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All for Them
All for Them
All for Them
Ebook189 pages2 hours

All for Them

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About this ebook

After Charlie did it all for her, Joe has moved on to influence Cassandra. At a very young age, she has no idea that the once imaginary friend from her childhood turns out to be neither angel nor demon but Death, the Grim Reaper himself.

"Who are you talking to, my dear?"

Cassandra looked over toward Mrs. Morrison. "My friend Joe."

Mrs. Morrison looked all around. "But there is no one here."

Cassandra smiled. "He is right in front of you."

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I don't see anyone."

Cassandra looked at the empty space. "Okay I'll tell her." Cassandra looked toward Mrs. Morrison. "He said that he would see you later on tonight."

Mrs. Morrison's smile went away as she had a frightened look came across her face.

In this dark twisted tale, Cassandra is caught up in a deal to appease Joe's morbid desires. Follow along as an unsuspecting Cassandra does it All for Them.

Release dateFeb 14, 2023
All for Them

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    Book preview

    All for Them - Robert S. Maiden


    All for Them

    Robert S. Maiden

    Copyright © 2022 Robert S. Maiden

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-8668-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-8672-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    The year was 1945, and the storm that folks were waiting on was slowly approaching out of the North. Outside of a small farmhouse far from the nearest town of Brookville, Ohio, the shutters began to move and slightly bang against the frame of the house. Inside, a young woman sat at a small desk with a lamp shinning as bright as twelve volts could shine. The illuminations were at times mixed by the purple flashes that came from the ongoing storm from outside. She had her pen between her fingers and would write words that she knew she would be the only one to read. She found herself pausing at times to write out the words that she knew would not change her situation now or even in the future. She would stop just enough to whip away the few tears that began to swell in her eyes. Only a few got away from her as they splatted on the pages of her journal. Her journal, she often times drifted to her reasoning behind it but knew that was the only way she could ask, even though there would never really be an answer of the unanswered questions…


    I still can't believe that it has been eight months since I last saw you. I have so many unanswered questions. I keep writing the same ones over and over, yet I can't explain why. Why did you leave? Why did you…We would have been so happy. We could have had a life, and we could have had…

    More tears fell from her eyes and landed on the pages.

    She stopped writing, lifted the pen, and placed it between her lips. So many questions and so many thoughts were swarming in her head. The only one that could answer them was the one that was not there to answer them, like why? She wrote and rewrote the almost exact entry that would never be answered unless her love was present.

    Charlie, she thought at that moment a flash of light came from outside, followed by a loud thunder clap.

    Startled, she dropped the pen and stared at the light show going on outside. She could hear the light rain slowly increase to a downpour.

    Just then, a familiar voice came from behind her, Nat.

    It was Jim.

    In here! she answered, whipping her face and turned toward the direction of where the voice had come from.

    Jim came into view, paused as he knew what was going on, and then walked on over to her. He pretended he didn't know what she had been doing and looked away, giving her the time she needed to close the journal. He bent down to give her a kiss on the top of her head. He lifted his hand without her noticing and placed his thumb on his left ringer finger and gave it a twist. His gold ring that circled his finger felt cold to his touch, not just because he had come out of the cool weather but because he knew where he stood with his wife. He took notice of her matching ring finger, which was resting on her journal and gave her a small yet gentle squeeze around her shoulders, just to let her know he was there for her.

    As he released his embrace, she placed a bent elbow on the desk and her other hand on the chair she was sitting on to stand upright.

    As she got a firm stand, Jim asked with concern in his voice, How is the baby doing?

    Oh, you know, the baby was moving for me earlier on in the day but then stopped. Natalie arched her back and tried to show that she was doing good and stood as straight as she could. Are you hungry? she said, placing her hand on her back as if to help herself stand upright.

    No, I had a few bites at the station before I left. Jim reached out to help guide Natalie toward the couch. Why don't you sit and take it easy? It can't be long now before you have the little one, and you need your rest. Without thinking, he blurted out, And then we will be a family, just like you deserve.

    Natalie took notice to his words and attempted to smile, but it was noticeable to him. Jim knew he was not her choice. He knew his friend Charlie was the one she truly loved. The only reason they got married was because she was pregnant, and the press was all over her since she came out of the accident with so little as a scratch. An accident that left her life, Charlie's life, and his in a turmoil that neither one could escape. He knew that if Charlie was to ever come back into their lives, he would lose the one woman that he had always loved. Too bad, she did not feel the same way.

    The only reason they moved so far from home was because of the crazed attention that she had gotten from folks in town as well as all across the countryside, just trying to get a glimpse of the Miracle Woman who survived death. Jim wished he didn't have to deal with the whole craziness that happened after the accident, but with him being on the police force and his influence, they were lucky to hide in plain sight. If only Charlie would have stepped up and became the man he thought he was. Every time Jim thought of his old friend Charlie, he would get angry but then realize that Charlie wouldn't have been Charlie. He hoped he would never see him again, but he couldn't help miss his only true friend. He wished him luck, and deep down inside, he hoped he would not come back.

    Let it be, he often whispered to himself. Just let it be.

    Do you want to listen to the radio for a while before bed? Jim asked.

