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Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas
Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas
Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas
Ebook210 pages2 hours

Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas

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In our everyday lives here in the United States for those of us who do not come from the hood or live in large cities where crime is rampant, physical violence and tyranny from thugs, for the most part, is an abnormality. Being a self-defense instructor, however, I know that at times we must defend ourselves from thugs (white collar and blue collar). Sometimes that defense is physical. At other times it’s mental martial arts.

My book outlines how to recognize Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas (4 distinct Human personality types and their behaviors) so that we may surround ourselves with people who support us and not destroy us. I have encountered each of these types and mostly in a non-violent way because they were High-Functioning Wolves. My aim is to provide potential victims the insight to recognize these beings’ behavior patterns and thwart such creatures before they can cause damage or irreparable harm.

I don’t discuss street fighting or street fighting techniques. I offer practical advice on how to spot these types of enemies, how to evade them and I challenge the Read to take full responsibility for their outlook on life and their personal direction.

Harm comes to us all. How we chose to move forward afterwards and if we choose to move forward afterwards is the hardest and most challenging part. “It’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward! Nothing and nobody hits as hard a life!” Sylvester Stallone. Great quote and I agree 100%.

This book is to help survivors of violent attacks from High Functioning Wolves to keep moving forward. It is meant to aid future potential victims to avoid these types of people if at all possible. I offer guidance to those who, like me, must endure the assault and once again, live, not merely survive.

PublisherAllen Saucier
Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas

Allen Saucier

Allen Saucier, chief instructor for Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics & Fitness studios (CSDT), holds a black belt in Shotokan Karate, Ryu Kyu Kempo and Krav Maga. Shotokan and Ryu Kyu Kempo also provided a solid grounding in Small Circle Jujitsu, Judo, Western Wrestling and Military Fighting Techniques. Ryu Kyu Kempo built upon that base and added Kyusho Jitsu. Krav Maga built still further upon this base and added weapon disarms, no-gi jujitsu and small arms training. The cord that ties all of these arts together is Jeet Kun Do, in which there is no way to achieve a black belt but the essence of Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics & Fitness (CSDT) is Scientific Street Fighting as taught by Bruce Lee and his students: Tommy Carruthers, Terri Tom, Dave Carnell, Dan Inosanto and Ted Wong. The author is a student of Tommy Carruthers. For further training, the author trains the arts of Escrima, Kenjutsu and Wing Chun. These arts add weapons’ knowledge and further expand his close quarter combat repertoire.

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    Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas - Allen Saucier

    Of Wolves


    Sheep Dogs



    (The Necessity of Violence)


    Cobalt Studios Publishing, LLC

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2023 Gene Allen Saucier Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without the express permission from the author or publisher, except as permitted by the U.S. copyright law.

    To request permission, contact

    Allen Saucier

    Cobalt Studios Publishing, LLC

    104 Merrilee Way

    Huntsville, AL 35806

    First Edition

    Cover Composed by: Allen Saucier

    Illustrated by: Allen Saucier

    Edited by: Cobalt Studios Publishing

    Publisher: Cobalt Studios Publishing, LLC

    This Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This Book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the rights and hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Wolves, Behavior Reveals Them

    Chapter 2: Behavior Patterns of Wolves

    Chapter 3: Behavior Patterns of Female Wolves

    Chapter 4: Identity and The Goals of the Wolf

    Chapter 5: Relationships

    Chapter 6: Hyenas?

    Chapter 7: Violence, We Abhor It

    Chapter 8: Attitude, Responsibility, Consequences

    Chapter 9: Feelings

    Chapter 10: Intuition, Meditation and Channeling

    Chapter 11: Courts, the Law & Our God Given Rights

    Chapter 12: Realistic Training and Legal Considerations

    Chapter 13: When the Wolf Meets the Sheep Dog

    Chapter 14: Violent Encounter Aftermath

    Chapter 15: Forgive Them? But They Hurt Me!

    Chapter 16: Intuition – Deeper Dive

    Chapter 17: Recommendations

    Chapter 18: Concluding Thoughts

    Real Life Wolf Examples

    About the Author

    More Books by the Author


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    A heart felt thank you goes out to the following loving people who’ve helped me, guided me and supported me on my journey into manhood, knighthood and adulthood.

