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Healing with Gemstones
Healing with Gemstones
Healing with Gemstones
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Healing with Gemstones

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About this ebook

Healing with Gemstones is a compiled manual that shows you what gemstones can be used to assist in healing. God said that he has "given us everything we need to heal ourselves." The gemstones are not to replace medicine but to assist with the healing process.

Every chemical that is on this planet is in our bodies, and when we start having problems (pains, etc.), it is usually because, as we age, our bodies start losing some of these chemicals. Wearing the gemstones puts the needed chemicals back in our bodies gently.

I have made over 450 pieces of healing jewelry to date and have had only 7 that had a negative reaction to a gemstone. I exchanged it with another gemstone, and it worked well.

There are four sections in the book.

Section 1 is on the ailments and the gemstones that may help

Section 2 is the gemstones, their countries of origin, and their properties

Section 3 is on the chakras and shaman stones

Section 4 is healing gemstones for pets.

I hope you find this book interesting and helpful.

Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Healing with Gemstones

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    Book preview

    Healing with Gemstones - Jenny Erkfritz Sansom


    Healing with Gemstones

    Jenny Erkfritz Sansom

    Copyright © 2022 Jenny Erkfritz Sansom

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 979-8-88654-005-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88654-017-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Healing Personal Issues


    Important Information


    Shamanic Stones

    Shaman Stones and Their Connections

    High-Vibration Stones

    Gemstones of the Zodiac

    Healing Pets with Gemstones

    Gemstones and Healing Properties





    Section 1

    Healing Personal Issues3


    Back Problems—Business Success8



    Ears—Eye Problems27


    Gall Bladder—Gums36




    Karma—Kundalini Energy47

    Labor Pains—Lymph Glands48

    Macular Degeneration—Mystical Visions50


    Obesity—Oxygenating Cells57



    Sacred to the Indians—Systemic Illness69




    Warmth—Writer’s Block83

    Section 2


    Abalone Shell—Azurite in Quartz89




    Eilat Stone—Eudialyte112


    Galena—Great Victorian Sunstone116

    Hawks Eye—Hypersthene119

    Iceland Spar—Iolite121






    Obsidian—Orpiment Crystals135


    Quartz—Que Sera142

    Rainbow Calsilica—Ruby Zoisite146





    White Flower Stone—Wulfenite164

    Yellow Apatite—Yttrium164

    Zincite—Zoisite (Ruby)164

    Important Information166

    Section 3


    Shamanic Stones174

    Shaman Stones and Their Connections178

    High-Vibration Stones179

    Gemstones of the Zodiac180

    Section 4

    Healing Pets with Gemstones185

    Gemstones and Healing Properties192


    Appendix for Gemstones197

    Appendix for Healing203



    Why Heal with Gemstones? Good question. My passion for gemstones began sixty-five years ago. It grew into a jewelry business. I discovered their healing properties about twenty years ago. My best friend Lynda asked me to make her a necklace from gemstones that would help her sleep all night and not wake with a headache. That’s when it all began. Since then I have researched gemstones and compiled information. When my uncle Gary and my pharmacist assured me this is the wave of the future (with very few, if any, side effects), I knew this is a path I had to follow. Enjoy your exploration, and may this information bless you with healing.

    Here are a few testimonials:

    A while ago, I was given peridot to help me cope. Since wearing it, I have experienced a new calm in myself. I am less stressed and not as confrontational as I use to be. It’s amazing, the difference from then until now. This gem is not only beautiful, but it has a sensational effect on my daily life.

    —Lisa H.

    I met Jenny several years ago through a neighbor, and we have become close friends. It was through our friendship that she introduced me to gemstones. My initial attraction to the stones was in the form of the jewelry she made. With each piece I purchased, I learned that not only are the gems beautiful, but they served a healing purpose. I must admit at first I was somewhat skeptical. However, I am now a true believer that these beautiful gems do heal.

    My mother was a smoker during her pregnancy with me and smoked most of my life. She died at the age of forty-nine in 1988. Six years prior, in 1982, just before my high school graduation, I was diagnosed with pneumonia and mononucleosis, which required a weeklong hospitalization. Due to the years I was exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke and the pneumonia, the lining of my lungs had become damaged. Following my hospital discharge, I began suffering from severe asthma attacks usually triggered by environmental factors of smoke, fuels, perfumes, flowers (anything with a strong odor), mols, dust, pollen, as well as illness-induced attacks. Most mornings, I would wake up feeling like a huge weight was upon my chest. Taking my first deep breath of the day felt as if there were cobwebs filling my lungs and that I had to fight my own body just to breathe. Yes, I have been under the care of an excellent allergy/asthma immunologist for years, and he has helped me immensely. Unfortunately, a few times a year I become ill, and my breathing is impacted.

