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The Reborn: Biology Dare to Love, #2
The Reborn: Biology Dare to Love, #2
The Reborn: Biology Dare to Love, #2
Ebook257 pages3 hours

The Reborn: Biology Dare to Love, #2

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A long time ago in London they wanted to destroy me, only this time I almost did it myself. Pain can blind you and lead you to the most extreme situations.
Connor was the most beautiful thing that life has given me after so much suffering. However, it is also the most painful memory of my return, because he taught me that he could leave my fears behind to dare to love, and then destroy my soul with his deceit.
London is my personal Hell, there are people who wish to see me dead. I return to fight for everything that has been taken from me, I rebounded and healed those wounds that my heart refused to close.
My refuge is nothing more than my daughter and the life I want to live with her, because I let go of my demons to love the only thing that makes me feel alive.

Release dateFeb 27, 2023
The Reborn: Biology Dare to Love, #2

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    The Reborn - Chavez Christian

    Part I I

    the reborn


    Time vanished blurring the memories of the past, three long years have passed since that cataclysm that her insecurity and childish fears washed over her. However, Paulina Ferguson did not regret anything that she had to live those months in London, the city that was destined to destroy her. That specific fall helped her realize the mistakes she made, because when she let go of everything that tormented her, she could only find that a strong and powerful woman was sleeping inside her. Growing up and forgiving was the most difficult and she knew it was, since she had managed to get a medical discharge from her psychologist. That was the first of the many triumphs that she was willing to achieve on her path to resilience.

    Ina undertook the great road to overcome her traumas, because that scared girl never underestimated the people who assured her that she must exorcise her most horrible fears, in order to leave her demons behind. He gave up alcohol and drugs with a lot of effort, they were already part of his stormy past. He returned to Paris, which was his personal Purgatory and thus wash away his sins to be a better person. Despite all that peace she had found, she considered that the time was coming to return to London again, to show everyone that she was another person and that she was going with everything to get her daughter back.

    He decided to call his grandmother when he left the office to tell her his decision. He waited impatiently for her to answer his cell phone and mocked thinking he had lost it somewhere.

    Damn device! She heard her grandmother exclaim on the other end, causing her to almost burst out laughing. Pauline, do you hear me?

    Yes, but don't yell grandma, he answered, smiling. Are you OK?

    —Yes, my girl, only I'm on the bridge and I couldn't find the device inside my bag.

    —Grandma, I was calling you to inform you that I will arrive in three days, I ask you to have everything ready for my return and notify David that I will live in my parents' villa.

    Sarah fell suddenly into the chair under the watchful eye of her playmates, the old woman was scared and not because she mistrusted the recovery of her granddaughter, rather she feared for all those who had hurt the girl. At last, the moment had arrived in which they would pay the consequences of all their actions.

    -Are you sure? she inquired concerned.

    -I am. Paulina sighed tired of her grandmother doubting. I love you, later I will call you to inform you the flight itinerary and inform my brother.

    I'm waiting for you with open arms, Sarah said excitedly.

    —Say hi to David for me —Paulina hung up the call.

    He started the car and hurriedly left the parking lot in the direction of his small apartment. In a quick movement he activated the radio, the station that was on was broadcasting the French music classic Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, in the exquisite voice of Edith Piaf. She smiled because for her they were the perfect moment and the perfect song for her new beginning, the one she had wanted so much and that she was savoring like a victory.

    When she got home, she threw the keys and her bag on the sofa to go directly to her computer. She waited impatiently for the machine to turn on, since today more than ever she felt anxious to see her little daughter. He went to the kitchen for water thinking that he should seek a little rapprochement with Elizabeth. She rolled her eyes because she hated that name so much, however, time was her greatest enemy and eight years in which her entire life was lost. She always wanted to live the experience of her first steps, words, gestures and even her first illnesses. She accepted with regret that the girl only knew that name and that she could not make changes that could harm her. She sat down again a little upset, but all that feeling faded when she looked at her inbox, because like every day Piper, the private investigator sent her photos of her daughter that she took from a distance.

    Those images made her fight to be a better person every day of her life, the truth was that she was learning that she didn't need anyone to be well, that true love began with her own and that she had the power to achieve everything she wanted. was set as a goal. But for Paulina all that was new, because she managed to understand that she always had the power in her hands to make her dreams come true.

    The first months in London after her suicide attempt were the hardest of her life. She found herself lost without the kitchen and without him, Connor, the man for whom she lowered her barriers and like a storm ended up destroying the little stability she had. possessed. After meditating on it for days, he concluded that it was best to seek help in professional hands, he understood that it was the first step he should have taken before returning. That new anxiety that emerged in her being did not seem to disappear with the help of the psychiatrist, so with regret she concluded that the best thing to do was once again leave the city that was her Heaven and Hell.

    By the time she made the decision to leave, six months had already passed without him, she missed him more than ever while her heart was still broken, forgetting it was impossible when we were both in the same place. Claude once again was his savior, because he opened the doors of his restaurant for him, since Jean Pierre had accepted the job of his life in an American restaurant.

