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The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge: Tales of Good and Evil, #2
The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge: Tales of Good and Evil, #2
The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge: Tales of Good and Evil, #2
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The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge: Tales of Good and Evil, #2

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The Paladin's Ascension Pt 2 Kinship's Revenge, the 2nd installment where the Musical Parody of Arthurian mystic humor and divine Faith valiantly tumble onward... After the clandestine 'hiding' of Squire Finn's chosen heart upon the sacred tree, even more ominously brewing mayhem was simmering up for the Quad Squad plus more; Dinny Sapphire was still soon be retrieved from the Other Tyme by Galahad with the help of his best mates, for the  awful demented Dr.Krunk Jr. had made a pact with the Dark young sly Liege Momos, Apa's male twin; they were in cahoots and had connived a dastardly plan;  Lyraevega, the other female twin half to Finn has planted herself into their avenging Underworld palace lair incognito to spy and investigate, reap anything to thwart them, gaining and gleaming indispensable information to aid the Provicial Knights and her brother to surmout their tyrrany; Galahad, Bors, Perci and Finn were collecting intel and courageously learning all they needed to become Knights of the Providence...yet sly sister Apa the spy continued her trajectory to upend Finn at all Galahad and Finn discover in surprise, that there are certain days of the Full moon station when they might be able to meet up with their Chosen Ones (Dinny Sapphire & Calliope) and use this blessing to gain more information and heartfelt bloom; they also unearth another incredible but true fact about the anomaly Finn & his stuck in a hex Calliope;  and with that known, their Djinn Status, also comes so many more possibilities and pitfalls. Squire Finn in his unrelenting research, chances upon the answer of how to transport the Quad Squad into the Other Tyme to finally retrieve Galahad's Chosen one Dinny Sapphire, ...but it is jinxed and foiled, heniously upended by the master of malignity that suave, mordacious leader Momos, and his sidekicks Krunk Jr and sister Apa, who are all out to seek that awful atrocious revenge and then some; this thwarted threesome places Squire Galahd and his crew in an almost bizarrely impossible situation, actually being framed for... a double homicide murder he didn't commit, but outwardly, all signs point to it. Now trapped in a most dangerous predicament in our Other Tyme they must find a way to clear their innocence. By and by, all the while, Finn is now using his absurdly insane abilities to wrangle time and space in this 24hr blue moon snippet of time to Quest this quest properly...and with the help of his brave little 'Goldie Tink' sphere of light always about him...they both with mystic tandem attempt the impossible;  Knight Bismuth and Knightess Lumonyx are swiped into the mix there to help sort it, the escapade of escalation in of all things...a courtroom, along with the stalwart Knight Charitus and 200 costumed guests, in a lawful role to never forget; Does this costumed caper and musical marauding into the Other Tyme wormhole visit turn out tripping the light fantastic, or fall flat on its face?

Only one way to find on, valiant ones! 

Release dateMar 5, 2023
The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge: Tales of Good and Evil, #2

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    The Paladin's Ascension Pt2 Kinship's Revenge - Laura Jean Lysander










    SO MOTE IT BE...







    May the magic of True Love

    Be with you and your loved ones always,

    So Mote It Be...

    Enjoy The Fairy Tale~

    We make realities out of our dreams,

    And dreams out of our realities;

    We are the dreamers of the dream~

    Roald Dahl~




    So here we are... faithfully and with Divine Providence,

    we deep dive in, right where this Modern Day parody,

    a misfit Fairy Tale left off...just like that;

    Enjoy the lore, and don’t say I didn’t tell you so, I just did....

    Part two...


    And so the blessed , invisible to all hidden heart of Calliope and Finn was safeguarded...and six small seasons and months passed by, yet trouble was already bubbling and brewing, spilling over aplenty in the Other Tyme; That ol’ Dr. Krunk Jr? All during that time and the before-mentioned years, he had been scouring and pouring through ALL of the ripped out desecrated pages of the EVIL partition of the Tales Of Good & Evil, the dark half of the Epochal Divine Codex he had  cleverly pilfered, enlarged and deciphered, for there could not be good without bad; these were the pages that Crissy Swan, Ivy’s older sibling, AKA the Dark Empress sorceress Kwystal Shar had stolen that day of infamy; she, who had studied within the Temptress Goddess Shadow Covenstead since she abandoned Dragon Nedyah and her previous dragon egg she had with him, who was now Knight Nedyah, partner and betrothed to Honorary Knightess Doctor Hope Sebastien; it was She, the Dark Sorceress Kwystal Shar who had stolen those sacred writings, ripped out of the Codex after slaying the body of the High Wizard Warlock Wolfrom in patricide for he was her father that awful, fated day; she had killed and slain his ‘body,’ though she had only been victorious in finishing half the deed; he, Master Wolfrom’s spirit, his soul was swapped, engaged and within another’s body for a secret meeting that night, so that other soul  inhabiting his body had with martyr’s languish died along and in his body, and he, Wolfrom’s spirit stayed within the other female Druidess’s body he had swapped with till it’s time transpired, and was no more.

    Wolfrom, who was Supreme Order Ivy’s and Crissy Kwystal Shar’s father and Galahad, Cobbe & Penn’s Grandfather, and Bismuth’s Master teacher and guardian, ’his’ soul was able to stick it out for quite a few more years albeit incognito, and in that female body also tutoring Lumonyx; but now, Krunk Jr was honestly thinking of doing the same kind of odd, dangerous swapping incantation spell, with a few different, more difficult add-ons, takes on it because it would be the only way he could cross over and remain in that Magical Dream dimensional world as an elevated, powerful, supremely invincible being; it wouldn’t be done accidentally either, as Wolfrom didn’t have any other body to inhabit; Krunk Jr, he wasn’t satisfied with his human given measly presence and body, he thought he deserved the most powerful and insurmountable mortal coil available. Only...this spell, this body-swapping soul spirit sticking staying one, it was far more sinister and permanent with a conjured form. Because he wanted to stay there in that Magic Realm once he exacted his revenge on Ivy Swan or her remaining family. He also no longer could be or remain human the way he was in the Other Tyme if he did partake in this swapping spell, for his body merits and ability were not very magical at all, to say the least of him; it was not to his liking, his human body he deemed inferior to one he desired to inhabit, procure, conjure up and become, for in that magic dream world there were spells to change and shapeshift your body or appearance.

