed to do. If I would spend my time on the scriptures, specifically the gospels about His son and His ministry, I would be healed. I would live. I started reading the gospels. Every day I would read one of the gospels in its entirety. I did this for months: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Matthew was Monday. Mark was Tuesday, Luke was Wednesday, and sometimes it spilled over into Thursday, and John was Thursday or Friday depending on Luke. I did this for many, many months. In doing this, I found power inside of me that I didn't know was there.

    Healing is available to everyone who follows the plan and the path. The plan is John 6:57.

    I realized what Paul meant when he said, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first and also for the Greek (Rom. 1:16). That word salvation is soteria in Greek, which is a derivative of soter, which comes from sozo, which means to save, i.e., deliver or protect. All three words include to heal. Specifically speaking, the gospel is found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and that is where the power of God for healing to manifest in our bodies is specifically found because that's where Jesus, the Word, in His earth walk is found. Whatever you read and meditate on you become.

    There are two primary ways to be healed. One is by an intermediary (which can happen through someone praying for you) along with the manifestations of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12 (which includes but is not limited to a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, gift of faith, or working of miracles). There is also laying on of hands as well as other ways in which healing can take place through an intermediary. The other primary way to receive healing is directly through believing the Word of God. In other words, the revelation of the Word to your heart and soul.

    The gospels—the good news—is about the Son of God, i.e., who He is, what He did, why He did what He did, when He did it and how He did it. The epistles reveal the specifics of

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