    A few months ago, while I was suffering from a sinus infection, which triggered breathing problems and asthma issues, Jenny made me a bracelet and asked if I’d wear it and only take it off while showering. She requested that I pay close attention to my breathing. I thought I had nothing to lose, so why not. Within a week I realized I did not require the use of my prescribed steroids or my rescue inhalers to breathe and that my infection seemed to be clearing up more quickly. However, I realized the true healing power of my bracelet made from psilomelane dendrite gems when I took my bracelet off to shower and forgot to put it back on. Later that day, my cobwebs were back, breathing was more of a challenge, and I found myself coughing more than normal, requiring me to use my rescue inhalers several times that day. That evening, when I prepared to go to bed, I took my watch off and realized my bracelet was not on. Prior to climbing into bed, I put my psilomelane dendrite bracelet back on. The next morning, when I rose, my first deep breath of the day was no longer filled with cobwebs, and I was back to breathing easily, no longer coughing and no longer requiring the use of my rescue inhalers. I could not believe it! Coincidence, possibly, but I truthfully feel it was the healing properties of my bracelet. (Psilomelane dendrite—to heal the lining of the lungs, to aid one in healing from pneumonia and breathing issues).

    Being a believer that gemstones can heal, I asked Jenny to make me a few other pieces. I currently wear my healing gemstone anklets made of peridot to help strengthen my immune system, lepidocrocite which aids in oxygenating cells and encourages cell regeneration, and pyrite which helps heal cell formation, lung disorders, and bronchitis and protects against infectious diseases.

    Thank you, Jenny, for your friendship, knowledge of gemstones and their healing properties, as well as for teaching me about these gifts from God.


    —Kim B.

    The end of February–March, I was hospitalized with pneumonia; in fact the right lobe was completely filled with fluid. The doctor told me if I had waited two more days, I would have been dead. I told my friend Jenny, and she made me a bracelet of psilomelane dendrite and told me not to take it off.

    One month ago, I had taken a shower; my bracelet came off my arm, and I put it on the bathroom counter. Within four hours, my husband asked me if the pneumonia was coming back. I asked why, and he said I was wheezing. I grabbed my wrist and remembered it was in the bathroom. I put it on, and by dinner time the wheezing stopped.

    On May 12, I went to see my pulmonary specialist. He saw my bracelet and said, I see you’re wearing a bracelet. I started to say something, and he said I know what the stone is, and I know what it does. You have no scarring in your lungs from the pneumonia, there is no evidence that you had ever smoked [I had quit about fifteen years ago], and your lungs are in the best condition they have been in since I’ve seen you. So if you want to scuba dive or whatever, your lungs are completely healed!

    First, I was surprised he had any idea what the stones are and, second, what their capabilities are.

    Although I do know firsthand that the stones have healing powers because fifteen years ago, I was waking up in the middle of the night with a headache and called Jenny asking her to make me a necklace I could wear at night to stop that from happening. After some research, she sent me a necklace that I put on every night. One night I had forgotten (after about three weeks), went straight to bed, and woke up in the middle of the night with a headache. I grabbed my neck, realized it wasn’t on, got up, and put it on. No more trouble. It seems crazy that something like this works, but it does.

    —Lynda P.


    I would like to dedicate this book to the following:

    God, for giving me the desire to learn and appreciate all that He has given me (us), not only the beauty of the gemstones but the desire to come as far as I have.

    My parents, Donald and Marjorie Erkfritz, for allowing me to collect, read about, and hoard my stones and jewelry.

    My children, Tammy Layton (and Brad Layton) and Scott Sansom, for putting up with my long hours of study and indulging me in my quest to get it accomplished.

    My granddaughters, Tina Palmer, Sabrina Layton, and Angelina Layton, for dragging them to the gem shows, making them learn the stones and how to design and make jewelry so we could spend more time together.

    My siblings, Mike Erkfritz and Lisa Hilton, for having to listen every time I learned something new or wanted to talk about what I had learned.

