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"If you could live again, would you take another's life?"

Carey is a promising grad student at Old Dominion University, trying to live up to her successful family's high expectations. Unfortunately, she has a useless boyfriend too wrapped up in his own ambitions. Her friends on the surface are supportive, providing the outlet she needs to manage daily stressors until one night they invite an old evil into our world. Carey's friends are working with this evil from a faraway land for the purpose of taking Carey's life away so it will live again.
This entity has a counterpart coming to our world along with mortal allies will try to banish it back to its prison.
The two groups clash in ceremony that could determine the balance of our world costing Carey her life.
Loosely based on Irish folk lore of good and malevolent spirits.
Release dateMar 10, 2023

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    Shylah - Gerard F Dunn


    Gerard F.  Dunn

    Copyright © 2022 Gerard F.  Dunn

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN: 9798838158680

    Cover design by: Art Painter

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

    Printed in the United States of America


    This is my revised version of Shylah, originally published in 2022. I hope you still enjoy the tale!



    Gerard. F. Dunn

    Table of Contents



    The Graduate Student

    Useless Partner

    Girls Night Out

    Pagan Sacrifice

    Shylah Awakens

    The Cómhaith

    Return to Virginia


    The Key

    The Cónra

    The Chrysler Museum


    Text Message

    Death at the Museum

    Devlin and Liz

    The Key and Cónra

    Ms. Cullen

    Terror on I-264

    Double Agent

    Wrong Time for Questions

    Devlin’s History

    Shylah’s Past

    Time is Short

    The Old Post Office


    The Final Piece

    The Plan

    The Aithgein Ceremony

    Tragedy near Neptune Park



    Final Prep

    Plans Revealed


    Waiting at the Old Post Office

    The Battle

    What it a Dream?


    Evil Never Dies





    Upon a green field of winter barley, the crowd gathered around a hastily arranged pile of wood and peat.  Its center had a long wooden pole where a woman dressed in fine clothing was chained to a large ring at the top.  She looked out of place compared to the rags worn by people in the crowd gathered around.  Her dark green dress inlayed with gold and adorned with red stitching ruffled sleeves and collar.  The woman looked more like royalty compared to the people gathered around. Her face known to all before this moment as angelic and serine had melted into and angry twisted mask of pure malevolence displaying a predator’s teeth as she laughed.  She stared into the crowd, "You all know I cannot be trapped or contained unless you also do the same to the Cómhaith," she screamed loudly at the crowd gathered around her, their mood increasingly fearful and ugly.

    An old man at the front of the crowd dressed in brown robes leaned on a long ornate staff said in a low steady voice, That has been taken care of, Witch.  Your opposite has made the journey of his own accord to the Sídhe.  In doing so he will be your anchor in prison. He paused staring into her eyes seeing at first hatred then a hint of defeat, But you know that already.  Don’t you? The old man smiled with satisfaction.  He was missing several teeth, his smile looked somewhat silly though the tone of his voice was deadly serious.  Neither of you can leave even if it was the will of the gods and I don’t believe that will happen anytime soon for you or him.  The man said with satisfaction.

    The woman’s perfect features momentarily softened into a hurt and almost pitiful expression but quickly twisted back into an ugly scowl, I will find a way.  My clan will not give up until I am free to take my rightful place over this land and all of you. She gestured with her head then smiled sweetly, her eyes betraying the malevolence from within.  Nothing is forever.  She said with a feline smile.

    An involuntary shiver washed over the crowd.

    The old man shook it off and stared back.  Aye, that is true.  Nevertheless, it is my duty to protect those who would be harmed by your Evil.

    He nodded to several men holding torches signaling to light the kindling the witch stood upon.

    The pyre quickly burst into fire.  The fire climbed hungrily through the stack of kindling under the woman’s feet.  The hem of her fine dress sizzled and caught fire.  It burned with an orange-red flame and quickly began to consume her body beneath it.  The flesh on her now exposed legs began to blister.  Those closest to the fire could hear a sickening sizzling sound emanating from her flesh.  Flames encircled her body like writhing hungry serpents.  Her entire dress quickly reduced to ash.  She was briefly naked to the mesmerized crowd.  Then reclothed in fire. 