    Krunk Jr was diabolically warped in his inclinations of heart...if you could even find one smidgen of true heart left of it in his rotten soul. He in his twisted desires... also now wished, in his lechery, to be betrothed, to be the marriageable partner to that ‘Delicious Damsel Dinny Sapphire’ for he was obsessed, and he knew that even with the body he had now he couldn’t do it at all properly in the Other Tyme, have her for his own there, either; he would not be able to sway her to his wooing, or surmount her incredible marital arts defenses, for he knew she could fight back if provoked... even if he waited till she was Eighteen and he was waiting for her to turn of age to start this whole disaster in the making; it was a twisted macabre wish; he could do nothing but expose her alien, bizarre test tube lineage and her out of this world parents for all to see, so all would be frightened of and hate her for, as well as showing everyone and proving his father was right all along about everything he was researching, the Magic Realm teeming with powerful Mystic Knights and training the Alien Dinny Sapphire had been secretly performing all herself with those lessons, and all those other Magical creatures and entities, for he had no use or reason to stay there permanently or abide in the Other Tyme once he did that, for he couldn’t be the immensely powerful individual there that he could be in that Magic Realm; it just wouldn’t compare. He could have his glorious vengeance but it would be short-lived; he only would gain recognition and concrete proof of his father’s findings but it would be fleeting, not enough for him, to try to  rule the Other Tyme Domain from the Magic that would be his ploy if he could, and his penchant for revenge would be finished there; he was now totally obsessed with her, with the innocent and most lovely still underage teen Dinny Sapphire, in a lustful, dominating, masochistic way; he was debating his planned choices of revenge and retaliation and once it was done, Dinny Sapphire would be his, and his alone, in all sense of the meanings...he would be able to be with her in the way that Galavanting Galahad Squire never could;

    All these years Krunk Jr. had been practicing, rehearsing, training, becoming a devious, heinous dark apprentice and adept sorcerer, he didn’t have the body strength for the battle or physical abilities, but his research, determination, and drive pushed him to be an impeccable student of the dark forces of the occult; his body didn’t matter for that, for he had ties, informants, and infiltrating ‘helpers’ aiding him coming from the Magic Dream Dimensional Realm...which he very well knew existed and was quite genuine. He had summoned them from the dark writings and spells of the Evil side of the Codex; he had also with the aid of these evil scriptures and writings found a way to enter the Magic Dream World through his own meditative, deep-dive Daydreams; not fully, not physically.... yet, it was just in ethereal form, his astral body, but the way Ivy had done temporarily, without any training at all; this could also be attained by some well-honed in the astral others within the Magic community to get into the Other Tyme, only it was the evilest and selfish Dark covens and Covensteads who would cross over, infiltrate our world as those succubi and incubus, evil ghostly spirits, poltergeists, possessions of diabolical nature; you can and could run into one of them in our Other Tyme; many unfortunate souls have, and did, mostly encountering the bad ones, but some good ones, like the Faes and fairies, helpful sprites and spirits, High Priestesses and  Druid Priests dropping in, could and would be able to meander in and out of the worlds with some expertise; they did it too if they mastered the ability.

    Well, some of those types who can cross over are just that, those who like to infiltrate and harass and overtake others to their demise and get what they want out of it; they, these occultly gifted Warlocks and Sorceresses did it in the opposite, visiting the Other Tyme to create mayhem and mortification; they reveled in it and to one day rule there to surmount the masses in their inter-dimensional takeover which hadn’t been able to happen yet, but it was much, much harder, for the magical energies were not as strong in that Other Tyme Realm than in the Magic Dream Realm. You had to be a formidable dark entity of a magic-borne soul to do it that way.

    Krunk Jr did not visit the Dream World Realm by ever meeting up with or sacredly bonding with a true love Chosen one, a partner for love to continue the life Force of the Magic Dimension, for he did not have the merit or even the intention of any heart to do so at all. He was purely narcissistically driven by his selfish desires and delusions, far beyond that pillar of shining light. He used the forbidden path, trodden and encroached upon by the diabolical and deranged, shown by arcane clues given to him within the pages of the Evil half of the Divine Codex, and... by and with the aid of someone within the Magic Dream Realm Dimension itself he had met, conjured by the spells, and encountered himself through his wraithlike, ghost-entity short visits there; he had now been darkly taught how to linger a bit longer by this-this summoned up travesty troupe of dark entity minions, and the upcoming, newly appointed nefarious young appointed warped Leader genius who led them and had answered the dark spell incantation Krunk Jr had placed out to ask for Dark Evil partners in crime. They, this diabolical hoard of horror in the Magic Dream Dimension had a reason for bartering with Krunk Jr...

    Unknown to so many, under and within the deep, empty lava tunnel cave systems of the Western Realm and even nearby, and many hundreds of feet beneath the Western Realm’s Temple Palace... there was stationed an enormous network of rogue-used tunnels and caves, combined Covens and Covensteads and other magic dark folk, almost an entire underground city of them. There were others of this type in all the Realms, for Skull’s Revenge Cave in the North Dark Forest was also connected to one, just not this particular group and vein of practicing Magi in them. They, this dark line had their base there, in this West Realm, these Warlock Wizard Druids/Druidesses, and Sorceresses; there were no High Priestesses or High Druid Priests there in this slew of sinister ‘sorceries’, for the Priestesses purely in training after attaining their sacred vows were solitary and only worked alone unless called for a specific divine duty, as the High Druid Priests, the Posthumous Master Wolfrom one of them.