    Mom and Dad – Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Saucier – for all of your support, love and family

    Marty Krakow – my former Krav Maga instructor and a great instructor

    Dave Escobedo – my black belt Krav Maga instructor and a great man

    Glen Wilt – great friend and supporter

    Shawn Mitchell – my friend and brother in Christ Jesus

    Jay Hamlin – my friend and brother in Christ Jesus since high school

    Scott Marconnet – my great friend and brother in Christ who critiqued my logic

    Nitta – amazing prophetess of Jesus and my friend

    Amy, Urhiel, Dilyan and Rovi – the greatest students I could ever have had

    Sam and CaShawn – the finest students who helped me found and realize my dream

    God my Father, Jesus my Brother and Holy Spirit my All – with You, O Lord, I have everything and everyone

    Thank you

    Special Thanks to Pexels Photographers for use of their photos

    Frans Van Heerden

    Rajesh S Balouria


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    My Cover My A$$ (CMA a.k.a CYA) Statements:

    I’m not a professional counselor, therapist or mental health professional. I am not offering professional mental health advice in this book.

    I’m not a professional legal counselor, lawyer or judge nor do I offer professional legal counsel anywhere in this book.

    I am a professional martial artist and self-defense instructor who fully supports his Godly local and state law enforcement officials as well as Godly state and national military personnel.

    I am offering my own personal experiences, thoughts and insights on the definitions of four personality types that I have encountered in my life. Here are four personality types that I present in this book: Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas. I do not refer to them as mere personality types, though. I refer to them as people types because it makes this subject easier to discuss. I am offering my opinion on 1) how to spot them and 2) how to proceed after one has been assaulted and suffers pain and loss from a violent encounter caused by these types of people. I am offering a challenge to you, the Reader, about whom you choose to be, how you choose to think and, lastly, I challenge the you, the Reader, to accept full responsibility for your own well-being.

    I’m a devout Catholic and it shows in this book. I have used and use my faith to overcome terrible experiences in my own life and I offer to you, the Reader, some advice and insight that I have gained through the school of hard knocks and my faith. I encourage each Reader to use what works for them as long as it is legal, moral and ethical according to Christian principles. Outside of that context, honestly, my advice and this book will do you no good.

    Chapter 1: Wolves, Behavior Reveals Them

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    Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away. (take it by force)

    I have learned the behavior of Wolves from former clients, former close friends, confidants and others who betrayed me. The wolves I have met have been well-educated, well-groomed, well-spoken, well-meaning Wolves. What is a Wolf? What is a High-Functioning white-collar Wolf as opposed to a Low-Functioning blue-collar Wolf? What is a Wolf-in-Sheep’s-Clothing? What is a Hyena? Nice metaphors but what do they really mean with regards to describing humans and human behavior? How do we defend ourselves against such creatures? Read on.

    Behavior is Paramount in Perceiving the Presence of a Wolf

    For martial artists and teachers of self-defense and martial arts, like myself, we must be able to discern who is a Wolf, a Hyena, a Sheep and a Sheep Dog. It takes time to assess someone’s behavior patterns (hours, days, weeks, months and even years).

    What is a Human Wolf?

    It is someone who subtly or openly threatens us or pressures us in such a way as to acquire something from us that they want and they do not care about our well-being. Pressuring us can take the form of depriving us of something that we need or want if we don’t comply with their demands. Obviously, there is more to this. Simply pressuring someone to do something is not always evil. Do you work under a manager and therefore have obligations and deadlines that you have chosen to accept in exchange for what the manager is offering to you in return? However, when we are pressured to do what is immoral, unethical, or illegal or are simply expected to give more hours at work without compensation – that is the behavior of a Wolf who perceives us to be a Sheep and a Sheep that can be taken advantage of.

    As should be expected, there is more to discerning a Wolf than just discerning a person who is applying pressure upon us to get something that they need or want. This behavior trait is one and only one of several that must be weighed and balanced to provide better discernment to determine if we are really dealing with a Wolf. So what are those other behaviors that we must consider before passing judgment and declaring that we are dealing with a Wolf? Let us continue and see.