    The woman stared back at the crowd with a hate burning brighter than the flames devouring her body.  No screams escaped her parched lips when the fire completely engulfed her body.  Witnesses later would claim that there was an unearthly silence while the flames raged.  None could remember hearing a sound at all not even the sound of burning wood.  She would not give these people the pleasure of hearing her cry out.  Then without warning the flames flared up with a bright red-green glow temporarily blinding the witnesses.  It took several minutes for their vision to return.  Spots were dancing before their eyes.  Gradually the flames had begun to die down as the fire burned itself out.  The crowd began to disperse leaving a small handful remaining. After a time, the ash was then collected placed in a container the old man then would hold aloft in front of the remaining crowd.  It was locked with the Key and put it around his neck on a simple cord.  Next the old man then gave the container to his best rider to transport it to a hidden place.  The two men vowed never to speak to each other again.  Nor to anyone else about the destination of the container.  This was to ensure secrecy and safety for both men and their families.

    The young man rode away on the county’s fastest horse to the docks of Dublin.  When he arrived there, he boarded a ship scheduled for a long journey, far away from his homeland. He knew this was a one-way trip.  He could never return home or to the mounds of Tara again. But he knew it must be done, the risk was too great if the Cailleach was ever to return to this world.


    Now cut that shit out!  You’re giving me the creeps! Carey shouted.

    She had jumped back from a seated position on the bed, propelling herself at the climax of one of Ricky’s many and lately more bizarre tales.  Stories that were becoming a little too graphic for her tastes, they seemed so real, so believable.  It was not just that, but he had a way of making them so believable it was like he was retelling actual events that he had witnessed.  The story was enhanced by Ricky’s extremely expressive face.  His expressions together with a dead serious tone of voice had unnerved Carey more often than usual tonight. 

    Sorry. I thought you were in the mood for a good story geez.  He grumbled with some irritation.  Visibly disappointed with a hint of anger.

    Sighing loudly rolling her eyes. She reached out grabbing his face in her hands, your stories are getting harder to hear anymore. You just seem to enjoy them too much.  I mean just look at you… love it.

    Her expression softened and forced a smile then pushed on his shoulder.  I nearly wet my pants.  

    Carey got up from the bed.  She walked across the room opened a window inhaled deeply.  A few cleansing breaths with a light cool breeze across her face cleared her unsettled mind.  She normally did not scare easy and really enjoyed Ricky’s tales. Sometimes.  He was a good storyteller.  It helps that he was not bad to look at either.  Ricky was young fresh out of college. The couple had lived together for the last four years while he was (still) looking for a job.  Ricky insisted that he did not want to start with an entry-level position.   He strongly believed that he was entitled to a better position.  Life never lived up to Ricky’s expectations.  He lived with an inflated notion of his own self-worth not grounded in the actual reality of any notable job achievements.

    I guess I am not in the mood to hear that kind of story.  Inhaling another deep lung full of the night air trying to sound apologetic. 

    Carey was a grad student at Old Dominion University. Her friends thought well of her and believed that she would be very successful. But only if she could lose… Ricky. None of them had come out and said it to her face at least.  She was blinded by Ricky’s many talents… and sometimes he made her feel like she was the center of the universe. 

    Carey came from a well-educated family most of them having titles like doctor and one even a university chancellor.  When she does visit home, she felt a little out of place being the only one with just a baccalaureate degree, such a shame.  Why couldn’t she be like her sister the physician or her brother the engineer at Space-X?’  She had shared this concern with Ricky when she was feeling down. 

    Don’t to worry, Ricky always answered back usually with a sharp edge in his voice. Who needs them?  We are destined for great things.