    My friends, Lynda Podzikowski (a.k.a. Kiz), Kim Baringer, Cam McCaffrey, my friend and business partner, Vicki Evans, Tracey Van Summeran, and Iris Adler for getting caught up in the vortex of my hobbies.

    Dr. Gary Erkfritz, my uncle, for being amazed that I would take on such a task and supporting my work.

    And last but not least, my wonderful sister-in-law, Robin Erkfritz, for editing this twice, for taking on the task of making this the professional piece of work that it is—all the hours, days, and weeks it took to tweak this so it would be right.

    Thank you all for your love, patience, confidence, and support. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to quit because I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you hung in there with me. God bless you all!

    Section 1

    Healing Personal Issues



    Abdomen. Turritella agate (relieves the distention of the abdomen), amber, garnet, yellow jasper, phosphosiderite (helps with abdominal issues), and smoky quartz (for treatment of).

    Abandonment. Dioptase (heals the feelings of abandonment), mother-of-pearl, rhodonite, pink sapphire and thulite (helps the psychic healers and crystal healers when working with survivors of incest, physical abuse, emotional abuse, abandonment and neglect; survivors themselves often find thulite comforting and helpful in combating self-sabotage, low self-esteem, and other life-long symptoms of abuse and neglect).

    Abrasions: dioptase, thalite, and tourmaline.

    Absorbing excess energy. Green fluorite, aura quartz.

    Absorbs negative energy. Indonesian bumblebee jasper and jet.

    Absorbing nutrients. (difficulty with) agate, turritella agate (helpful in the absorption of nutrients such as vitamin a, zinc, calcium, and magnesium), apatite, bloodstone, lemon chrysoprase (can be used to assist in the absorption of vitamin c), citrine, rainbow moonstone (aids in the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals), yellow sapphire, blue topaz, white topaz, and turquoise (aids with absorption).

    Absorbs pain. Moonstone (and illness).

    Abuse. Blue lace agate (emotional abuse), mangano calcite (beneficial when suffering from physical or emotional abuse), mother-of-pearl, rhodochrosite (emotional abuse), rhodonite (aids in codependency and abuse), rubelle (emotional abuse), pink sapphire, thulite (aids understanding and healing the pains and illnesses caused by a lack of nurturing, even abuse), and pink tourmaline (provides comfort to anyone who has suffered any form of abuse).

    Abundance. AAA agua nevada agate (brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life), chrysoprase, garnets, uvarovite garnets (not for just material abundance, can also increase abundance of love, acceptance, and peace), jadeite (a stone of prosperity and abundance), Australian jasper (mookaite, a stone of abundance), magnetite (attracts abundance), morganite (promotes abundance of the heart), dendrite opal (brings abundance into one’s life), prasiolite (attracts abundance), smoky quartz, verdelite (green tourmaline, used to attract money and success by means of releasing inhibitions and working for true desires), yttrium (lavender fluorite, known for attracting abundance), and zircon (assists in massing abundance).

    Academics. Danburite (eases stress and brings calm in difficult situations for people in academics).

    Acanthamoeba (eye bacteria). Bloodstone and Mexican fire agate.

    Acceptance. Ametrine, mangano pink calcite, chrysoprase, lepidolite, muscovite, green onyx, and rose quartz.

    Access ancient memories. Garnets and rainforest jasper.

    Accidents (recurring). Blue lace agate, rainbow fluorite, quartz, and rhodochrosite.

    Aches and pains. Charoite, magnetite, and sunstone.

    Achilles heel. Hypersthene (helps heal the Achilles’s tendon pain).

    Acidity. Bornite (helps reduce the acidity levels in the body).

    Acidosis. Uvarovite garnet (aides in the treatment of acidosis).

    Accountants. Turquoise (especially recommended for accountants and computer operators for mental relaxation).

    Achilles. Hypersthene (reduces Achilles’s tendon pain).

    Acid. Golden bornite (when used an inch below the navel, it will increase the acidic level and lower the alkaline level of the body. In this position, it will also help level the sodium content of the body).

    Acid reflex (GERD) or heartburn (chronic). Amethyst, apatite, bloodstone, citrine, quartz, rhodonite, and yellow sapphire.

    Acidosis. Uvarovite garnet (aids in the treatment of acidosis).

    Acne. Amethyst (elixir), aventurine (dark green), white beryl, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, moonstone (white flash), and yellow sapphire.

