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God is Willing
God is Willing
God is Willing
Ebook211 pages3 hours

God is Willing

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God Is Willing is an inspired book that reveals the loving kindness of our Creator. This book helps you become aware of what the spiritual realm is doing for you, and what it is doing to cause calamities in your life. Showing you how to discern the difference between the thoughts that God's kingdom gives and the thoughts that Satan's kingdom gives. Becoming aware of this will help you in your life. Being that we cannot see angels, we need to know the difference between the two types. God has made sure that honorable angels' actions/ways be different from the demons, so that we the people can know them by the thoughts that we are given. It is our thoughts that propel us to do good or bad.

There are many treasures that our Creator has left in the land for us, the people, to find, and having this discernment is one of them. This discernment allows you to not automatically accept the thoughts that you have. Once you start learning to reject thoughts that are harmful to you, the honorable angel's thoughts will have a greater hold on you so that you can be released from the harmful thoughts. Honorable angels give us thoughts with feelings attached to them so that we can maintain our goodness.

As you read this book, you will see how your thoughts can manipulate you to do things that are non-beneficial; however, utilizing your discernment will counteract these non-beneficial thoughts. Whether a person does God's will or not, they can still have salvation through thy Lord, Jesus.

Release dateFeb 27, 2023
God is Willing

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    Book preview

    God is Willing - Charlene Murray

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1: Why This Book Had to Be Written

    Chapter 2: Before God Started Creating

    Chapter 3: The Fullness of God

    Chapter 4: God's Original Plan and Then This Is What Happened

    Chapter 5: God's Kingdom

    Chapter 6: Satan Finding and Founding the World

    Chapter 7: Adam

    Chapter 8: Angels

    Chapter 9: How I Gained This Wisdom

    Chapter 10: Spiritual Food

    Chapter 11: God's Plan for People Who Have Knowledge of Good and Evil

    Chapter 12: Judgments during Our Life Span

    Chapter 13: Divine Releases

    Chapter 14: The Line between Judgments

    Chapter 15: God's Orders

    Chapter 16: Inclination of Our Hearts

    Chapter 17: Why God Allowed Sin and Destruction to Rule as King before the Lord Walked the Earth

    Chapter 18: Why Dishonorable Angels Will Not Always Be amid Us

    Chapter 19: God's Forbearance

    Chapter 20: All Sins Will Be Forgiven

    Chapter 21: The Bible

    Chapter 22: How God's Operations Operate in Us

    Chapter 23: Patience

    Chapter 24: Heavenly Rewards

    Chapter 25: Decisions

    Chapter 26: Why It Is Good in God's Eyes for Us to Have Earthly Laws

    Chapter 27: Forgiveness: How We Should Utilize It

    Chapter 28: Divine Direction: How We All Have It

    Chapter 29: The House within Your Heart and Mind

    Chapter 30: Congregations

    Chapter 31: How the True Prophet's Dedication to God and Us Is a Tremendous Help

    Chapter 32: What God's Discipline Does for Us?

    Chapter 33: Why God Has Approved Some Evil

    Chapter 34: Heavenly Treasures

    Chapter 35: The Deceptive Power of Riches

    Chapter 36: The Benefits of Doing God's Will

    Chapter 37: Why Do We Allow Satan to Rule on an Earth That Belongs to Us?

    Chapter 38: Why It Was Important for the Lord to Die for Our Sins and Why We Need to Utilize His Master Plan

    Chapter 39: Insight into the Scriptures (NWT)

    About the Author


    God is Willing

    Charlene Murray

    ISBN 979-8-88644-083-6 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88644-084-3 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2023 Charlene Murray

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    This book is dedicated to our Creator. I am dedicating this book to Him because he has done many things, like giving me His counsel, to help me get through many trials and tribulations and because some days I just didn't want to have to face another day. On days that were good, God still counseled me, so my joy was even greater; teaching me his counsel is the most important thing anyone can have in their life.

    Being that I always listen to God, he showed me he knows what's best, and it's because of my love and dedication to him, which I felt, motivated me to write this book and look for him to guide me on this greater level. God taught me how to love him without having great fear of him. As it is written, Fear hinders love and It is better to fear God a little than a lot, when there's a whole lot of confusion added to it. This shows us all we can freely love him, regardless of our shortcomings.