    The High Priestesses of the Magi were wisened, extremely accomplished, and proficiently trained females who only worked their valued magic for the good of all; so, not one of them ever existed within this warped, huge network; although there was secret individual... who soon would be covertly finding out all about the dark underground minions in person, one brave soul double spy...who would soon to try to discover their evil schemed ruses and abuses and plans of salacious and odious actions, one who would such dare to pose, use the guise as one of their dark own unbeknownst, to attempt to thwart them in the future in their fiendish, outlandish game plans and strategy, for she, this newly initiated High Priestess, younger than most, knew in her meditative visions of the future what would be ventured and attempted by them, and with those she was symbiotic, twin fully connected to in heart and soul and others dear to her; Now I wonder and you may recall-whom that could possibly be...?

    Why it was the now marveled at, and graduated prodigy of Sorceresses, expert sorceress, and almost High Priestess....twin of Finn, Lyraevega, Finn’s female spirit twin half; within the end of this short season and month she would be inducted as a High Priestess par excellence, for she had passed all her sacred, divine rituals and rigorous training much faster than usual, three whole seasons early, three years early, and the top of her class; she was already gaining access to the dark minions...and their young, captivating, dark, freshly crowned morbid acting far older than his actual age sequestered, trained by all Dark Covens and Wizards Warlock Leader, about the same age as she. She had sent missives all along to her parents the Alpha Knights Bismuth and Lumonyx, the Regents of the Deep Sea Realm, and the Supreme Orders Shraden and Ivy about this hidden, cavernous, huge network of evil darkness, of magic mordacity she had founded in her telepathic visions, for she as well could use the ‘snap’ genie djinn ability the Divine Codex had upgraded for Finn to instantly get into the shared Wizard and Sorceress tunnel system. Lyreavega just could not use it as Finn to travel...into the Other Tyme; that ability was given to her Male half Finn only, at least for now. She was not the one to be traveling into the Other Tyme on Quests. That was one large difference in their halves. She could use that ability, could snap to only instantly travel about, possibly also move others with her if Divine fates allowed it... but no more; she had a myriad of other incredible sorceress and High Priestess abilities,  and those that Finn was training as a Knight, but nothing else regarding that snap, and that for now was all she needed.

    Lyreavega had with her invisibility entered there, to that lair of unholy eternal demon magi only for a few minutes to half an hour each time she covertly traveled, just once a small season, once a month, and no one had seen nor heard her when she had been there, and she was going to do just that again permanently to submerge herself within this rogue heathen of horrible infernal plotting Magi within a month, only she would enter publicly, posing as a dark, seductive sorceress or some solitary down on her luck banished wanderer waif in need of a new life, to learn and report the likes of how they taught or fought each other there in the branch of Temptress Goddess (and God) Of Shadow Coven and Covenstead, for they had both male and Female veins, using her expert training and clandestine shapeshifting abilities.

    She was going to creatively masquerade and change herself, appear different as she was borne on the outside; she had mastered her quad split ability as Finn had figured out, and she could subdue the changeling state at sundown as Finn still had not, and was going to use her ability to actually appear as dark as onyx in complexion, yet with silvery white stripes, patterned as a human oddity opposite zebra design on her skin and would also alternate, stripe her long, abundant hair; it was striking creation to the senses of the eye, and one she could master and bring forth upon her own will, unlike Finn who still could not control his skin changing at will at night yet at all, or change his waking skin unless it was in split Quad form; Lyraevega could stop it all now at will; she could manifest it at her summoning and even create more outward changes to hide how others knew she resembled her now famed mother; she was hoping to become a favorited ‘pet’ or servant to the now newly notorious, upcoming, youthful male zealot leader of this Evil band, not even of age yet; possibly be labeled as a personal maid anything available that was close to him to gain access to his private area of residence, to be noticed and somehow gain more access to his inner circle of plotters and schemers, for she heard and saw in her secret tranced visions how he, this new young manic Leader, only as old as she was, of the Underground Rogue league- he in his precocious age already fancied uniquely appealing individuals, ones rare in countenance and figure outwardly and physically, and used them in his private circle as maids, servants, ornaments...he was tryingly vain and glorified himself that way with a slew of collected oddities, a ‘humanoid hobby’ he called it.      

    She would not be noticed as who she honestly was for her appearance in skin tone and hair was unlike her naturally borne coloring; she would be hidden and changed. She would say, make up a backstory that she had been born that way, striped as a zebra and her parents couldn’t deal with it, had hidden her all her life up until now, she and had been dropped into an unknown Covenstead branch towards the South Realm, kept there all her life in secret, which was true, for they had branches and tunnels of many veins of Covensteads EVERYWHERE; she didn’t have to say which one. She would say she had traveled here with head-to-toe robes just to be near, have her chance to be in the presence of such a  talked of powerful leader she had just recently heard, gossiped, whispered of, to learn more of his way of mighty magic, and to pledge her alliance,...of course, it was a glorious omission on her part of the vow to that she was honestly pledging to try to change and help this misguided, evil soul of a figurehead commander, to possibly open their twisted perverse heart, change their mind, see the error of their ways about the upcoming horrid scheme of plan they intended to vanquish, or if that was utterly impossible, vow to stop him and whatever he was planning. However she could do it or delay it, and while in the process and living in their maniacal presence find a way to sit in on their secret meetings, gather up and reveal and send as much data and information to her Knighted parents and their colleagues the Supreme Orders about it all, their takeover plans; so... if they had to step in to shut it down, intrude, if it did go too far and they, this City of salacious stinging sorcery were successful in their evil rule, overtake the entire Dream Dimension and all of its Realms, they would do their best to have the required information intel to retaliate if needed.

    She was fighting fire with fire, and it was a mortally dangerous and ingenious spy game for one of such reveled teenaged youth, lovely, and highly bold, with experience beyond her age; but she had her parent’s memories and their expertise too. She collected as much intel as possibly could about what she was encountering under the Western Realm in her daily visions, and had notified the High Nobles, the Fab Four, and their partners of its growing strength and numbers with her visionary ability that could permeate their colony, but she had to now physically enter into it, become one with them up close and personal for they needed someone right there, on the inside, just like Knight Hayden had been planted as that Dragon in the North Castle Dungeons, and who better than one who knew the Warlock Wizard Druid/ess and Sorceress community who could twin themselves and remain invisible, and now split into four and turn invisible with quad capabilities, and snap themselves almost anywhere in the Magic Dimension?

