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Cruise to Hell
Cruise to Hell
Cruise to Hell
Ebook138 pages2 hours

Cruise to Hell

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Lucky Harris is a volunteer cruise ship chaplain. Led Daley is his traveling companion who is in constant pursuit of the lady for his life. The story develops with the characters little by little getting drawn into a dark, hellish situation. The local island witch doctor needs new blood and has the young teen daughter kidnapped. Unbeknownst to anyone, the daughter has an advocate aboard who is ready to do angelic battle with the power of the devil. This is a cruise story with a supernatural twist that will keep you page turning through the flaming battle between good and evil waged in the ship's chapel during a hurricane. Plenty of action and adventure for anyone who enjoys cruising. The reader will recognize many of their own cruise experiences with the added attraction of the adventure event you most likely don't want to sign onto for yourself. It will be a lot safer just reading about it in CRUISE TO HELL.
Release dateFeb 15, 2012
Cruise to Hell

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    Cruise to Hell - David P Remy


    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for responding so well to this assembly drill. The signal you heard, seven short and one long blast from the ship’s whistle will be used in the unlikely event of an emergency. You are now assembled at your life boat station. In the unlikely……..

    The announcement droned on with more about whether you are in your cabin or not when you hear the signal. More detailed instruction about when there are children involved, etc., etc. Everyone was less than thrilled about this initial experience of their long awaited and highly priced dream cruise. It would have come across feeling more like an irrational premonition of a disaster if it hadn’t been for the cruel reality of the Italian cruise ship debacle a few weeks earlier.

    Add this drill to the travel hassle and the luggage problem and it adds up to a real emergency, an anonymous voice chirped. Obviously, a rather subjective opinion uttered by a frazzled day-one guest aboard Royal Danish cruise line’s newest and largest ship, the Palace Star. A couple more experienced fellow cruises standing in line with him nodded in support.

    I hear some of the other cruise lines have gone to showing this spiel over the TV in your room. This is a real mess finding your spot and then, fighting the crowd as we all head back to our cabins at the same time. Grumble, grumble. One would think that they were on a slave ship instead of the most modern luxury cruise ship afloat.

    Not to let it go, Mr. Anonymous added, "I bet this lecture was the same one they gave to those poor suckers the first day on the unsinkable Titanic. I like the repeated use of ’unlikely’. Hell, who seriously ever looks for these events? They’re always ’unlikely’, right?

    The other anonymous voice in the crowd, Me and the wife almost cancelled following that Italian disaster. Hitting a rock? I thought they had million dollar devices to warn of that stuff in the water with today’s technology.

    Hey, may I remind you, the Ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by engineering experts. There was a smattering of hand claps to this latest remark.

    In the group standing in military-like rank next to all these astute commentaries, a lady poked her husband, pointing, Tyrone, look at that bird out there. It’s coming right at us. It must be an albatross, it’s so big.

    "Where is it?

    Right there! You blind? See it? My gosh it’s a big bird.

    Tyrone cupped his hands, touched his forehead creating a shade, squinting his eyes. Shirley, that’s a jet plane. The sun is lighting it up and makes it look like a bird. It’s making the approach to land at the airport. Remember the airport we just came from? It’s only a couple of miles away.

    Blushing, Oh, I see it now. Sure looked like a bird to me. You know I’ve never been to the ocean before. Thought it was one of those birds you see on TV, on the National Geographic channel.

    Just then the Captain dismissed the group with his pleasantries about enjoying the magnificent ship during their Caribbean cruise vacation.

    Breaking ranks, everyone squeezed together and crushed ahead along the walkway under the overhanging life boats making their way back toward the sliding glass doors allowing re-entry to the ship. Two among the crowd were traveling companions, Eugene Harris and Led Daley. Never using his given name, Eugene was only known as Lucky, Father Lucky to members of his flock. He was a retired U. S. Navy chaplain and for the last few years was working cruises for RDC as a chaplain, on a voluntary basis.

    His traveling sidekick was Led, a young man seeking both his ultimate direction in life and his life mate. Hel--low! Led exclaimed turning his head slightly toward Lucky.

    What is it now, Led?

    Didn’t you see that? How could you miss her? You know I’ve always got my ‘hot chick radar scope’ up and running. Never want to miss seeing one of God’s divine creations. I know you tell us how we are to appreciate the blessings in our lives. Led, of course, was referring to his natural obsession as a young man to never fail to check out every possible available female on board.

    You never know which one might be the Mrs. Right. Led obviously was pumped for the cruise.

    Laughing, Lucky retorted, Led, they are one blessing among many in your life.

    Well, if I had only one blessing to pick in life, it’d be a beautiful lady. No getting around Led’s focused philosophy of life. Not too shabby of a philosophy.

