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Beautiful Billionaire's Contract: The Carter Brothers, #5
Beautiful Billionaire's Contract: The Carter Brothers, #5
Beautiful Billionaire's Contract: The Carter Brothers, #5
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Beautiful Billionaire's Contract: The Carter Brothers, #5

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Steven is a billionaire now like all his brothers thanks to their inheritance. He gets into real estate and has bought a bunch of houses to remodel and then sell. When a high school friend hits him up to see if she could rent one of the houses while she looks for a house to buy he says yes. He has had a crush on her since school and thinks of a plan. A rental contract that happens to include if she has someone over, or has an animal, or other things she owes a $50,000 penalty each time or has to have sex with him for an entire 7 days. She agrees to the contract without reading it and he is determined to enforce it…

Release dateMar 5, 2023
Beautiful Billionaire's Contract: The Carter Brothers, #5

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    Beautiful Billionaire's Contract - Rachel Foster

    Beautiful Billionaire's Contract

    Rachel Foster

    Copyright © 2018 by Rachel Foster

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Beautiful Billionaire's Contract

    Beautiful Billionaire's Contract





    s soon as I walked through the door and saw what was happening on the other side, I froze on the spot.

    And the first thought on my mind was I told you so.

    Amber, my stepmother, leapt away from the man that she had her arms wrapped around – the man who wasn’t my father – and looked over at me with a guilt-ridden expression on her face.

    Oh, my God, she gasped as soon as she saw me. The man looked to be at least ten years younger than her, and his eyes slid away from mine at once, as though he didn’t want to acknowledge that he was actually here at all.

    I need to get my things, I muttered to her and brushed past her without waiting for another word to come out of her mouth.

    I had known this was going to happen since the start. Since the moment that my father had announced that he was getting re-married so soon after my mom’s death. I had still been getting over the shock of everything that had happened when he had told me that he had another woman by his side – Amber. I had tried to convince him to take it slow, but he had ignored me. Of course he had. Why would he have listened to a word that came out of my mouth? Because I was only his daughter. The last living reminder of the woman that he claimed to have loved for so long.

    They’d gotten married within six months, and Amber had moved her entire life into my father’s apartment. I had offered to move out then, but my father had pleaded with me to stay. I supposed he just wanted whatever pieces of normalcy that he could hold on to. If I had been studying psychology, I would have taken him in for therapy the first chance that I got. But just being a medical doctor in training, I didn’t exactly have that power yet.

    I had barely unpacked my things since I had arrived. I was still at school, trying to wrap up the last year of my studies before I was officially qualified to become a doctor, and I knew that all of this just had to come together for me. I had been through too much for me to fail now. I wanted to prove that I could do this. That I could make this happen. And that I wasn’t going to make the same mistakes that my father had.

    I stalked off towards my bedroom to get my things, not even sure where I was going to go, but knowing that I couldn’t stay here, not in amongst the family that was falling apart at the seams around me. I knew that my father would be upset that I had left without so much as a word to him, but I couldn’t stay. I didn’t want to. I couldn’t look Amber in the eye, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to cope with him after he found out what she had been doing.

    By the time that I had stuffed enough in my bags to carry it out of the apartment, Amber was standing there, all alone, clearly having chased her little boy-toy out of this place to try and pretend like he had never been there at all.

    Mika, she murmured to me, and she reached out her arms to me – I ignored them. I knew that she was just going to try and get me on her side, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to talk about this. I wasn’t interested in hearing what she had to say for herself. She didn’t deserve that from me.

    You tell my father about what happened, I ordered her. Or I’m going to do it. Alright?

    She stared at me for a moment and opened her mouth to protest, but I lifted my hand to stop her in her tracks. I didn’t know what I wanted to say to her, but I was boiling with such anger that I could hardly control myself. I hated this. I hated everything about it. I wanted to shove her out the front door, out of our lives once more, where she belonged, but I knew that there was nothing that I could do to change what she had been getting up to behind my father’s back. I was tired. So fucking tired. And I just wanted to be as far from this woman as was humanly possible right now.

    Good, I muttered, and I pushed past her and out the door, closing it behind me and taking a moment to catch my breath. I should never have agreed to move in here again. I wanted to use some of the money that Mom had left me to get my own apartment in San Francisco so that I could focus on my studies and getting my life together now that she was gone. But I hadn’t wanted to leave my dad alone with Amber as his only support, and I was fearful that she would find some way to start to push me out of his life if she got the chance.

    He had moved on far too quickly, and I had been able to see that from the start. No matter how many times that I told him he needed to step back and ease up and take a break before he jumped into something else so quickly, he would just keep going forward. And I knew that’s what Amber wanted; my father was a pretty wealthy man, and she no doubt saw a chance to get her hands on all the cash that my mother had been planning to keep for me and my future.

    He had spent it all on her. Well, maybe not quite all of it, but enough that I knew I would never be able to pay off my debts quite so easily again. Enough that I knew my life was going to be one hell of a lot harder because of her. I hated her, not just because she had stolen my father from me when I needed him the most, but because she had gone a long way to making sure that I didn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to my future, too.

    God, men could be so stupid sometimes. One of the reasons I had been trying my best to distance myself from them. Well, as much as humanly possible, given the circumstances...