    Anywhere besides... the Other Tyme. She was also privy to all of what Finn was and had been learning... his rigorous and highly diligent, squirely arcane occult training; she had access to his memories as well as her parents. Finn did not have her private visions regarding this nightmarish rogue league and their leader, and she had purposely kept them from his probing symbiotic spirit all this time so far, for she knew he was going through a very rough patch of time at the moment with all that was going on with him; she would reveal it all to him, her venture and planned quest after she had fully entered into it, into the ‘lair of demons’ as she joked of it to herself, as to not jar him from what he needed to now focus and complete regarding it; this was a fine line to take, but she knew Finn, her other male half was having more intense, physical complications with his inheritance curse for he was the male, active part of it, he was acutely sensitive in his bodily manner and it was affecting him much differently than she;

    The fates of his part of destiny were playing out differently; he could not master his countenance-changing curse the way she could just yet, for it was not destined to be that way for him, it was something like a puzzle, for he had to figure it out, the mastering of it another way, not just by training like his sister soul half could. That was part of his fate, his learning of coming to his own; she wished it was not that way for him to bear that burden; he was having a much harder time of all of it than she, and that was why she was able to hold back some of the clandestine rogue troupe information from him to allow his part in it to unfold as it all should.  She knew he also had the snap ability for entering the Other Tyme Realm Dimension...possibly even others... and for other uses too, as she did not, so that was part of his destiny too, not hers.

    Finn was soon going to visit with Lyraevega as he did almost weekly, and she would then reveal most of what was for her to portray and accomplish and why, and who was behind it, and he’d then get clued in on some of what was coming his way and so many other incredible facts...and how to personally deal with it. After that, she would be in that Devil’s Lair and not allow his visits or mind meld experiences out of dire safeguard for him. She was going to block him unless needed, for she could do that; She knew Finn had many other profoundly important scenarios coming up and she wouldn’t let any of what she was going through set him off course, not after what she was already feeling and gleaning from those atrocious Apa Episodes.

    The fabled four Nobles, Supreme Orders Ivy & Shraden, Alpha Knight Academy Master Kren, and Dragon Knights Hayden/Nedyah, honestly had not asked Lyraevega to forego this most dangerous, imperative role-playing mission at all; they would have tried to place her parents within it, but they had their duties flipping in and out of the Other Tyme, checking up o on Dinny Sapphire and Dr. Sebastian’s office; they knew something was afoot at the Estate but couldn’t find what it was. They had not seen or heard those spy drones, for they were technically a hundred years advanced, cloaked, and not of Magic; they hadn’t come near or close enough to them personally for Biz or Lumo’s radar to detect them, for Krunk Jr rarely had them up and running while they were at the Estate visiting, avoiding their use. At the same time, the Caliburn's were nearby or at the residence. It was a master coup for Krunk Jr to be able to pull off, and a perilous outcome once they would figure it out, more than they bargained for but that was still years off to even begin to happen.

    Lyraevega chose this assignment herself for she knew she was the one to be able to pull it off; it was of her own accord, for sorceresses and High Priestesses do choose to have that freedom, how to go about using their magic, yet they asked her, the Fab Four beseeched her, to please to take dire care and they would back her all the way and be on her beck and call if in need of backup. They also said for her to first commit to her initiate High Priestess vows and finish it all out, for she was so deserving of them, that High Priestess title, regardless of what she might have to do while on this quest. Her High Priestess vows and final initiation which was to be done and finished by her at the end of this small season or month, which was when Finn would again visit her; she then after her Titled initiation would start her covert incognito, totally agreed to spy infiltration, to be able to keep someone actively within that Dark magi network no one could recognize or know, for it was preciously needed to gain information on their plans, to aid them in a change of heart or if it was unable to be done, to attempt to thwart or turn about the Dark plan of this new, aspiring, full of mojo and charisma young appointed Warlock Leader of creepiness and his ghoulish minions; And, of course, this upcoming looming siege, this fated epoch, it would all would start to really gain momentum, go down, have to happen of course on that high magic night upcoming in a couple and a half or more years...the one with the rare blue moon; the one they, the Quad Squad of Squires were to have their last Meet and Greet social celebratory graduation Night before their final initiations of their Cross Pins and Swords and Steeds, and Final Dubbing, which was on Sapphire’s 18th birthday; that moon would be full for 24 hours...and the next small season month it would be in a powerful full solar eclipse during the day...

    NOW, DR. KRUNK JR, he had indeed infiltrated that mystic world, albeit with short visits only temporarily, as a transparent, ghostlike visitor, alike all the others who transpire there within their dreams before they fade off and away; the Chosen, bonded ones do solidify for a while...then melt away and back to the Other Tyme; then there are those Other Tyme infants who get stuck in the Magic Dream Realm, never to come back, for they are taken away from the magic place where they had entered, and once that is done, the energies are broken, and one from the Other Tyme has very little chance of returning; only very few select can or do, and for very specific reasons and allowances...and usually if so, they may be no longer alive in the bodily form they had before or would perish upon arrival.

    An extremely very rare few of those Other Tyme inhabitants had found out how to enter the Magic, mystic Dream Realm in other ways. Shamans, and those of arcane, occult training; yet they wouldn’t ever permanently stay either but for those rarities; but Krunk Jr? He had his big plans, his infamous coup to attain, as well as his nasty gargantuan plan to oust and out that beauty of an Alien and get his revenge for his dead Father, show the world who she shockingly was and either get her locked up forever as a guinea pig or betray and bastardize, trump and use as a pawn, that young Alien beauty, that demure Dinny Sapphire Damsel; she was his golden ticket; his travesty trophy. He couldn’t wait to spill her scarlet secret everywhere, then get his other retaliation against that feisty, fierce Auburn-haired former artist now Knightess... Ivy Swan, to do the same to her, but she and any of her extended family were no longer anywhere to be found anymore; it would be a hollow victory. So... if not, if he couldn’t get his hands just on her, that Ivy Swan Knightess, or bring her back to show his father Krunk had been right all along, he’d extract it from conniving to trap her serenading salutatorian son Squire Galahad, Sapphire’s pristine suitor; he’d be enough to satiate his penchant for damning wrathful vindictiveness, make her son pay in infamy for him and his father being a complete blundering laughing stock...he knew that Galahad was trying to meet up with her again, most likely on her 18th birthday party bash; that would be the best guess he would try to find a way to show his shining knight in armor face and retrieve her...he was already planning the trap.

