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Tormented Desire: Beauty Tormented, #2
Tormented Desire: Beauty Tormented, #2
Tormented Desire: Beauty Tormented, #2
Ebook540 pages8 hours

Tormented Desire: Beauty Tormented, #2

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A man who gave his heart, and in doing so, lost it too.

Cristóbal Garza fell in love years ago with an unscrupulous woman full of resentment. When everything was exposed, his soul froze and he swore never to trust his feelings again, because because of it, his sister suffered unspeakable atrocities and his family ended.

He now goes through the gray life, without attachments and without dreams. With an emporium in charge of him, he throws himself into work as an escape from his loneliness. However, he does not count on the fact that right there life could give him another chance and a lesson that, if he allows it, will change everything.

Could it be that someone will be able to wake him up from that gloomy lethargy in which he finds himself submerged by guilt? Could it be that he can and deserves a second chance to smile and enjoy himself? That playing with fire is not the best way to quench desire?

Or is it that his heart is not as stupid as he thinks?

Release dateFeb 21, 2023
Tormented Desire: Beauty Tormented, #2

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    Book preview

    Tormented Desire - Alexandra Rago

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    Table of Contents








    7.LET'S PLAY






    13. FREE FALL



    16. BE IN LOVE


    18. YOU


    20. BEING ONE


    22. I CAN'T AVOID IT

    23.I'M EMPTY


    25. HIS WAY






    Tormented Desire

    Author: Alexandra Rago

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    A jerk. Yes, an absolute and complete jerk. How was it possible that he couldn't control himself? How the fuck did he act like a fucking teenager? Had he learned nothing in life?

    No, it seemed that there were things in which he hadn't matured yet, but he couldn't resist it, well, he didn't even remember that he had a brain inside his head that he had to use, even more so, just at moments like that.

    Shit and a thousand times shit!

    He was a jerk. Caro was delicate, she wouldn't be back for several months, and that girl with almond-colored eyes was her understudy. She prayed that things wouldn't get complicated, that she wouldn't think they would go from there because no matter how much she aroused her senses to the stupid point of feeling an internal collision, she would never, ever undertake anything more serious than that with anyone. He swore to him and he would keep it.

    He wanted to be the best uncle, the best brother, nothing more. No ties, fewer commitments and of course in your fucking life involve something more than your body and desire.

    He rested his forehead on the door of the luxurious bathroom of that hotel where he had been staying for a few days. Stripped of clothes and only a towel wrapped around his waist, he tormented himself incessantly.

    At least he used protection. He was a cautious man, he learned that a long time ago and although he didn't plan for something like this to happen to her, the truth was that he didn't know if it would happen to anyone else.

    But hell, her body was a cauldron about to burst when she was close, she didn't recognize herself. On the other hand, since all that happened, he took that kind of encounter lightly, without paying attention to who or when, so meticulousness on that point was accentuated. What he never foresaw is that his instinct would betray him in that abominable way and do the opposite of what he should. It was seriously stupid.

    oh! She squeezed her eyes shut and went to the mirror. He splashed water on his face until he was completely cold and he still felt his body boil, especially certain parts, just remembering what had just happened.

    He vibrated like never before, he let himself go without hesitation, without holding back one bit. He took her like that without further ado and evoking her slow, anxious moans, her hands clinging to her shoulders, her absolute abandonment, only made her spill water again.


    He took a deep breath and got the fuck out of his hiding place. He would make everything very clear to her and he hoped that she would be mature enough to understand that this was just a chance meeting that would not be repeated. Yes, that was for the best.

    In doing so, he did not see anyone, in fact, there was no trace that that fierce display of passion had occurred there. He dressed still incredulous. He came out with the collar of his shirt unbuttoned and untucked. He would be relaxed and try to be forceful.

    He walked down the neat hallway until he came to what was a six-person dining room. She was there with her open computer reading something carefully. Dressed again in that casual outfit that made her look so earthy, with her hair loose that fell to the middle of her narrow back, she was nonchalantly eating chocolate.

    The young woman raised her eyes to his when he was in front of him, just for a second. Her indifference puzzled him. Seeing her like that, cold, he narrowed his eyes unable to understand. He approached with his hands in his pants pockets ready for a litany or a series of complaints, perhaps with a probable resignation or demands. No way, I wouldn't give in to any.

