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Desperate Heat
Desperate Heat
Desperate Heat
Ebook187 pages1 hour

Desperate Heat

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She's planned a life without love.
He's determined to change that.

Jessamyn Zoma has lived in a virtual bubble. Born sterile and sexually unresponsive like many females on her planet, she's sheltered by her loving family. She longs for independence and a path she can call her own.

To Tomas Zute, the Zoma clan are family. The esteemed Vantan warrior would die for any one of them, but Jessamyn means the most of all.

When she's captured and drugged by sex slave traders, she's made to feel things she's never felt before. Tomas comes to her rescue, and there's only one way to soothe her symptoms. But the cost—their years of cherished friendship—is just too high. What happens when the heat cools, and she's back to "normal"? Can hours of temporary pleasure change everything?

Release dateFeb 27, 2023
Desperate Heat

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    Desperate Heat - Susanna Eastman

    Susanna Eastman

    Desperate Heat

    Heat book 3

    First published by Susanna Eastman 2019

    Copyright © 2019 by Susanna Eastman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.


    This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. It is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

    First edition

    Cover art by Sweet 'N Spicy Designs

    Editing by Jessica Snyder

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    To the three wonderful men in my life

    Chapter 1

    Tomas lowered his weapon and counted his shots. Eight direct hits, kill hits. Four to the head and four to the heart. Good, but not good enough.

    Veering to the side of the lengthy paracourse, he wedged his flash laser into his side holster and pulled up a mid-air virtual screen to review his performance. With a critical eye, he studied the various data fields. Strong aim, decent speed, but he still needed better control of his breathing. All his shots were a centimeter too high.

    You only missed two. Jaden jogged up the zigzagging training path, his agile frame maneuvering around the field obstacles shaped like bulky humanoids. Virtual slugs riddled his fitness vest and headpiece. I didn’t mark you at all.

    Annoyance digging in, Tomas kicked up some hard soil on the dry, dusty path. I missed two, he grumbled under his breath, his gaze darting from his data log to his best friend and drill partner. He tried to disregard the sweat dripping down his back, but his slick skin had turned his fitted uniform jersey into a clammy wrap. The dual suns of Vanta, still high in the violet sky, made cooling off impossible. While he would never reside anywhere else, the scorching mid-day temperature of his home planet made every movement an effort. No matter. He had work to do. And you never mark me.

    Thank Goddess, we’re on the same side. Jaden clasped a loose palm on Tomas’s stiff shoulder and chuckled, then focused on his friend’s metrics. Your numbers are strong, like always, but you’re tired. You’ve been drilling around the clock.

    Ignoring his sore, achy muscles, Tomas swiped the back of his hand against his damp brow. I can rest after, he groused once more and straightened his spine. If anything, he needed to be more focused, better prepared. And he certainly couldn’t let his mind wander. The risks were too high—and too personal—for him, Jaden or any member of their team to relax their vigilance. His friend’s family, a family Tomas had been welcome in for years, had already paid a dear price.

    I’m going back on patrol sooner than planned, he announced. Jaden’s brows arched in surprise. I just received notice from Coalition headquarters. He flicked at the data screen in front of them, his anxious hands moving fast, and pulled up his latest orders. Digital words and numbers glinted bright on the expansive display. Pointing a finger, he narrowed in on the critical information. There were three more kidnappings a few hours ago—two on Lebron 8 and one from Manza.

    Jaden’s relaxed grip clenched, and then he stilled. The two well-populated planets were mere light years from Vanta. Three more? Like the rest? He shifted back a step, unlocked his training headpiece and tossed it onto the ground. His dark hair, drenched in sweat, clung to his head.

    Yes. Tomas tapped his link and retrieved ultra-res images of the latest victims. All the same. Blonde and blue-eyed, young and beautiful. His throat knotted, and he pushed at the annoying sensation. He’s getting bold again and expanding his reach. Command doesn’t want us to wait.

