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Biblical Premarital Counseling
Biblical Premarital Counseling
Biblical Premarital Counseling
Ebook73 pages53 minutes

Biblical Premarital Counseling

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About this ebook

The Preliminaries of Marriage
Sex Before Marriage
Advice for the Divorced Seeking Remarriage
Things the Groom Should Know
Things the Bride Should Know
Preparing Your Parents for Your Departure
In addition, pastors or anyone looking to teach a Bible based premarital class will find Biblical Premarital Counseling a helpful resource. Worksheets and Quiz Included!

Release dateMar 4, 2023
Biblical Premarital Counseling

Rebekah Prewitt

Rebekah is the wife of Billy Prewitt. She is also a Bible based Pentecostal Christian Counselor. She holds a PhD in Christian Counseling and operates in North Florida, USA. Visit to learn more.

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    Book preview

    Biblical Premarital Counseling - Rebekah Prewitt

    Biblical Premarital Counseling


    Rebekah Prewitt

    Biblical Premarital Counseling

    Copyright ©2023 by Billy and Rebekah Prewitt

    All rights reserved. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Other permissions will likely be granted upon request.

    Unless noted, all Scripture references are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version.


    To the man and the woman who are

    about to take this honorable step




    Part 1. Marriage Preliminaries

    1. The History and Meaning of Marriage

    2. Why Is It Important to Get Married Legally?

    3. Biblical Eligibility for Marriage

    Part 2. Preplanning

    4. Timing of Marriage

    5. Disclosure

    6. Expectations in Marriage

    Part 3. After Marriage

    7. Genesis 2:24a

    8. Financial Responsibilities

    9. Things the Groom Should Know

    10. Things the Bride Should Know


    Premarital Counseling Worksheets

    Premarital Counseling Quiz



    Planning to get married is a very exciting time in your life, but are you ready for this great and important step? Most couples who are planning to get married, whether they are a young couple or an older couple, really do not see the importance of reading a premarital book or sitting through premarital counseling especially if they have been married before. In dealing with an elderly gentleman who was about to unite in marriage a third time, he was encouraged to seek premarital counseling. The man refused and was certain that he did not need any counseling. Within a few short months his third marriage collapsed.

    Obviously, no one looks to join in marriage to have their marriage fall apart. Couples normally have high hopes of having a happy marriage. If they spend the time to plan for this monumental transition in their lives as they would the nine months before the birth of their child, they could possibly avoid certain problems in the future.

    Though presently the couple may not see it, the early years of marriage can be quite difficult. The decisions and actions they make in these initial years will either set them up for a lifetime of joy and happiness or a lifetime of resentment and bitterness. One of the major reasons these years are difficult is because two separate and distinct persons are being remolded by God into one person. According to Fausset’s Bible Dictionary, In marriage husband and wife combine to form one perfect human being; the one is the complement of the other.¹ The Apostle Paul makes reference to this union as a great mystery (Ephesians 5:32). The molding together of the couple is not always easy, but it is possible and will yield a fruitful marriage if done correctly.

    The Foundation

    One very important decision the couple must first make is to decide the type of foundation on which they want to build their marriage. This is similar to building a house where having a good solid foundation is absolutely necessary. Every couple has two choices. The first choice is a home that is built on the sand, and the second choice is a home that is built on the rock. These are their two choices. If the couple chooses to build their house on the sand, then it will be just a matter of time before the rain, floods, and winds come to beat down their lovely house. It was destined to crumble because they did not build on the right foundation. If, however, the couple chooses to build their house on the rock, then when the rain, floods, and winds beat on their house, it will not fall because it was built on the rock (Matthew 7:25, 27). That rock is Jesus Christ. Every home built with Jesus Christ as the foundation will be able to weather the storms of life.

    The Center

    God created man. Man is not his own maker, therefore he must not be his own master; but the author of his being must be the director of his motions, and the center of them.—John Wesley ²

    Marriage starts with three and not two. Referring back to Genesis, observe Who was present at the first marriage ceremony—Adam, God, and Eve. The book of Ecclesiastes 4:12 records, A threefold cord is not quickly broken. A marriage that places Christ as its foundation and God in the center will always be established. How important is it to have God as the center of your marriage?

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