    —I already sent them to Gregorio and the verification department. In the morning we will know if everything is in order. He spoke with his typical smugness. He avoided opening his mouth due to shock. It was as if what happened a few minutes ago simply hadn't happened. Was that possible? Would he really act like it was nothing? He watched her finish the candy for a second, then sucked on one of her fingers, surely it had traces of chocolate. He swallowed stunned, that gesture only served to wake him up again and the worst thing was that he did it without that eagerness, as he used to. I think that's all. Need anything else? She stood up and closed the computer relaxed. Seeing that he did not respond, the young woman looked at him expectantly. He immediately reacted.

    -No, nothing. See you in the morning," he settled seriously.

    Yes, I'll be here at nine. Good night —he confirmed and walked past her, leaving that feminine trail that a few moments ago had crept through his entire body, to leave without saying anything else.

    He stood there, stunned, amazed. Wow, that was new. Refreshing too. He smiled denying while rubbing his neck. It was a relief to know that he wouldn't have any problems regarding that debauchery, the complicated thing was that he didn't want it to be the last time.


    «I'm sorry, Cristóbal, I'm really sorry... I swore to my father that they wouldn't be happy either, but I didn't count on you being like that, that... I would love you the way I do. That's why I didn't take possession, that's why I couldn't continue. I hope one day you forgive me and understand how much I love you.

    Those damn words woke him up, although not every night anymore, for a year, when he managed to get his sister back after all that atrocity, yes sometimes. And it is that every time that woman appeared in his mind, like this, without being requested, much less invited, anger ate at him, hatred and resentment ate at him.

    The damage he did to them was irreparable, especially to her, to Andrea. Damn, he hated her with all his soul and he wanted to erase the mark that step had left on his life. How to forget that he murdered his parents? How to leave behind the humiliation, mistreatment and harassment to which he subjected his sister? How to get out of her mind the fact that she fell in love with that monster, that he married her, that... destroyed her whole life with that disgusting plan? Who lived twelve years of lies. As?

    He sat on that soft surface clenching his jaw. Even though I had air conditioning, I was sweating. He rubbed his face. He glanced at the clock on the black marble table. Five in the morning. She flopped down on the white sheets, huffing and puffing. Would that never end? He no longer loved her, not for a long time, and in fact he already doubted that he had really done so at some point, the truth was that he believed so for years and seemed determined to endlessly remind her of the mistakes of the past, his weakness and your stupidity.

    He turned his face and turned on the lamp. There, next to the clock, the photo of his flea together with Fabiano, his nephew. He smiled, leaving aside that discomfort that thinking about that vermin caused him.

    His sister Andrea had given birth to a big, healthy boy a month ago. As soon as he found out that this little boy would arrive, he flew to Córdoba, the place where he was born, since his fixed residence was on a farm in Veracruz; So four weeks before Fabiano came to this world, she and Matías moved there to avoid any situation that might require more medical infrastructure. So, without wasting time, he appeared in that place ready to meet his nephew.

    His brother-in-law and best friend showed unusual tranquility, because the truth was that everything about her always upset him, or rather, worried him, that man lived to see that young woman he adored happy day and night.

    He smiled again. That was love, those two went through horrible things and in the end, what they felt made their wounds heal and not only that, but also strengthened what was already made of steel.

    One more day and apparently he had to start it a little early... He got up hopelessly, he knew that after those nightmares sleep would not come back, so he drank a glass of water and went to the room where he had exercise equipment and that had that amazing view of Mexico City, still dark, thanks to its huge windows.

    A penthouse in that very tall building was his choice when he sold that house that made him relive every two seconds how stupid he was for trusting that woman. But never again. He would never listen to his heart and soul again, not when they encouraged him to, unknowingly, participate in the unhappiness of the being that, together with Fabiano, he loved the most; his sister. No, I didn't trust them and that was for the best.

    He changed clothes on the spot, turned on the television, and began jogging on the treadmill while listening to the news on CNN International. At nine o'clock, the Jaguar XJ was received by one of the conglomerate employees who used to take charge of his vehicle every morning, while the head of his personal escort followed him at a regulatory distance.

