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Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock: Know Where You Stand!
Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock: Know Where You Stand!
Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock: Know Where You Stand!
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock: Know Where You Stand!

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Have you ever wondered about Old Testament scriptural passages and noticed they were too similar to events that later happened in the Life of Jesus? Perhaps you felt it was coincidental, a type of deja-vu? But there are no coincidences or deja-vu with God. The Almighty God who governs this universe with such precision is intentional about everything He does. Just think about it; God created time, space, mass and dimensions. He is outside them all and controls them all. Everything lines up perfectly with Him.

When you look at Old Testament scripture, as we will together in this book, there were both; small details and large historic events in the life of the patriarchs and in the story of the Exodus that often reflected and prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ. This book is intended to help you spot these events and study them from a practical perspective. You will be encouraged when seeing how these prophetic parts of scripture were fulfilled in the first coming of the Messiah in such details. You will be as encouraged knowing that the prophetic scripture regarding the second coming of the Messiah will be fulfilled in equal detail. God orchestrated events in history and changed the projected courses of nations with often just simple events that seem insignificant. Like a brother trying to sooth his conscience with a suggestion to sell his brother into slavery rather than kill him!

He truly is sovereign, "He sets up kings and deposes Kings..." Who or what can oppose Him or thwart His plans.

PublisherAuthors Hub
Release dateMar 1, 2023
Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock: Know Where You Stand!

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    Standing In The Shadow Of A Great Rock - David Ghobrial


    May we come to know the Master more and more.


    earnestly pray to God that you may be blessed from this book, as I am sure that I have been blessed from writing it. I began writing this book at such a difficult time in my life, but I have come to realize as I write this that there is no greater friend or lover than Jesus our Lord and God. As you come to know Jesus more and more you will discover as I have that the more you know, the more you realize that there is more that you need to know. Our Lord just has everlasting ways of showing us the wonders of his character. 

    This book is intended as a small study about our Lord Jesus from symbolic meanings in the first two books of the Old Testament. We will place these symbols of Jesus in the light of the New Testament and see their implications in our lives today. This is not a theological book, I will not be attempting to explain the scripture as a theologian but I will rather share with you what I have come to realize through personal experience and through the word of God about life, God and humanity.  As we study and explore together I invite you to read and always keep in mind the passage from 1Cor 8:1, may it direct your motives for reading this book.

    We know that all of us possess knowledge. This knowledge puffs up, but love builds up."

    We will be looking briefly at some of our Lord Jesus’ character traits that were revealed to us through symbolic references to the Messiah found in the books of Genesis and Exodus. These references reveal some attributes found in the awaited Messiah. A second revelation of these symbols is God’s plan for salvation through Jesus Christ, who is the awaited Messiah. For an effective study, I invite you to have your bible at hand. As we pass quickly through the stories of the Old Testament, we will be looking only at a select few. It would be an enormous amount of work and would take more than just a small and simple book such as this to write on each symbol and word spoken therein about Jesus.  For Jesus is the word itself, the Old Testament is Jesus (the word of God) and the gospels are the story of the Word in person. Therefore, every word of God is Jesus and speaks about Jesus, for "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This mystery will be explained throughout this book.

    May we always seek from this study the love that builds up rather than knowledge that puffs up.

    Chapter One––––––––Out of Darkness and into splendour


    n the beginning" in the midst of darkness and emptiness, the Lord created the world with such splendour and majesty. This is the beginning of the creation, for He who was at the beginning has no beginning and no end.  Let us examine the first chapter of Genesis together and let us try to answer these very important questions: What did God use to create the world and everything in it? What instrument did he use, if he used any at all?

    We know that God created Adam out of dust and breathed life into him, the breath of God made Adam a living soul. Therefore, man’s soul is of an everlasting nature, for its source is the breath of the omnipotent God and therefore has an everlasting fate. We discover this from the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12:7. 

    And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

    God created Eve out of Adam, having the same origin as Adam, neither inferior to Adam nor superior to him. It was once said, God had Created Eve out of Adam’s rib. A bone from his side, not a bone from his feet to be trampled upon by him, nor a bone from his head to rule over him. Rather from his side to be equal to him, from that which is underneath his arm to be protected by him and closest to his heart to be loved and cherished by him. We discover that God used no instrument to create the world. He simply said: let there be... and there was. With a word, God created everything.

    Can this word be not a word but the Word? Compare Gen1:13 with John 1:1-3.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it... He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of

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