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The Warmth of Your Kisses
The Warmth of Your Kisses
The Warmth of Your Kisses
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The Warmth of Your Kisses

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About this ebook

In the heat of summer desire burns, longing overflows and romance blossoms. The best time of the year to be seduced and surrender to the most sumptuous caresses, the sweetest kisses, every provocative word and live intense adventures.

Fall in love with a sexy cowboy who will drive you crazy with just a lopsided smile and his sharp tongue.
Learn that desire has two faces and that in love not everything is fair.
Melt for a surprise of six feet, captivating smile and amber eyes that seep to the bone.
Understand that at the moment you least expect it, passion is capable of reviving the ashes of the most ardent fire.
And enjoy the smug looks of the lawyer who drives you crazy.

This summer is for reading and falling in love!

Release dateFeb 21, 2023
The Warmth of Your Kisses

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    The Warmth of Your Kisses - Alexandra Rago

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    The Warmth of Your Kisses

    Author: Alexandra Rago

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    I didn't want to work at my father's firm, not even the few hours he asked me to. Just thinking about it made me feel desperately bored. I liked to analyze criminal cases with him while we drank a few shots of whiskey , not to do it formally, much less with his partner. I loosened my tie knot, resigned, and looked out the window as the bright sun bathed the entire street in front of the clinic. It was a particularly hot summer day, although in my father's room we were comfortable thanks to the air conditioning. I turned and watched him rest on the bed, while my mother spooned the soup into his mouth.

    See you soon, dad.

    Son... He took a sip of water. Please help Uriel. I nodded. But you already know...

    Be kind, my mom said, completing the sentence for him.

    I made a face that was meant to be a smile that came to nothing, because I was busy biting my tongue so I wouldn't make an inappropriate comment about his partner that might upset him. The poor thing had just been operated on, it was better to avoid it. I leaned over to kiss him goodbye on the cheek and received his loving hug.

    Let me come with you and I'll take the opportunity to buy some things in the cafeteria, my mother said, handing her the bowl of soup.

    We leave the room and walk down the long corridor until we reach the elevator that we wait together. I reached out and hugged her, noticing her sidelong glances at me.

    "I know you don't like Uriel.

    —Don't worry, I'll be very diligent, I won't slight him. The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. Tell me, though, why do I have to go help him when he's got two paralegals, two other lawyers in the firm, and a bunch of interns? All young, handsome, very ready to assist him in whatever he needs.

    Tobias... he scolded me and avoided laughing.

    —I don't care that he's closeted gay, but half a pedophile? That really is disgusting and the worst thing is that people must think the same of my dad.

    "Oh, of course not. Besides, Uriel is

    Try to sound more convincing, Ma. She lowered her head to hide her laughter. When I was in college, gossip spread like wildfire and the girls knew it wasn't worth applying for an internship at Dad's law firm, because Uriel only picks male interns... tall, slender, and good-looking.

    My mom remained silent, what was she going to say? It was not the first time that we had discussed the subject or that I had made the same observations. Uriel's wife was a judge who was rumored to be a lesbian and although there was no evidence in this regard, everything indicated that they married for convenience, to maintain the appearances that society demanded decades ago.

    —This story that it is better to work only with men to avoid drama and problems, as well as being discriminatory, is stupid.

    And macho, my mother said.

    And why the hell don't you say it?

    -I? My mom laughed. But you think I'm stupid. I am thirty-five years old, very calm knowing that your father only works with men.

    I frowned, she wasn't too jealous, so her comment amused me.

    —Anyway, I'll go to give dad peace of mind, because, I mean, what the hell am I going to do there?

    —That, giving peace of mind to your father, is a very important case. Go and do... he looked at me and gave me the impression that he was searching for what to say what you know how to do. Help with whatever it takes and tell him how the case is going, while he's resting, so he doesn't worry. Uriel gets stressed and stops answering the phone.

    —Yes, but don't get your hopes up about my contributions, I don't practice criminal law.

