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Hot Billionaire’s Virgin
Hot Billionaire’s Virgin
Hot Billionaire’s Virgin
Ebook294 pages4 hours

Hot Billionaire’s Virgin

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Ellie and Dylan's dads were best friends. Dylan's dad was a billionaire and Elle's dad was always asking Dylan's for money but finally told him no more. Elle's dad becomes livid and tells the Feds about how Dylan's dad is evading tax. He gets 10 years in prison. Dylan received his dad's billions and is determined to get revenge on Ellie's dad. How is he going to do that? Make Ellie fall in love with him and destroy her relationship with her dad… And why not take her virginity while he's at it.

Release dateMar 5, 2023
Hot Billionaire’s Virgin

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    Hot Billionaire’s Virgin - Rachel Foster

    Hot Billionaire’s Virgin

    Rachel Foster

    Copyright © 2018 by Rachel Foster

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Hot Billionaire’s Virgin

    Hot Billionaire’s Virgin




    put my foot down on the pedal and tore through the streets, inhaling the familiar scent of the city air. God, it was good to be back.

    It was hard to believe that I had really been away for as long as I had. A whole year. A whole year, shooting off around the world, traveling over South America, paying my way by doing shoots for local magazines and social media influencers. I hadn’t exactly lived luxuriously, but I had lived, and I knew that I would treasure the memories that had come with that trip for the rest of my damn life.

    But now, I was back, and I was ready to settle back in to everything that I had missed of life out here in the first place. I should have been heading down to the small apartment that a friend of mine had been sub-letting from me since I had gone away, unpacked my things and taken a long-ass nap, but I wanted my father to know that I was back in one piece.

    Which was why I was driving so damn fast through the city toward his place. I couldn’t wait to see him again. I had been video-calling him from every new location I landed in, and I only wished that I could have shown him some of my favorite places. I knew that he would have gone nuts for Mexico, especially – the way the tequila tasted, the dusty streets that led out of towns and weaved through the beautiful countryside far off into nowhere, until it felt like you might never make it back.

    But I had just landed – back in America, back to the place that I had called home as long as I could remember. I didn’t want to wait any longer to see him. I knew that he was going to have so many questions for me, and I intended to answer each and every one of them. Maybe we could crack a couple of beers, sit on the porch-

    Shit! I exclaimed, over the sound of the music that was blasting from my radio. A car had pulled out in front of me, emerging from an alley that fed on to the main thoroughfare – the woman behind the wheel looked distracted, peering down at her phone with just one hand on the wheel, and I had to swerve to avoid crashing right into her.

    I managed to push the head of the car far enough out of the way that I didn’t make full contact, but I scratched along the side of her bumper as I pulled to a sharp halt. Luckily, the streets were quiet, so we weren’t in anyone else’s way, but my heart was thumping hard inside my chest, and I tried to work out just how much of that had been my fault.

    But before I could get too far into it, the woman sprang out of the car and strode towards me, her face crumpled with anger and frustration.

    Look what you did to my car! she exclaimed, gesturing wildly at the tiny scratch that had been left on her vehicle to show for how carelessly she had been driving.

    I didn’t do anything, I protested. You pulled out – you weren’t looking where you were going-

    You better have insurance, she muttered, and she looked me up and down with disdain. I knew that I didn’t exactly look my hottest or freshest right now, given that I had just stepped off a long-haul flight, but I wasn’t going to let a woman like this judge me. I narrowed my eyes at her and pulled myself up to my full height, and I was ready to really start laying in to her – or at least, I would have been, had it not been for the man who came to my rescue in that moment.

    He strode out from the building beside us, dressed in a smart black jacket that came down to his knees, and holding a coffee cup embossed with what I assumed were his initials. The woman glared at him, as though that would be enough to get him on her side.

    You saw what happened, right? She demanded of him at once, and he nodded.

    Yeah, I did, the man replied. I stared at him for a moment. I knew him from somewhere. My eyes traveled to the initials on that cup – DD. Hmmm...

