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Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business
Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business
Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business

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In "Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business," readers will learn practical ways to live a sustainable and eco-friendly life. The book covers everything from making environmentally conscious choices for household cleaning products to reducing waste and composting. It also includes tips on eco-friendly travel practices, such as choosing sustainable transportation and accommodations. The authors explore sustainable environmental practices, including reducing pollution, protecting natural habitats, and promoting biodiversity. Lastly, the book discusses sustainable business practices, ethical consumerism, and reducing environmental impact. With concrete tips and real-life examples, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to impact the environment positively and become part of a sustainable future.

PublisherJohan Blom
Release dateFeb 22, 2023
Green, Greener, Gold: Eco-friendly Pokes for Home, Traveling, Environment, and Business

Johan Blom

Johan Blom es un joven autor y bloguero impulsado a descubrir la belleza y la emoción del mundo y la naturaleza. A través de sus escritos, comparte su pasión por explorar el mundo natural y las características únicas de sus habitantes. Con formación en biología, Johan se inspira principalmente en diversos animales y mascotas. Johan escribe de forma descriptiva e imaginativa, dando vida a las criaturas que encuentra en sus aventuras. Su amor por la naturaleza es evidente en cada palabra, y los lectores son transportados a un mundo de maravillas y descubrimientos. En sus libros y blogs, Johan ofrece observaciones perspicaces y fascinantes sobre los comportamientos y hábitats de las distintas especies. Tanto si escribe sobre el majestuoso vuelo de las aves como sobre la agilidad de los gatos o la inteligencia de los delfines, la pasión de Johan por sus temas brilla con luz propia. Para Johan, escribir no es sólo un pasatiempo, sino una forma de conectar con los demás y compartir su amor por el mundo natural. A través de sus palabras, espera inspirar a otros a explorar el mundo que les rodea y apreciar la belleza y complejidad de la naturaleza.

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    Book preview

    Green, Greener, Gold - Johan Blom

    Introduction: The New Beginning

    "I t's not an investment if it's destroying the planet." - Vandana Shiva

    In today's world, the importance of living an eco-friendly and sustainable life has become more evident than ever. As we face the adverse effects of climate change, environmental degradation, and depletion of natural resources, it is crucial to take responsibility for our actions and make conscious choices that benefit the planet.

    This book will explore new angles and concrete tips for living an eco-friendly and sustainable life in our daily routines, including our homes, travels, environment, and businesses. We will discuss reducing our carbon footprint, saving energy and resources, reducing waste, and supporting sustainable practices.

    In the first chapter, we will focus on sustainable living practices in our homes, discussing eco-friendly choices regarding household cleaning products, energy-efficient appliances, and sustainable building materials. We will also discuss reducing waste, composting, and using recycled materials.

    The second chapter will focus on eco-friendly and sustainable travel practices, discussing ways to reduce our environmental impact while traveling. We will explore sustainable modes of transportation, eco-friendly accommodations, and sustainable tourism practices.

    The third chapter will discuss sustainable environmental practices, including ways to reduce pollution, protect natural habitats, and promote biodiversity. We will also talk about sustainable agriculture, ethical consumption, and supporting sustainable businesses.

    Finally, in the fourth chapter, we will explore ways to promote sustainability in businesses, discussing sustainable business practices, supply chains, and ethical consumerism. We will discuss how businesses can reduce environmental impact and support sustainability initiatives.

    Throughout the book, we will provide concrete tips, practical advice, and real-life examples to help readers make informed choices and take meaningful action toward living an eco-friendly and sustainable life. We aim to inspire readers to make positive changes and become part of a sustainable future.

    Greener Home

    "S ustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good." - Jochen Zeitz

    Build a Kitchen or Balcony Garden

    GROWING YOUR VEGETABLES in a home garden is a great way to get fresh, healthy produce on a budget. But if you have limited outdoor space, you can still enjoy the benefits of gardening by starting your kitchen or balcony garden!

