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Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook
Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook
Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook
Ebook75 pages1 hour

Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook

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About this ebook

this is a handy handbook about the religion of the flying Spaghetti Monster.  it speaks about the seperation of state and religion and about the history of the religion.


This book also contains a wedding section and a prayer book.

PublisherBR Edmunds
Release dateFeb 18, 2023
Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook

BR Edmunds

From the east coast of Canada, now living in Alberta.  he lives the perfect life with a family and the dog

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    Book preview

    Flying With the Spaghetti Monster; the Pastafarian Handbook - BR Edmunds


    The Flying Spaghetti monster is a light-hearted view of religion.  It comes from a opposition to the teaching of intelligent design in public schools.  It is a legitimate religion like many others.

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) started as an open letter written by the great Bobby Henderson in 2005 as a protest to the Kansas State Board of Education decision to start teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in their public school’s science classes.

    The tenets that is a satire of creationism, which we will go over further on, can also be found on the Flying Spaghetti monster website.  It can also be found in the Gospel Flying Spaghetti Monster written by Henderson himself.

    Many people flock to Henderson’s website to read up on news about what is new in the world of this religion.  You can also help his cause and do as I did and become an Ordained Minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Pastafarians have challenged laws that give particular privileges to religious ideas, practices, or bodies of worship in several countries and jurisdictions, frequently by seeking recognition as a religion, with varying degrees of success. In 2011 a Pastafarian was allowed to wear a colander on his head in his driver’s license photo in Austria, which permits religious headgear for official documents, and the colander was later recognized as religious headgear in the Czech Republic, New Zealand, and the U.S. states of Massachusetts and Utah. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was accepted as a religion in the Netherlands in 2016, and that same year the first legally recognized Pastafarian marriage was celebrated in New Zealand.

    At last, a God with balls

    Chapter 1


    This religion started back in January 2005 when Bobby Henderson, Oregon State University physics graduate, sent an open letter speaking of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) to the Kansas State Board of Education. 

    Henderson satirized Creationism by putting forward his belief that whenever a scientist carbon-dates an object, a creator that looks like spaghetti and meatballs is changing the results with His Noodly Appendage.

    He sent the letter prior to the Kansas evolution hearings as an argument against the teaching of intelligent design in biology classes.  He said he was just a concerned citizen representing more than ten million others, stating that "the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster were as valid.

    According to the Prophet Henderson, since the intelligent design movement uses ambiguous references to a designer, any conceivable entity may fulfill that role, including a Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Quoting Henderson; I don’t have a problem with religion.  What I have a problem with is religion posing as science.  If there is a god and he’s intelligent, then I would guess he has a sense of humor.

    Fast forwarding to May 2005, Henderson had not received a reply from the Board of Education.  He posted the letter on his website, and it gained much public interest.  That is how Pastafarianism became an internet sensation. 

    He shortly after published the responses he then received from board members.  According to Wikipedia three board members, all of whom opposed the curriculum amendments, responded positively; a fourth board member responded with the comment it is a serious offense to mock God.

    Within a year of sending the open letter, Henderson received over 60,000 emails on the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  He states that about 95 percent were supportive of the cause.  He also received his amount of hate mail including death threats.

    Chapter 2

    The letter

    I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to

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