    Natalie thought about it. That would be nice.

    Jim got up, walked over to the radio, and turned it on. He adjusted till he found a station that played soothing music. He looked over to get her approval, and she smiled. He walked back over to the couch and sat close to her but not too close. As they sat, the thunder could be heard above the music which made her flinch. Jim took notice, shifted over closer to her, and placed his arm around her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze. She turned her head and looked at his arm.

    Don't worry, Nat, I got you. It's only a little storm.

    She gave his arm a gentle pat, and he slowly removed it, feeling as if he had crossed an unwanted line. The radio program was playing, but neither was really listening.

    Jim was in a place he never thought that he would be, and Natalie was in a place that she wanted to be, but with the wrong man. Between the sound of the radio program and the rain that pattered on the windowpane, Natalie found herself in a mesmerized situation and began to close her eyes. Jim got up slowly, laid her down carefully, and went to grab a blanket from out of the closet. He placed it on her and gently brushed his hand across her cheek. He looked at her, bent over, and gave her a small yet passionate kiss on her forehead.

    He whispered softly, I will never let anything happen to you or our child.

    He slowly stood back up and went to the cabinet where he kept his pastime pleasure and for the half bottle of Jim Beam and a small glass. He sat down in a chair, opened the bottle and poured a decent amount of the liquor. He lifted it up, looked over at his sleeping wife, and gulped it down. Before placing it back down, he grasped the bottle and poured himself another one. His mind was a flutter regaling his full day of patrolling the neighborhood even though he didn't have to since he was now the town sheriff. He was really never the type to sit behind a desk, so he would get out as much as he could to address complaints of his fellow township members. Was he ready for what was to come, a child that was not his? He had married a woman that he loved, but he knew she didn't feel the same for him.

    Chapter 2

    He picked up the glass and took a sip of the liquor, almost dropping the glass when a loud crash which came from the outside caught him off guard. He looked at his sleeping wife, who didn't nudge an inch, and got up to investigate. He went toward a window, pulled back the curtain, and peered into the rainy night. It was hard to see, but as the flash of light came from in the sky, he squinted, trying to see what had made the noise that caught him off guard. The rain coming down was thick, and as the flash appeared across the sky again, he took notice to the big tree that was in the yard. The tree had a branch that covered the drive path toward the house. It appeared on his first glance that the large branch that overhung the road had finally given way and was now sitting in the middle of the drive path that lead toward the house.

    Well, that's just fucking great! he thought to himself. Looks like I ain't going anywhere until the branch is moved.

    Jim went back toward the table and felt a small amount of water hit him on his check. He looked up and noticed another drip hitting the ground.

    He wiped his cheek with his hand. Great house, Grandpa.

    He went to the kitchen, picked up a nearby bucket, and brought to where the drip was forming a small water spot on the ground. The thunder could be heard again from the outside as he wiped up the small amount of water that had formed. He went back over to the table, picked up his glass, and took another sip. The drips from the ceiling into the bucket was making him smile.

    Well, this is better than what we had to deal with while we were in town. What other choices did he have? Stay in town and deal with all the crackpots who came from all over or live in a home that has its charms and no one can find on a map even if they had gotten lost?

    He knew he was going to be busy, and it was a good thing that he had all that vacation time saved up for. Jim got back up and walked over to the window, moved the curtain back, and stared out. The rain was pouring down, and the flashes in the sky from the lightening made him feel at ease for what he really couldn't put a finger on it.

    Ouch. Natalie sat up from the couch.

    Jim turned toward her and put the glass down on the counter near him. Nat, are you okay?

    Without thinking, he walked over toward her as his foot caught some of the water still left on the floor. This caused him to stumble forward, but he reached out in enough time to catch himself from falling.

    Natalie seeing this gave a smile, then a quick frown. I think it's the baby moving around in there, she quickly stated back.

    Is the baby okay? Jim said as he straightened himself out.

    Yes, the baby is fine. The baby isn't due for another two weeks or at least that is what Dr. Eric had said.

    You know doctors can be wrong. I remember my mom telling me that I was an early one, you know one of those preemie babies. Dr. Eric was the one that called that one wrong too.

    Natalie placed her hand on her stomach. I think the little one is just trying to get comfortable and, in doing so, is stretching at the same time. She looked back toward Jim. How long was I asleep?

    Not very long, but I am surprised that you didn't stir from that loud thunder and crashing sound that came from the outside.

    I must have been more tired than I thought, carrying all this weight around.

    You look fine, just wish. Jim paused and changed the subject. Are you ready to—

    At that time, a drip feel on top of Natalie's head. She reached up to see where it was coming from as another came down faster, striking her on her forehead. She laughed and wiped the wetness off her face. Jim helped her to her feet and moved the couch out from under the next drip that was coming down.

    Well, this old house has seen better days, Jim said as he went to the kitchen to grab a pan to catch the water.

    Don't worry about it. I am just glad we had somewhere to go. She placed her hand in the small fold of her back and gave herself a good stretch. Oh, you mentioned a loud crash. What was it?

    It was the branch that overhung the driveway. I guess it finally gave up.

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