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The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart: Contract, #1
The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart: Contract, #1
The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart: Contract, #1
Ebook347 pages5 hours

The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart: Contract, #1

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For Katheryne Cortéz, her daughter's life is the most important thing and she will save it at any price.
Alessandro D'Angelo is an Italian architect known for his bad character. His life and his past are worlds few people have access to.
Submitting to the world of the architect is his last attempt to solve his problems, but can he save his daughter's life without surrendering his own to the darkness of a man whose heart has been frozen for years?
When a bond unites you beyond the impossible.
When is the last option you have left.
When there are no more ways, what would you be willing to sacrifice?

Release dateMar 8, 2023
The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart: Contract, #1

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    The Worst Prison Is a Closed Heart - Patrick Robinson


    New York, 2014

    I was deciding what hairstyle to do when Gabriel entered the room, I saw him look at me disapprovingly and sit on one of the sofas that adorned the room. The sound of our breaths filled the room as Gabriel gave me a serious rictus through the mirror, making me feel more nervous than I was.

    I let my eyes cover the entire space, trying to distract myself in something other than the ringing in my ears and the hard look of my best friend, Gab's room –as he called it– was wide, it consisted of two parts; the first was a kind of boutique, where some of the designs that he himself created were exposed; the second part was a mini spa, a place where women went to relax at a reasonable and fair price.

    Are you really going to do it? —Gabriel's voice brought me out of my rambles, he had been asking me the same question since that morning.

    I gave a frustrated sigh, looking at his reflection.

    I can't find any other option, Gabriel, it's that or that I let go of my hair in despair, my hair was too straight to be able to make a high bun that would look elegant and sophisticated; and if we added that, a couple of weeks ago, I had cut off two fingers below my shoulders in order to sell my long golden hair and thus pay the last hospital bill, it caused the bun to fall apart even before it was tied. I filled myself with patience, picking up the comb again and starting to pick it up.

    —There are more options, we can work... —My friend's gray eyes looked at me pleadingly. I knew what I was about to do was completely insane, but I had no choice. I had to do it.

    You, Chris, and I are already working. If she could call waitressing shifts at the bar where Gab was the stylist a job.

    I got up from the chair I was sitting on, letting my hair fall back onto my shoulders; I approached my friend, placing my hands on his shoulders. I hated causing it, that forlorn look on his face, that helplessness he seemed to take for granted when I knew better.

    Gabriel and Christian were all I had, they had helped me a lot since I was left alone and I had a debt with them that I would never pay.

    "You have your own responsibilities. Antonella is my responsibility. —I turned back to the mirror and took the makeup case, if I couldn't do anything with my hair, I would at least do my makeup for the occasion. I really hoped that all those tutorials I had seen of Dulce Candy on YouTube would be of some use... I was trying to make the eyeliner on the right eye match the left when Gabriel's scream made him fail in the attempt.

    —But, woman!... We can mortgage the house and the business, make a new loan at the bank...

    Gab, I looked at him again, putting the black pen down on the dresser before meeting his gaze, I'm not going to let you risk your business and your house with a second mortgage. - I sentenced. —Besides, you know that to approve a loan of the amount I need takes a lot of time and, in the end, they will tell us the usual. We have no borrowing capacity" —I imitated the voice of Mr. Arthur, our bank adviser.

    —You don't have to make such a radical decision, little one. -He approached me.

    —And I can't keep exposing Antonella.

    I fixed my gaze on him.

    Every second counts, Gab. —I sighed —You saw her a month ago, you saw how hard it was for her to breathe. I shook my head. He needs that intervention, so nothing will change my mind. Don't try to convince me. I took a makeup remover wipe to start over. Once they were even, I reached for the lip gloss and some blush. How do I look?

    Like a scared rabbit, he replied, looking me up and down.

    I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. It was more than obvious that she was terrified, it wasn't every day that you handed over your virginity to a complete stranger.

    Don't make it more difficult, I murmured, closing my eyes, seeking the courage not to regret it, it was difficult enough to accept the decision I had made.

    It was Gabriel's turn to shake his head, he made a snorting sound and rose from his chair.

    —I'll help you a little, sit down, first you have to clean that face. He took a damp cloth and gently wiped my face. Close your eyes, little one —I did as he asked and I heard him digging through the drawers of the dresser in the living room; I soon felt myself starting to apply foundations, powders, and blushes.