    He greeted the guard with a cold gesture while he opened the elevator for him, dialing the number he knew he was going to.

    —Carolina told you that stroller[1] wanted? he questioned Roberto, his escort. He nodded next to her. That was not part of his job, however, his assistant was not the one for the task and his head of security had personnel under his supervision, so managing the acquisition of something like that was not a problem. They were already alone. He used to accompany him to the top floor where his office was and there he would agree with his right hand to tie the appointments of the day.

    You know that woman isn't easy, he huffed, but I managed to get Blanca to get the information out of her, he confessed with a serious, albeit proud, tone. Christopher smiled, shaking his head. Yes, she was stubborn and in addition to Andrea, who did whatever she wanted with him, Caro was also the other woman he trusted, since they had been working together for years and she always showed him to be loyal and upright, especially at that moment when everything came to an end. it collapsed, without remedy, like a house of cards that when blown on it doesn't take long to fall completely.

    -Yes I will know. Well, make sure she has the most equipped one and buy her, I don't know, all those things for babies," she asked, checking her email. He was a workaholic, even more so since all that happened. Roberto nodded formally. They got along very well. Their working relationship began when Mayra, Cristóbal's ex-wife, entered prison. For obvious reasons, he fired the entire previous team and that man was recommended by Gregorio, his lawyer and man of absolute confidence. So two years was the time she had known him in which, although they did not become intimate, since he no longer did it with anyone, they did maintain that short distance that one should have with someone so vital for their safety.

    -Consider it done. Although believe me, you have time.

    I know, but I'd rather that earring go away. —So it was; controller, glider, nothing could come out of that schedule that was stipulated, of what should and had to be.

    -Good morning. —A blonde girl with soft features greeted him just as he entered his office. Caro, her assistant, despite being around six months pregnant, remained slim and, although fatigued, was the best at what she did.

    -How's the morning? asked his boss while he served himself coffee in his usual cup, which was located next to the entrance of that huge and modern place.

    The same kilos, but more tired, her assistant admitted, smiling, while she drank orange juice that she used to bring with her so that the pressure would stay at its proper levels, according to her. Cristóbal smiled denying.

    I thought all the pregnant women ate and slept, he said jokingly, going to his chair that was behind a huge desk made of thick glass. She rolled her eyes, as always, and Roberto was talking on the cell phone. Routine.

    In our grandmothers' days, now it's different and you know it, Andrea barely went up, she reminded him tired but smiling. The man reclined on the back of his soft chair with a graceful slurping of that hot liquid that should never be missing from his system at that time of the morning and watched her nodding. She was pretty, personable, and amazingly smart. She had been married for almost eight years, at thirty-two she decided to look for her first child, something that upset not only the life of that good and efficient woman, but her own as well.

    Now you are the experts, he provoked, raising an eyebrow mockingly. He enjoyed teasing her.

    Leave my tummy alone and let's get started, she scolded, rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time. The man nodded straightening up. Only she dared to address him that way, no one, at any time, would have that kind of answer, but more than seven years together gave her that right.

    After fifteen minutes of brief meeting, their head of security left them alone. Both were reviewing the information on the purchase of a well-known hotel chain in Quebec on the tablets . If everything went well, in a couple of weeks they would fly there and the deal would be closed.

    Among many other things, Grupo Nord-Sud, —the French name that the conglomerate carried thanks to his grandfather who decided to call it that because his mother was from that country— had high-level hotel chains. The business consisted of looking for hotels with potential that had financial problems. They bought them and positioned them again to sell them on the stock market at exorbitant but fair prices.

    Carolina, he called her when they finished catching up. The blonde looked at him waiting for the next order. Seeing the face of her handsome boss, she knew it wasn't strictly business what she would say to him. Are you sure you can? How much time do you have exactly? he questioned, rubbing his masculine chin.

    The woman laughed, shaking her head. He knew well what he was referring to or, rather, to whom. She huffed and placed the tablet in front of her, leaning her sore back against the seat. The day before she had asked him the same question and of course she knew the answer better than anyone, she was sure even better than her husband.