    Krunk Jr also had been observing everything she was doing, that gorgeous, young lady Dinny, always in his thoughts now, since he had voyeuristic spy drones watching her every move; he had been with sinister delight satiably monitoring her, glutting himself with her daily activities while at the Estate; watching everything she had been accomplishing on her own with her ‘secret’ Knightess arcane, mystic training, spying on her every single day whence the owners the Caliburns were away; he poured over all of what he could see her do in the woods in private, and in her room; took it all apart, over and over again, indulging himself, obsessed yet still wishing to rejoice in her epic downfall, a sadistic admirer, even if he was in lust with her, and made sure he deciphered her sacred Squire training as well, bended and molded it, all of what she was learning and practicing of the secret training rituals given to her every night manifested by that special magic pendant, combining it, warping it with the other half of Evil training and history he had been using, parrying both, to be able to counter anything the Provincial Knights had to use against anyone trying to attack, curse, or thwart them;

    Krunk Jr had followed all the clues and secret sacred scriptures writ on those dark, horrible pages to the T, and while he had somehow abled, figured out how to manifest himself in that Magic dream world it was not near that tree, that spot was only for the Chosen; it was only in one certain spot. And, it wasn’t in or even near the magic forest, or the Honah Lee Academy, or the Deep Sea Realm Fortress at all; you would only resonate with your vibrational level in that magical dream world, so he wound up... transpiring, like a ghost within the walls and underground cavernous Temple of THE darkest Coven of Warlocks ever known to exist there, the Tempter Gods Of Shadows, which was adjacent, linked to the female Covenstead Temptress Goddess of Shadows, the one Kwystal Shar, Crissy Swan had studied at, the one and same. For that was what he was training in covert villainy to be; for they, that vein, that branch of magic folk were the ones who had been using the method; he had been visiting the top-ranked, most evil, degenerate Warlock wizard Coven; it wasn’t for the faint-hearted, and it could only be allowed to visit by pledging allegiance to their minions, their ghouls, the ghastly demonic dark army of Rotten Heathen Souls; once pledged and vowed, just like a Squire was only the complete opposite, there were many initiations and training, but here in this order, there was no turning back; and there, he had met that young rogue leader, that manic prodigy, that young lad who belonged to this Warlock Coven of dark wizardry;

    He, this young lauded lad of villainy had been there since birth, code-named Phobos, gaining popularity as his sired birthright, discreetly dropped at their cave door...purposely, of course, with an arcane missive attached to his red silken swaddling wrap and a couple of bits of broken Dragon spawn egg still attached; this immense cavern system lead beneath the earth to a huge fortress under the Western Realm’s nearby Temple Palace upon that Terraced mountainous slope, tunneling down beneath its provinces, inhabited by these Warlocks and Sorceresses, and the astral, summoned ghoulish minions.  He would hold down the ‘fort’ or in other words work from inside it, gathering and accumulating the infamous following for their takeover, hiding in the shadows, gorging himself with Evil magic, and building their defenses and allies.

    His twin sister had been there since birth with him too, up until her 13th birthday, when the plan was to send her off to infiltrate one of the newly set up Provincial Knight Academies in their Western Province, which she did most perfectly, with flying colors. Then the plan changed, for her to ask to be transferred to the Honah Lee Academy mid-term in her sixteenth year of age to continue the clandestine, awful ruse they had started since her birth; to attain entrance there and manipulate, trap the male halved twin Progeny of the couple who had brought down her infamous Empress mother and destroy that male half of him inside and out, use him, the Male half of that twin as a pawn to usurp the Realms Heirdom as they, his parents had destroyed her mother, only in a more subtle, conniving and most brutal way, through his tender naive heart and pristine virtue; her brother Phobos would have gone after the other Female half of that targeted progeny...but he couldn’t honestly locate her, find where they had sent her if she even was still alive and living; she seemed to have fallen off the face of the Realm, and he was way too busy anyway swaying the evil masses of the twisted souls who thought he was their savior to follow his lead.

    They, this evil twindom Dragon egg Spawn of Kwystal Shar would work together to reach their villainous victory. She, the sister enticing the other targeted male twin half, to excruciatingly ruin his elite, sovereign reputation, force him to turn to this twin sister Deimos’s wiles, who was none other than Apa (Deimos was her code name) then continue the plan, get him stuck like a fly in a sticky web where they wanted him, like a puppet to gain his heirdom to acquire the three Realms, the Sea, the North and the South, those that he would also inherit through his parental bloodline; but she, this cruel young sorceress, this code named Deimos Apa had to hoodwink him, get this most uncanny and virtuous, Royal princely Squire to betroth, partner himself to her in wedded vows on their dubbing night as traditions in the Eastern Realm Honah Lee do whence two knights wed, which is a very rare occurrence at all, so she could claim those rights in tandem and equally as her very own Kingdoms just as his, as his wedded queen; then the dark underground would have claim to all the Realms once they also surmounted the Western Realm’s Temple, to slay and surmount those twin-headed silver and purple serpentine King and Queen brother and sister dragon Knights Ryu and Tatsu, their own half-siblings, who had claimed it with their two-headed cobra betrothed partners, Cypress and Cinnabar; it was a huge undertaking, for dragons can only be killed by another dragon, or a dragonslayer sword, other impervious magic form they knew of, rare, or sacrifice themselves for a cause, which good Dragons have done; it would be an epic battle to say the least, but they, the Temptress/Tempter God/Goddess Shadow league had their twin aces up their sleeve ...with the horrific help of this newly risen, cunning and sly young degenerate Frontman  Wizarding Warlock monikering himself the name of Momos (Phobos), Apa’s (Deimos’s) twin brother, and that narcissistic Other Tyme Doctor Krunk Jr, all were going to work together.

