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Your Destiny is Calling You
Your Destiny is Calling You
Your Destiny is Calling You
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Your Destiny is Calling You

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Many times; we fail ourslves because we do not respond to the call of destiny. Several people, have given up on discovering thier own destiny, because they have not received the call of destiny. This book, is structured to help many of us with understnading the call of destiny.

Release dateFeb 26, 2023
Your Destiny is Calling You


author of 4 books now staying at Heidelgerg

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    Book preview

    Your Destiny is Calling You - MONAHENG SELLO NELSON


    First and foremost, I want to dedicate this book to my Lord and personal Savior Jesus Christ. I do acknowledge your influence, love and wisdom in my life and toward my inspirational book. Without you this book wouldn’t have become an authentic remarkable book. Lord amongst them all" ─you remain trustworthy and you rightfully deserve to be honored. All the Praise, Majesty and Glory belongs to you. Your favor, and grace has influenced me to become influential and understand the vitality of becoming great - so that I will cause an impact to my generation.


    Chapter 1: You are called................................................8

    Chapter 2: Be constant with what you are doing.....23

    Chapter 3: Respect your destiny..................................39

    Chapter 4: Destiny is knowledge driven.....................51 

    Chapter 5: Get used to battles......................................64

    Chapter 6; Prepare yourself for your destiny.............76

    Chapter 7: You are your destiny....................................94


    About the Author 



    You are called to your destiny. We are here on earth for a reason; it is up to us to discover and understand our calling, for there is a reason for our existence. We all have the gift of life and we have to respond to what God has called us to do. The most important thing you can do for yourself, is to discover your purpose in life. Your destiny, is calling you to new possibilities, how you respond now is how you will be in future. There is more in future than what is here today. In most times, we miss the call to destiny, because of what we turn to focus on today.

    Most people they are not even aware of the call from destiny. They live from day to day; and not see themselves beyond of who they are today. They do not even know that the is a destiny they are called too.

    Look at it this way, having everything you need that pertain unto life written down for you and construction on how you should go about it. if you do not read what is written down, you will never know how to go about it and you will miss the mark. The way destiny is so giving, it shows you how you will be in future and let you make a choice, if you want to become or not to become. What makes many people to fail to understand destiny, is that they want an easy way to the top. With destiny you grow to it and mature to the call. Destiny will call you to itself using many different ways. We will discuss those ways more when we go deep in the book.

    Keep this in mind, all things work together for your own good, it can be bad things challenging you or love you receive from people or family. It can be favor appearing to you in a form of pain, rejection, isolation, hate-trade to mention a few. Destiny can use anything to draw your attention to itself in many ways and different directions.

    The is a lot you need to know and understand about destiny. Learn to hear the voice of destiny calling you. Destiny knows what you will pass through and destiny knows the challenges you will face to become who you have to be! Do not look for an easy way out, grow to learn your calling. When you are given time to serve, you are also given time to learn, one day you will offer lessons from own life experiences. One day you will stand and teach what you have learn throughout the years even as you were serving.

    Everything you learn and do is important to your destiny, there is nothing senseless to destiny. The is room for everything and the is time for everything in life. What destiny wants you to do, is to learn to ask questions, because the is no wrong or right question when it comes to the pursuit of destiny, for we grow by asking questions. A person that asks questions is hungry to know and grow. Take steps towards your destiny and your destiny will walk towards you. Build yourself up, because the quest of destiny is not a smooth sailing.

    Chapter one

    You are called.


    our destiny is calling you, how you respond to the call determines your future. Many, have delayed they are destiny through ignorance. Some of us, we delay the call through jobs, schools, environment, family pressure, lack of knowledge, and many other factors. What we need to understand is this, delay is not the end of us or our destiny. When you born, your destiny was set before you and is up for you. You need to discover your destiny. You are called for bigger things, you are not there yet, but you are right on your way to your destiny. You can respond to the call or not, based on what you choose to do today.

    Each and every one of us is called, and we exist for a greater purpose than what meets the eye, we all have a call to destiny. Most time, we choose to do different things and fail to choose a right way to destiny, because of security. We want security, on things we worked for not on those things we are given freely. We believe more on what we buy, than, what we are given. We need to be careful, on how we make our choices as people. What can help us to find or discover our destiny, is

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