    —Three months, Cristóbal. The same as yesterday and the day before yesterday. He narrowed his eyes when he heard her. That man was a force to be reckoned with, powerful, firm, and a couple of years ago, a whole iceberg. But who could judge? What he lived through was atrocious, abominable in reality and worse still, public knowledge, which is why he became, over time, reserved, a whole safe deposit box. However, she was not afraid of him, she had been his personal assistant for a long time in which he showed her his unconditional and loyalty at all times, something that he, his boss, knew how to appreciate after everything that happened with that monstrous woman.

    You're to blame for my anxiety, that girl you chose, you know... She doesn't quite convince me, he reminded her annoyed. Carolina let out a weary sigh, lost her sight in the sky and other equally tall buildings that were located in that impressive city.

    She's the best to cover me, besides, it'll only be three months, she murmured conciliatoryly. We have been discussing it almost daily, it will be ready. And after that he will go to the Finance department, the presence of someone like that is needed there, he knows what he is doing.

    You told me, but I don't know. It's...disrespectful, he stated, arching an eyebrow.

    —And you weren't the most courteous, besides, that's one of the reasons I decided it was the one; it won't tell you what you want to hear. You need someone with initiative, not a weather vane that starts crying at the first problem or worse, when you get upset.

    Are you saying that I'm unsympathetic? he asked seriously.

    —Sometimes and you know it... Cristóbal, don't make it more difficult for me. The process to choose her was torture, you said you would trust what she decided. They already investigated her, I know that she is the one to replace me. —The man took another sip of his coffee, watching her from behind the cup with those amazing green eyes that could stop anyone because of the warning that emanated from them. He hated, he feared and he was still full of anger, of courage and it showed.

    "Well, I won't say more. She will be your substitute, but starting Monday I want her to be in the meetings and for her to come in here when you do. If I don't see her interact, how can I believe you? Two months for you to better understand the pace of work seems adequate to me.

    —It's a good idea, in fact, I think it's time. She already knows what she has to do abroad, and even Hugo has been able to train her a little for the other position. He learns very quickly and never stops.

    Well, that will be left aside until you return, I don't want her to be involved in anything else, Jimena and Blanca won't be able to handle everything, she should be you if possible, he declared. The woman narrowed her eyes.

    —As long as you trust this; It will work, but if every time you see it you walk right by like you do, it will be complicated and I won't train anyone else. So decide," he threatened. Cristóbal got up somewhat annoyed, he didn't understand why this new girl irritated him, annoyed him, put him on edge from the first moment he saw her two months ago.

    He lost his gaze at the bright sky, the layer of smog from up there was quite sharp; a dark cream covered the city and, above it, blue crowned by the golden light of the sun that was already in full swing. The daily thing

    Okay, you win. And I hope you're not making a mistake, he blurted out with a touch of an ultimatum. Caro denied understanding; he was distrustful and surprisingly secretive. Damn woman! She took with her everything that used to belong to Cristóbal, who, although he was not happiness personified, was not taciturn and hard as he was now.

    The rest of the day was coming and going, calls, investments, everything the same, without failures, without difference, without error. This was his life, this was how it should be. To finish at nine at night exhausted, ready to swim in the pool at his apartment and sleep until the next day if that damn didn't dare appear in his dreams, ruining everything like she used to.

    He left his office, rubbing the bridge of his nose, with his tablet and cell phone in hand. The employees had already left, including Carolina, half past seven was her time to end shift and if it wasn't essential, she didn't like anyone staying longer than necessary.

    His assistant's computer was still on and there were papers in front of the machine. He wrinkled his forehead at the realization and suddenly heard heels mark his arrival with a brisk step. He looked up.


    The girl was carrying a couple of folders attached to her chest.

    Good evening, the young woman greeted fearlessly, her head held high and looking directly at him through her brown eyes. Cristóbal felt that annoying feeling again. She was pretty, perhaps too much, with fine features, not very tall, thin, and she used to wear her brown hair in a formal ponytail, but not tight, and casual bangs, so she always looked natural, fresh, and simple.

    I think the time to leave is past, he stated in an authoritative voice. She nodded showing a grimace that she pretended to be a smile with those not very full lips lightly painted a peach color. She was clad in a tight but demure dress that outlined her figure in a way that made him tense. Nothing ever seemed to faze her.

