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How to Receive Money from God
How to Receive Money from God
How to Receive Money from God
Ebook132 pages1 hour

How to Receive Money from God

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HOW TO RECEIVE MONEY FROM GOD is a book about biblical financial promises to a believer. The Bible promises blessings to a believer and financial prosperity is part of the blessings. However, most Spirit filled born again Christians are far from realizing this blessing because of the lack of proper biblical knowledge on this matter. To make manifest financial blessing a believer needs more than just a shout of "I Receive!" Correct understanding and interpretation of Scriptures is needed coupled with the faith in what the Bible really means when it comes to the money. This book looks at some of the misinterpretation of Scriptures that have caused some to be very poor and shows what a believer can do to make financial blessings a physical reality. This is a concise biblical guide to prosperity.

Release dateFeb 24, 2023
How to Receive Money from God

Msafiri J. Mwaikusa

MSAFIRI J. MWAIKUSA is an assistant pastor at a local Assemblies of God church in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where he lives with his wife, Tracy, and their children. He also hosts a weekly podcast named Biblia Inasema Usiogope which can be listened to through Radio Public, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast and other platforms. He holds a bachelor degree in Bible and Theology from the Global University of Springfield MO, U.S.A; Msafiri has an MBA and business experience in food industry and publication. He also has a teaching experience from the University of Dar es Salaam where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.

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    How to Receive Money from God - Msafiri J. Mwaikusa


    Iwas in a church one morning, as part of the congregation, and people were shouting I receive! in response to prophetic blessings spoken by the preacher. Some people stepped forward for more personal blessings as they were being prayed for. Some wanted to be debt free, some wanted money to send their kids to school, and all shouted I receive as they were being prayed for. One woman wanted to be prayed for so that she can have a child. Before proceeding, the preacher asked her if she was married. So, I realized that the condition for one to be prayed for so that she can have a child was to be married first. If she was not married she would not have received the prayers for a child that she wanted.

    This lit a bulb in my head. Why was there no condition for those who wanted money- whether they have a job, or a business, or even if they have lottery tickets? If we put a condition before we pray for a woman to have a child, why don’t we think of a condition before one receives the money? A natural way for a woman to have a child is through a man- that is normal sexual intercourse then pregnancy then a baby is born. Now why do we deviate so much from the reality of where the money will come from when we pray for people for financial breakthrough? The reality is that God blesses His people, but the most likely way for the people to receive their financial blessings is through the natural ways and not for money to rain down like manna. It is the same way that the most likely way a woman will receive a child as a blessing from God is through natural ways- get married, consummate your marriage and voila! A baby is born.

    The natural ways that God uses to bless a believer are the missing link for most Christians who are walking in poverty instead of abundance. These missing links are the conditions for financial blessings just like there are conditions for a woman to receive a baby. Most Christians do not see the connection between the money and activities that they have to do which will open the doors for the money to come. Some basic things such as making profit in legitimate business are seen as contrary to faith in Christ Jesus.

    I have written this book to show, with examples from the Bible, why we must let go limiting unscriptural notions before we can receive financial blessings. This book is for Christians who depend on the Almighty God for financial blessing and need to know how to stretch out their arms to receive their financial blessings. It is about reminding Christians, on how they need to behave and what they have to do in order to receive their financial blessings. Our Heavenly Father has promised prosperity for us, His children, but there are a few things that we need to learn, or perhaps unlearn, before we can make manifest this promise into a physical reality. I hope that this book will help you turn this blessing into a physical reality.