    Paulina felt mentally stable, but she had as a reminder some small whitish marks on her wrists that were the product of that cloudy past she had lived through, however, she was vulnerable to those scars on her wrist, because like every human being she had fallen and did not she knew how to get up, she accepted that she was perfectly imperfect like everyone else.

    His family and friends taught him that life could have colors, because not everything should be seen in black and white, because it is good to qualify life with lessons that leave you with more than just bad memories. She had moments where she wanted to run away to hide in anyone's wings, she had to admit that overcoming everything was quite a complicated task, since agreeing with her therapist that she was a woman dependent on other people and that above all she needed signs of affection to feel safe, made her feel weak.

    He learned to overcome death, no matter how traumatic it might have been, since that was the safest thing we had in life, we are born to die. She forgave her parents for leaving her alone and she also gave the same blessing to George, however, more importantly, she had forgiven herself for all the damage she had done by losing them.

    Lorraine went to visit her every two months to make sure she was okay, she feared for her emotional stability while her relationship with David stagnated in a meaningless limbo, because the blonde could not forgive him for hiding her niece's whereabouts from her. Paulina tried to mediate between them, but she couldn't make any progress. That made her feel guilty, because she was somehow spoiling her brother's happiness.

    She was proud that in other aspects of her life she had advanced a lot, especially in the workplace, since she had been reviewed as one of the best pastry chefs in Paris. Many doors in his heart were closed and others were opened to make way for new experiences.

    Andrew did not leave her side for a single day, since he traveled almost every weekend and called her daily to make sure she was okay. The girl understood that whoever perseveres achieved what she most desires and that many times love could be ignited and enlivened by the tinder she receives. That's why he finally accepted that they could be together, they had been trying for a relationship for a short three months.

    Excited about the close encounter, she decided to download the photos and call him to tell him the good news. On the third ring he heard:

    —Sunshine _ [1] Andrew murmured that sweet name he had chosen for her.

    -I have good news! she exclaimed excitedly.

    Tell me, he answered, imitating the girl's tone of voice.

    I will visit you in three days.

    -You got it! He answered excitedly. My life, I wait for you with open arms. Will you live at home?

    Paulina hesitated for a moment, because she wanted to undertake this new journey alone. She liked to be quiet with her thoughts and she needed to prove to herself that she could accomplish anything without help. This time I wanted to take things calmly and live day by day, open my eyes every morning with enthusiasm and close them with the hope of waking up.

    I want to try alone first. —He heard a snort from his interlocutor, which is why he hastened to say—: Afterwards we have a life to be together, we are just beginning this relationship, I will not go anywhere else.

    You promise me? Andrew asked doubtfully.

    -It is a promise.

    "I love you, sunshine ," he told her, hoping she understood his eagerness to have her.

    I love you, she murmured back, for she still couldn't bring herself to say the words.

    I never said I love you to Connor and I did, but I can't, forgive me, Andrew. Remembering her past made her feel weak.

    They talked for a few minutes while reviewing a flight that would fit into his busy work schedule. They agreed that Andrew would pick her up at the airport, and then take her to her grandmother's house. Paulina hung up with the promise of being together.

    —London, I come again for you and this time to stay forever.

    She thought aloud as she sent her flight itinerary to her grandmother.


    Connor's plane had stopped in Paris, he was finally coming home after being in Australia for a long time. She wanted to arrive so soon since she was out of London for almost eight months, she believed that being away was the best decision of her life, in order to leave behind the pain that being in the kitchen of her restaurant caused her without her. However, she decided to return as she wanted to surprise Alan with the news that they were opening a new restaurant in Cambridge. For that reason alone, he boarded the plane in first class that would take him back home, because he needed to see and share a little more with his daughter, to make up for the time he was away. Acknowledging that much of his life had been lost in those months, he waited patiently for the other passengers to board while enjoying the glass of bourbon he had been offered for the delay.

    Paulina arrived late at the airport and was about to miss her flight because of the traffic jam she got on the way. He saw that a stewardess was about to close the boarding gate, he ran as if his life hung by a thread, the most amazing thing is that he was doing it on top of twenty-centimeter stilettos , when he was almost about to arrive he shouted desperately:

    Wait, wait, please!

    She skidded in front of the gate with extraordinary skill, leaving many speechless as they caught a glimpse of the long legs the girl possessed. She boarded the plane and one of the stewardesses escorted her to her seat in a hurry, since they were minutes away from taking off. Paulina sat down and distracted herself by fastening her seat belt. A tingling ran through her body that made her feel strange, she thought it was part of the nerves she was harboring for his return, however, the tingling reminded her of the times Connor looked at her while she was distracted.

    She looked up to ask the stewardess to bring her a glass of sparkling water and a slice of lime, but she was stunned by the intensity of green eyes that were looking at her longingly and, some time ago, they had been doing it the same way. way in the intimacy of sheets stirred by passion and love.

