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"Learning to Stay Healthy"
"Learning to Stay Healthy"
"Learning to Stay Healthy"
Ebook158 pages1 hour

"Learning to Stay Healthy"

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This book is an attempt at discussing the various factors that affect and increase a person's longevity--- avoid those that have been known to decrease it and encourage those that were known to increase it.

You will learn how to prevent diseases and in some instances reverse diseases with the use of nutrients--minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, and by modifying your lifestyle, how you think, act, eat and handle stress in your life.
You will learn that people have lived up to 120 to 140 years.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 23, 2023
"Learning to Stay Healthy"

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    Book preview

    "Learning to Stay Healthy" - Ariston Pallugna Awitan Jr. M.D.



    Ariston Pallugna Awitan Jr., M.D.

    Copyright © 2023 by Ariston Pallugna Awitan Jr., M.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 02/23/2023









    About This Book

    Chapter 1 The Responsibility To Be Healthy Belongs to You, Not to Anybody Else

    Chapter 2 Learn To Stay Healthy From a Veterinarian, Dr. Joel Wallach, D.V.M., N.D.

    Chapter 3 Your Medical Doctor Can’t Cure Your Chronic Disease

    Chapter 4 The Origin of Medical Education and Healthcare Industry

    Chapter 5 Disclaimer

    Chapter 6 Causes of Chronic Diseases

    Chapter 7 Prevention is Better than Attempts at Cure of Chronic Diseases

    Chapter 8 Quotations from Holistic Doctors and Authors

    Chapter 9 The Truth About Conventional (Allopathic, M.D.’s, Traditional) Medical Treatment of Cancer

    Chapter 10 The Truth About Alternative Treatment of Cancer

    Chapter 11 Can We Ever Achieve The Cure of Cancer?

    Chapter 12 Get 25 Days of Knowledge to Make You Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser

    Chapter 13 Why We Need Our Medical Doctors

    Chapter 14 The Importance of Personal Education

    Chapter 15 The Hippocratic Oath

    Chapter 16 Why God wants us to be Healthy

    Chapter 17 Why We Need to Read the Bible

    Chapter 18 I Am Sharing My Favorite Quotes from the Bible

    Chapter 19 My Failures and Successes are the Best Sources of Wisdom

    Chapter 20 The Eight Ingredients of Success and Peace of Mind

    Chapter 21 My Own Self-Talk Daily

    Chapter 22 My Secret of Long Life

    In Closing

    About The Author



    Pictures For The Book: Learning To Stay Healthy


    L earning to stay healthy is a long journey to discover the secrets of a long healthy life here on earth and to prepare for the eternal life of everlasting happiness.

    What are these secrets? The quote from the wisdom of my colleague, Dr. Lorraine Day, the former chief of orthopedic surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, a cancer survivor, gives us an idea who said If you really want to live a long life, and be there after your children and grandchildren, you need to change the way you are living, thinking, acting, eating and handling stress so you can rebuild your immune system, the one system in your body that can get you well and keep you well.

    These are loaded words. But to attempt to discover the details may allow us to learn what we are looking for to achieve a long and healthy life and prepare us for eternal everlasting happiness.

    I researched the voluminous materials in the internet and published works of scientists, clinicians, doctors and nutritionists. You will find their ideas and wisdom on the pages of this book. So let’s begin.


    I have known Dr. Awitan for many years. After a successful medical practice of over 50 years, he was introduced to alternative medicine and became an avid health researcher.

    Having once been a doctor who was only concerned with treating symptoms of disease he has since turned his attention and his research to understanding the causes of chronic diseases, including cancer, as well as methods of reversing disease at the cellular level.

    Although medical doctors are typically not taught anything about the prevention of disease, Dr. Awitan makes it abundantly clear that an ounce of prevention is much better than a pound of cure.

    You will learn that toxins in the body are a major cause of disease and what can be done to avoid them. You will also learn about different nutrients that are needed by the body to allow the cells to function normally and to maintain a healthy immune system.

    Dr. Awitan also talks about the power of faith and how prayers to God can relieve stress and bring healing to body, mind and spirit. He also expresses the importance of reading the word of God and how the Bible is filled with many healing scriptures that will increase a person’s faith if they take the time to read and reread them.

    Dr. Awitan says that the world at large is in a global crisis of people dying from chronic diseases because the mainstream medicine and healthcare industry use drugs to treat symptoms and they do not address the cause of disease or the prevention thereof.

    Dr. Awitan will also tell you about a number of unique health products and how to get them. Having used these products himself and recommended them to family and close friends, he is confident that they can also help you have better health, the same as they have for so many others.

    Kind Regards,

    John Austin

    Certified Nutritionist

    Health Researcher

    Former Founder and CEO,

    Ordained Minister



    I thank you and congratulate you for getting hold of this book. That means you want to learn how to stay healthy.

    You probably knew that your physician was prescribing you medications to treat your symptoms but did not address the cause of your disease. And if you are looking for a way to help your body heal itself, you are holding a source of information that will help you to do just that.

    I suggest you read this book from beginning to end and by the time you finish, you will understand the causes of disease and what you need to do to stay healthy.

    You will know the nutrients that your body cells need to function normally. You will know how to help your immune system so that it can effectively fight disease, including how to avoid toxins from entering into your body.

    You will know what nutrients you need, and where to get them.

    If you want to delve into more details about any subject pertaining to your health, you can go through the reference books I provided and select which book you want to read. Practically all of them are available in your local bookstore or online.

    I trust you will enjoy this book and learn the knowledge you are seeking to live a long and healthy life.


    T his Book Is Dedicated

    To The Following:

    To my recent late wife, Josephine Reynolds Wheeler Phillips-Awitan who accepted me purely out of who I am, without consideration of monetary riches, who was patient and willing to overlook all my faults and shortcomings, who taught me to be happy with what I have, and who told me, and I believed her, that I was the first man in her life that she said the words, I love You; to my first late wife, Dr. Josefina Capistrano Awitan for helping me raise my four children; to my second wife, Donna Ray Frolich Awitan who taught me that I was not too old to learn snow skiing, enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the green and blue slopes; to my third late wife, Atty. Juliet Gran Ringer Awitan who taught me that we are best remembered not

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