    They had a nefarious plan forthcoming; Momos was going to use his expertise to super spell that Doctor into the horrific, titanic, terrifying Giant Ogre demon Troll, the nemesis to end all nemesis, a form of shapeshifting even more powerful than any Dragon. This form had only been properly summoned, and executed twice before in all the history and lore of the Magic Realm, and was done many millennia ago; they were flat-out determined to go all out again, to attempt it now. This Dark Underground rogue battalion of Magi and its underlying minion ghouls were waiting with bated breath for it all to go down; this pinnacle of the evil community had an entire massive living and meeting complex under there, under the West Realm, including their hidden elite and gaudy, overly decorated temple fortress. This rebellion of Evil Magi combined had been planning to surmount and take over the Western Realm for decades, then move onward to conquer and hostage the rest of the Realms, and previously, the Dark Empress Shar had almost won, she had almost done it, yet...she was now roasted, vanquished, no more; but her progeny, her own abandoned spawn, the two of her twin egg dragon whelps? They were in on it;

    Yet as we had shockingly found out...there were three in that huge egg; but those two rotten yolks had been secretly, successfully sent to that underground rogue western network; They had vowed vengeance when told of the lore of their murdered Maternal maniacal Monarch Mother; since old enough to understand they had vowed to victor, vanquish and annihilate whom and what had destroyed their mother’s elaborate, intricate, bizarre evil, warped scheme; they had been tutored and apprenticed of the darkest, and most corrupt, wicked Masters as their Mother had in their rogue underworld; They had been given code names while at the Coven and Covenstead in training; Phobos and Deimos; which meant Panic and Terror; yet when older, at thirteen they were allowed to choose their names when sworn into the vows and pledged; and they chose...

    Momos (blame and mockery) and Apate Fraus (Deity of deceit) which were the names of the Twins of Hades in Other Tyme Lore; those names were just as befitting for their upcoming infamy.

    But what... of the other singular large whelp in the egg? The one, not a twin? It hadn’t the same fate; that infant wasn't sent with the other two to that rogue dark temple of training, although the plan was for that to happen; one of the traveling missives en route who was accompanying the infants, sending them-well, they took it upon themselves in a surprising change of heart, in righteous bravery, to break from the entourage with the single infant and steal off, for that individual was infiltrating the network just to try to save at least one of them from a nasty evil fate; it was the still alive master Wizard Warlock Knight Wolfrom’s spirit stuck in his female body Druidess Sorceress form; Wolfrom in his female body host form managed to send the lone infant far, far away to another Realm before their female body gave out and transpired; they indeed saved this little innocent soul, and this infant was to be adopted there in this other Realm, the South, without the knowledge of whom they really were at all, to give this innocent a new blessed life, a chance to choose their own fate by choice and to just live in obscurity with their founded adopted parents. His adopted parents also knew nothing of who or where he came from, and this infant with its righteous heart and selfless bravery then turned out to be not so obscure at all, but a strong, solid, male-spirited youth, who promised his life to be pledged and vowed as a Squire of the Circle order, regardless of their anonymity, and was now of all places and Realms and Academies...attending Honah Lee Academy, relentless to complete the grueling training to become within the Provincial Knighthood, and so far in their youthful vigor and intense training he was of utmost excellent demeanor, mightiest of strength, with a sense of huge, fine humor as well; he was turning out to be a staunch, loyal, incredibly virtuous and trustworthy spirit indeed.

    Once again I place to you, are you wondering who... this other whelp could be? Those who knew of the existence of the Three Whelps surely did and were anxiously searching to figure it out, even if...the answer lay right under their noses, literally; But for now, that individual would remain anonymous to those who sought the identity, especially their rotten twin brother and sister, urgently turning every dim rock and Realms over to figure it out, but so far hadn’t a clue, like so many others. Well, this daring, unknown progeny of Kwystal Shar, this other singular whelped of Dragon Egg individual certainly enjoyed bad jokes, batman costumes, insisting on Robin-partnered sidekicks, and who in valiant courage would turn out in a couple and a half more seasons/years to be a regal, true Dark Knight himself indeed...

    So...with that huge clue somewhat revealed, all involved in this tangled up, newly involving predicament just continued onward...nothing seemed to tragically worsen nor sweetly brighten; it all stayed in this mumbo-jumbo, infinitely strained, walking a tightrope type of precarious teetering for a good half-year, six months in; things got a little more anxiety-ridden and heated but in both good and bad developing ways.

    Over at the Honah Lee Academy, Sister Apa had strategically and with stealthy reasoning backed off a tad bit; she was ‘behaving’ in her demeanor and all her classes, in public and outwardly even towards Finn, her bearing and attitude still obsessive privately, but scaled down to the previous first-meetings of those piercing glares and nothing else; she had not accosted Finn in private at all for six months. But Finn sure didn’t take his guard down. He knew she was just resting her laurels, gaining momentum, gathering more ammo to someday ambush and to spring something even more startling and daring upon him; he hated feeling that, wished to believe he could honestly be the one to turn her about, help her, be a true brother to her for he had vowed seriously to do it, but your gut doesn’t lie to you. He truly wished Apa to be able to reform, to change her reactions about him and the reasons why she was allowing them; it certainly seemed so now for six small season months. It was just inherent in him to care, and he honestly did have ‘brotherly' feelings towards her, even if she was who she was and was doing what she was doing for an ulterior, most likely infamous motive, even if he honestly could feel the pull, the physically enforced, visceral dominating attraction she had for him...or was ‘forcing herself’ to a vengeful determination to pretend to do just that, fooling all who saw it, everyone’s discerning eyes in her adolescent youth;