    Connor... she whispered into her mind overwhelmed by memories of the past. God, not now, why now?

    Time was suspended between Paulina and Connor. She couldn't get over her astonishment at finding him again and he was as dazzled as the first time he saw her at the disco. That love emerged again like a Phoenix bird, but she wanted to put out the flames because she was not willing to make the same mistakes of the past.

    Ina, Connor whispered excitedly, tasting her name again on his lips.

    He couldn't believe that she was face to face, simply his dream had come true and he had her close once more. This was his second chance, his turn of the page, his call to live again; simply her life had been suspended in yesterday and the stormy memory of her love. But having her in front of him again made him breathe easy, because he had never stopped loving her.

    She breathed sharply and he watched as her face went from shock to the most palpable anger. That reaction broke his heart into a thousand pieces again. Her hope faded, a big lump formed in her throat and she swallowed hard, because while he was glad, she seemed uncomfortable with his presence.

    -No! she exclaimed annoyed trying to remove her seatbelt.

    This can't happen to me, not now, Paulina repeated to herself in her mind, because she was scared to see again the man she loved with all her soul and who had destroyed her.

    Your contradiction.

    His Achilles heel.



    Ina, he repeated her name sweetly.

    Miss, we're about to take off, a stewardess warned her as she approached her.

    I have to get off this plane, she answered nervously, she needed to get out of there and forget about the idea of going back to London.

    The plane took off while longing for the past settled in Paulina's heart, she knew that she would see it again some day, but she did not think it would be so fast. When he was able to remove his belt, he got up and went looking for someone to solve his problem. She spoke with one of the girls who coordinated her class and who changed her place with a rather large wad of bills. He drank the water trembling and asked the sky to give him the strength to endure the few hours of flight.

    Connor couldn't get out of his astonishment and his body reacted just looking at her, it was like the opposite pole that was always going to attract him. The years passed and she was still a beautiful woman, but she also realized that she had become stronger and tougher. He had respected her decision and left her side, however, for him they had been the most terrible years of his existence, since he never stopped loving her. Now fate was putting her back on her path. Would it mean anything? He was willing to find out, for one reason only, which was that he still loved her.

    He wrote letters in which he tried to justify his mistakes and sent them without receiving any response, he also sought her out to tell her in person how much he loved her and he did not do so for fear of her rejection. At some point he lost his trail and his time as a stalker came to an end with his departure. Little by little he resigned himself that he would never see her again, hear her voice, touch her soft and colorful skin with each of her tattoos, but he could not forget her and he recognized that he missed her like he never thought he would. Saying goodbye to her destroyed her life, because he recognized that he had hurt her a lot when in reality he only wanted to protect her.

    Having her close was killing him and his pain was growing with the rejection. Paulina was all he needed to feel alive. His mistake was loving her too much and, now, well, now he paid for it with the hatred he perceived in those blue eyes that once looked at him with love.

    A turn of the page gave them life so as not to make the same mistakes, only that she seemed to have turned her love into hate, she forgot how unimportant things are forgotten. However, he would not give up to fight for his love once more.

    I love you, Paulina, he whispered in her mind and she turned to look at him, thinking she could read his thoughts when her cheeks flushed.


    Paulina ran down the plane to flee from another encounter with Connor, she was thankful for the contacts her brother had and that she enjoyed the title of Lord, since she was able to bypass all customs formalities and avoided looking back, because her past was something that he shouldn't bring his present.

    Her past was equal to problems, the same ones that always made her lose her way. Her feelings began a struggle between reason and love, it was so strong to see Connor again since she had suffered for him for so long, but it was enough to meet him to understand that all that feeling had not been completely extinguished.

    When she left, she calmed down a bit when she realized that Andrew was waiting for her with open arms, she threw herself into them looking for the calm she needed. His friend and now lover had become his connection to the real world, his ground wire. She turned on the want button with her brain and told her heart to calm down.

    You're here, Andrew whispered and inhaled the rose fragrance that continued to intoxicate him like a teenager.

    Yes, but let's go home, Paulina answered, breaking the hug, wanting to run out of that place.

    You're already here, you'll be mine forever, Andrew thought, taking her hand to leave the room.

    Okay, Andrew agreed.

    I want to see everyone now, she excused herself, for a moment her mind betrayed her and she looked back. Those green eyes glared at her and she thought it was for the best.

    Connor watched that scene from afar and was furious when he realized that he had lost her, for it was clear that he found love in the arms of another man, well, the idiot who was by his side. Andrew surely lived by his side his darkest moments while he tried to get closer to her without success. It was hard for her to convince herself that it was a possibility that she could rebuild her life, however, she never imagined that she would forget it, because she thought that the love that the two of them harbored inside her heart was unbreakable.

    But she forgot.

    Now there is another man who would give him what he wanted.

    Regret was something that tormented him.

    I wish I could get her back, HER, her blue eyed girl.

    Your Pauline.

    He spent the flight trying to get close to her and ask her about every year he'd missed, he refrained from doing anything fearing her reaction, he

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