    Those words once sounded so good to a young girl working hard to complete her baccalaureate degree.  Today those same words sounded hollow coming from a man who was increasingly feeling persecuted by the world in general.  Self-doubt did not help his outlook either. 

    She felt stuck with Ricky.  She lacked the nerve to tell him to either get serious with his life or count her out in all his grandiose plans.  The truth is one of the reasons she didn’t say anything was there times he really scared her.  He could be unpredictable and irrational.  She was not sure how he would take any ultimatum.  Last time Carey suggested he take a job offer he blew up at the idea.  Demanding to know why she thought he should take a job that was, in his mind, beneath him.

    Take an entry-level position with United Airlines!  I am better than that.  Fuming after the interview he asserted that he should be the teaching that snot-nosed kid, upon proper interviewing techniques.  Ricky had made some comment about the kid’s sexual orientation.  It got so heated that he took a swing at this ‘kid’ after he was told that he was not right for the job.  What Ricky did not count on, was that this man, was a yellow belt in Karate.   Ricky was reminded every day for the next few days with the presence of shiner on his left eye. 

    This latest episode cost Carey over five hundred dollars to bail Ricky out of the city jail, never mind the embarrassment she felt in the first place.  That poor kid did not fair very well later either.  That same week he was in a horrible accident at work.  He slipped and fell on the stairs of a jet bridge breaking his neck instantly killing him.

    Look lets change gears here.  It’s such a nice evening lets go down to Towne Point Park, get a drink, and take in the night air. Carey suggested.  "I think it will make us both feel better.

    Ricky looked sullen, what’s wrong with the house?  I like it here, besides the air here is just fine.  We have our own drinks here in the house, we don’t need to go out to have a good time.

    Carey let out a loud exasperated sigh; I’m just tired of being in this house every evening and not going out occasionally.  Besides the only time I get out anymore is when I have to go to class.  But then I come right back here.  She gestured clearly frustrated.

    She paced the floor like a caged animal.  Lately they did nothing but stay in the house every evening.  Ricky’s excuse was they were broke.  He argued that there was nothing to do in this town anyway.  Still, she wanted out!  She felt like there were invisible chains confining her to the house.  The very air was thick, making movement difficult if not impossible. 

    Ricky’s stories didn’thelp her mood much either.

    Let’s just go to bed now, maybe we will go out tomorrow, he smiled, trying to change the subject.

    Ricky reached out to her. Carey pulled away.  Anger etched on her face.

    No, you say that every night!  I need to go out, get away… do something different.  Anything that will get us out of this rut we are now in! she complained loudly.

    We’re not in a rut.  Ricky answered back a little more loudly that he intended, it’s just we don’t have enough money to do anything but pay your tuition as well as all the other bills.

    We need to pay?  Don’t you mean I have to pay!  You forget who is the one working, as well as going to school.  What are you doing?  She shot back.

    Ricky looked hurt.  But Carey could see in his eyes a hidden rage.

    She immediately felt sorry for what had just come out of her mouth before she was able to censor herself.  But it was out in the open now.  Carey softened a little. I’m sorry, I guess you story rattled me.  She fumbled over her words, not sounding very convincing.  She wanted to say more but knew that if she opened her mouth to say more it would only sound like another excuse. 

    She reached out to touch Ricky’s face.  This time he recoiled from her outstretched hand.   She knew better to than bring to up this sore spot in their relationship.  It made her feel physically drained; but she could not help saying what was eating at her for so long. 

    Why don’t you go to sleep now.  I’ll be back later.  I just want to do a little studying tonight before I sleep myself.

    He seemed to relax a bit, and a small smile suddenly appeared on his face.  OK, sure. Carey then walked out the door.

    I’ll keep your side warm.

    She went downstairs into the kitchen, sat at the kitchen table where earlier she had left her backpack.  But she did not even open it.  Her mind was elsewhere.  She could not sort out her confused feelings for Ricky or their relationship.  Whenever she was about to confront him about their unbalanced relationship. He always seemed to make her feel guilty. 

