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Toads by Midnight: The Swamp Adventures, #1
Toads by Midnight: The Swamp Adventures, #1
Toads by Midnight: The Swamp Adventures, #1
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Toads by Midnight: The Swamp Adventures, #1

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All Ms. Pickle wanted to do was to get back into teaching without having her dark secret uncovered, and all the three mischievous fourth-grade boys wanted was to continue playing baseball and pulling pranks on their classmates and teachers.

But the magical force in New Orleans brings them together, and Ms. Pickle becomes the new teacher at Croaker Charter School. The boys suspect magic when they can't seem to outsmart their new teacher who seems to be always a step ahead of them, making their pranks backfire.

The boys set out to investigate Ms. Pickle and discover her dark past. They had no idea she had to refrain from using magic at all cost, but when Julio, Sean, and Michael pull another dangerous prank that puts their lives in jeopardy, Ms. Pickle decides to use her powers to save them while teaching the boys a lesson that's not part of the fourth-grade curriculum.

Release dateMar 2, 2023
Toads by Midnight: The Swamp Adventures, #1

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    Toads by Midnight - Lorraine Carey


    Croaker Charter School has a reputation for its students achieving some of the highest test scores in Louisiana as well as a reputation for some mysterious occurrences that simply cannot be explained by modern science. Maybe it’s because of the location, which lies on the outskirts of the famed Honey Island Swamp, known as a popular tourist attraction for its abundant wildlife.

    The legends of swamp creatures, aliens, and mysterious happenings add to the lore, along with a few folks who still reside in the area and continue to practice an old form of magic originating from the bayou in rural Louisiana.


    Frog with solid fill

    Mrs. Tucker looked around at the fifteen saddened faces of students who made up her fourth-grade classroom. Some had their heads down on their desks, a few glanced out the window, and others hadn’t even opened their journals for their usual morning writing session. Sean McCarty, class troublemaker and head bully, looked as if he was about to cry.

    It was Mrs. Tucker’s last day at Croaker Charter School as her husband had gotten a job transfer to Texas. The students, as well as their parents, would be attending a Meet and Greet session that night to meet Ms. Adelaide Pickle, the new substitute teacher, who’d be with them until the principal hired a permanent teacher for the rest of the school year.

    Now, I want you to be on your best behavior for Ms. Pickle, just as you’ve been for me these past six months, the bubbly young teacher said as she turned to write the day’s schedule on the whiteboard. I just know you’re going to love her.

    Julio Ramirez turned and whispered to his friend Sean. What kind of name is that? I wonder if she only eats pickles?

    Or maybe she’s green like an alien? Sean shot back using his fingers to make fake antennas on his head.

    Julio passed a note back to Sean while Mrs. Tucker’s back was to the class. I’m going to play sick tomorrow.

    Sean wasted no time in writing back. Not me. Got a few surprises in store for the sub. Time to bring my old rubber snake back into action.

    Julio gave him a thumbs-up.


    Frog with solid fill

    Adelaide Pickle sat in her recliner with one of her six cats on her lap.

    Well, do you think I’ll be a hit with the students tonight for the ‘Meet and Greet’ at Croaker Charter School?

    She spoke to the cat named Lily as she stroked her fur. It’s March, and with spring in the air, the children will most likely have spring fever. Maybe the staff will never find out what happened five years ago. They could never prove I was using magic. And I only did it to raise those test scores. I made that school look pretty darn good. Well, they did give me that nice early retirement package. I’ll have to act as normal as possible and not be tempted to use magic—at least not while I’m at school.

    It wasn’t uncommon for Adelaide to talk to herself or her cats, which were all named after flowers. She was lonely and bored since her husband had passed away several years ago. Tending to her flower garden and reading left her bored and longing for something more, which is why she’d applied for a temporary teaching position at a most prestigious school.

    Besides, she missed her daughter, Samantha, who lived in Florida studying for her teaching degree. Her brother lived in California and was always busy and never had much time to visit. He’d claimed to be allergic to cats, but she knew deep down it was his distaste for her lifestyle.

    Her only true friends were the ones she could always rely on, her beloved cats and toadies that lived with her, not to mention her cherished neighbors who were within walking distance of her cabin. She always felt at home at the swamp.

    Lily purred and jumped off her lap joining her other feline friends that roamed about the cottage. A few of her cats followed her as she headed into the closet to select the proper outfit that would complement her long silver hair. Ah! This long flowing print dress is just the ticket.

    She held up the dress to herself looking in her full-length mirror but got distracted by a large fly that suddenly buzzed her head.

    It was already five o’clock, which meant she had to hurry to make the event on time. Just as she was about to head out the door, she tucked her special peace sign necklace inside the neckline of her dress.

    They don’t need to see this and get any funny ideas now. These young ones don’t realize the power it truly has. If they only knew this one’s been enchanted to bring peace.

    The parking lot was already filling up with cars when she arrived. Oh, dear, now I’m really nervous! She looked in her small compact mirror and added a coat of bright pink lipstick to her thin and wrinkled lips.

    Ms. Pickle opened the door to see the classroom filled with parents along with their children sitting next to them. She also noticed Principal Parkins facing the audience. She couldn’t help but notice the bald spot on the back of his head; it was the one characteristic she remembered from her interview the previous week.

    Ms. Pickle pursed her lips together and frowned. Mrs. Tucker reached for her hand and led her to the front of the room. Mrs. Carbone, the other fourth-grade teacher, was there as well. The middle-aged blonde welcomed her and reassured Ms. Pickle that she would be available should she need anything.

    My classroom is right next door, Mrs. Carbone said before taking her seat with the rest of the audience.

    Principal Parkins cleared his throat and began the introduction. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce our new substitute, Ms. Adelaide Pickle. Let me add that we are very lucky to have her.

    The children’s eyes grew as big as saucers. Cypress Doucet turned to his mother and whispered, She’s not pretty like Mrs. Tucker. He folded his arms across his chest and huffed in disapproval.

    His mom put her finger to her lips. She looks very friendly, she said as she straightened the collar on his blue polo shirt.

    The principal asked Ms. Pickle to tell them a bit about herself. She fidgeted with her hands as she moved toward the tall podium. At 5 foot 3 inches, she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach the mic.

    "I can start off by telling you I’m pleased to have been chosen to be with

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