    Add (attention deficit disorder). Poppy jasper, onyx, blue sapphire, and sodalite.

    Addictions of all kinds. Amethyst, apatite, blue topaz, cuprite, dioptase (heals one from addictions), sesame jasper (kiwi jasper), onyx, quartz, rhodochrosite, sugilite, and smoky topaz.

    Addison’s Disease. Green calcite (calms adrenal glands).

    ADHD. Charoite and lepidocrocite (it has a soothing vibration that calms ADHD and hyperactivity, and its vibrations may be helpful if you are working on healing the inner child).

    Adjusting to new environment. Eilat stone (stimulates loving feelings as it works on adjusting and attuning your emotional system) and brown jade.

    Adrenal glands. Amber (to aid with dysfunctional adrenal glands), boji stones (used for healing), chrysoberyl (golden cat’s eye, supports self-healing and balances it), jade (detoxifying and rebuilding them), oolitic jasper (helps at the cellular level), fire opal, smoky quartz (removes toxins), and tiger’s eye.

    Affected degenerative disease. Feuerstein (flint).

    Aging. Turritella agate (beneficial in problems related to aging), aquamarine (undesirable effects), white beryl, emerald (undesirable effects), malachite, moonstone, pink sapphire, green selenite, sugilite (undesirable effects), and blue topaz.

    Agoraphobia. Botswana agate (assists and provides mental support to people who are unable to overcome agoraphobia).

    Aid in new departures. Blue John fluorite.

    AIDS/HIV. Amethyst, carnelian, clear quartz, lapis lazuli, petalite (the ultimate healer on all levels), rhodonite, sugilite, tourmaline, and Zincite.

    Air travel (damaging effects of). Agate, mother-of-pearl, and yellow sapphire.

    Alcohol detoxification. Charoite and spinel.

    Alcoholism. Amethyst, cuprite, and green jasper (reduces consumption of alcohol).

    Alkalinity. Golden bornite (when used one inch above the navel chakra, it assists in the flow of alkalinity, usually this is done when a person is in the overacid state).

    Allergies to foods. (See Food Allergies).

    Allergies, pollen. Carnelian and zircon.

    Allergies or sensitivities. Apatite (food allergies), aquamarine (allergies and hay fever), white beryl, bloodstone, carnelian, emerald, sugilite, and white topaz (larimar and blue chalcedony are good for decreasing inflammation).

    Alleviate inflammations. Grossular garnet.

    Alleviate irritability. Heliodor.

    Alleviate nervousness. Heliodor.

    Alleviate pollution. Turquoise (alleviates pollution).

    Alleviate stress and exhaustion. Amazonite and spinel (alleviates stress).

    Altitude (sickness). Jet and sapphire.

    Altruism. Blue John fluorite.

    Alzheimer’s. Galena (For Confusion), Lepidolite, Rose Quartz, Silicon, And Vivanite (increasingly being used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s).

    Ambitions. Enstatite (bornite, encourages ambitions and desires), yellow sapphire (brings fulfillment of), and turquoise (a talisman of ambition).

    Amplifying candle magic. Red agate.

    Amplifying positive energy. Iceland spar.

    Amplifies thoughts. Copper and fluorite.

    Analytical abilities, Botswana agate (enhances the mental abilities and improves analytical abilities, perception, and insight) and datolite (aids in all mental abilities, especially in analytical and abstract mathematical intelligence, language learning, and memorization).

    Anaphylactic shock. Rainbow moonstone (helps the pituitary gland and water retention).

    Ancestry. Turritella agate (deeply connected to the Earth and home, to one’s personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one’s past).

    Androgynous. Jade.

    Anemia. Blue lace agate, green apatite, bloodstone, coral, clear fluorite (if the iron levels are normal but you still feel cold, this stone will help warm your body), garnet, hematite, green kyanite (they can aid in absorbing and using appropriate levels of iron; heavy menstruation can cause anemia), mahogany jasper, ruby, and Vivanite (aids in the assimilation of iron).

    Anemia (pernicious). Red agate, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, hematite, rhodonite, ruby, and tourmaline.

    Angel stone. Seraphinite (helps to contact the angels because of its higher energies and relationship with angels).

