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And the Rest Was History: Can He Weather the Storm?
And the Rest Was History: Can He Weather the Storm?
And the Rest Was History: Can He Weather the Storm?
Ebook110 pages1 hour

And the Rest Was History: Can He Weather the Storm?

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After Johnathan’s infidelity, his wife, Amber, came to terms with it, and they decided to reconcile their differences. However, during a holiday visit with Amber’s family, Johnathan felt like he was in for a rude awakening.
Significantly, is this a disaster waiting to happen? Or will the past remain in the past?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 24, 2023
And the Rest Was History: Can He Weather the Storm?

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    And the Rest Was History - Dontavius M. Foster



    Was History



    Copyright © 2023 by Dontavius M. Foster.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 02/20/2023





    December 25, 2014

    December 26, 2014

    December 27, 2014

    December 28, 2014

    December 29, 2014

    December 30, 2014

    December 31, 2014

    January 1, 2015

    I would like to dedicate this book to a wonderful woman. She welcomed me into her family with open arms. Just know that the conversations we shared will always be memorable for me, and I will treasure them forever. Melvana (Granny), you will forever be missed.

    December 25, 2014

    Merry Christmas, my love! Amber said humbly as she kissed Johnathan on the forehead.

    Likewise, he mumbled.

    Johnathan was disgusted by the thought of the four-hour drive that was ahead of him. He tried to suffocate himself with a pillow as he rolled over on his back. Consequently, he could only imagine once they were on the road. Amber would enjoy riding in the passenger seat while she showed him funny memes that tickled her heart along the way. Although Johnathan wouldn’t be texting, he’s pretty sure secondhand display while in traffic wouldn’t be justified either.

    In addition, Johnathan and Amber had decided to reconcile their marriage. He lay there, dreading their first family event.

    As Johnathan lay there with his eyes closed, he could feel Amber’s soft little kisses being strategically placed on his chest, heading across the great open territory. As she reached the tip of the iceberg, he braced himself for impact. Can this possibly be the same reason that the Titanic sank? he considered.

    His reasoning was interrupted by the knock on the door.

    Merry Christmas, Mommy and Daddy! Get up! It’s time to go to Nana’s house so we can open up presents, Daniel said as he twisted the doorknob.

    After the door swung open, he ran inside and dove onto the bed. The sight of his son in midair gave Johnathan another reason to brace himself for the collision. Thank goodness we thought fast enough to pull the cover over us, Johnathan commented.

    Literally, Amber replied.

    Daniel greeted his parents with warm hugs and then presented each of them with a gift to open as if they didn’t know they were from him. Aw! That’s so sweet of you, Amber said as she unwrapped her gift to reveal a gold necklace with a cross on it.

    Johnathan unwrapped his gift to find a shot-glass-and-flask set. Ah! That’s exactly what I needed. You can never go wrong with a gift like this! he exclaimed. Thanks, baby boy!

    You’re welcome, Daddy, Daniel replied.

    Finally, it was Daniel’s turn to unwrap his gift. He didn’t waste any time, shredding the wrapping to unveil a toy jet. Yes! I got exactly what I wanted too!

    Yep! You sure did, but I thought we agreed to open gifts at Nana’s? Amber asked.

    Yeah, but—

    But didn’t you also forget to pack your bags? You know we’re going to be at Nana’s for several days. Now go ahead and start packing, and I’ll be there in a second to help you, Johnathan said as he took the toy from him.

    Uh-oh! Daniel said as he slid off the bed and then vanished out of sight.

    Johnathan tried to play footsie with her, but his cold toes had started to irritate her just like his next comment.

    Sweetheart, I really wish you had taken Christmas Eve off so we could have had a head start on the holidays.

    Ugh! Baby, I tried too, but I didn’t have enough vacation time left after my dad’s passing. Plus, you know his death really took a toll on me, Amber said as she lay back down on Johnathan’s chest.

    Darling, I understand that. I was just thinking that if we left for Murrayville last night as planned, then we could have still been in bed and opening the other special gifts.

    Ha! How are we supposed to pull that off when you know my mother will be lurking around the house in her bunny-rabbit onesie, just like when we first got married? Please tell me you haven’t forgotten that.

    Oh wow! How did I almost forget about us trying to late-night creep when she crept up on us?

    Sometimes I still feel like they don’t believe we’re married, Amber said.

    Johnathan burst out in a chuckle.

    What’s so funny?

    I’m still tripping over the fact that your father removed the doors from your and your sister’s room. You got to explain that story to me again.

    Well, when I was younger, my dad and I were having a heated argument while he was drunk, and then he told me to go to my room. To be honest, I didn’t even realize he was still behind me when I slammed the door. Apparently, that door hitting him in the face was enough to sober him up, and ever since then, he’s had an open-door policy, Amber said.

    While the energy was still flowing from their laughter, Johnathan tried to pull Amber closer to him again to try and release some of it. She jumped up before he could reach out and touch her. What bad timing, he thought as he watched her enter the bathroom. Johnathan then sat up against the headboard and grabbed his phone to check for any missed notifications. Unfortunately, it was that time of the year again—the time for the usual Happy holidays! texts and calls to start pouring in from friends and family. Therefore, Johnathan took a shortcut by sending out a chain text to lighten his burden.

    Hey, did I ever tell you that your dad told me to get our marriage annulled because you were hellacious? I guess it was his way of trying to scare me off or warn me of something, huh? Johnathan stated as he looked up to see Amber peek her head from around the door.

    Oh really? Well, do you think that I am crazy as hell? Amber replied.

    Under these circumstances, the answer is "Hell yeah!" Johnathan thought, especially since he told her that he was in love with another woman too. Luckily, Johnathan was able to walk away with minimal casualties. Nonetheless, it definitely could have taken a turn for the worse at any given moment. Furthermore, he considered himself to be truly blessed.

    All of a sudden, Johnathan heard Amber stop brushing her teeth and lean around the corner to give him the evil eye. Nah! I don’t think you have what it takes to do that, Johnathan cackled. Not to mention, there’s no way that could possibly be true because you are the sweetest woman in the world.

    Mm-hmm! You’re so phony, but that was too cute. I love you too.

    Whew! Although, I do have something to confess, though.

    Oh my god! What now? Are you about to be a grinch at Christmas time?

    I would like to say no. Moreover, I will leave that for you to determine.

    Okay, then. Just lay it on me, Johnathan.

    In essence, I know we have rekindled our love and we’re back on good terms. However, for some reason or another, I still don’t feel comfortable with being around your family just yet. You know your mom can’t seem to hold her tongue ever since you told her about my handicap.

    Your ‘handicap’? Oh! You mean the fact that you left me for another woman or the fact that you had the nerve to look me in the eye and tell me that foolishness about you thinking that you loved her? Amber said before she slammed the bathroom door

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