    Honour the Lord with your wealth

    Proverbs 3:9

    Someone may genuinely ask oneself, why the money? Why would a Christian be interested in money? It is a genuine question because in many churches the subject of money is never discussed except in mentioning or reminding people to give offering. Unless the sermon or teaching is aimed at improving giving or tithing to meet demands for a new building or other church expenses, the subject of money is never discussed in many churches. And we have other few churches where the subject of money is overemphasized – they talk about money in sermons, their prophetic utterances are on the money and, most importantly, the money is in telling people to give all kinds of offerings. I mean, they even use the subject of money to get people to become members of the churches by telling them that they will be richly blessed by God through the anointing flowing from the man of God trickling down into their pockets. Our God, the God of Israel, through the Bible has talked about money as well. The Bible has 39 verses in the 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9 dealing with the money. So money is important. In Proverbs 3:9 the Bible says Honour the Lord with your wealth, therefore we can confidently say the Lord expects us to have some wealth (the money) which we can use to honour Him.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to the subject of money, as hinted above, Christians are divided into two major groups. The first group, let’s call it the poverty group, is of those Christians who pretend that money is evil. For these Christians all talk and discussions about money seems to provoke evil desires and efforts to gain financial prosperity are sinful. These Christians, even though they give offerings and tithing, think that God wishes for us to be poor and wanting, never to have enough to eat decently and wear nicely or live in good houses in decent neighbourhoods. Their idea of a life pleasing to God is to be poverty stricken and in suffering. Any preacher who teaches about money and financial success is a false preacher destined, together with his disciples, to the fires of hell. To these Christians any prophetic utterance on wealth and increase is coming from the false prophet of the last days whom the scriptures have warned us to avoid. They label all preachers and teachers who have said anything to do with financial success as prosperity preachers and their message, prosperity gospel is to be avoided and rebuked.

    However, the same people who are so negative about money do not feel that it is antagonizing when they listen to their pastor using more than one hour on a Sunday morning telling them that they must give to God through tithing and offerings. You can find these people moving around the streets and neighbourhoods with paper card from church asking for contributions from random people to help in church construction. They can solicit money from a sinner who has money to build the church but will not go around themselves and learn to work and do business and make more money because that is sinful! They can call a sinner relative of theirs and ask for monetary help to assist for school fees for their children but will not want to hustle around and be seen that they are busy for money because that is sinful.

    The second group of Christians, the prosperity group, is of those Christians who see money in everything that the Bible teaches. To these Christians the level of one’s close walk with Christ is directly proportional to the money in the bank. These Christians think that their level of faith in the Lord is measured in how well they do financially. They want to gather around teachers who will teach them more on how pray for the money. They get excited when a prophet pronounces that they will receive miracle money next Monday morning. If they did not get the money it was because they did not give a substantial offering, they did not sow enough seed to rip a heavy harvest.

    These Christians think that pastor A is more anointed and walks more intimately with the Lord than pastor B because pastor A wears more expensive suits, drives fancier cars and has several beautiful mansions. And of course if you want your prayer answered and life changed by Jesus Christ you have to go worship in the church run by the rich pastor. And pastors leading this second group know how to deal with them. They only preach money sermons and very rarely touch on other subjects which are important for spiritual growth of a Christian. These churches look more like a social gathering of anything but believers worshipping and praying to the Creator of the Heaven and the Earth.

    Both these groups are in existence and continue to grow because of false understanding of the scriptures regarding money and also because in a way their ignorance profit the preachers. From my African perspective, I think the poverty group level of thinking has contributed to the poverty level of my people for the benefit of colonial masters and their offspring – those who have inherited the political and economic positions previously occupied by the colonial masters. 

    The prosperity group is the new comer that benefits from the desire of poor people who want to get out of poverty but still want to keep their faith in the Lord. Therefore, either by accident or by design on the part of the clergy, the majority of Christians still remain in the dark with regard to the understanding of scriptures referring to financial wealth. But I am sure that this is situation is by the devil’s design because it is rooted from incorrect interpretation of scriptures.

    The Bible says in Isaiah 5:13 that Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge (KJV). We are the people of God who have gone into captivity, poverty is the captivity. The Devil has always been on a mission to destroy God’s people and he stops them from getting knowledge. As a result, people are destroyed through poverty and some forced out of faith because of poverty. Young girls are forced to sell their bodies and young men into the life of crime and sin because of poverty. Many Christians have to go through some form of corruption to get employed in poor countries where unemployment is rampant. If you think lack

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