    Angelic realm: Azeztulite (has a high vibration that is said to be from the angelic realm), danburite (aids in communication with angels and guides), Owyhee opal (stimulates the throat and third-eye chakras, allowing one to communicate with the angelic realms and to be open to receive guidance from the higher dimensions), and petalite (high vibration stone that aids in contacting angels and spirit guides. Using this stone will actually allow you to hear their voices).

    Angels and guides. Danburite (aids in communication with angels and guides) and blue onyx (helps you contact your spirit guides and angels).

    Anger. Alabaster (drives it out), hemimorphite (reduces anger), opal (releases), and peridot (reduces).

    Angina. Amethyst, diopside, and rose quartz.

    Animal husbandry. Red agate and sphene (titanite, enhances communication and bonding with animals).

    Anorexia. Garnet (grossular/massive pink), lepidolite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, thulite (is helpful for bringing healing of eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia because of loneliness), and topaz.

    Anti-inflammatory. Moss agate, uvarovite garnets (used as an anti-inflammatory to ease symptoms associated with arthritis, rheumatism, wounds, and inflamed scar tissue), and turquoise.

    Antiseptic. Silver (is a natural antiseptic).

    Anxiety. Black agate, purple Botswana agate, alexandrite, amblygonite (works on mild anxiety and stress), chrysoprase, dinosaur bones (is wonderful for calming anxiety in particular survival anxieties), epidote, yellow fluorite, oolitic jasper (heals at the cellular level), labradorite (decreases), moonstone, yellow onyx (soothes anxiety), white opal, electric-blue aura quartz, lithium quartz (has proven useful for treating anxiety), rainforest rhyolite (aids you to find your expression in the wake of problems and anxiety), Sonora sunset (is helpful in dealing with major problems of irrational anxieties), staurolite (fairy’s cross, relieves anxiety), pink tourmaline (wearing it throughout the day helps release stress, worries, depression, and anxiety), and variscite (is an excellent stone to aid with stress or anxiety).

    Apathy. Carnelian, poppy jasper, peridot (banishes), rhodochrosite, and ruby.

    Appetite. Topaz (helps restore the appetite).

    Appendix. Chrysolite.

    Arachnophobia. Australian crazy lace agate (helps one to overcome spiders and crawling insects).

    Arguments. Sodalite (can help end arguments or other disagreements).

    Arms. Jadeite and malachite.

    Arrhythmia. Green calcite (used for arrhythmia and diseases of the heart).

    Arteries. Green aventurine (helps prevent buildup of deposits in coronary arteries) and scapolite (helps with arteries and vein problems).

    Arteriosclerosis. Grossular garnets and snowflake obsidian (treats hardening of the arteries).

    Arthritis. Blue lace agate, amber (psoriatic arthritis), amethyst, apatite, azurite/malachite, bloodstone, Boji stone (used for healing arthritis), green calcite, carnelian, chrysocolla (degenerative arthritis), copper, emerald, fluorite, grossular garnets, uvarovite garnets (is used as an anti-inflammatory to ease symptoms associated with arthritis), snakeskin jasper, malachite, moonstone, black obsidian (reduces pain, joint problems, and cramps and warms extremities), snowflake obsidian (treats), rhodonite (eases inflammation of joints), sugilite, and blue topaz.

    Artificial lights (frequent exposure). Agate, mother-of-pearl, rubelle, yellow sapphire, and pink tourmaline.

    Artistic expression. Botswana agate and Laguna lace agate.

    Arts. Amblygonite (enhances one’s talents and love for the arts, music, poetry, and other spiritual endeavors).

    Ascension stone. Apache gold (healer’s gold) and aragonite (aids in ascension, allowing one to expand growth and psychic powers), azeztulite (it is an ascension stone used in psychic and mystical work), blue hemimorphite (aids ascension), and blue onyx (promotes ascension while removing obstructions with the mental body and its healing).

    Assertiveness. Carnelian, golden yellow labradorite (bytownite or Oregon sunstone, gives one qualities of assertiveness), lava rock, and peridot.

    Assimilation of iron. Vivianite (aids and can be used in the treatment of anemia).

    Assimilation of vitamins. Creedite (helps assimilate vitamins and nutrients), grossular garnets (assimilation of vitamin A), and turquoise (supporting the assimilation of nutrients).

    Asthma. Amber, aventurine (light green), carnelian, emerald, fluorite, malachite, morganite, quartz, and tiger’s eye.

    Astral projection. Mexican fire opal (protection stone).