    I know, but Carolina was feeling tired and I offered to finish some things that were important, he explained with that calm, peaceful voice, but loaded with firmness. He moved forward and set the things down on the surface without hesitating.

    Shit. That was what irritated him, in general everyone trembled, they saw him and even straightened up, not to say that they went out of their way to please him. However, this woman passed by and was never intimidated.

    I don't like that the staff spend more time than they should, he declared seriously, watching her sit in front of the computer, relaxed.

    —I also know, but I have to finish and I doubt that it seems like a good idea to you that this is not ready for the meeting that you have tomorrow with the new restaurant chain that you want to acquire —he argued, moving the computer mouse delicately. Cristóbal gritted his teeth, realizing that he felt irritated again, he didn't even look at him.


    I detect irony in your tone and you must know I don't like it, he roared under his breath, contained. The young woman blinked up at him, confused.

    I would never allow myself to do such a thing. I'm telling you what to do and why I haven't left yet. As soon as I'm done with this, rest assured I'll be leaving," he clarified. Cristóbal felt stupid. He took a deep breath, nodding. It wouldn't be a problem, he was exhausted, it was likely that he really hadn't meant things like that.

    He'll be at that meeting. So yeah, I hope everything goes well. Good night," he sentenced. His new assistant couldn't help but widen her eyes in a bit astonished, this was the first time he'd asked her for something. She wasn't afraid of him, but she had to admit that he was an imposing man and although she wasn't an insecure or fearful woman, her mere presence made her senses alert immediately. She quickly hid the feeling and nodded slightly.

    Good evening, sir, he said formally. Once he stopped listening to her light but determined footsteps. He exhaled and placed his forehead on the glass surface. That time with him would be difficult, worse than that, a nightmare, but he wouldn't give up. He needed that job and, furthermore, if he managed to overcome his sour character, he would have the desired position and the financial worries due to the situation he was living in would no longer be.

    I smile optimistically. Yes, everything would be fine; she was tenacious, intelligent and determined, she was prepared and the effort of her grandparents would make her count no matter what. On the other hand, her grandmother's medical care was well covered since she was admitted and that made them live more peacefully. He could with that man who, although he partly understood his behavior, did not take away his pedantic.

    Yes, he was a handsome prig, well, a very handsome prig he actually fooled around a bit.

    He shook his head scolding himself. She wasn't for that, nor would she ever mess with a guy like him, she remembered twisting her mouth as she used to do when she was pensive.


    The house was submerged in that silence that he knew so well, surely he was sleeping. She left her things on the bottom steps of the stairs and headed for the kitchen. He was starving.

    The place was spacious, although old, however, it had everything she ever needed and more if she was honest. He walked over to the microwave, smiled. A well served dish was right there. He thanked in silence and put it to warm up for just the right amount of time. When the device announced that the food was ready, he took it out and began to eat it standing up, staring into space, paying no attention to anything in particular. That night he should have gone to rehearsals, he didn't like being absent. That, along with his profession, was what he loved most. Suddenly the image of that man returned.

    He could still remember the day Carolina introduced him to him; her palms were sweating and even though she knew the position was already hers, if he refused, there was nothing she could do about it. I had heard a little about his life years ago, it appeared in all the newspapers and television channels, it was a gigantic media bombshell, one of those difficult to forget due to the impact. She never thought that just over two years later she would have him right in front of her.

    She entered a little shaky, although hiding it perfectly. He twisted his mouth and took a deep breath, the truth is that he almost stopped dead when he saw it. I knew him from the news, but seriously, nothing did him justice, the guy in front of him was a model from some famous brand; handsome, manly and with the most chilling look I had ever seen, he emanated ice without the slightest effort. She smiled as usual and continued until she reached the desk while her boss looked at her contemptuously and without much interest.

    Here she is, your next assistant, Cristóbal, Caro spoke. He raised an eyebrow in agreement. The young woman extended her hand in introduction with that huge smile painted on her face.

    Good morning, my name is Kristián Navarro, she said lightly. Without shaking her hand, the man looked at Carolina laughing despotically. The new assistant lowered her hand, she didn't understand what that was about.