    High-Functioning Wolves

    These are humans who have been educated: graduated high school, graduated from college or just very well self-educated. They are well spoken, literate and carry an air of authority about them because of their breadth of knowledge, their sophisticated way of speaking and the command of subjects with which they are very familiar. However, to be a Wolf, the Wolf must also exhibit a cunning personality meaning that they are acting purposefully with the intent to achieve their goals at the expense of their victims without regard for the well-being of their victims. Dealing with Wolves is always on a transactional basis: we give, they give. The relationship is transactional. However, the Wolf will always make sure that they give the least and receive the most. Organized crime syndicates fall into this category. Terrorists fall into this category as well as CEOs of any company who do not live by Godly moral principles, i.e. those who are greedy, lustful and prideful. Further examples are mega-corp CEOs establishing monopolies and destroying local businesses, sex slave traders and university professors who force students to believe and regurgitate their rhetoric on tests to get the grade. I encountered this behavior from history, English and especially political science professors. These are but a few examples. Notice I focus on the actual people-types and not soulless entities.

    Low-Functioning Wolf (Street Thugs)

    Thugs are the criminals that we typically think of: carjackers, home invaders, pickpockets, muggers, bullies and the like. They are after money, usually, but they can also be after sex, dominance, using victims as a trophies and street cred, etc., etc., etc.

    Wolves-in-Sheeps’ Clothing

    This type of Wolf is special. They can be actual spies. They can be family members, coworkers and friends. However, behavior is key to recognizing them. They are subtle in their requests, which are disguised demands. They can be passive aggressive personality types, who, when they do not receive what they ask for, deny us what we need or want. They may be overt aggressive types as well who use physical, emotional and intellectual threats to force us to do what they want. Victims make all the sacrifices and they make none or very nearly none.

    Notice, too, that this type of Wolf is apart of the group that we are in. That group can take many forms: family, school, work, recreational sports teams and so on. As I use the term family, substitute the appropriate group or groups that you belong to and see if my descriptions and discussions fit your particular situation. Wolves-in-Sheep’s Clothing may even be in a position of authority within our group and therefore can cause us more suffering if we do not comply with their demands. All relationships with Wolves are transactional.

    Look at the order of the relationship. First: it is a business contract. Second: we supply first. Third: the relationship is about taking and giving – Godless business arrangement. The Wolf will rarely give anything more than what is absolutely required of them but, in the case where they believe that a future recompense will provide them a greater return on their investment than what they are currently receiving, they may give more.

    What is the character trait that is always seen in a Wolf? The Wolf always demands something in return (or expects something in return) for rendering aid. That’s the behavior of a Wolf. They give nothing for free. They give with the expectation of receiving something beneficial to themselves in return and they typically complain about having to give anything at all. They also remind us, their business partner, of all the times that they have previously sacrificed for us and how we should be thankful to them for all of those sacrifices that they have made for us… guilt trip tactic.

    Of course, be careful of words like always, all, and sweeping phrases like they give nothing for free. I use these words and phrases because it is what I have seen and witnessed in my life. I use such inclusive words and sweeping statements to emphasis how pervasive these traits are among Wolves, in general. However, like any bit of wisdom within these pages, you must apply the experience that I provide to what you are seeing or have seen in your own life. You must perform your own analysis and compare the truths that I have witnessed with the truths that you are witnessing or have witnessed so as to build a better profile of Wolves that have appeared or appear in your own life.

    Remember the primary purpose of this book: it is to aid you in spotting each of the 4 personality types that I present: Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyenas. To do that, you must apply my knowledge wisely to your situation and your experiences.

    Family/Group/Co-worker/Friend Wolves

    These Wolves, because of the bonds that they have with us, do not necessarily look like Wolves. We see them as demanding, selfish and hard to get along with until they get what they want and so forth. I also just described a three year old. However, as I have noticed, there is another behavior pattern that manifests over time, which further clarifies their Wolf personality. It is this pattern: they say and act all chummy and caring during the good times. They show up at major events (funerals, weddings, awards ceremonies, etc.) and offer to do something… check the box. When a negative report about us circulates within the group, they say nothing to us about it. They even gossip about us behind our backs and distance themselves from us because of the negative report. They may even believe the negative report about us. The trait to note is this: they do not speak directly to us about the negative report that they have heard. They Keep Silent.

    Another trait that dove tails nicely with the silent trait is: when a negative report is circulating about us within our group, the wolf or wolves in the group push the negative report under the rug and out of sight in their own life and live the motto, it’s not my problem. They live their own life as if the negative report doesn’t exist when speaking to us and they distance themselves from us all the same. The not my problem attitude in a group that is important to us is detrimental because we expect certain people to look out for us and even confront us when we are wrong, if we are wrong. Either way, we expect someone in our group to at least hear our side – give us the benefit of the doubt – and allow us to express our side of the story.

    The not my problem attitude coupled with silence concerning a negative report absolutely kills close

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