    No one had discovered or seen that cleverly disguised invisible heart upon the sacred tree of Finn and Calliope; they all did murmur and talk about Galahad’s heart, in wonder and anticipation, hoping to one day bear witness to the other ‘Chosen one’ within it for that was an honor and reverence to all within this world, to meet those whose love creates and sustains it, and no one bothered Galahad in the amorous way Apa had done to Finn; they were extremely respectable to it, Galahad's Chosen Status even if some, many had their intense crushes upon him, for he was very admirable, incredibly handsome, one of the most admirable within the known Squires at Honah Lee due to his participation in the history of the Realm, and his wisdom beyond years, his steadfast way of always saying and actively doing the right thing at the right time for everyone in encouragement; he was for Honah Lee Academy, a born leader, and role model. The other Squires also did not ask nosy questions regarding that chosen Other in the heart, and it had been there since he had returned with his family from the Other Tyme; he had whittled it there once he no longer was able to meet with Sapphire every night in her dreams. The tree had accepted it, for if it was not a Chosen Bond, the heart would have just disappeared and the bark would have regrown over it; He cherished every tiny opportunity so far to have seen her, and felt soon... something would manifest upcoming for them both, even if it was only about six small seasons, months since that zapping incident on the rare blue moon night. He truly knew the story behind Sapphire’s secret and otherworldly origins now and had divulged bits of it to Squire Bors and Squire Perci, whatever was pertinent for they had to be aware of it, for they were to be an important part, inclusion within everything, of all of whatever forthcoming quest would happen with her to somehow get her here safely and after, once it happened.

    Squire Finn accordingly was diligently and precisely still pouring over all that Other Tyme  Otherworldy Alien borne origin information and documents in his memory step by step to see if anything would be able to help both Galahad and  Dinny Sapphire with whatever was creating that odd force field interrupting their intimacy; he knew his birth was brought about to aid all of this and figure it out, his mission was set regardless if destiny had also given him precious gift of a Chosen partner as well if he could figure that out too; but he had to figure out first the dilemma of Galahad and Sapphire, how to overcome it, that stumbling block for was imperative for they were Chosen and it was the main reason they were so devoted to wishing in anticipation to be together, in that physical way we all were accustomed to, as ‘married couples  are intimate’ consensually, of course, and by destined divinity; why was it being thwarted this way mystified him, Sapphire’s otherworldly emerging energies seemed to be surging, overpowering and even dangerous to Galahad, just like the documents had proclaimed...if Dinny Sapphire was to be the future owner of the Phoenix Medallion, passed on to her, it would be mortally dangerous for Galahad to even touch her. He lamented on this, for Finn thought it was so, yet he had to find confirmation and a remedy for it...if there even was one.

    Squire Finn also continued to mull and worry, ruminate over the impending continual training of their daily classes, and the increasing amount of time together every single day sister  Apa was a master at, oh so innocently it seemed, setting up so much needed time to be with and between them; Finn was aware of it, but for everyone else, that just seemed to be just ordinary and mundane, although it was anything but to Finn; he didn’t dare react to or show his woe on it, having to spend almost all of his day classes having to forbear being paired with Apa as a study partner as she pleaded and pressed for his astute help during any class at all. Even if she was behaving like a stellar, pristine Squiress sister to all now, the time he had to spend with her every day was steadily multiplying and it was not due to him asking for it; He kept being asked to perform fairy tale dances and skits for the visiting townfolk regularly with her, and for the younger Squires for their classes, and paired to proctor menial work duties alongside her while at the visits to the nearby villages or Estates for their weekly hourly public service log. The Squires in their age grouping classes were to travel every other week for their public assist duty, where they aided tasks for the lay folks in their houses, in their shops, on the Streets and meeting centers/ lay schools, or their private Estates as part of their training to bolster the virtues of servitude and humbleness, which they as Knights to be were to have in unfaltering abundance for that is what they pledged their lives to do. It honestly did help to be helpful and it was needed.

    When at the villages, the folks actually remembered them in tandem, sister Apa and Brother Finn, and the performing band Quad Squad, Galahad’s voice particularly, from that Re-opening of the Return of Honah Lee Academy Celebration, and that little continual now enforced partnership Apa was inching towards-she wanted to make a lasting, outstanding, faultless impression now in front of everyone, show that she had indeed changed her wanton ways and had become the most suitable future-to be betrothed ‘partner’ of interest for Squire Finn, even if he honestly did not...fervently respond to it, nor show any sort of returned pairing interest towards her, just a genuinely concerned brotherly one, for she had connived and purposely contrived, set that up, that idea for them to pair for all to wonder about; she, Apa was also excelling in all her training and classes, due to the outstanding tutoring and daily pairing of working with Finn, as were the quad squad; Finn though was still refusing to attend any of the Meet and Greet monthly socials unless to sing and perform with their Band and then left, for they were switched to nighttime attendances, now that the Squires were older, and he despairingly had not surmounted that ‘inheritance’ curse and would have to show up if in person fully covered up head to toe after dark, with the gauntlets and hood and cowl; not much of a personal social interaction night like that, and a huge eyesore distraction for everyone if it totally flared up; it would be blinding and he was not going to try smearing makeup paint on himself, not unless it was for an Academy performance. He honestly did sing but was usually always behind the piano or harpsichord while performing any of his tunes and fashioned a very well-made cowl hood and gauntlets just showing the tip of his fingers so he could play, and slits for his eyes and about his mouth which he did place some dark covering or clay if the performance was slated beyond dusk. Everyone got rather used to it, and never minded at all; They were encouraging Finn to come to the socials and stay; they wished he would de-hood himself, but his sensitivities still raged and he still thought he was that Frog Prince, Ugly duckling eyesore after dark. He hadn’t removed them.

    The one reason he was happy for the nightly inheritance emergence was that he didn’t have to face sister Apa at those during the night Meet and Greets, or have her ask him to dance with her there as a partner too; oddly, she hadn’t approached him, nor asked him yet to do so, to come with her as a date, and he was wondering what her next chess move would be to checkmate him. He was deducting she didn’t want to wind up an eyesore like him if she accidentally touched him after dark for she knew now with everyone about his inheritance and never approached him after nightfall closely in person, if he was about she’d stay at least six feet away. This was Finn’s crowning glory time, to not have to worry about Apa’s constant presence around him, attempting to ask for help or advice, and he could breathe. He spent all that time while others were at those meet and greet socials in the library Scroll Turret room alone, deeply delving in meditations, trancing, and pouring over anything he could find regarding how to reverse curses or spells, anything written or known about blue moons, what they procured, and about how to counteract the strange, burning, heated up, lightning-blaze electric magic zap that Galahad encountered while trying to get closer intimately with his beloved Sapphire; that was a real crux to crack and break; he had to figure that out.