    Is that your name, Caroline? he questioned. The blonde blinked in bewilderment, she didn't understand what she meant.

    Yes, she replied, intrigued. He stood up serious and pointed at her in disbelief.

    Kristian? That's a boy's name, so don't waste my time, what's his name? he repeated, narrowing his eyes as he put his hands in the pockets of his black pants.

    -Sorry? Kristian replied. Who the fuck did he think he was?! She controlled her temper, annoyed, it wasn't convenient for her to make a scene there, right with him. On the other hand, this was not the first time someone had said something similar to him. The experience that gives years of tolerating nonsense about it made him cross his arms and raise an eyebrow, challenging. Christopher took the same stance. They both looked at each other.

    That's his name, Cristóbal... Carolina said, pale. A couple of days ago he definitely hired her, but if he remembered he didn't mention her name, because he referred to her as: the new girl, or the substitute. Curse. The man's expression didn't move one bit.

    —I'm very sorry I don't have a more feminine name, the truth is that I couldn't choose it. My name is Kristián Navarro —she spoke defiantly, but serious. Cristóbal, detecting her sarcasm, wanted to get her out of his office, indeed, out of his building. But Caro's face and the blunder made him simply nod and settle back into his chair.

    Certainly there are things we can't change, he said jauntily, looking at the huge computer screen. Kristian clenched his fists. I wish I had stamped them right on his nose. However, he tilted his mouth swallowing the urge.

    -Undoubtedly. His tone caught her attention immediately.

    Well, Carolina's conciliatory voice interrupted when she realized what was happening there. Things started off in the worst way and he had no time for both of their displays of character. However, she was pleased that the young woman was not intimidated, that was her litmus test from her point of view and she had passed it with an honorary medal. Now that they know each other and the formalities are given. Kris, you can go with Hugo, we'll see you in a bit," he asked eloquently. The young woman smiled relaxed, assisting.

    —A pleasure, Mr. Garza, I hope to be of help to you when Carolina is not here. Excuse me - and disappeared without turning once, being very aware of the gaze fixed on his back. That man was irritating, and... his boss.

    God, tomorrow things wouldn't be as simple as before. She wished with all her might that it would turn out well, that Cristóbal Garza would not continue looking at her as if she were a bug, let alone continue with his pedantry. Reluctantly she washed her plate, turned off the lights and went upstairs. Almost midnight, she noted as she looked at the clock on the stairwell. snorted.

    Kris... she heard. Alas, he had woken her. His mouth twisted and he entered his room on the second floor, just to the left of the bottom step.

    Hello, Aby... he spoke softly. The older woman was lying down with her nightstand light on. She rubbed her eyes sleepily.

    -You've just arrived? she asked sweetly, also with concern. The young woman approached and gave him a kiss on the forehead, nodding.

    I had to finish some work... he explained, taking one of her thin hands. The woman in front of her was like her mother, or rather her mother. He raised her since the real one disappeared when she was six years old and told her that her life was too complicated to take care of her. Then her grandparents sheltered her and raised her as if she were a daughter, an action that she would be eternally grateful for. Now his grandfather was not there, two years ago he left this world due to a heart attack that attacked him while he was sleeping. There was never a cause, anything that told them that this would happen. The impact of the news was terrifying, too painful and for her grandmother the end of her existence, since she always loved that man she married so young.

    I don't like you being out so late, you know, he reminded her, squeezing her hand slightly. Kristián, you must take better care of yourself... —The girl snorted relaxed. He kept treating her like a child, she couldn't help it.

    -Hey! Everything is going well, I had to do it, anyway, I was going to be late for rehearsals," he encouraged her, smiling. His grandmother rolled her eyes.

    That nonsense, what you do is already a lot... she expressed regretfully.

    —Don't be exaggerating, besides, you know that my work and helping the boys by doing something, I like a lot; It makes me feel good.

