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Rave Teo is a complex writer that formulates and pique the readers’ imagination to question whether the story depicts a utopia or dystopia. He writes science-fiction stories meant to ask philosophical questions and question reality that in which each individual reader may ascertain their own answers.
Release dateFeb 13, 2023

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    Dealga - Rave Teo

    Copyright © 2023 by Rave Teo.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11



    The bullets rained. The gunfire thundered. The smell of gunpowder intertwined with the faint smell of the sea. In the night near the cargo docks, the death count was rapidly on the rise; however, the gunfire did not seem to end. Behind cover, empty magazines dropped to the ground with thuds whilst new ones were loaded in. Guns were cocked, and men poked out and resumed firing.

    Cars were piled up amidst the firefight, serving as a cover in the middle of the road. Containers had been aligned systematically to the side with a few overhead cranes. The two sides having a shootout were easily distinguishable: one side were men in suits, the other were outfitted with casual clothes and the signature red bandanas of their gang.

    There were casualties on both sides. Some were injured, wailing from the pain, and some lay sprawled lifeless on the ground. Blood was flowing down the road in streams, interjoining body after body to form a river that spilled over the concrete and into the sea.

    A short distance away from the gunfight, a man clad in a grey camouflage uniform squatted by the top of a stacked container, peering into his night-vision binoculars as he carefully watched the ongoing gunfight. On his body was a lightweight ballistic vest, and the only weapons in his possession were a Swiss-made combat knife and a pistol holstered by his waist. His gaze was at ease, and his heartbeat steady; anyone could tell that he was no mere veteran.

    A wireless earpiece at the side of his head buzzed: This is Bravo to the squad leader. Suspicious movements detected heading towards the hot zone. That group just might be it.

    The man gently held a finger to the earpiece. This is squad leader to squad. Stand by. Wait for confirmation. His voice is low and husky. He removed the finger from his ear and refocused his vision to a saloon pulling up behind a container a few metres away from the gunfight. He flashed a sinister grin.

    It was a pincer move. Three men dressed in grey suits stepped out of the saloon and instantly rushed forward towards the gunfight with abnormal speed, each taking his own position in the counterattack. The men in suits stopped firing, hid, and waited for their accomplices behind them to finish the job.

    The asphalt beneath a few of the gangsters started to freeze under a pale smoke. Those caught within the icy circle felt a numbing cold pain creeping up their feet as the ice crawled from the soles of their shoes up to their ankles. They cried out in pain from the frostbite. The ones surrounding them were astonished at the sight of the paranormal attack, failing to notice the other accomplice flanking them from the side, slicing their limbs apart with his bare hand as though it were equipped with an invisible blade.

    Kill them crazies! One of the gangsters shouted.

    The gangsters retaliated.

    The accomplice easily dodged the bullets, some of which hit other gang members, and while the gangsters had their attention on him, another took centre stage as he leapt a few metres into the sky and landed in the middle of them. A ring of shallow flames appeared around the man, and shortly after, a wave of blazing fire surged forth from the epicentre, engulfing the stragglers and turning them into ashes. In less than a minute, the trio had subjugated their foes.

    Magicians confirmed, Bravo reported.

    Something caught the squad leader’s eye as he received the report. From a distance, down by the edge of the docks, he spotted a young civilian couple stealthily attempting to make their escape by hugging the shadows, darting between containers. He zoomed in on the couple through binoculars, fixated upon the girl with luscious black hair.

    Target spotted by the edge, north-east, the squad leader whispered.

    Target sighted, another voice responded.

    The three magicians tinkered with the bracelets on their wrists and suddenly looked up towards the direction of the couple.

    Shit, Bravo interjected. Looks like the magicians managed to track them. They are heading there now!

    The couple’s stealth mission was failing spectacularly, as the magicians were rushing towards them at full speed.

    The squad leader rolled forward onto his feet and sprang forward onto the adjacent container. Squad, move out! Snipers, take out the gunners first. Ground team will deal with the magicians!

    One of the magicians fidgeted with his bracelet for a few seconds before casting a spell. In an area directly ahead of the couple, little blocks of ice hailed down upon the couple as an effort to slow them down. Bewildered, the young man leapt forward, shielding the girl from the mini hail buffeting his back. The situation forced them to turn into a corner where they could use the overhead cranes and forklifts around to avoid the sudden hailstorm.

    The squad leader leapt overhead from container to container towards the magicians, hoping to catch them mid-pursuit. The gunmen in suits at the back from the earlier gunfight were in disarray as a sniper team was picking them off one by one. One of the ground team members ambushed a magician, throwing his entire body weight onto the magician in a short roll onto the ground and disarming him in an arm-lock position.

    Surprised by the ambush, the two other magicians briefly glanced at each other and continued with the pursuit, ditching their accomplice and splitting up. One took to the roof, and the other continued the pursuit on ground.

