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Adventures of Scar and Floyd: Dawn of the Akunin
Adventures of Scar and Floyd: Dawn of the Akunin
Adventures of Scar and Floyd: Dawn of the Akunin
Ebook150 pages2 hours

Adventures of Scar and Floyd: Dawn of the Akunin

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So you're back for another go. Haven't you not borne the pain enough with our heroes that are still alive? Do you still hope that light can overcome the darkness of the war-raged planet of Vospheron? Journey deeper into the vast era, meeting new friends and more powerful beings than before.

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
Adventures of Scar and Floyd: Dawn of the Akunin

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    Adventures of Scar and Floyd - Frederick Alexander


    Adventures of Scar and Floyd

    Dawn of the power of the elements? Dawn of the Akunin?

    Frederick Alexander

    Copyright © 2023 Frederick Alexander

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88793-039-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88793-059-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Should the World Be Saved?

    If you believe that things will go differently for our heroes this time, you're wrong. I did warn you of the malice. Things will only get worse for the people and other inhabitants of the planet Vospheron. I must say, they are very convincing. Did you finally choose a side, or do you still need time, waiting for this to all be over like some bad dream? Don't be like the pawns. Choose wisely, but the glory of the dark lord will reign forever. All hail Montorious!


    Years passed after the destructive war against the tyrant, Dr. Montorious, when peace was finally restored, but only for a moment after hearing terrible news of the true evil plan that haunted everyone that day when the first war ended. Many more people found out about what happened that day and decided to run and hide somewhere in the country or just wait for what was to come. But one man would never do that. He was courageous, was humble, gained much respect, and definitely went through some life-changing events. Even right now, he was having a private meeting with his closest friends, preparing for the next move against a new enemy once more.

    Scar, said a man, trying to get his attention but couldn't. He was in some type of trance, thinking about what he had missed about his enemy that made him blinded of his true plan. This made him deeply angry inside. He felt that he'd failed completely in his attempt, only to know what he found out. Scar slammed his hand down on the table. He sighed deeply as he looked around the room, many faces looking back at him. Who is this person that is going around village to village with these abominations of creatures, killing everyone…and leaving a mark of a man that's dead!

    Everyone became silent. Scar rose out of his chair, then looked out into the woods to see if anyone was spying.

    I know who, said a man.

    Scar turned around to face him, for the man was Rolan. Who, my friend? He balled up both his hands into fists, looking down.


    No, impossible! yelled a man.

    I saw what your brother did to him! He bled out! He's dead—just like Montorious!

    No! blurted out Kanos, who stood up in defense. He is not. I know now that I only wounded him severely. I only wish now that I'd pierced it through his heart. He lowered his head in despair. Scar, Rolan his right. Zepa is alive.

    But we don't know that for sure. We shouldn't jump to conclusions, said Scar. We need to continue to search for the remaining laboratory sites where he's created his new creations before more innocent people die when they're awakened. And as for this new person who continues to do Montorious's work for him, he shall greatly be dealt with.

    Everyone in the room nodded in agreement. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Scar made his way to the door and opened it.

    Excuse me, Scar, but it happened…again. A village not too far from here is being attacked as we speak.

    Scar lowered his head, then hit the door with his hand in anger, cursing. He turned around to face his friends. For all the head leaders that assisted Scar in the war were all back in their homes across the world. They each left a garrison of their own men at his disposal but would come to his aid if need be.

    Let's take them out! shouted Sabastain as he and his three brothers stood up, agreeing.

    Adam was there as well, and Tambada, who surprisingly became friends with Scar partially.

    Gear up, men! shouted Scar.

    The man that was in the doorway still ran off to tell the others. Shortly after, they all left the building, making their way outside to dozens of Mandare waiting to be ridden.

    Show me which way this treacherous act is taking place, said Scar.

    Everyone took off in the air, following one of Typhus's men toward the village of Dell Wood. They continued to fly over trees, then water for about fifteen minutes, finally reaching their destination. The Mandare swooped down to a spot on the ground. Everyone got off the beasts to look in astonishment at the village, seeing that it was in ruin with fire and debris everywhere. Houses were in rubble—probably some poor souls may have gotten trapped inside. But the worst to see was the bodies that lay everywhere—women, children, and men. They spared no one—the evil dogs they were. But in the distance, you could see a crowd of people running for the hills, at least a hundred, trying to escape this deadly massacre.

    Search everywhere! We'll proceed in groups! yelled out Scar, waving his hand in the air to signal.