    Gab, I have to go, they're waiting for me, I replied impatiently. Do something simple.

    "Good things take time to come, Kath. Let me take care of you, since it is the only thing I can do.

    I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me and let him do my makeup. Once he was done, he combed my hair, spraying enough hairspray so that the bun on top of my head was stable.

    Now you can open your eyes. He turned the chair, letting me see the woman he had created.

    I stared at myself, completely amazed by the change. I looked different, although fear gnawed at my insides, the makeup made me look fresh, youthful and sophisticated... just the way I wanted. Despite being soft, it brought out the earthy brown of my eyes and the foundation that I had applied hid each of my freckles.

    He looked much older than my barely nineteen years.

    You look beautiful, he said softly. Did you like it?

    Was I seriously wondering?

    I nodded and looked at Gabriel; even though a smile was plastered on her face, her eyes had a sad look.

    —Gab... —I wanted to erase that guilty look that he was giving me, I didn't want them to think that I was making a sacrifice, I didn't see it that way. Antonella would never be a sacrifice, she was the precious angel that my best friend had entrusted to me; ensuring that she was happy and healthy would always be my most pleasant task. Gabriel... -I slid my hands under his shoulders, resting my head on his chest, giving him a hug very carefully, I didn't want to spoil my hair and even less my makeup.

    -My girl. I broke the hug watching Christian leaning against the door frame with Antonella hanging from his waist like a little monkey. You are going to do it. It wasn't a question, yet I found myself nodding. you are beautiful She gave me a beaming smile, but she knew Chris so well, it wasn't a sincere one.

    I'm going to put on my dress and I'll be right back. Although I tried to sound strong, my voice cracked. I refused to cry, I had made a decision and I would go through with it.

    I walked to my room and took from my closet the royal blue cocktail dress that I had bought a few weeks ago with what was left of the money from the sale of my hair. It was in chiffon fabric, short, straight cut and one shoulder. The saleswoman had said it was casual but glamorous. I ran my hand over the fabric, then slid it down my body. I didn't have the great figure and I wasn't very tall either, but the dress seemed to stand out on my skin. Although it was a little short, but it felt good. I took the black high-heeled shoes that Isabella had bought me that time we allowed ourselves to go shopping, when we still didn't know about Antonella's arrival.

    Once ready, I left the room, determined to take on the world.

    Hopefully it's not the other way around.

    "You look beautiful, doll. Christian was the first to see me. I smiled at my friend, he was extremely handsome, with cinnamon skin and dark eyes. Best of all, he was completely in love with Gabriel.

    Antonella smiled, waving her sticky little hands at me as she offered me her green lollipop. Her black curls were loose and she was wearing piggy pajamas. Looking at her, no one could imagine how ill she was, but the truth was that, at just fourteen months old, Nella's heart was not strong enough for her body.

    I grabbed a couple of wet washcloths and stuck the lollipop in Chris's mouth while I cleaned his little hands. I took her from my friend's arms and held her close to my chest.

    —I'm going out tonight, I don't know what time I'll arrive, little doll of my heart. I kissed her temple. You're staying with the guys, so be nice to them." Antonella placed her hands on my cheeks and I planted a kiss on each of them before giving Chris a look.

    "It's time to sleep, Smurfette ." [1] . I gave it to him and he pulled me to his chest, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

    —Whatever happens, take a deep breath, relax and let yourself go... The more tense you are, the more difficult it will be.

    -Fuck! Are you listening? Gabriel, who had remained silent, ran a hand through his hair, completely annoyed, before walking until he was a step away from his partner. She goes straight to the lion's den and you give her advice!

    -What do you want me to do?! Christian yelled, his voice hard, but just enough not to impress Antonella. Say what I tell you, you're going, I can't make your decision any more difficult than it already is.

    -Do not you understand!

    "Guys, please don't argue. I got between the two of them. It will only be tonight, by this time tomorrow, everything will be over. We'll be laughing about it all and have enough money for Nella's operation.

    I hope you're actually laughing by tomorrow, because if some jerk hurts you... damn it! You're not going to sell strawberries, you're going to have sex with someone you don't know.

    -Shit! Don't give him so much encouragement, bastard. Nella started to whimper in Chris's arms and he cooed to her before moving closer to me. I love you, darling, I don't want you to do this, but you've made up your mind, and whatever I do, you're not going to change your mind. Just remember why you're doing it and please don't let this ruin your life.