    The magician on the ground turned a corner to come face to face with a gunman clad in military gear in front of him, pistol drawn. The gunman rapidly pulled the trigger, emptying the chamber as the magician retreated in dodges and weaves. The ploy worked, as the magician failed to notice several small metallic beads stuck on the walls of a container right behind him. The mine was triggered and caught the magician in a kinetic field that bound his hands before he could retaliate with a spell. The gunman strolled up to the helpless magician while reloading the pistol, pointed the gun at his head, and pulled the trigger.

    The last remaining magician noticed the squad leader hot in pursuit, leaping from container to container. Fidgeting with the bracelet, he cast multiple spells in quick succession. Dozens of fireballs the size of baseballs emerged within seconds around the magician before curving off towards their target. The squad leader leapt, ducked, rolled, and deflected. Small explosions occurred wherever the fireball made contact. Lagging behind, the squad leader whipped out his pistol and fired several shots at the magician, who attempted to defend himself with a shield of fire. The bullets disintegrated into a cloud of glittering dust as they passed through the shield. The magician panicked as he vehemently pressed on, letting out coughs between breaths.

    The magician slowed down, allowing the squad leader to close the gap between them and stomp behind the fleeing mage, sending him tumbling across a container roof; he stopped just at the edge. He then hurriedly picked himself up and attempted to cast another spell, but the spell would not activate.

    Shit! Nanite dust? cried the magician.

    The squad leader rushed in with his body as low as he could go and delivered a gruesome uppercut that collided with the lower jaw of the magician. A loud crack echoed as the uppercut sent the magician flying off the container and onto the ground, physically disfigured and out cold.

    The squad leader stood over the edge, arms akimbo, gazing at the unconscious magician.

    I have retrieved the target, Bravo reported moments later.

    Mission accomplished. Great work, you guys, said the celebratory squad leader. Now let’s get the hell out of here.


    The sun had set, and it was dark out in the streets. Although the city lights were vibrant, many of those lights never reached the more secluded parts of the city—the hills especially. Mount Faber was the name of this hill. It was not exactly high enough to be considered a mountain, but this place was the highest point above sea level in the main city of New Singapore. Back in the old days—back when the old government was still in charge here, back when this city was still a nation called Singapore—this was a hotspot for tranquil walks during the day, with small trekking routes and intersections that crossed from one point to another, obviating the need to go around the hill on foot. In the evening, the sunset would give the sky a fiery orange glow that seemed to be a call for passion, making the area a spot for romance, especially on a bridge known as Henderson Wave. As the name suggests, the bridge had waves and curls built into its structure. Many couples and lovers visited at least once to share the view. When night fell, thrill seekers would drift in their rides along the sweet curves of the roads leading up and down the mountain.

    When the old government fell, Mount Faber was one of the very first areas to be remodelled and renamed. After being designated as District 11, it housed many facilities over a decade. At one point, it even turned into a warehouse storage area for building materials for the reconstruction of surrounding areas. Now it was abandoned, waiting for a new project to take hold and renew its purpose.

    There was a platform, and just a few metres below the peak of the hill stood a man. He had severe dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and long working hours. His glasses reflected the light from the lamppost he stood under. Based on his looks alone, he seemed to be well over forty years of age. He scratched his ruffled beard and realized that it was time for him to get a shave. No, it was time for him to overhaul his appearance. He was wearing simple track clothing: sleek jogging pants and a long-sleeved lightweight jacket. He had a lab set up below, within the mountain itself—a space he had taken a liking to and had taken up residence in. He was technically a trespasser, but that had not deterred him.

    The man’s pocket vibrated. He took out the phone and answered.

    Tell me the news, he said.

    He remained silent for the better part of a minute before acknowledging receipt of the message and hanging up. His expression grew concerned. Contemplating something in his head, he turned around after hearing faint, rapid footsteps.

    Sir! Sebastian! calls out another man in glasses, this one perkier looking, as he jogs over. We got word of another killing! The details were transferred just a few moments ago.

    The perkier guy’s name was Leo. He had on silver-framed glasses—the colour making it easier to see him in the night. He had a dirty white shirt with black trousers and was much younger looking than the man named Sebastian. His toes were sticking out of the slippers he was wearing.

    I know. Just got off the phone call with my CI, said Sebastian.

    There are multiple casualties this time! Leo cried out. And one of the victims is a magician. Are we to stay our hands and not investigate it? It has the same modus operandi as the previous two.

    Sebastian gave it a quick thought before concluding, I cannot.


    But you can.

    Sir? Leo looked perplexed.

    I have received orders not to interfere with the special investigation that they have set up. I cannot go against the command. You, on the other hand, can. So what do we have?

    It took all of a few seconds for the younger man to transfer the data from his electronic pad.

    Sebastian pushed up his glasses as he studied the information he brought up as a hologram from his wristwatch.

    The hologram displayed images of the bodies of victims from the reported case. There were three bodies in total, all men, with blood and organs painting the walls of the alley. Judging by the clothes of the victims, they were hanging out near the local pub just next door. Passers-by reported hearing shouting before the screams of the victims.

    As I mentioned before, Leo said, the victims were murdered in the same fashion as last time. Those who could not put up a fight died seemingly merciful, quick deaths. The others, especially the magician, had their bodies violently dismembered.