    Kanos, Adam, and Rolan were in Scar's group, now carefully passing by some houses that were unscathed while a few men with them stopped to check the houses thoroughly. But what they didn't know was that the infestation of Montorious's new creation was near. The group heard mass screaming up ahead as they reached the end of a house, seeing a group of soldiers pushing a man around while the others were bothering two women.

    Please! No, I beg of you. Don't harm my wife and daughter! he pleaded.

    One of the men then pushed him onto the ground. Oh, quit your whining, you pathetic man who can't even protect his family. He laughed manically, then took his big boot and pressed his foot on his chest, simultaneously taking out his sword.

    Scar quickly drew his weapon, stepping out into the open, turning to face the man. Leave him be! He raised his sword firmly.

    His friends snickered while they continued their ghastly act. The man just laughed evilly once more, slowly lifting his foot off the man but then kicked him in his side. The man cried out in pain. You could hear his family crying just a few feet away. He walked casually past the man on the ground and made his way toward Scar, stopping just twelve feet away, while the other four men continued to bother the women, paying them no mind.

    Well, well, what do we have here? It's the notorious Scar. What brings us the honor of meeting you today? He gave him a cheeky grin while he raised both his hands.

    We came to put an end to these malignant acts and kill you all. He stared deeply into the man's eyes.

    You hear that, boys! They've come here to kill us! Now that's not very nice, is it, men? he shouted; and dozens of more men came out of the houses, surrounding them, drawing their weapons.

    They suddenly heard a loud disturbing roar from afar.

    What was that? asked Kanos. His eyes began to change into a mysterious color.

    His brother's eyes changed as well. Adam gripped both his two swords tightly. His eyes shifted from left to right, racing across his surroundings and on all the men that were waiting to attack.

    All of you are doomed, said the man that seemed to be in charge of this unit. You are all fools! You thought that day when you had that lucky victory that it was over. He laughed. Oh, but now—the man shook his head, then slightly tilted it, glaring at Scar with an evil look in his eyes—you shall see what true power is when the new era begins!

    Swoosh! The man suddenly fell to the ground, for an arrow had pierced his side. Scar made a puzzled expression upon his face, then searched to see where the arrow came from. He looked from afar to see one of his men! He wielded a bow and arrow on top of a house. The rest of his men that were near it came charging toward them.

    To victory! yelled one soldier.

    The other soldiers met them to battle. Scar took this chance to attack himself and began fighting the nearest opponent. Swords clanged together. Shields were banged against opponents' faces.

    It was an intense bloody conflict that was commencing. The men that held the women captive were soon fighting as well, giving them a chance to escape with their lives. The father quickly got up and ran off with his family while the loud roar was heard again. While the fighting was undergoing, everyone fought to the death. Though the enemy's forces fought strongly, they were no match for the power of the elements. Huge roots sprouted out of the ground, wrapping around dozens of soldiers, crushing the life from them. Some were put on fire, drowned in spheres of water. Many tried to retreat, but arrows were rained down upon them, killing the remaining foes—all but one. The headman that led the attack had escaped. Scar saw a trail of blood that led to the boating dock. Tambada then approached the man that had an arrow piercing through his calf muscle. Blood trickled down and dripped onto the ground. He cried out in pain. Tambada then grabbed him by his neck armor, dragging him back to the group, tossing him face first to the ground. The man spat out blood shortly after he had a sword to his throat.

    Who's this new being that's taking over Montorious's work? Talk! yelled Tambada.

    Everyone then heard a loud crash; something had destroyed a nearby house. Ha-ha! You'll know soon enough, said the evil man on the ground.

    Tambada then pulled on the arrow where his wound was. That brought unbearable pain. He was crying out in agony. But he then began to laugh once more.

    What's so funny! yelled Tambada, yanking the man up by his chest armor straight to his face. He's here… Pharseus. And now you will all die. He laughed again.

    Tambada then threw him back on the ground, then pulled out his sword, slicing the man's throat.

    Whatever is coming, be ready for the worst, said Kanos, twirling his two swords as they both spontaneously combusted on fire.

    What dark creation has spawned now? asked a soldier.

    Spread out! shouted Scar, who was already ahead, searching for the mysterious beast, while everyone else did the same.

    Mandare shape-shifted into two types of ground beasts and followed the humans into groups. Scar took each step gingerly, trying to be quiet the best he could, for he heard loud roaring and rummaging of some sort ahead. He looked down to see debris all over the ground, then looked farther ahead to see. Things were being thrown from outside someone's house. He then turned to look at his team, putting a finger over his mouth, then continued to edge closer. They were right upon the house where the loud noise was coming from, ready to attack when a soldier stepped on a portrait that was framed in glass on the ground just outside the house, and it made a loud crack!

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