    I didn't want to say anything, I couldn't. On one side, there was Gabriel, whose frustration had passed, giving way to anger; and on the other, Chris, who was trying to disguise his feeling of guilt with good wishes.

    "I have to go, guys. I took my coat from the table where I had left it.

    Gabriel's head snapped up as if on a spring. I'll come with you.


    —No excuses, I'll wait for you outside.

    "Gabriel, it's not necessary, I...

    Look, Laura Katheryne Cortéz, you're going to walk into the mouth of hell! I backed away from his explosion. Gabriel took a few breaths, put a hand to his forehead, and closed his eyes before speaking again. Sharon Adams is the most wicked being I have ever had the misfortune to meet. If it weren't for the fact that she is a good client who pays what is fair and in the stipulated time, I assure you that I would not give her a greeting. So no Gab, Gabriel or whatever, I'm going with you and that's my last word.

    I found myself nodding before he finished, there was no point in fighting him.

    I love you, Antonella, I said, giving her a new kiss on her head before smiling at Chris.

    "There's a Simpsons marathon on Fox , so I'll be in the room while Smurfette falls asleep." Luck!

    Gabriel shook his head before storming out of the house. I took a deep breath before following him.

    The cold of the night hit me hard, even so, I walked as upright as I could to where Gab was waiting for me.

    —I hate him when he behaves like this, how can he be calm and tell you that? Sometimes I don't even know how we are together, we are like oil and water.

    "Chris is just respecting my decision, Gab.

    —I respect it, but I don't share it. My friend held out his hand, hailing a taxi. It's your first time! You're too innocent for the shit you're going to do. I'm afraid I'll hurt you, Katheryne, it's supposed to be with the person you love and who loves you.

    —Did you know that of 99% of couples who make love, only 15% love each other? I cut him off before he started his poetic tirade.

    —The difference is that you won't make love, you'll have sex, Kath, you'll have sex with a man who can become a sadist, a fetishist, a fucking abuser...

    Thanks for the encouragement, Gabriel, I huffed and held out my hand to hail an approaching taxi; When it stopped, I opened the door ready to go up, but Gabriel took my hand, coming close to my ear and murmuring just to the two of us:

    —I don't want to be the bad guy, I want you to understand that if a man needs to be so disgusting as to buy a woman, it's not because he's going to make love to her among roses and honey.

    I nodded because I knew what I was dealing with. Gabriel released me and I got in the car. I heard him say the address of The Chalets to the driver as he sat down next to me; however, I did not look at it. Fortunately, the place was not very far from our house in Brooklyn, I had been there for six months working as a waitress at night and a cleaner in the morning, although the pay was not bad, it fairly covered Antonella's expenses.

    As the driver dodged traffic, I looked out the window. The sky was cloudy and Gabriel was silent. I felt that although he was by my side, his mind was elsewhere.

    Once the taxi stopped in front of the brick building where The Chalets was located , I took a deep breath as Gabriel handed the driver a couple of dollars, opened the door and got out offering me his hand.

    "Last chance to quit this madness.

    -IM not going to do it.



    Mrs. Adams's place was a three-story red brick building that occupied a corner on one of the busiest streets in Brooklyn. Anyone who came to the premises could see that it was just any bar, with some pole dancers , nothing out of the ordinary...

    On the second floor, there were the reserved ones and, on the third floor... Well, the truth was that I had never been to the third floor, but I had heard the girls say that transactions were made there when there was a showcase party. Or an auction for some girl.

    Today I would be one of them...

    Kath? I looked at Gab. Are you ever going to get out of the car? he asked, extending his hand to me. I took it, getting out of the car, and stood up straight despite feeling the slight tremor in my legs. Erick, the man hired for security on the first floor, opened the door for us giving me a leer, his smile curving to the side letting me see his slightly yellowed teeth. My stomach turned at his disgusting posture.

    Hello, sweetie, he whispered when I was next to him. It's a pity that the employees of this place can't bid on you today -his filthy tongue soaked his dry lips-, but that little pussy of yours will belong to me one day; maybe now that you lowered yourself like a vile whore, you can accept me that date that I've been asking you for a long time.

    I swallowed hard, being completely petrified. Was that what I was going to become after that night?

    The answer came quickly to me. No, after that night, I would not return to that place.