    Sebastian scrolled through the images before stopping at one showing blood splatter on a wall. He cross-referenced this with an image of a victim’s headless torso; the head had been located several metres outside the alley.

    Any findings or reports by the special investigation team?

    Nothing to tie the victims together, Leo replied. The information released publicly was that the killer is highly likely an ability user. It is weird that the special investigation team could only come up with this much. Don’t you think there is something strange afoot?

    Of course there is, Sebastian said.

    Leo agreed with the official statement. It looks like the work of a magician.

    I think it could be made to look like the perpetrator’s an ability user, or perhaps it is just someone with a new tech toy. Sebastian beckoned for Leo to stand beside him and enlarged the image of the bloodied wall. You see the blood-splatter pattern?

    Yes, I do. The victim’s torso was pushed against the wall with great force before being torn apart. His lower body dropped near the rubbish can, his torso was thrown close to the entrance of the alley, and his head possibly flew onto the road. This would require an ability user equipped with a mid-tier force spell.

    You would be correct, if not for the wounds on the decapitated head. Sebastian scrolled to the image of the head; the eyes were bloodshot, and a chunk of hair was missing from the top of the scalp.


    From the wounds on the neck and the scalp, it is evident that the head was ripped from the body. There are no wounds on the face to indicate that his head was blown off with the force.

    That would require immense strength.

    Yes, indeed. Sebastian pulled up more images on the hologram. These are the photos taken from the previous two murders.

    Leo studied them intently.

    The first victim had suffered a blow to the back of his head, caving in his skull—an instant death. The second victim was a testosterone-fuelled monster who had spent most of his time at the gym. He had received blows traumatic enough to crack the bones in each area where he’d been hit. The finishing touch was that the victim had been thrown onto a car, dying upon impact.

    According to your theory, Leo said, no ability was used in these murders, but rather raw strength and power. Could the killer be using techs then? Maybe a powered suit or kinetic gloves?

    Sebastian enlarged the picture of the first victim’s wound. There was a small mark on the scalp, just by the side of the dent.

    What does that look like to you? Sebastian asked.

    It is so small; it is hard to discern with so much brain matter and blood.

    Sebastian pulled up a program on the screen that analysed the image and revealed a slightly concave wound.

    Leo squinted and looked down to his hands. Then he looked back to the picture. He repeated the process twice more before gasping. Fingernails! Our killer isn’t using any tech. The killer is a physically enhanced individual.

    That is the most likely scenario, Sebastian said.

    Leo read the data in disbelief. The analytical data from the new parameters, the blood spatter, and the fingernail mark suggest that the killer is around five feet six in height and likely female, and that the killer can physically generate force equivalent to that of a five-tonne truck going downhill at full speed. This sounds really far-fetched, even in New Singapore.

    Sebastian turned to glance at Leo with a look in his eyes as if he were watching a puppy discover something for the first time. He smiled. Do you remember the first case I brought you along on? The moon hatchet case? You were just like this. You couldn’t comprehend the possibility of a single killer being in three murder sites at the same time.

    I do remember the case, of course, though not quite how you remember it. I can only think of it as the one I begged you to let me join in on. Leo paused, contemplated, then continued. Are you saying that the possibility exists now?

    Like you said, it is New Singapore—the most advanced nation in the world. The possibilities are limitless. You just have to find the clue that will put you on a track to the truth. To be honest, a super-enhanced individual wouldn’t surprise me—not any more. Sebastian sighed as he recalled an unpleasant memory.

    Leo noticed. You know of someone capable of this? he asked.

    Yes, but it is highly unlikely that it is my old partner. That guy is a muscle head for sure, but he is not one to kill indiscriminately. He is also over six feet tall, and his hands are much larger than the ones that made the fingernail mark.

    If it were your old partner, that would make him a Hound too. Which is also a road that points back to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the special investigation team should have already been on that.

    You have been my assistant for a little over two years. It is high time you piece together the fact that eight out of ten times a special investigation unit is formed, it is formed because the Board of Directors wants to cover up something that is never to be revealed to the public eye.

    Why is the conclusion not drawn from Solomon’s database? Leo asked as he again perused the data he had on his pad. If you could figure it out, then Solomon should be able to. The information in Solomon’s system is a free and public good.

    Solomon’s is a system derived from data. If data are omitted, then the system is not be able to draw its conclusion accurately.

    Are you referring to Director Shen? All roads and clues, no matter how small, lead back to him. The date of the killings coincides with the return of their scion, Christina Shen. Leo looked intrigued.

    Sebastian scratched his beard again. Pondering, as if he were struggling to disobey the command given to him, he said, We need more information.

    I could run another scan in Solomon’s system, but I don’t think it would be any different from the data we received, Leo suggested.

    No. Don’t run it through Solomon’s system. If the data are not there, that means something is missing. Solomon’s information is never wrong.

    I could attempt to fish more information through the underground network; however, that would take some time … and money. We’re almost out of funding; do you remember that? squealed Leo.

    Sebastian kept his silence as he further studied the data in front of him. The information was

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