    Before you start, you must decide which vegetables you want to grow. Some great options for small in-house gardens include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, beans, and herbs. Remember that some vegetables require more sunlight than others, so you may choose varieties that thrive in partial shade or are suited to indoor growing.

    When choosing your plants, consider the available space and the type of container you'll use. Smaller plants like herbs and lettuce can easily fit in shallow planters or even window boxes. For larger plants, like tomatoes, look for deep containers that provide adequate drainage and access to sunlight.

    Once you've chosen your plants, it's time to start your home garden! With some planning and preparation, you'll soon enjoy fresh-picked produce from your garden! Do plenty of research to understand how best to care for your plants and maximize their yield.

    Choose the suitable pots or containers

    SELECTING SUITABLE pots or containers for your plants is essential. Your pot type will determine how well your plants grow and how much space they take up. Here are a few tips to help you find the best containers for your small garden.

    First, consider the type of plants you want to grow. Different types of plants require different-sized pots. Herbs, for example, need shallow and wide containers, while tomatoes require deeper and larger containers. Also, think about the size of the space you have available. Pots too large or small will make working in a small garden easier.

    Next, consider the material that the pots are made from. For example, plastic pots are lightweight and often the least expensive. However, they don't provide the same insulation as other materials, such as ceramic or clay. Clay and ceramic pots offer better insulation and promote airflow but can be heavy and expensive.

    Finally, Decide on a pot style that suits your kitchen's design. Choose from various colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. If you want to keep things simple, opt for a single pot in one color, or get creative and mix and match for a unique look.

    No matter what pot you choose, ensure it has drainage holes at the bottom, so your plants don't become waterlogged. With some planning and creativity, you can easily create a beautiful home garden in your kitchen, balcony, or wherever you place your in-house garden!

    Prepare the soil

    IF YOU WANT TO GROW a home garden, the first step is to prepare the soil. Whether using pre-made potting soil or creating your mix, it's crucial to ensure that the earth is rich in nutrients and adequately aerated. Here are some tips on how to prepare the soil for your garden:

    Choose the Right Soil: The best soil for growing vegetables indoors should be light and well-draining. Avoid using garden soil, as it will compact and make it difficult for plants to take root. Mix pre-made potting soil from compost, peat moss, and perlite.

    Amend the Soil: Add organic matter such as compost or manure to ensure nutrient-rich soil. This will help provide the necessary minerals and trace elements plants need to thrive.

    Test the Soil: Before planting, you should test the soil's pH levels. Most vegetables prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. You can buy soil testing kits at most garden centers.

    Aerate the Soil: If the soil feels compacted, it may need to be aerated. This can be done by mixing in perlite or coarse sand, which will help break up clumps and provide better drainage.

    Proper soil preparation will give your plants the best chance of thriving in your home garden. With a little effort and care, you'll soon have fresh veggies growing right home!

    Plant the seeds or seedlings

    GROWING YOUR FOOD CAN be rewarding and cost-effective but requires some preparation. A home garden in your kitchen or balcony is a great way to grow fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruits. Before you get started, there are a few things you need to consider before planting the seeds or seedlings.

    First, decide which plants you want to grow in your home garden. This will depend on the size of your garden area and the sunlight it receives. Be sure to choose plants that are suitable for the space and climate. Please also consider which plants will work best with the types of dishes you plan on cooking with them.

    Once you decide on the plants you want to grow, you must purchase appropriate soil and containers. When choosing soil, ensure its rich in nutrients and weeds-free. Buy organic soil to ensure you're growing healthy plants. When selecting containers, consider their drainage capabilities as well as their size. For example, larger plants may need more bottomless pots, while smaller ones can thrive in shallow containers.

    Now that you have the soil and containers, it's time to start planting. If you're starting from seeds, read the directions on the packet for optimal planting conditions. If you're using seedlings, gently remove them from the pots and loosen the roots before replanting them into the new soil. Once planted, keep the soil moist

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