    Astral travel. Apophyllite crystals (excellent stone for deep meditation, mystical vision, and astral travel), baryte (a powerful stone to aid you with astral travel), covellite, Australian jasper (or mookaite jasper, it offers safe shamanic and astral voyages), porcelain jasper (assists with astral travel), meteorites (development), moldavite, blue Peruvian opal (aids in astral travel), and spinel (useful for astral travel).

    Athletic performance. Apatite (improve), quartz, blue sapphire, and green tourmaline.

    Attention to present moments. Carnelian.

    Attitude. Rhodochrosite (encourages a positive one).

    Attract animals. tree agate.

    Attracts true love. Celestobarite (attracts one’s soul mate), hiddenite, and rhodonite (helps attract a good mate).

    Attuning stone. Creedite (helps one to attune with higher spiritual vibration to clarify the channeled messages received), Herkimer diamond, and Eilat stone (stimulates loving feelings as it works on adjusting and attuning your emotional system).

    Aura. Aegirine (recover one’s aura shield), aragonite (increases light in the aura field), turritella agate (stabilizes the auras), Apache tears (used to cleanse the auric field of negativity), cerussite (infuses your aura with light when you use it for meditation), chrysoberyl (golden cat’s eye, dispels unwanted energy from the aura), orpiment crystals (keeps negativity away and helps bring people together within its energy aura), dravite (cleanses and aligns the aura), epidote (clears the emotional body aura), blue hemimorphite (increases light in the aura field to aid ascension and spiritual growth), hemimorphite (lightens the aura, lets you be in the right place at the right time), Australian jasper (mookaite jasper, wipes out negativity from ones aura), lepidocrocite (heals holes in your aura caused by drug or alcohol abuse), iron pyrite (blocks energy leaks and tears in your aura field), aura quartz (is soothing and healing to the aura), and verdelite (green tourmaline, used to clean the aura).

    Aura protector. Red agate, chevron amethyst, red jasper (chi in aura), black zebra jasper, black obsidian (cleanses negative psychic smog from auras).

    Autism. Alexandrite (resolves autism), charoite, moldavite, and sugilite.

    Autism and Asperger’s. Gold (helps balance right and left brain associated with autism and neurological disorders), moldavite (helps those with the affliction to connect to a wider universe, also eases brain imbalance and malfunctions).

    Autoimmune diseases. White beryl, bloodstone, carnelian, moonstone, and rhodonite (treats them).

    Automatic writing. Shattuckite (will help in the development of automatic writing).

    Awareness. Amethyst, aquamarine, cuprite, rainbow fluorite, lapis lazuli, peridot (sharpens and opens the mind to new levels), aura quartz (assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations and expands the awareness of one’s spiritual purpose for this lifetime).


    Back Problems—Business Success

    Back problems. Boji stones (used for back pain), blue calcite, yellow calcite (improves the upper spine and back), carnelian (helps lower back problems), emeralds (helps disorders), hematite, lapis lazuli, magnetite, yellow onyx (strengthens the back), topaz (yellow, golden, and champagne, helps strengthen the backbone, physically and emotionally), larimar, and blue chalcedony (reduces inflammation when used together).

    Bacterial and viral infections. Moss agate, amethyst (good for viral and bacterial infections), green calcite, copper, green fluorite, jade, jet, malachite, and sulfur.

    Bacteria. Green calcite and blue tourmaline.

    Bad temper. Green aventurine and blue tiger’s eye

    Baker’s cysts. Aquamarine, blue lace agate, blue calcite (the light-blue colors keep growths from growing fast), bloodstone, amethyst, and smoky quartz (helps ease the pain).

    Balance. Turritella agate (encourages balance during hard and transitional times), adamite, amber (light and dark), aquamarine, white beryl (in life), Boji stones (balances the male and female energies in one’s body), cassiterite, celestobarite crystal (brings balance so you can view life’s experiences and situations from all sides and be discerning in the outlook and actions to be taken), chiastolite (andalusite), dolomite, Eilat stone (creates a balancing reaction combines with a loving heart based spiritual energy), emerald, hematite, herderite (may help to balance the imbalances in behavioral patterns), howlite, jade, dragon blood jasper, red jasper, Red Cherry Creek jasper (brings balance), royal Sahara jasper (brings the whole body into balance), wild horse jasper (helps achieve balance in one’s life), jet, lava rock (brings

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