    Jaden nodded, his eyebrows drawn and lips pressed together. For almost a year, Rolof Wallish, the vile sex trader from the planet Santara, had ceased kidnapping humanoid females, but suddenly he’d restarted with a vengeance. He recruited corrupt Bermer traders from the Balas sector to do his dirty work. Now his count numbered 20 victims across their quadrant of the galaxy in 20 days. The Coalition didn’t know when or where he’d hit next, and Tomas itched to strike back.

    I want to cut out his heart, Jaden growled under his breath, his voice cracking with frustration. Or cut something else, since he doesn’t have a heart.

    Quick to agree, Tomas tilted his chin down. The line to do that is long, but I plan to get there first. He hoped to kill the bastard. He prayed the crime lord would put up a fight and capture became impossible. Normally not bloodthirsty, he’d be happy to make an exception this time. The Commander deployed four teams to pursue the kidnapped females. I’ll be going after the Santaran in a little more than two qualits. He glanced down at the communication device at his wrist, checking the target hour of his upcoming departure. 72 hours and counting. 72 hours too long. We’re taking his base, his ships, everything. Soon, he’ll have no allies and no place to hide.

    Jaden expelled a harsh breath, his eyes filled with unflinching contempt. For this one, I want to go with you.

    Understanding too well, Tomas gritted his teeth, and his whole body tensed. Jaden’s lovely mate, Mia, had almost been a casualty of the evil trader, but Jaden had rescued her in time. Just the thought of the slimy crime lord touching his best friend’s female made Tomas’s stomach roil and temper rage. No female deserved to be under his damned control. We need you here.

    Jaden groaned, then let out a frustrated sigh. So good to be needed.

    Tomas released a strained grin, admiring his friend’s spirit. They needed good people on the ground as well as in space, and no one broke codes or understood complicated algorithms like Jaden. Time after time, he’d kept mission teams on the correct intercept course. This made his win count higher than most.

    One more set? Tomas flicked the data log closed and tilted his head toward the large fitness arena in the adjacent courtyard.

    Just one more, Jaden said with a weary chuckle, gripping Tomas’s shoulder again. But you can only do so much to prepare. After this, we’re done. My mate will not be understanding if I work myself to exhaustion with you today. And I’ll disappoint little Junie if I collapse in bed and can’t play with her.

    Tomas smiled, and the muscles in his chest eased. For years, his friend had been a loner, happy to explore space on his own, but Mia had changed all that. Jaden now crawled on the floor with a baby he adored and was anything but shy and reserved. Let’s get to it then. Wouldn’t want to annoy any of the demanding females in your life.

    The Coalition’s fitness arena, with both real and virtual exercise apparatuses, was only one training stage of the intergalactic intelligence force’s center on Vanta. The extensive facility also housed numerous scenario rooms that ran mock trials for surveillance, reconnaissance and recovery. They all spent hours in some part of the center every day.

    Breathing hard, Tomas trudged to a bay of sled push machines, added weights to one and dropped down. He leaned into the device and grasped the tall, secure handles.

    Jaden followed suit and lowered himself onto the sled beside him. And if you don’t want to face my lovely and demanding mate’s ire—or my mother’s—you will take a break from your prep and come to Jessamyn’s farewell celebration tomorrow eve. Mia is excited about this festivity. You’re on a short time clock, but you have to eat. He turned to his partner and quirked a brow. It wouldn’t be a proper family event without you.

    Tomas grunted and readjusted his grip on the handles. He appreciated the invitation and intent, but had no interest in this celebration. Celebration? Jessamyn’s departure was not a joyous event. This is the wrong time for her to go. He gripped the machine again and pushed harder than needed. With Wallish taking females once more, it’s a dangerous time for her to travel.

    Jaden heaved a heavy breath too, anchoring himself on the poles and pushing. I agree, and we’ve arranged added security to her detail. It’s doubtful he or his Bermer underlings would dare come here, but there will be extra guards at the departure site and just as many on Xi. He grunted under the resistance, fresh sweat forming on his brow. She’ll be safe.