    Of course she knew, her granddaughter was unstoppable. Always, since she was little, she found a way to occupy herself with whatever it was. A whirlwind, said her late husband when he saw her dancing in front of people in that way that only she knew. Yes, that was his passion in reality, he knew it since he was ten years old and he spent hours with the girls on the block moving his body skillfully on the sidewalk or one of the houses after having fulfilled all his duties perfectly. He watched her from his bedroom window; She was flirtatious, skillful and moved with amazing ease, but also her cheerful character, coupled with the confidence she projected, worked like a magnet, so she never lacked friends. People would even stop when she was leading several other girls in entire routines that took her weeks to create. It was very good, too. But she couldn't dedicate herself fully to that no matter how much she wanted it, she understood it that way when the news arrived at fifteen. Without complaining, without joking about his luck, he decided to focus his energies on something else and how well he did.

    Kristián was a brilliant and exceptional young woman, very different from the Prangana[2] from her father and not to mention her mother, who did not know how to be what that little girl needed when she brought her into this world.

    Just don't push yourself too hard, I'll be fine, little doll, he asked her. Kristián agreed, that woman knew her better than anyone and knew that, since she got sick, what she did was to make her feel better, to make her live in peace. He owed her everything, so now she would be the one to pay him back.

    What time did Dulce leave? He changed the subject with that smile of his.

    As soon as I went to bed, he watched the soap opera with me and then said goodbye, he explained slowly. That woman was the nurse she had to take care of her during the day and regularly at night, but on that occasion she announced that she had a commitment. He hired her as soon as he managed to find that job that fell from heaven thanks to the recommendations of Graciela, Caro's friend and professor of the master's degree.

    They chatted for a bit and then he went off to his bedroom. She put on purple penguin pajamas, took off her mascara, brushed her teeth, prepared her outfit for the next day, taking a little time at work because from what she saw it was urgent to go shopping; She chose a navy blue dress with discreet short sleeves, a round neckline and a formal fitted waist. Some high brown shoes and that's it.

    smiled. Yes, that was perfect to start his real work; deal with that madman who had the face of an angel. She shrugged in amusement and got under the covers with a sigh. Everything would be fine, it had to be fine.

    In the morning he arrived before the others, as usual. He rushed in, but not before leaving the guard at the entrance that walnut cake that he promised him if his soccer team won the game on Sunday. In the short time he had worked there, he maintained a good relationship with most of his colleagues. He was easy-going, smiling and always very friendly.

    Once he was in his new workplace, he began to put everything together. The folders, verifying that the meeting room was ready, requesting that the copies be taken out immediately and that the information had reached the IT department so that they could project it properly and thus everything would be ready to receive the owners of that chain.

    What time did you get here, Kris? asked Caro, clearly exhausted, even a little pale. The young woman smiled watching her, curious.

    -A few minutes ago. Hey, you don't have a good face. You feel bad? —he inquired, stopping to check the tablet . The blonde nodded rubbing her small abdomen.

    Yes, it's just that I didn't sleep well, my hip hurts... she murmured wearily. Kristián raised an eyebrow, cocking his head as he watched her slowly sit down on the soft chair that was in front of her desk.

    I don't think that's right. You should have stayed resting," he said. Caro rolled her eyes, looking at what was on the computer and smiling when she noticed that everything seemed to be as it should be. That girl sure was efficient.

    As if that's possible right now, today. Cristóbal kills me... It's an important day," he revived. Kristián's mouth twisted thoughtfully.

    —I left everything ready, you rest... I'll take care of it. He winked at her sipping his tea. The head assistant looked at her in amazement.

    -You finished? It was so much..." he expressed with his eyes wide open. The young woman shrugged, wrinkling her nose.

    "It wasn't that much. Besides, he knew what he had to do. Caro closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

    He's a good man, I swear... But he's not the shadow of what he used to be. I hope you can be patient, you'll see that it's not as hard as it seems and you'll learn a lot by his side —he apologized. Kris settled next to her at the desk, leaning her hip against the glass surface.

    "Don't worry, dear. Everything will be fine. I'm not a girl, I'll do what I have to and everything will be perfect. Don't worry, I think that's what has you like this.

    -Could be. But it's a lot of work. Too many things, pending, comings and goings, anyway. I know that everything will go as you say," he seconded and smiled, tucking a lock behind his ear. Are you ready to start for real? —He challenged her by rubbing her belly, she did it all the time, something that moved the young woman.

