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New Joy
New Joy
New Joy
Ebook82 pages1 hour

New Joy

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About this ebook

Time ...Space...Opportunity and Life in general put young love on hold.
Imagine those same factors bringing you back together.

Adara Michelle Williams was a sought out gospel soloist on the church circuit engaged to up and coming preacher Henry ClayboUrne. They were destined to be the next ministerial power couple of the west coast.
Her complete world turned around when Henry's criminal activity, infidelity and indiscretions were announced . Her hurt and embarrassment caused by the church gossip sealed her decision to move her California life back to New Joy with her grandparents the Bailey's. .In the sleepy town of New Joy, she knew she could lick her wounds and hide from judgmental eyes. To her surprise, meeting the new pastor of New Joy church only dredged up old memories.

Pastor Michael "Mike" Mc Neal and his little girl Mikayla were new to the sleepy little town of New Joy. His main goin is to make subtle changes in the sleepy town because he is and always was unconventional. He's taken the role of Pastor head on. He's just become engaged to Delia, one of the prominent women in the church and the community. He's adopted the Bailey family as his own . But a holiday visit to his parishioners proves that everything in New Joy isn't so sleepy or conventional as it may seem Seeing his first love for the first time in over a decade reminds him of why he became the man he is today.

Will Mike and Adara's past wake up the sleepy town?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2023
New Joy

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    New Joy - Kimona


    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee

    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee

    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

    The entire church was on fire when Adara finished singing before her fiancé, Pastor Henry Claybourne, got up to give his sermon. Her passion for singing gospel music was evident in every song, every note, and every run she sang. It was even more evident in the reaction of the numerous congregations she sang before. It was almost guaranteed that her angelic voice would set the atmosphere whether it be for the service that followed or just the sermon. She’d been approached many times about becoming a recording artist but denied it every time. She preferred a more intimate setting and didn’t believe that mode of ministry was her calling.

    Today she accompanied Henry Claybourne who needed her back up as he preached for his colleague’s anniversary. They arrived separately because according to Henry, she would be a distraction and he wanted to light it up, tonight; his words. They would go to dinner together after the service, her car... his treat.

    True to his nature Henry was ready to ride the wave that Adara stirred up. Prepared to work the congregation into a frenzy Amens and Preach Preacher being shouted all over the room. Winking in her direction, he thanked her, Before I read the scripture, I’d like to thank my beautiful fiancée Adara Michelle Williams, soon to be Claybourne, for ushering in the spirit this afternoon. Yes, I said Fiancée so all you single brotha’s out there know... she IS taken. There were laughs throughout the congregation. I found my good thing. Henry looked at her and winked again as the crowd agreed with Amens. There was more to his look than what the naked eye could see. Adara could feel herself blush but reeled herself back in when he stated the scripture and topic of his sermon. Turn with me in your Bibles to Matthew 7:15. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. My topic today is The Real Deal. He looked into the congregation, I stand before you today brothers and sisters to let you know how easy it was to be misguided by men and women who used the word of God to their advantage. These wolves in sheep’s clothing. They look like us. Talk like us. Dress like us. They’ve even been known to give some sage advice and those of you looking for the voice of God are fooled. You ever watch those movies where they trick the security guard by looping a video. And although he is doing his job with a watchful eye he misses what’s going on right in front of his face until it’s too late. Well, that’s us when we allow the wolves to penetrate our defenses. We’re being tricked to listen to his voice. Among the Amen’s and Preach preacher’s Adara being his loudest supporter, Henry went on to let them know that Pastor Jones was the real deal. He then encouraged the people to rely on their discernment. Telling them that God would let them know when they were faced with false prophets.

    Henry was a dynamic preacher, always encouraging and daring those who dared to listen to what he was saying to live it after the benediction. Today was no different from any time he stood behind the pulpit. Adara took them to the throne of grace and Henry made sure they knew why they were there. As she listened to his sermon she thought about how good of a team they were. He’d given her no reason to think that his intentions were not as sincere as hers. Especially when outside of the church settings, their discussions ranged from secular to biblical and they would talk all night debating issues, creating scenarios and picking each other’s brains for ideas. Adara wasn’t starry-eyed over Henry, but she loved him enough to envision herself as his wife and team mate leading Bethel Baptist to higher heights. He respected her, valued her input and opinion, and desired her enough to ask her to be his wife. Adara had long ago given up on being in love. She’d had it once a long time ago but life happened and it slipped through her fingers. After losing that person, she’d been subjected to one bad relationship after another. Adara realized that she was getting lost in her thoughts and reeled herself back in. How would it look if his rib was in la la land instead of his loudest proudest Amen corner? As usual, the people were all in with him and she was leading the charge.

    Because of his friendship with Pastor Jones, Henry was allowed to call a prayer line and he asked Adara to come up again and sing as he ministered to those who stood in line. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary until she looked up and saw one of their youth members standing at the end of the line, Jessinia who was very much pregnant. Jessinia hadn’t been active for a few months, her grandmother saying that the 16-year-old had gotten a job that took her weekends away. Adara had now seen that this was not the case. Jessenia looked like she was about to go into labor at any minute. She continued singing, keeping an eye on the girl still thinking it strange that she would pop up at another church across town. Only a few of the members came to support the pastor today, not even Jessinia’s grandmother made the trek.

    Then she saw a strange look on Henry’s face too, almost like panic and the closer Jessenia got to him in the line the more contorted his face became. And then all hell broke loose. As soon as Henry touched her forehead Jessenia began screaming. DON’T TOUCH ME YOU HYPOCRITE!!!!!!! IT’S YOUR FAULT!!!! THIS IS YOUR BABY!!!! HE SAID HE LOVED ME!!!! AND NOW I’M HAVING HIS BABY!!!! She was looking at Adara, she was talking to her. Jessenia was now in Adara’s face repeating over and over that she

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