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Renew Your Hope: 31 Devotions and Short Stories for Keeping the Faith and the Word of God in Troubled Times
Renew Your Hope: 31 Devotions and Short Stories for Keeping the Faith and the Word of God in Troubled Times
Renew Your Hope: 31 Devotions and Short Stories for Keeping the Faith and the Word of God in Troubled Times
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Renew Your Hope: 31 Devotions and Short Stories for Keeping the Faith and the Word of God in Troubled Times

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This devotional book focuses on the power of God and how it can be used in everyday life to overcome adversity and personal challenges.

You will learn where this strength can heal and help us to overcome our own weaknesses and enemies. Bible verses and journeys of many biblical figures will be used to show how God worked in their lives, giving them the strength to overcome adversity and thrive during hard times. Many Christians are still living a life of fear, anxiety and despair. This book is intended to encourage people and help them grow in their walk with the Lord. Every new day God gives us a gift to do His will. The Bible contains many promises from God for every aspect of our daily lives. Start one day at a time to discover the life God has planned for you. Take a little time each day to grow closer to God on your journey in this life.

This book contains 31 Christian devotionals along with bible verses to get strength and power from Him on a daily basis. The book is accompanied by a collection of Christian short stories, they are written to inspire and give hope to those who are struggling and need support from HIM.

Release dateFeb 16, 2023
Renew Your Hope: 31 Devotions and Short Stories for Keeping the Faith and the Word of God in Troubled Times

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    Book preview

    Renew Your Hope - Claude Stahl



    First published in Great Britain in 2023 by Midealuck Publishing Ltd.

    The right of Claude Stahl to be identified as the author of the work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    Any name and content in this book is fiction and not related to any real person or event.

    eBook ISBN 978-1-7392491-5-1

    Table of Contents






    Almost in Paradise

    The Law Instructor of Jericho

    Living in Nature

    The Evil Double Life

    The Dying Veteran

    The Old Bridge

    The True Story of Friar Max Kolbe

    Puppies for Sale

    The Future Kingdom of Peace

    The Major

    A Strange Dream

    God's Wonderful Way

    The True Story of the Evangelist Richard Baxter

    The Painter


    This devotional book focuses on the power of God and how it can be used in everyday life. You will learn where this strength can heal and help us to overcome our enemies. The verses and journeys of many biblical figures will be used to show how God worked in their lives, giving them the strength to overcome adversity and thrive during hard times. Many Christians are still living a life of fear, anxiety and despair. This book is intended to encourage people and help them grow in their walk with the Lord. Every new day God gives us a gift to do His will. The Bible contains many promises from God for every aspect of our daily lives. Start one day at a time to discover the life God has planned for you. Take a little time each day to grow closer to God on your journey in this life.

    This book contains 31 special devotions to get strength and power from Him on a daily basis. The book is accompanied by a collection of short stories, they are written to inspire and give hope to those who are struggling and need support from HIM.


    31 Daily Devotions to Strengthen Your Trust in God

    Day 1

    The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace

    -Exodus 14:24

    Let God fight for you in all your circumstances. No matter how hard you try or try to fix things on your own, you will always need God's help. It takes a lot of strength to let go of situations and just hand them over to God. It also takes a lot of faith and trust to allow God to fight our battles. But that's what He wants. He wants to fight for you. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you because He loves you. God was fighting for your salvation then, so let Him fight your battles now. By being willing to hand your problems over to God and let Him fight for you, you will find incredible peace in your life. God knows everything, and He can help guide you through any storm you may be facing right now. All you have to do is trust Him and allow Him to fight for you. Looking at this verse, how can you apply it to your life?

    Day 2

    I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me

    -Philippians 4:13

    As an individual, it's easy to approach a problem and think you can solve it on your own. It's wrong, because to truly overcome trials and persecutions in life, you need God's help. No matter how big or small the problem, God can solve it. All you need to do is turn to Him and ask Him for help, strength, wisdom or advice for the particular situation.

    This verse tells us that we can do anything, even what we think is impossible, if we have the strength of Jesus Christ. This strength is not something you can train or get by going to the gym seven days a week. This is a strength from Christ that resides in us from the Holy Spirit. It will help us endure the trials and persecutions that we all face in this lifetime at one point or another. There is no limit to how much strength you will receive from Christ during your lifetime, because of one simple fact. God is limitless. Therefore, the strength from Christ is also limitless. This strength can not only pull you through a trial, but also it can and will bring you closer to God. It can help you realize how much we need Him every day of our lives. This verse literally says that if you have Christ in your life, there is nothing you cannot do if you open your heart to Him and let God control your circumstances.

    Day 3

    For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.

    -Psalm 18:39

    We face battles every day with spiritual warfare. God has not only given us the strength to rise above these battles, but He has also laid this strength on us like a garment that will follow

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