    It was starting to rain outside by the time that I got out of the building, as though the weather itself was trying to sympathize with me. Well, I didn’t want that right now. I just wanted a roof over my head for the night, and I wasn’t sure how the hell I was going to get my hands on that, given that I didn’t have the money to pay for a public transport pass across the city...

    Thank God for my friends. I pulled out my phone and started to run through my contacts, trying to find someone who might have been willing to help me out, even just for the night. I wasn’t going to even think about staying here, not with Amber and my father probably on the brink of breaking up. I had already been through enough in the last few months. I didn’t want to watch this relationship disintegrate, too.

    I knew why my father had married her. He had never known a life without my mother at his side. He had relied on her for everything when it came to his emotional support. He was one of those men who had grown up in a generation where dudes didn’t share their feelings unless it was to the women who loved them, as though they were something so vile that anyone who didn’t already care would have been put off by them completely. And when she was gone, he had all these feelings that he needed to share and nobody to share them with, nowhere to put them. I tried to put myself in the line of fire for them, but he wasn’t going to spill them to me. No, that wasn’t the strength that he had been taught was acceptable when he was growing up, so he packed his feelings away until he could just marry someone else who would listen to him.

    Hopefully, he would make the same mistake again after finding out what she had done to him. Amber at least respected me enough to know that I wasn’t lying about that, and I could only hope that she would act quickly and make it so that I didn’t have to worry about ripping off the band-aid myself. I might have been training to be a doctor, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t squeamish when it came to hurting the people I cared about most in the world.

    I started calling my friends, one at a time, praying that one of them would have a little space for me in their lives right now – it started out with just a couple of turn-downs, promises that if I had called last week or next week they would have been able to manage it but that right now didn’t quite fit for them. And I tried to keep my head up and keep my voice light, but every time someone told me no, it was as though there was another stab to my guts. I sank down on to the step outside my father’s building as I called again and again, waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me that they were actually willing to let me into their home, just for the night.

    Finally, I reached the last number on my call list, Kristie. Kristie was a friend of mine from high school, the type who had always promised me that she would be there for me no matter what, and I figured that now was as good a time as any to test that theory out. I listened to the phone buzz a couple of times, and then she answered.

    Oh, my God, Mika! She squealed down the phone so loud that I had to draw it away from my ear for a moment. I haven’t heard from you in so long! What’s up? How are you?

    Uh, I’m okay, I lied quickly. Look, I know we haven’t talked in a while, maybe this is a little forward, but I – I need a place to stay. Somewhere around San Francisco. Just for a couple of days until I get my shit together. Do you think I could crash on your couch? Or your floor? Or your garden?

    She caught her breath, and I knew at once what the answer was going to be. I tried to keep my heart from sinking in my chest.

    I’m so sorry, I can’t right now, she replied. But hey, did you hear about Steven? Maybe he could help?

    Steven? I replied, furrowing my brow and trying to place the name. It rang a bell, but...

    We went to high school with him, she reminded me. Steven? You know, the guy with all the brothers?

    Oh, yeah, right, I replied. What’s going on with him?

    He just came into a bunch of money and now he owns some properties in the city, she explained. I bet if you call him up and tell him what’s going on, he’d find you one that you could stay in. You want me to give you his number?

    Yeah, why not? I replied. I figured that pretty much anything was worth a try right now. I didn’t think that he would give me the time of day, but honestly, I just needed someone who was going to give me a chance. She read out his number over the phone to me, and I found a pen in the bottom of my bag and scribbled it on the back of my hand.

    Thanks, Kristie, I told her. You’re a life-saver.

    I hope so, she replied. Call me anytime if you need something, okay?

    I will, I replied, and we said our goodbyes before I hung up the phone. And, looking down at the number on the back of my head, I gathered all my courage and tried to prepare myself for what I was about to do. Ask a favor from a man that I hardly remembered. He was probably going to laugh in my face and tell me to get lost, but I had to try. I had to try.

    And, gathering all of my courage, I dialed his number, and listened to the phone beeping as I waited for him to pick up.




    xcuse me, I’ve got to take this," I told my business partner, Nate, as I rose to my feet and looked down at my phone. Honestly, I was glad that the call had come right now because I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to cope with a whole lot more of what was going on in this room.

    It wasn’t that I didn’t have time or energy for the business that I was trying to get off the ground, just that I liked to see the bigger picture. The broad final product. The small stuff? Yeah, I had never been much good at that, which was why I had hired a whole team to try and keep this place ticking over for me.

    That was the good part about coming in to billions of dollars, I supposed – if there was any part of the job that you weren’t a fan of, you could always just hire someone else to take care of it for you instead. I loved that aspect of this, knowing that I didn’t have to handle anything that I didn’t want to, knowing that my work would always revolve around what I thought was best. I didn’t have to argue with anyone to prove my point. Everything that I had, I had because I could pay to make sure it was mine, and that was just the way that I wanted to keep it.

    The real estate business had just been an obvious choice for me when all the money had landed in my account. I knew my other brothers were working on bigger things, pulling together other projects that spanned the whole country instead of just the whole county, but property was something that never went out of fashion, and I knew that investing my cash in housing would mean that I would never have

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