    God also showed me how to increase my love for mankind and the holy ones who are connected to his divine kingdom. My love today is greater, and it's due to these very facts that God and the holy ones showed me what to write in this book. God and the holy ones showed up and taught me how to love and how to execute justice in a way that glorifies God's beautiful name and essence. God also taught me we must love ourselves first because, when we love ourselves on a greater level, this means we can love him and others greater. Within this greater love, obsession is removed, and peace and tranquility remain in its place. This dedication is given mainly to him and to all the honorable ones connected to his divine and holy kingdom—but not just them. This book is also dedicated to mankind because we all do the work to get through.

    Chapter 1 shows how we can discern the difference between demons and honorable angels. This is needed so we can avoid some of our self-destructive ways and show ourselves how to remove demons from the land and get them placed into God's prison. This will add peace to our lives.

    Chapter 2 gives profound insight into what took place before God started creating and how God utilizes himself in all creations.

    Chapter 3 gives details of how God separated himself into three major parts and how each part is being utilized for our benefit and for his divine purposes.

    Chapter 4 talks about God's original plan for all his creations, letting us know how Satan and demons defiled the kingdom of heaven before the earth or mankind was created.

    Chapter 5 shows us the beauty of God and his kingdom and also explains the place that all spiritual creations have in his kingdom and our lives.

    Chapter 6 gives insight into Satan and his demonic ways. If we choose to learn more about what he's doing to us, God will teach us how to conquer him. This conquering is needed so we can have more happiness and peace in our lives.

    Chapter 7 talks about the first humans, going into detail about Adam and Eve. This chapter also gives us insight into how God does things, including the importance of why we, the people, need to accept his views and ways rather than our own.

    Chapter 8 gives discernment on how to distinguish honorable from dishonorable angels, showing us how both work and the authority both have in our lives. Chapter 8 also shows us how we can diminish both their authorities by letting God determine our footsteps. For when we do this, God will give us more of his grace. We can learn how to discern God from Satan because we all have knowledge of both good and evil.

    Chapter 9 talks about the trials and tribulations that Satan put me through. Being that I am willing to learn from our Creator, he has allowed me to present the wisdom he taught me. This chapter goes into detail on how Satan blinded me and how God opened my eyes to the truth.

    Chapter 10 tells us why we need the food from God's table, what it consists of, and the importance of safeguarding it. Chapter 10 also reveals the identity of the two olive trees, the purpose they have in our lives, and how they will yoke most of us to themselves so we can get through God's great judgment day.

    Chapter 11 talks about the plan most of mankind is utilizing versus the plan we should be utilizing, explaining in detail why this other plan is easier to implement in our lives than the one we're currently using.

    Chapter 12 gives the purpose of why God allows us to be judged during our life span, as well as how this judgment offsets the judgments we will have during his great judgment day.

    Chapter 13 gives insight on how divine releases help us get through our day and how these releases protect us from some of the evil that Satan wants to place upon us.

    Chapter 14 talks about the lines of judgment, the difference between them, and the importance of us walking in the middle of them.

    Chapter 15 tells why God divinely seals his orders, why we need them, and their significance to mankind and to his kingdom.

    Chapter 16 tells us how our hearts are inclined, for it is the inclination of our hearts that determines which decisions we'll make, as well as if the decisions are not in union with God's plan, how we all will become spiritually bereft.

    Chapter 17 tells us why it was important for Satan to rule as king before the Lord walked the earth and how we're all benefiting from this godly action today.

    Chapter 18 tells us why demons cannot/will not be a part of our inheritance in the hereafter and/or coming system of things.

    Chapter 19 tells us why God's forbearance is needed for all of us individually.

    Chapter 20 explains why all sins can and will be forgiven, going into the details of how and why we the people can't commit the one sin that has no forgiveness.

    Chapter 21 explains the importance of the Bible and how it can tremendously help us in our lives, especially when we allow God to guide us through it.

    Chapter 22 discusses how God utilizes His spirit and how we can utilize his qualities to gain more positive results in our lives.

    Chapter 23 explains how to utilize patience practically. This chapter also explains the significance patience can have in all our lives when we utilize it.

    Chapter 24 talks about why heavenly rewards are needed and why we need to ask God for the things that are important to us. God allows us to do this because of the rewards we have gained and because of His great love for us.

    Chapter 25 talks about how our decisions have affected our lives and how we can remake them in a practical way, if we choose to.

    Chapter 26 talks about the importance of having earthly laws.

    Chapter 27 shows us how to practice forgiveness in a practical way and why exercising forgiveness benefits us.

    Chapter 28 shows us how to utilize divine direction practically.