    Guilty for feeling what?  An inner voice asked.  He had an influence over her that Carey wished she had the strength to overcome.  She knew in her heart that it was not love.  It felt different.  Like they had been forced together.  An absurd thought, she shook her head after a moment, casting the idea away.

    I guess it could be love, trying to convince herself.  Besides what do I know about love anyway?  I never had any real boyfriends before and it’s not that I never dated anyone special.  But never felt that I needed someone until Ricky.  Ricky used to make me feel important.  He made me feel…  She could not complete the thought. 

    I know how I feel now though, she complained, staring up at the ceiling, and then closed her eyes tightly.

    I feel like I’m spinning my wheels.    

    After a few moments and some deep breaths, Carey put aside those thoughts then opened her backpack.  The textbooks felt unusually heavy this evening as she pulled them onto the table.  Carey sighed, I need to study for class tomorrow.  My problems can wait.  Carey opened the nearest textbook, mentally shoving her problems aside for now.

    The Graduate Student

    It was morning before she knew it.  Carey sat up painfully in her chair.  Her neck hurt.  She had fallen asleep at the kitchen table, with her head resting on her arms.  What time was it?   The clock on the microwave displayed 9:00 AM.  Well at least she was not late for her 10:00 AM class.  She grimaced when she moved her head.  Carey began rubbing her neck trying to sooth the pain.  Before long she was out the door on her way to class.

    Morning classes seemed to drag on and on.  Carey felt like she was in a daze, she felt as if she was on automatic pilot all morning.  She met up with her friend Pia at the student center for lunch.  Pia was also a grad student at ODU close to completing her studies.  She was from Eastern Europe and in Carey’s opinion, was one of the smartest and well-adjusted persons she had ever met.  Her outlook on life was one Carey envied.  Nothing seemed to annoy or surprise her at all.  Because she was European?  Pia was not as prudish as the average American either.  It showed in her clingy clothing and the way she carried herself in public.

    How are you today Carey?  She asked giving her a hug.  Pia was of average height blonde hair with an athletic build.   She was not shy about showing her physical assets, which always got a lot of male attention. Pia admitted to Carey that she liked men, even dated a few but found them lacking.  She preferred the company of women.  She asked Carey if that made her uncomfortable.  Carey has assured her that it did not.  The subject never came up again.  They just enjoyed hanging out together.  Nothing else.

    Ok, I guess.  She let out an audible sigh and then looked at her friend, you ever feel like you wished you could start your day all over? 

    Yeah sometimes, but each day is a lesson and a gift.  So, I tell myself to just get on with the rest of the day. Pia smiled.  Looking intently at Carey.

    What is the problem?  Ricky again?  It was no secret that Pia could not stand Ricky.  She had tried to get her friend to see what he was doing to her.  She thought that he was a leech or worse.  In Pia’s mind Ricky was a man who drained Carey of her potential.  But she never told her to leave him. 

    No, it’s not him. Carey mumbled defensively.  I fell asleep at the kitchen table last night.  Now I have this crick in my neck.  Great start to my day already off I guess.

    Pia smiled.  Well it can’t be all that bad you got to your classes on time?  She reached over to Carey and began rubbing her neck and shoulders.

    Yes that’s the spot, Carey sighed feeling some of the pain subsiding not really listening.

    Pia stopped rubbing Carey’s neck and grabbed her shoulders suddenly, now you are here with me for lunch!  Smile!  Pia smiled widely turning to face her friend.

    Stop being all Miss Sunshine Carey giggled, pushing her way gently.

    Make me. Pia answered back with a grin.   The smile on her face quickly melted, do you need my help with anything?

    No, so far so good today.  I guess I am just off my routine.  Carey said now serious.

    The two women finished lunch mostly in silence and then left the student center. 

    Listen, why don’t we go to the beach or a movie for a change of scenery, meet some new people, see what happens Pia asked.

    I can't do that, what about Ricky? Carey said her smile quickly fading.

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