    Not as safe as if she stayed on Vanta. Right here, where they could watch her and keep her protected. She’s not quite 22 years. Since when does the Science Federation take staff members that young?

    You think I haven’t tried? It’s Jessamyn. She wants this, and they want her. Once our parents agreed… Jaden sighed and rested back on his heels. There are no travel restrictions, so we can’t prevent it. She says it’s a dream assignment for any agri-biochemist.

    Tomas paused and shook his head, annoyance hitting him again. No, it was impossible to tell Jessamyn anything lately—and he’d tried repeatedly. But going half-way across the galaxy to establish another humanoid colony? Even with updated protocols and technology, the journey and lifestyle would be challenging, especially for someone like her.

    He’d left link after link letting her know what he thought, and she’d never responded, not once. Thoughts of her had caused his lack of focus on the paracourse today—or at least a good part of it. He grunted and pulled more weight. For weeks, she and her blasted trip had occupied too much time in his head. She used to be so amenable.

    Jaden broke position, his rigid arms buckling, and laughed hard. Yes, but in some ways this is good for her too. It’s only a year, and she promised to visit. Besides, she needs to prove…

    A year is too long, and who knows if she’ll really be able to visit, Tomas grumbled, not considering the idea. These kinds of ventures often took on new scope and fresh missions. One year could easily turn into two or three. And time to get away? Ha! Once they had you, they had you. And it’s not good at all.

    It is, and she’s worked hard for it. Her greenhouse and the Earth strawberries she’s grown on Vanta have been a huge success and drawn much attention, Jaden replied, his voice calm but insistent. She’s needed something like this, something that’s special and hers.

    Tomas steeled his shoulders and tightened the thick muscles in his neck. He focused on an imaginary spot several meters in front of him. Not that he wasn’t pleased for her success—he was—but she didn’t need to travel for that. She could have everything here. I want…

    Jaden gripped the weight in his hands, then turned to face his friend, his eyes wide open, his expression serious. Tomas, we both know what you want, and it will never work with her.

    What? His body stilled, and his pulse ratcheted up. Where had that come from? Could Jaden be suggesting…? No, of course not. His heart beat in triple time.

    You know what I mean. Jaden’s gaze held, and he didn’t let go.

    I don’t. Tomas huffed and pushed hard on his machine. It jogged forward several impressive meters, but he barely registered the feat. You misunderstand me.

    No, I don’t. Jaden pressed his lips together, then spoke plain and direct like always. She can’t. That’s just how she is. He shook his head and slid back into position, then shoved to meet Tomas’s mark. She’s not like other females you’ve known.

    I know that. I… He glanced away, then met Jaden’s eyes, piercing and direct, fierce like the protective brother he was.

    If you push, you’ll hurt her. His friend paused and swallowed hard, concern locked on his face. Don’t hurt her.

    Tomas opened his mouth to deny it, but his jaw, his tongue, wouldn’t work. He’d never do anything to hurt her.

    Without embarrassment, he’d loved the Zoma clan—every last one of them—for as long as he could remember, from Jaden’s doting parents to his brawling horde of brothers. They were family without being family and meant the world to him. Then there was Jessamyn. Something hollowed in his chest at the mere thought of her. Once, she’d been like a sister.

    He closed his eyes and groaned.

    I wouldn’t do that, I’d never do that, he mumbled, looking away, an awkward unease rolling through him like a grating chill. For a quick moment, he wanted to explain, but then he pushed that impulse away. What could he possibly say?

    Good, Jaden replied, taking Tomas at his word.

    Oh hell.

    Tomas bit back a groan. For years, he and Jaden had talked about everything, anything. That’s how it had always been. But they’d never talked about this. She’s been ignoring me, he said, sorting his thoughts and choosing to grouse once more. She used to…

    I know, be amenable. Jaden raised his head, and his mouth twisted, no humor in his words this time. She’s been avoiding all of us, which is tricky since she’s been living with Mia and me since she gave up her lodging to prepare for the journey. Clearly having enough, he shifted from position and shook out his arms. His biceps bulged from hours of training. "She

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