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A Happier You In 60 Minutes: 4 Easy Ways to Be More Positive and Grateful Everyday
A Happier You In 60 Minutes: 4 Easy Ways to Be More Positive and Grateful Everyday
A Happier You In 60 Minutes: 4 Easy Ways to Be More Positive and Grateful Everyday
Ebook76 pages1 hour

A Happier You In 60 Minutes: 4 Easy Ways to Be More Positive and Grateful Everyday

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You don't have to change your whole life around to be happier and more positive. You can start being more grateful and feeling more optimistic in just 60 minutes. Change your default mindset with these four easy and practical concepts that take only seconds to integrate into your daily life but will have lasting effects on your mood and outlook. Told from a real mom's perspective, this book talks about real life examples most people face in their daily lives and how you can reframe the way you feel about negative situations. You are in complete control over your thoughts. If something is bothering you or affecting your mood, it is because you are letting it. With these four positive thinking techniques, you will be able to notice your negative emotions and stop them before they take control of your actions. You will be able to put your issues and annoyances into perspective and learn to appreciate what you have and what you don't have.

PublisherJ. J. Clark
Release dateFeb 19, 2023
A Happier You In 60 Minutes: 4 Easy Ways to Be More Positive and Grateful Everyday

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    A Happier You In 60 Minutes - J. J. Clark

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    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: It’s Okay to Not be Okay

    Practice Self-Compassion


    Reframe Negative Thoughts

    Set Realistic Expectations

    Surround Yourself with Positive People

    Prioritize Self-Care

    Celebrate Your Achievements

    Seek Professional Help If Needed

    Chapter 2: Gratitude is All About Perspective

    Identify Your VIPs

    Default Mindset

    Be Grateful for What Your Problem Isn’t

    Acknowledge, Challenge, Validate

    Practice Gratitude

    Bigger Picture

    Focus on What You Can Control

    Chapter 3: Assume the Best of People First

    Practice Empathy

    Focus on Strengths

    Look For Common Ground

    Innocent Until Proven Guilty

    Practice Forgiveness

    Stay Calm Even When Other People Suck

    Avoid Judgement

    Chapter 4: Strive for Progress, Not Perfection

    Benefits of Progress

    Reframe Your Goals

    Embrace Imperfection

    Growth Mindset

    Focus on the Process

    Let Go of Comparisons

    Short and Long-Term Goals

    Celebrate All Progress


    Enjoying the New You



    As a working mother of two, I used to find myself getting absolutely buried in the small stuff. Things like unfinished laundry, grocery lists, untidy kitchens and other mundane issues that litter the minds of many busy adults. With four jobs and very active kids, my color-coded calendar looked like a rainbow with multiple overlapping events each week. The play dates, the sports practices, the homework, the swimming lessons, the volunteering at school, etc. Not to mention wanting to find time for myself and my husband. Thankfully, both my husband and I work from home – a benefit from COVID if there is one. Still, it’s as if working from home makes it easier to over commit. I have all this extra time in the day...sure, I can do that! I’ll squeeze it in right between that appointment and that practice. I have always been known to take on more than I probably should. As a teenager I was student council president, varsity soccer captain, maintained a 4.0 grade point average, worked part-time and still had time for a social life. But despite the chaos, I like being busy. I always have. It is extremely hard for me to sit still. I like moving and learning and being involved. It would be easy for me to gravel in my misfortunes because with so much going on, there are certainly mishaps. I will always remember one night I was complaining about my non-stop schedule (the schedule I chose and willingly signed up for) and my husband simply said to me hon, happiness is a choice. My initial reaction was to roll my eyes and scoff. I was not saying I wasn’t ‘happy’. I was know...complaining. Like we all do. But instead of lashing back, I took those words to heart and spent the whole night analyzing them (overanalyzing is also something I do too much). How cool would that be if I could choose to be happy even despite all the imperfections I face in a day? All the mom guilt. All the red flags I see when I walk into a room and see all the things that need to get done. What a momentous change that would be! Well, from that night on I decided I was going to put this statement to the test because if I could make that be the case, it would be worth more than all the money in the world. I decided I was going to put myself in full control of my own feelings in hopes that it would help me maintain this busy life but be happier and more positive in the process. This thought process has now manifested itself in multiple cases throughout my days. I now realize that for every one misfortune in my life, I have at least five positives that I can be thankful for. My time and energy are valuable and I’m not about wasting it.

    After I made that shift in mindset it was like my whole world had gone through a washing machine and come out shiny and new. I started to appreciate every small thing that happened to myself and my family. For example, if my daughter tipped over her cereal bowl, instead of getting upset and raising my voice, I would find myself thankful that we could afford cereal, milk, and a bowl. I would think of it as a blessing that I have two wonderful children with enough of a zest for life to be a little wild even if it does

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