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I'll go look at the folders before he gets here so I can get in on time. Saying that, he walked away at a fast, but serene step. Caro denied tiredly. He hoped that Cristóbal would not make it difficult for him, he could be a nightmare when he wanted to and prayed that the day would go by without mistakes.

    He arrived as always, at the exact time; nine o'clock. He entered seriously, with that imperturbable gesture that characterized him, generating fear and respect wherever he passed. The team that worked in the direction was already there. The three of them greeted him formally for a moment later, without saying another word, they entered his office.

    -How do you feel? —He asked Carolina who was after him and whom he noticed, as soon as he saw her, something down.

    -I did not sleep well. But everything is ready for the meeting," he replied. His boss smiled pleased as coffee was served.

    I know, you know how to do your job like no one else, he flattered her, approaching her seat. Speaking of work... where is the 'star girl'? The blonde rolled her eyes. God, he was obnoxious when he wanted to.

    Someone knocked on the door. Roberto opened with his cell phone in hand. It was her. She smiled relaxedly as she smoothed down that dress that fit her slender body like a glove, reaching just below her knees and showing almost no skin. Even so, something stirred in his chest. He sipped his coffee, looking at her over the top of the cup. She didn't look the least bit nervous, or intimidated, or anything. That irritated him, radiated tranquility, serenity, happiness.

    Here it is, Carolina pointed out, rubbing her forehead, and she was the one who prepared everything, she clarified, noticing how he looked at her with narrowed eyes.

    The woman let out a weary sigh. He would never change, he mistrusted everyone and gave no one credit. The truth was that he even felt sorry for what the future might bring if he didn't give himself the chance to feel again, to live again, to laugh again.

    -Good morning. Sorry for being late. Everything is ready for the meeting and..." she announced, approaching them a little doubtfully, but incongruously sure.

    And he's late. It's nine fifteen. The meeting starts at ten past nine. OK? Cristóbal interrupted her, imperturbable. Kristián stopped blinking. Wow, that man lived in a bad mood, although he had to admit that he looked just as attractive as every day, only that at that moment I could see him more closely and fresh for the time of day it was. His masculine fragrance traveled throughout the room and was the first thing she detected upon entering. She placed her joined hands in front of her hips trying to hide her nervousness.

    Okay, sir, he replied solemnly. Christopher clenched his teeth. Why did he always detect a hint of mockery when he turned? It was as if he gave his way to a little capricious who demanded a piece of candy.

    -Take a sit. Carolina, give him the tablet . I want the plan of the day and the reports of the departments. The emails, appointments and in half an hour the documents to sign," he energetically requested. Kristián took the device from her mentor's nervous hands and began to masterfully move her finger across the touch screen. With her legs crossed, her back straight, and her hair tied up like that, she looked too inexperienced, too young, and too...bright.

    He looked up with an efficient smile, he already had everything mastered. Their eyes collided as if an asteroid had hit the Earth squarely. The sensation was strong, burning and strange, unknown in reality. His skin immediately stood on end, as he was aware of every last cell that existed in his body.

    Did you find the information? Carolina wanted to know, shifting uncomfortably in the chair next to him. Those green eyes blinked, suddenly breaking the contact showing, for a second, surprise. She nodded dazedly to immediately begin to recite with complete knowledge everything her boss demanded of her. Roberto left a few minutes later, since he had received the necessary information, and the trio continued with their work.

    The assistant couldn't believe that she had mastered everything to such a degree, but she was infinitely grateful for it because Cristóbal didn't even laugh once, although he didn't look at her either, he just limited himself to losing his eyes on his computer and nodding with an inscrutable face. When everything was ready they both got up.

    I don't want any mistakes with those men, you know they are a tough nut to crack and in the afternoon I have to have them in my hands, Cristóbal warned the blonde.

    Everything is under control, Kristián said in a confident voice. Cristóbal looked at her indifferently.

    I expect no less, that's the reason you're here. You may withdraw," he ordered. The two came out a second later.

    The man remained with his eyes fixed on the door for several minutes, somewhat annoyed and trying to control that character that emerged so easily and much more with that young woman who smiled appeasedly all the time. He didn't like her manner, her... Shit! It irritated him and attracted him in equal measure. He denied, resting his head on the soft black leather chair.

    It was a few months, just a while and then there wouldn't

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