    Let’s go to the cafe on the promenade and get a drink. I’m thirsty after that military style basic training in ship sinking lesson we just now had to sweat through. Led liked to express his opinion on most matters, whether anyone cared or not. He would often tease Lucky, especially when Lucky expressed his theological outlook about life, and comment, Lucky, nobody cares.

    It took over ten minutes to maneuver through the mass of humanity to reach the closest cafe. There was a long queue in front of the beverages. More guests than Led felt the need for a beverage having endured the long, hot boat drill.

    I’ll have two sweetener packets, Tyrone. Make it the stuff in the blue package. Our Shirley from the life boat drill group, the group next to Lucky and Led, was in the process of making her usual request of her hubby.

    To Tyrone, Shirley’s requests sounded more like orders than polite requests. This had bristled him more than once over the twenty-five years of marital bliss which they enjoyed. The anniversary of those years bound together was the very reason for the cruise. Tyrone would quip, the minister said until death do you part. I feel like I died a long time ago, so why am I still taking orders from her? His buddies back home would always laugh. They knew the truth: Tyrone was totally dedicated to his loving wife. He just like to maintain that macho image for the sake of his male ego.

    A long coming success, but Led and Lucky finally got their drinks. Now, to find a place to sit and people watch, AKA, girl watch for Led. Led spotted a table for four with two empty chairs. There’s a couple, but those guys are probably saving it, Led announced. They made their way between the sitting throng.

    Hi. Excuse me, are these two seats available? Led could be so suave at times.

    Why, yes they are. Please sit down and join us, Shirley Washington replied with a genuine smile of welcome.

    Wow, that’s super, Led beamed a huge smile back. Lucky reached across to shake hands with Tyrone, Hi, I’m Lucky and I think you already met Led, except for his name. They all laughed, except Led.

    You’re always a comedian. Hi, I’m Led. Thanks for the invite. The place is really packed. Chairs are at a real premium.

    I’m Tyrone Washington and this is my wife, Shirley.

    Please to meet you both. Did you guys have to come a long way to get to the ship? We flew in from St. Louis this morning, Shirley volunteered.

    Not that far. We both live in Florida, so we had the good fortune to drive over this morning. I think we boarded about two this afternoon. Lucky liked these people. They were good honest folks, the type he had grown to love when he worked in the heartland of the USA.

    Do you guys cruise a lot? I hate to admit it, but his is our first. So many of our friends have cruised. We got fed up just listening to their wonderful stories and decided that it was time for us to try it. So, we took the chance when we saw this ship offered a really great price for us. Shirley sat up with pride and put her hand on Tyrone’s shoulder. Tyrone and I have a special reason for making the cruise.

    Clearing his throat, yeah, well, this is my and the wife’s wedding anniversary cruise.

    Hey, that’s so cool, Led expressed. I’m hoping to get started down that road myself. I just need to fine the right fine lady for me. Led was on his favorite, and almost only, topic of interest to himself.

    May I ask how many years will the Washington’s be celebrating? Lucky had a vested interested in asking.

    It’ll be twenty-five on Friday, the second. Shirley knew the year, month, day, hour and minute to the second. She got a bit miffed since she knew Tyrone always seem to forget it. Shirley was the date keeper in the Washington household. They had more than a few spousal discussions over his forgetfulness.

    Twenty-five long ones. Tyrone added with his boyish smile and quickly hugged his wife before she could hit him.

    The reason I asked is that I’m the cruise ship chaplain for this trip. I’ve had lots of experience with renewal of vows and celebration of anniversaries. If you are at all interested, just let me know.

    That is so phenomenal. I was just saying to my girlfriends before the trip that it would be nice to have some kind of celebration on the ship. I was thinking of a romantic meal in the Italian specialty restaurant, but a religious one would make it even more memorable. Shirley was pushing hyper.

    Shirley, I’m not putting on a tuxedo, walking down the aisle and all that stuff. Tyrone got a bit nervous.

    Oh, don’t worry, honey. I’m sure the reverend here will have some suggestions for how we can do it, won’t you reverend?

    Please, call me Lucky, if you feel comfortable with that. Of course, over the years, I’ve been called a lot of things. Lucky raised his arms up signaling it was a joke. They all laughed.

    Everything, but late for dinner, hey, Lucky? Led got in his one liner.

    How would we get a hold of you, Lucky, if, I mean, when we decide to have our celebration? Shirley was not going to miss this opportunity. Suddenly, her cup of ice tea slipped right out of her hand. It hit the floor, but fortunately, there wasn’t too much liquid remaining in the cup.

    Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. Shirley spoke with a tone of embarrassment in her voice. Tyrone jumped up

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