    Chapter 29 talks about how you can build up your heart and your mind and the importance of why we shouldn't let anyone tamper with either one.

    Chapter 30 talks about why congregations are needed on the earth and how they can be more built up by utilizing honorable angels' rewards.

    Chapter 31 talks about how the true prophets loved us enough to sacrifice their human lives when they were here on earth, and why this action was needed for mankind.

    Chapter 32 talks about the importance of accepting God's discipline and how this discipline helps us make better decisions in our lives.

    Chapter 33 explains why God made the judicial decision to approve some evil and how this decision of his makes our lives more bearable on a cursed ground.

    Chapter 34 talks about the importance of obtaining heavenly treasures and why God made the judicial decision that money should not be able to buy them.

    Chapter 35 gives the true meaning of what the Lord meant when he was talking about the deceptive power of riches.

    Chapter 36 talks about the importance of attaining the benefits God has said we the people are to partake of. This chapter also explains how to discern the difference between the ones who follow God from the ones who follow Satan.

    Chapter 37 talks about how we can stop Satan from ruling in our lives so we all can have more control over the things that happen on the earth and to ourselves.

    Chapter 38 talks about how we the people slay each other and the power we take away from ourselves and give to Satan when it's not a righteous slaying.

    Chapter 39 gives a deeper and more insightful meaning to each scripture in this chapter.


    God has inspired this book so he can be of assistance to the many people looking to get a better understanding of him. As your understanding of God increases, God, in turn, will increase your understanding of everything else. In this book, you'll find the wisdom that we (the people) need to help us deal with a variety of issues. God has allowed this book to be written because we need this added wisdom in our lives, and, hopefully, after you've read this book, you'll see how much God truly does love justice and us all. At this time, I'd like to thank God, the Lord, and all the righteous ones who are a part of his divine kingdom, as well as my family, my publishing house, and all of you for making this book available to the various people who may need this added love, understanding, and wisdom in their lives.

    During my lifetime, I have listened to and been obedient to God's holy words. In my earlier years, I listened to a few of his holy words; however, as I have gotten older, I've listened to more and more of his holy words and found answers to a lot of things I had questions about. For some time now, I've done a thorough search of his holy words so I could learn how to live by them. It's only when I took in more knowledge about God that I was taught that I would have to live by his words practically—practically, because we're not perfect. I had a hard time accepting that I'd fall short of God's original purpose because I wanted to be unblemished in his eyes. I wanted to please him completely, and when I found out I couldn't get to know our creator completely so I could please him completely, I was hurt and angry. I couldn't understand how this could be when I was willing to listen and be obedient to him.

    However, when I started utilizing more of God's holy words in my life, I understood I needed to believe in him when he said, The work of my hands would come back upon me. At some point, I didn't understand how this statement of his could be true when I was being treated unfairly. I couldn't see how the work of my hands would come back upon me, so instead of rejecting God's holy words, I continued to practice his divine good ways.

    During this training period, I've had to face a lot of hardship because of the will of the wicked one. I didn't understand how this could be when I know God's will is greater than Satan's will. However, being that I made the decision to serve God with my whole heart, whole mind, and whole soul, I continued to live only for him and his divine direction. As I practiced more of God's good ways, I was sad to find out that, no matter how good I treated people, they would disrespect some of the good I was giving them.

    God taught me, through the scriptures, that this happens for a multitude of reasons—the main reason being that demons are here on the earth, and they always send us evil thoughts, which most times causes us not to see or to disrespect the good someone is trying to do for us. Many times, the ones who disrespect good eventually learn that good is good for them. In time, they also learn to respect good inclinations. At this point, God gave me more discernment, and I saw that all of us have knowledge of good and bad. It was at this time that I learned in detail what this meant.

    Today, I stand in a place where I accept that all people do good and bad, further knowing that none of us will have all the answers to all the questions that perplex us today. Today, I thank God that I stand in this place, most times with love, hope, kindness, patience, and endurance. I have been taught through the scriptures to accept people as they are and only if they're looking to change their ways. I look for ways to make their transition from one way to another easier. I was also taught it's not beneficial for any of us if we force God's will because he's there for us, whether we do his will or not. When we look for the good in people, we'll find it, and because we all practice good ways, we all can look for ways to be kind, if it's kindness that's needed.

    I also would like to thank all of you for enduring along with me this calamitous time frame of judgments and sin that we're all subjected to.


    Chapter 1

    Why This Book Had to Be Written

    This book is needed because there are many

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