    —Tobey, it's the same thing they do at home when they discuss cases and you help him.

    I put my hand to my hair, brushing it back. It was one thing to talk to my dad and another, very different, to do it with his partner that I hadn't liked since I could remember. I understood, at that moment, that the next few days would be shit and indeed, after spending a few afternoons at the firm, the assumption became a certainty.

    The routine to which I was accustomed had to undergo modifications to please my father. In the morning I was in my office and after three in the afternoon I would go to his office, which, although it was very spacious, did not have windows like mine, so it seemed a bit claustrophobic to me. I only spent a few hours a day there, but it seemed like forever. At times the air felt stale and I had no choice but to go up to the roof of the building to breathe. Although I didn't know what was worse, if being inside smelling the excess of perfumes of all the types of the office or burning myself for fifteen minutes under the sun. So I preferred to hold out until almost seven and go upstairs and have one of the beers I'd successfully smuggled into his mini-fridge to beat the summer heat.

    -Good afternoon doctor. Here are the copies of the jurisprudence that you asked me for," said the secretary, leaving them on the desk.

    I'm not a doctor yet...

    —Excuse me, it's the custom for your dad...

    Don't worry, I said making a gesture to dismiss the matter, he nodded in understanding and then left.

    While Uriel kept trying to find elements of conviction that could prove the client's innocence, I was assuming that he wouldn't find them and neither would the prosecutor. So I was dedicated to studying ways to invalidate or discredit the evidence on which, probably, this would support the accusation. It didn't matter if the client cried his nose and insisted that he was not guilty, or that he had no motive for committing the crime, it would be quite difficult for Uriel to extricate him from it.

    I took a jurisprudence that I began to leaf through, reading quickly. I looked for a highlighter, I wanted to underline a part to concatenate with what I knew about the case. I ran the tip over the page, realizing that it was almost out of ink. I rummaged through the drawers without finding another. I got up to ask the clerk for one, but he was too busy on the phone, so I went to one of the supply closets. Just as I was walking down the hall, I noticed his presence.

    It took me a couple of seconds to react, what the fuck was she doing there?

    A guy brushed past me and I pulled him by the shoulder before he entered the conference room, where Uriel's assistant was handing out some tasks among the interns. I moved to the side, out of Samantha's possible angle of vision. She looked very changed, very... I had never seen her in a suit. My eyes fell to her ass that was outlined under the fabric of her pants. She had her brown hair tied up in a high ponytail that gave her a certain air of smugness, heels... I knew her in slippers and complaining about anything that made her feet hurt. Of course, at that time the career was beginning, so she had not yet adopted the typical lawyer look . The truth, she looked very professional, very beautiful... fucking sexy and intimidating.

    The girl, what the hell is she doing here?

    She's the new intern. I looked at him confused. We are all equally surprised. She is one of Uriel's students at the university, she passed the three exams of her subject with one of the best grades and...

    And that's why you're here?

    —Dr. Uriel's exams are very difficult... There are four in total, three written and one oral. Twenty of the sixty people in the section passed, but only one scored more than seventy points. She got ninety-eight on all three. I nodded as a sign of understanding, I already knew all that story. He exempts people with these types of qualifications from the fourth exam and asks them to help him with the rest of the students. Apparently she's so bright that the doctor offered her an internship now that she's entered her tenth semester and she's left the other firm she was at to come here.

    Shit, shit, shit... Now that made things complicated. I had been avoiding coincidence with her for years and I came to find her where I least expected. what a shit

    She is blessed among all men, the boy said with a laugh, and I gave him such a serious look that he fell silent ipso facto .

    Can you find me a highlighter and bring it to my office?


    The boy left just as she looked up and our eyes met. «It takes me the dick!». He raised his eyebrows in surprise and then sneered at me, walking to the door to close it, leaving me there...fucked up.

    Arriving at my desk I started typing on my phone.

    And why the hell didn't you tell me that your little sister is an intern at my dad's law firm? I wrote to Óscar, my best friend from college.