    Galahad was cramming and did the same thing in his time alone, searching for something in the larger, more ancient Biblioteche of the Academy to give him a reason or leeway on that very same issue with Dinny Sapphire, but had still not found anything to clue him in. He’d just have to wait and see. He was going to ask the Divine Codex the night before that Blue Moon on the Last Social Meet and Greet, the night before Dinny’s birthday if he hadn’t found it out properly as a last resort reprieve, and for its profound guidance for that imperative quest. He had to if he didn’t figure it out, or his bunkmates...maybe Finn would. Finn was even more of an expert with the Divine messages and coded rhymes in deciphering, and his deep trances. Finn was born purposely to do it, help Galahad with this quest, and knew it, so...whatever it may be, the answer must lie with him somehow, with Finn some way, the clue, and key.

    Squire Galahad and Squire Finn now knew of the lore of the Otherworldly celestial sky Phoenicians, yet that transformation occurrence that the Otherworldy Phoenician Alien Race which would happen regarding upsurging their growing suppressed energies that the legendary line were latent and genetically borne with, the opening of that mystic conduit channel the Phoenicans were blessed with, the coming of age rite of passage to ‘switch it on’ this genetic flow of ‘Luitation’ energy that gave the Phoenician race those Mystic super-hero abilities they honed and were known for which made them ‘superior’ in their galaxy star system governmental rule, it usually didn’t kick in or flare up, come to maturity unless the Phoenician individual was chosen to be the host of that Phoenix entity; the entire Race of Phoenicians did  have mystic powers and honed them, but it was the Royal lineage, the ones who might be the hosts that had the Super-enhanced abilities, and those abilities  would bust open full blast after they had received and was wearing that incredibly odd, mind of its own, manifesting egg-shaped oval pendant necklace medallion of legendary lore so many had coveted and fought to the death to aquire; that interface of jewelry was the coveted acquiring for so many to try to enhance their natural mystic abilities... and  the adjacent, used in tandem golden staff Scepter, those treasured artifacts of Stellar Universal lore which both worked together to flow that Force field and massive magic energy outward from the conduit body host, as the Nobles had found out through the secret documents revolving around Dinny/Sapphire’s birth father, Seth Cyrus Van, Jonathan Gold.

    Jonathan Gold was purportedly the one bearing both of them, those artifacts of legend, and the Entity that channeled through and came with it, he had been the last one of Phoenician descent hosting it so far. He had switched it once with his female friend/romantic partner and love interest Jitza Tarpan; both were able to be physically close to each other, and they could be intimate...a holy anomaly, even if Seth Cyrus Van’s channel was activated, had that energy flowing, for both seemed to be of the same genetic bodily make-up, half-human and half-Phoenician; they were compatible in destiny; that was a key clue, so Finn was trying to figure out HOW Galahad could do this, be compatible like they were, for Dinny Sapphire was two thirds Phoenician and one-third human, and Galahad was half Other Tyme Human and half Borne from the Magic Realm inhabitants, at least... so they thought; they were totally in the dark, unsure of how Wolfrom, Galahad’s grandfather’s birth started, in the Other Tyme or here in the Magic Realm. That was never known and to this day a mystery.

    The Quad Squad knew Galahad was not a Phoenician, not alien at all in genetic makeup, and Sapphire did not have that Phoenix egg-shaped necklace pendant or the Scepter staff that worked in tandem with it that the legendary entity was summoned to existence with, that Phoenix entity latched onto and transmuted, passed down to her yet if at all, but she seemed to be exhibiting symptoms of such heightened Phoenician mystic abilities, premature transmutation of those powers regardless, for Phoenicians could manifest and learn to master them, those magic powers, even without the Phoenix Medallion or Scepter, only it wouldn’t be as enhanced without it; they called it Leuitation, their word for magic or divine energy, and were able to more so with ease hone these mystic magic abilities than other alien races or any races of humanoids in their history or the Lucrests, the race always at war and vying to attempt to acquire and use the Phoenix. Whatever Dinny Sapphire was starting to channel, the magic, her energies, Luitation, it was interfering with Galahad’s attempts to merely hold or kiss her while she was in the Magic Dream Realm. Was it the fact that she had already opened up the channel to her latent abilities within her genes, now hotly simmering underneath, through her rigorous physical martial arts training, along with the covert mystic Squire training? Or was it that this dream World, when she was now within the Magic Realm, augmented them, her powerful energies naturally as she was now older, an adolescent, and magnified her inherent gifts to the point where she didn’t require that legendary conductor passed down from wearer to wearer to have them automatically kick in?  It was also known that the Phoenicians, their ‘race’ and genetic line, used some kind of odd technological jump-start Device at times to kick-start the process of awakening their powers if the latent abilities did not start up on their own. It was some kind of scanner-machine neurological, micro-current contraption. Those of the Phoenician genetic Royal line or who might be able to inherit the Phoenix could be awakened that way with their latent ‘magic limitation abilities’.

    Squire Finn was so deeply embroiled in finding out the answer for Galahad it was consuming him, for it was a dire task, for their bond, their Chosen love was the breath of life for all within the Realm’s entire existence; Ivy and Shraden had their bond, as did Finn’s parents, and it was an incredible miracle to even meet or know those who had it; usually in the past the couples had all been secret and unknown; now Galahad too with Dinny Sapphire, and Finn was still in shock that he was ‘Chosen' for it if he could ever decipher the code to figure that part of his destiny out, how to release the enrapturing Princess Calliope, un-spell her Genie corked bottle of only blue moon visit timing. He was at a loss of where to start with that one. He barely had any clues for it, his private quest assignment, except what the Queen of the Fairy Realm had reported to him about the encounter with the Dark Empress and what she said, so he kept going over that information in his mind constantly but still, nothing clicked. The only

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