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Why are you waiting?

Once Saigon fell, everything would change. Kerry Flynn knew this to be true. Yet, amidst all the chaos and violence, she found heaven within this hell. Wandering away from her hotel one evening, she unexpectedly heard classical music being performed by an adorable Vietnamese boy. After offering to help him when he became lost with the composition’s interlude, she met Axel, his Swedish-born instructor. Drawn in by his handsome features and gentle manner, Kerry’s infatuation with him leads to an all-consuming love affair.

It was said that in those final perilous days before Saigon fell anything was possible for the right price. For some, they paid with their souls. Kerry paid with her heart. With the fear of no tomorrow looming dangerously close, one thought overwhelmed all. Why are you waiting?

Reader Advisory: The human heart is the greatest casualty of war.

PUBLISHER NOTE: Historical Romance. 18,200 words. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

Release dateMar 3, 2023

Jeffery Martin Botzenhart

I was born on November 9, 1967 in Warren, Ohio and grew up in a country trailer park in Southington Ohio with my two brothers and parents.I currently live in Girard, Ohio with my wife and sons. After graduating from Chalker High School in 1986, I went on to attend Kent State University.Originally, I sought to pursue a degree in education, but changed degrees after a few years in school. After working my way through college for eight years, I graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations.Aside from writing, I also draw and paint. My other passion is soccer. I have proudly been a coach of a soccer team for autistic and special needs players.

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    Book preview

    Interlude - Jeffery Martin Botzenhart


    Whispers of Vietnam – Book One


    Why are you waiting?

    Once Saigon fell, everything would change. Kerry Flynn knew this to be true. Yet, amidst all the chaos and violence, she found heaven within this hell. Wandering away from her hotel one evening, she unexpectedly heard classical music being performed by an adorable Vietnamese boy. After offering to help him when he became lost with the composition’s interlude, she met Axel, his Swedish-born instructor. Drawn in by his handsome features and gentle manner, Kerry’s infatuation with him leads to an all-consuming love affair.

    It was said that in those final perilous days before Saigon fell anything was possible for the right price. For some, they paid with their souls. Kerry paid with her heart. With the fear of no tomorrow looming dangerously close, one thought overwhelmed all. Why are you waiting?

    Reader Advisory: The human heart is the greatest casualty of war.

    PUBLISHER NOTE:  Historical Romance. 18,200 words. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    Whispers of Vietnam – Book One




    Whispers of Vietnam – Book One


    Cover Art by Poppy Designs


    No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


    To the brave soldiers, dedicated doctors and nurses, and the fearless correspondents who risked all during the Vietnam War.  Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.


    March 30, 1975

    I can’t remember the last time I slept for more than a few hours. I’m tired and everything hurts from crawling around and crouching down too much. There are cuts and bruises covering my arms and legs. The mosquitoes seem to have taken a liking to the rest of me. I’d like a hot shower and something to eat, but I’m not going to keep my hopes up for either.

    Things here in South Vietnam are going to hell. I don’t know how much longer we have. Winston said that my camera footage and still photographs are the best he’s ever seen. Half the time he’s stoned, so I’m not really sure if it’s him or the drugs who like them more. I hate my photographs. There are too many dead bodies. As for the living, I can see so much fear in their eyes. I don’t actually think I would call it living.

    We barely made it out of Hue before it fell on the 25th. It was the same thing on the 28th. We nearly got ourselves killed when the North Vietnamese army captured Da Nang. So now we’re on our way to Saigon. It was pretty tense when we were there a month ago. I have no idea what it’s going to be like now, but I’m guessing it will be worse.

    Kerry placed her journal on the car seat next to her while she closed her eyes for a minute. Her whole body bounced into the air when the car passed through some deep ruts in the center of the road. Immediately after, her head and shoulder impacted with Winston’s front seat as the driver slammed on the brakes. Steady streams of refugees partially blocked the road leading into the city. Their driver pounded on his horn several times, shouting profanities out his window. Barely anyone reacted to his ranting. After throwing his hands up in disgust, he lit a cigarette and nervously tapped on the steering wheel. Kerry guessed it would be a while before they would reach the city only a mile or so ahead.

    Resting her throbbing head against her window, Kerry watched the rain. So far it was only a light shower, not a monsoon drenching. With her finger placed against the glass, she traced a streaming raindrop until she couldn’t follow it anymore. Glancing up, she saw two small boys being ushered along by an older man. Barefoot and dirty, the boys looked like so many others she had seen. Blank expressions covered their faces, with no sadness or fear. Their eyes told their tale. Staring at her, they seemed to be saying, we’re too tired to be scared. We have nothing left to give—and have nothing left to be taken away. More than once over the last few weeks Kerry had felt the same way.

    At one point she did actually fall asleep.

    We’re here, Winston said through his English accent as he shook her by the shoulder.

    Sitting up, Kerry rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. She stood unsteadily on her feet after stepping out of the car. Winston grabbed her by the hand, leading them through the mass of people before making their way toward another crowded street.

    After walking a block away, Winston stopped and talked in Vietnamese to a tall, skinny, rather nervous looking young man on a street corner. The young man’s eyes shifted from one direction to the next, checking to see if he was being watched. After carefully exchanging money for a bag, Winston pulled her along much quicker until they reached the hotel where they

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