    Why the hell are you staying behind? Gabriel took my arm leading me inside. You know Sharon doesn't like to wait. And you... -he pointed his finger at Erick-, forget about her, she's too good for you.

    She's a whore like the others, he said sarcastically.

    Gabriel was going to say something else, but it was my turn to take his arm and force him inside while we listened to Erick's laugh.

    He's an idiot! Gabriel stopped in front of me once we reached the landing of the stairs, between the first and second floors. Listen well, what happens tonight doesn't make you a whore! You are not a slut!

    I took my friend in my arms. "I know, Gabriel, this is about Nella.

    For Nella's sake, he repeated next to me, "I'll walk you to Madame Sharon's office, I'll talk to her about letting me be present in the window, even if I'm not going to bid for anyone, I'll be with you until you're...

    Until the time it's sold. I completed for him.

    Don't say it like that, you're not cattle.

    I smiled.

    Thanks, Gab.

    No, baby, his hand caressed my cheek, "thanks to you for everything.


    Sharon smirked when she saw me arrive. She was sitting behind her desk and a half-naked boy lay at her feet. I had never entered that office, my cleaning work was limited to the first floor; for the second and third, another of the girls took charge. There was an entire wall surrounded by screens, each one broadcasting somewhere from The Chalets.

    "My indecisive girl has arrived. He shooed the boy at his feet and pointed me to the chair in front of the big wooden desk. I hope you don't come willing to back out.

    I shook my head and she gestured for me to sit down. I did, and Gabriel placed one of his hands on my shoulder, infusing me with the courage I was losing.

    —This is the contract that you and I will celebrate, in it, it is stipulated that I have the right to 25% of the final offer that they make for you, Katheryne.

    Wasn't it 15%, Madame? Gab's tone of voice remained neutral; although I knew full well that he was in for the devil just knowing that Sharon had increased her percentage by 10% above normal.

    My dear Gabriel, this business is between Katheryne and me. Your designs, without a doubt, are works of art, they make my girls very sexy for their jobs... I have increased ten percent on Katheryne's contract because this is not a charity. He held out the glass and the boy who had been on his knees refilled it with some kind of liquor, took a sip and smiled again. It was a rapacious smile type. Sharon Adams could be compared to a poisonous snake, but she was my last choice. Also, our showcase tonight is bringing some of the most important men in this country. His hand took one of mine and I trembled at the touch. I don't want you to leave the display case, Kath, you're so beautiful but replaceable, lass. If you are not here, one of my girls will take your place.

    I'll sign, I heard Gabriel growl, "but I have two requests. I was trying to keep my voice normal, neutral, even though inside I was completely terrified.

    Only if it's within my means, child. Sharon leaned back in her overstuffed chair and drank from her glass, her gaze never leaving mine.

    First, as soon as there is a winner... I suddenly felt like a trophy, "I want the money deposited into Gabriel's account. My friend looked at me in alarm. Second, I'm not going to sell myself for less than half a million dollars. —I didn't expect them to offer such an amount for my virtue, but with that figure it would perfectly cover my daughter's operation and the mortgage on the boys' apartment.

    Done, Sharon said with a triumphant smile. I'm not going to sell you for less than that amount, doll, you can sign with complete peace of mind.

    I sighed heavily before stamping my signature on the marked line.

    "Okay, now go to the locker room. I like the hairstyle, it is undoubtedly a work of Gabriel, but you are very dressed for the showcase.

    Before Kath leaves, Gab's voice was harsh, I would like to ask you, Madame, to be in the display room.

    Are you thinking of bidding on one of my girls? He smiled with obvious irony.

    You know perfectly well that I am homosexual, Madame. Unless there's a hot guy among their offers, I'm not interested. Gabriel combed his hair in a nonchalant gesture. I just want to be close to Kath.

    I'd love to, but it's better not. Due to conflicts with my clients, there can only be the girls in the showcase, one of my bodyguards, and the waitresses who will take care of the clients, but... because it's you, I can do better than let you go to the showcase —he turned his chair pointing to a screen, he was in total darkness. In a few minutes, that screen will light up, and there you'll be able to see and hear what's going on on the third floor. It's the only thing I can do for you, Gabriel, and only because I love you.

    I looked at Gabriel asking him to accept. The minutes seemed to stop.

    "I thank you, Madam.

    Toto, he looked at the boy, bring Gab a margarita, or would you prefer a pina colada?

