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Reflections of Sin : MILF Swap 2 (M2F Body Swap Gender Swap Erotica Paranormal Erotica): MILF Swap, #2
Reflections of Sin : MILF Swap 2 (M2F Body Swap Gender Swap Erotica Paranormal Erotica): MILF Swap, #2
Reflections of Sin : MILF Swap 2 (M2F Body Swap Gender Swap Erotica Paranormal Erotica): MILF Swap, #2
Ebook33 pages21 minutes

Reflections of Sin : MILF Swap 2 (M2F Body Swap Gender Swap Erotica Paranormal Erotica): MILF Swap, #2

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About this ebook

My ex-babysitter Angie and I enter the mysterious hall-of-mirrors at the travelling fairground after the attendant promises that we'll find our deepest fantasies inside.

We become separated and I try desperately to find her, but each reflection moves before I can catch up.  I finally stand face-to-face with Angie, but when I move I realize she's copying me exactly.

When I look down I realize that my body isn't my own and my first thought is to do something crazy.  Eventually I'm discovered by my former self and the next step seems all too obvious.

Read as I use Angie's body to treat myself.  I may never get this chance again and I'm not about to pass it up!

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateJun 15, 2021
Reflections of Sin : MILF Swap 2 (M2F Body Swap Gender Swap Erotica Paranormal Erotica): MILF Swap, #2

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    Reflections of Sin - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    Angie? I heard, and the voice sounded closer.

    I teased over my panties, feeling my petals beneath.  The charge of arousal shimmered through me.  I gripped my panties in my fingers and rolled them back over me.

    Angie’s kempt black hair was revealed to me, looking perfect.  Below it sat her equally perfect, little slit.  I was so fucking turned-on that I could feel the crotch of my panties peel off my wet pussy when I moved them down.

    They fell to the floor and I stepped out, standing astride and framing my pussy with my hands.  My tits bunched between my arms.  I stared at my reflection and then into Angie’s eyes.

    Come and fuck me, Kevin, I groaned.

    Angie? his voice sounded.

    I saw something move amidst the surrounding reflections.  It was me—or rather, it was him.  I could see his dark jeans and pure, white t-shirt.

    Angie? he said louder.  Angie?  You’re naked!

    His reflection moved around me and then appeared in front of me.  I stared ahead at Kevin.  He wore a look of shock, which I imagine you would if you saw your own naked, horny ex-babysitter standing in front of you.

    This is what you want, isn’t it? I asked, talking in breathy, seductive tones.

    You—you’re naked, he repeated."

    Because I want you, I said.  I want your cock.  I know how you feel about me.

    Kevin looked dumbstruck.  His face was red with embarrassment, but I felt eerily cool and calm.

    Show me, I told him, and I started to rub at my pussy.

    I knew exactly what I was dealing with, but Kevin didn’t know that.  He didn’t know that I’d stroked his cock many times in the past, but I wanted to give him this

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