    I was loosening my tie knot, stressed, when his reply came.

    She just told me last night, it was something last minute, she is very excited to be there, that's why they only take boys hahaha.

    I laughed at his double meaning.

    Tell your dad to take good care of her.

    The boy came into my office to hand me the highlighter and left immediately when he saw me typing on the phone.

    They had to have an emergency operation for appendicitis, he is resting, I am here helping.

    "Ah, man, I hope he recovers soon. Well, better then, that's how you take care of her, don't let any of those bastards do anything to her».

    Calm down, I wrote, slumping back in my chair, thinking that I was seriously fucking pissed off.

    Let's see if we get together for a drink soon.

    Let us know and we'll see you.

    Almost four years had passed, but I still felt that I should have done better that summer. Although it wasn't all my fault, actually, it was his fucking worthless brother who had formulated a plan to cheat on his girlfriend. My friend and his sister came from another city, so from time to time, they would visit their parents. Óscar invented one of those meetings so he could go to the mountains with another girl. The plan seemed very believable, because of one small detail: he would take his little sister with him because, obviously, she was supposed to go to his house too.

    I remember saying to her, Who the hell plans a vacation with another woman and takes the sister? It's too low, even for you. However, for Óscar, the desire to fuck that brunette, without having to deal with the stress of his girlfriend finding out, didn't let him think clearly or maybe it was the opposite, desire had made him more cunning.

    He begged me to come with them and be with Samantha. I tried to give more viable options like leaving his sister with a friend and having him go alone with the brunette, but he knew he would need Sam as an alibi later. For example, for him to answer his phone while he was: walking with his father, helping his mother, taking a bath, or some other lie like that.

    —Come on, this is how we celebrate that we finished the practices and that graduation is almost there.

    "We already did. Does Daniela's pool party ring a bell?

    "Don't be a killjoy, Tobias, it's the last long weekend we'll have. After we graduate, Almudena will return to the capital... I won't be able to see her.

    I didn't want to be part of his dishonest plans, however, he was quick to extract all the favors he had done me in recent years. He insisted that he would bear the cost, as well as giving me a cheap pitch about how he had chosen to go to the mountains because he knew I preferred cold climates. Apparently, he had to thank her for the extraordinary sacrifice she made of not going to the beach, losing herself to the brunette in a bathing suit. Great scoundrel.

    In the end I had no choice but to accept. I decided to take my car, to preserve some sense of independence and witness as little as possible his exchanges of saliva with that girl. Sam wasn't happy, although it wasn't the first time she was involved in one of her brother's plans, who convinced her, like me, by charging him for a favor from the past. He chose to travel with me to keep me company, which improved his mood and mine.

    Even though she was four years younger than me, we had great chemistry. We always had a good time, we never lacked for a topic of conversation. There was also the detail that I liked Samantha... I liked smiling after bringing a snack to my mouth while driving; I liked dozing in the passenger seat; I liked it disheveled after putting on a sweater. Even so, I never considered the possibility that we were more than friends, it was clear to me that it would be something too problematic. First, because she was Óscar's little sister, who always made it clear to all his friends that they didn't dare mess with her; second, because she was covered by an aura of innocence that I didn't know how to deal with. I preferred dating girls my age.

    The atmosphere of the town that we visited was very fresh and the mountains were full of beautiful landscapes. We stayed in a hotel that rented mini-apartments that had two rooms. Oscar and his girl stayed with the double, while Sam took the other one that had a couple of bunk beds. I preferred to sleep on the sofa to give him privacy. In the mornings the smell of the coffee she prepared woke me up. We used to sit on the terrace, wrapped in a blanket with our steaming cups to look at the pine forest and breathe the fresh air. Although in reality, he ended up enjoying seeing her, who looked beautiful, with her cheeks flushed due to the cold.

    But what at first was a very pleasant atmosphere, after two days it became boring. We had already visited the tourist places, eaten the typical dishes and done some hiking. Óscar, of course, didn't notice anything, at night he went to fuck himself happily and he was such a scoundrel that he left his phone silent in the living room, where every so often the screen would light up with a message from his girlfriend, who then he opted to call Sam to ask about him.