    A tequila would be nice, strong and neat. He gave a dazzling smile to Toto.

    Sharon smiled and her gaze focused on me.

    -Still here! he yelled at me. Go change, girl, in half an hour the feast will begin... Molly! she yelled again, and one of the girls, whom she'd only met a couple of times, walked in wearing a skimpy green bathing suit. Take Kath backstage and then to the window party. The girl gave a nod and invited me to follow her.

    We came to the front of an elevator and she pressed the button for floor three.

    During the short ride, neither of them said a word; which I was grateful for, I felt as if stones had been placed in my throat. The elevator stopped and we started walking down a dimly lit corridor; With each step I took, I felt more tense. I imagined that this is how someone sentenced to death must feel, I was terrified of the future, I was afraid that the man who offered the most for me would be a sadist, morbid or dirty old man who would force me to do something I did not want.

    For that night, I would have no will over my life, over my body. It would be nothing more than an inflatable doll of flesh and blood, destined to satisfy the most sordid sexual desires of whoever was my buyer.

    I closed my eyes, evoking Antonella's round face. For her, he did it for her.

    My little girl was born with a congenital defect in her little heart. She had been a blue baby, but without a doubt, the most beautiful baby that I had been able to hold in my arms. His mom Isabella, my best friend, had died in childbirth. Legally, I was Antonella's mother and my friend was nothing more than a memory in my mind and in the minds of the boys. Yes, we had committed a fraud, but it was either that or allow my beautiful girl to be one of many children who were forgotten in orphanages.

    Madame has chosen this for you. I snapped out of my thoughts when Molly waved a tiny red bikini, it was even smaller than the one she was wearing! Don't look at me like that, girl, you're going to sell yourself out to a bunch of sons of bitches, what did you expect, a cassock? I arched an eyebrow. I advise you to change quickly... He meant to leave the dressing room and let me change, but he turned away as if he had forgotten something. Ah... in this box there are some shoes; although the ones you have are pretty, they're not tall enough for the display case, and apply this—she pointed to a bottle of cream—"lotion on your legs, it gives a frosty effect on your skin.

    I opened the box taking out the shoes, they were about two inches taller than the ones I was wearing.

    I'll fall if I use these. I pointed to the box.

    The first time, I thought I would fall too, but then I got used to them. He pointed to his own shoes.

    Did you also sell yourself in a showcase? I asked uncertainly.

    -A year ago. I guess we'll be good friends if you don't get me punished for taking so long. Start taking off that dress, for the love of Jesus Christ! She started tugging at my dress.

    I will not return to this place... ever! I assured removing his hands from my clothes.

    That's what I said, but this is easy money, baby. I see that you are one of the puritanical... Tip number one: Forget modesty, it will become easier while you wait for them to offer for you. I'm going to leave you alone, you have fifteen minutes." He looked at the thin wristwatch on his wrist. Sorry, ten. The door closed behind her and I took a deep breath.

    For Nella. I did it for my girl. Antonella was worth all the sacrifices.

    I completely undressed while remembering the day we chose her name... Isabella's mother was Italian, hence her name, and from a very young age, my friend had been interested in the language, so from the moment she found out she was pregnant she wanted to an Italian name. She said that it was the most romantic language in the world, I liked to tease her by telling her that French was the language of love.

    I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, trying to make the tiny triangle of the bikini match my pubis, my breasts seemed to want to come out of the bra, and I couldn't do anything with my butt, the thread left it completely exposed.

    There was a knock on the door a couple of times and I ran to put on a red silk robe that was on a chair and the feather mask that was on the dresser, which was also red, not to be changed.

    What fetishism do they have with red in this place?

    I opened the door slowly, expecting to see Molly, but it was Erick who was there.

    -Shit! I watched his Adam's apple move up and down. Damn, cutie, look at all those jeans were hiding. Although as a waitress at the local I had a rather tight uniform, Erick had never seen me in it. They're waiting for you in the showcase, sweetie. He licked his upper lip and moved his tongue lewdly and vulgarly. I crossed my arms over my chest hiding from his hungry, lustful gaze, but as I walked towards the door that must be the showcase room, I could feel his eyes glued to the globes of my ass. Knowing that he was looking at me like a piece of meat about to devour made me gag.

    When I got to the entrance of the room, I saw Molly waiting for me. He took my hand, leading me through the dark room that was only lit by a couple of dim bulbs, strategically

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