    The next day, Almudena insisted that we travel to a cooler town, an hour and a half up the mountain, to visit a beautiful lagoon and change the scenery. I gladly accepted. Sam picked up his big duvet, with which he had decided to travel, threw it in the back seat of my car with his luggage and we gave up the room because we intended to stay at another nicer inn on the way back. We toured the different sites enjoying an excellent day. The problem was that it was a bit late for us and we didn't expect it to be so foggy.

    We couldn't see the road, so we had to return to that town, which was practically empty after six in the afternoon. We only found one hotel. Óscar smiled saying that we were lucky, there were two rooms available, they were not located next to each other, but that was the least of it. Of course, he was only interested in being able to be alone with the girl, he didn't care about the rest. His sister and I would have to share a double bed that seemed smaller than normal to me. I got the impression that my friend didn't even have a bad thought related to our sleeping arrangement. In fact, neither do I. Sam didn't even flinch.

    We were starving so we decided to go find something to eat. As we went out into the hotel corridor and passed by the room where Óscar was, we heard a kind of laugh that soon turned into a moan from the brunette, so we quickly moved away from there. Sam was very explicit in describing the brain damage she would suffer if she ever heard her brother having sex.

    After walking the streets of that desolate town, we found a tiny store where we could buy some food to prepare. Then we hurried back, it was beginning to get dark and as the light faded from the streets, they took on a certain gloomy air. We sighed with relief when we were alone in the room, so, setting things down on the table, I turned on the heat and we made the sandwiches. Oscar went by looking for a pair and left quickly. We ate sitting on the edge of the bed with nothing but our company because there was no cable TV.

    I'm going to take a shower, Sam announced half an hour later.

    -So that?

    I always take a shower before I go to sleep, she said, and I could see her shaking a little as she spoke.

    —Don't bathe, you'll get cold later.

    —I have my duvet there, in addition to the blanket from the room.

    —You take a bath before going to sleep because we live in a city with an average temperature of almost forty degrees, but here it's ten. Also, you showered in the morning, I doubt you sweated too much...

    —There's hot water, I can't put on my pajamas if I haven't showered.

    I decided not to argue and took advantage of his absence to change. As soon as she left the bathroom, she ran to lie next to me on the bed, wrapping herself in the covers, leaving only a small slit where her brown eyes could be seen.

    "I told you not to bathe.

    The room had no Wi-Fi and the reception was lousy, even so, everyone dedicated themselves to killing time on their respective phones. The lack of traffic in the town plunged everything into absolute silence, which allowed me to hear the noise that filtered through his headphones. After a while, he put the phone down and looked at me sideways. We both told each other the obvious with our eyes, we were so bored.

    -I feel very cold.

    I reached over and reached for my bag that was at the foot of the bed. I looked for a pair of socks and dived through the blankets until I found her feet, to put them on top of the ones she was wearing.

    He uncovered his face, thanked me, and then covered his nose again. I checked the weather on my phone, it was eight degrees; quite a change in temperature for a skinny girl who took a bath and lived in a city where, at the same time, you could cook eggs on the sidewalks.

    Aren't you cold?

    "Yes, but not as much as you...

    —Of course, you're going to sleep all stinky.

    I raised my arm, placing my armpit in his face and Sam groaned kicking. I laughed exposing how exaggerated it was. Like her, I had bathed in the morning.

    Okay, you don't smell bad, he admitted, and I moved back to my side, taking the proper precaution to keep some distance.

    We had already shared a bed before, on more than one occasion I dropped next to her, while she read in her room. The first time I did it, he asked me what I was doing there and I replied that I knew perfectly well the number of girls that his brother put in his bed, ergo, I was very doubtful about the hygiene of his sheets, unlike his that always they smelled good. That was my silly way of telling her that I loved her scent. She laughed and since then, she allowed me to doze next to her when I visited her house, but

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