    You pulled out in front of her, he continued. And I’d say you’ll be lucky if she doesn’t sue you for endangering her and her property.

    Fine, the woman spat back, clearly irritated. Not like I can’t afford to get it repainted, anyway...

    She stalked back to her car, and the man glanced over at me – I nodded my thanks at him and offered him a smile.

    Thank you, I murmured. He returned my smile.

    You’re welcome, he replied. As soon as I heard his voice properly, it hit me – it was Dylan!

    He was gone before I could note the recognition, and I headed back to my car. Was it him? Could it have been? There was no way that he just so happened to have the right initials on that cup. It was Dylan Damion, I was sure of it.

    How long had it been since I had seen him last? Way more than a year, that was for sure. And damn, he had grown the fuck up. He looked good. Was he working in this part of town? Maybe for his father’s company? Though, after everything that had happened with his father, I doubted that it would be in good stead right now...

    Anyway. I had to think about my own father before I thought about his. Though I did wonder just how much he had known about everything that had happened with his dad. I knew that it must have been hard for him – I had considered reaching out and offering my support, but given that the two of us had hardly seen each other since we had been kids, I was sure that he would have just brushed it off at once.

    Besides, he didn’t even recognize me. He had looked me dead in the eye and hadn’t reacted to me at all. He clearly either didn’t want to remember me or just straight had no memory of who the hell I was. And trust me, I got it – I doubted that someone like him would want to spend a lot of time filling his head with someone like me. He had better things to do.

    And so did I. I took off in my car again, driving fast but going a little more carefully as I closed the distance to my father’s place. Sure enough, as soon as I pulled up, he was standing outside, waiting for me, with a big grin on his face.

    Elle! he called to me, and I ran over to him to give him a hug. Oh, it had been way too long since I had been able to hug my father. Traveling had been worth it, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t glad to be home again.

    It’s so good to see you, he murmured against my hair. I squeezed him tight. He was only an inch or so taller than me, and these days the beers that he put away had started to get that belly of his growing more outward than before, but he was still my father. Even if I was pretty sure that his comb-over had gotten worse since the last time I’d seen him.

    Come on in, he told me, putting his arm around my shoulders and guiding me through the door. The place smelt of leather and lemon, the same way it always did when he had cleaned it up especially for visitors. I smiled as I sank down into the couch, and he came out of the kitchen a moment later with a cup of coffee for me.

    I figured you could use something like this, he remarked, as he handed me the cup. Since you’ve been traveling all day...

    Oh, hell, yeah, I agreed, and I took a long sip of the coffee – sweet and milky, just the way I liked it.

    I want to hear everything about your trip, he told me, as he planted himself down on his usual chair right opposite me. I grinned. I didn’t even know where to start. No, wait, actually, I did – I was sure that he would be just as tickled by who I had run into as I had been.

    I actually saw someone on the way over here, I admitted. He cocked his head to me in interest.

    Oh, yeah?

    Yeah, you remember Dylan? I asked him. As soon as I saw the look on his face, I knew that the answer was yes.

    His eyes clouded and I could tell that he was having a hard time believing what was coming out of my mouth. He leaned back in his seat, his jaw tight.

    Yes, I remember Dylan, he replied sharply. What about him?

    Some woman pulled out in front of me when I was driving and I bumped her car. She got out and started going nuts at me, I explained. But then he turned up and covered for me. Really shut her down.

    And that was it? he asked me. His voice was barbed. I nodded.

    Yeah, that was it, I replied, and I tipped my head to the side. What’s wrong?

    Did he recognize you? he pressed, and I shook my head.

    I don’t think so, I replied. If he did, he certainly didn’t let me know about it. Why?

    Are you sure? he continued, and he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at me, as though he was sure that I might have been lying about it. I nodded at once.

    Yeah, I’m sure, Dad, I replied. This was hardly how I had envisioned our first meeting going, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little annoyed that he was acting this way. Dylan was the son of his best friend – surely, he’d want to hear about how he was getting on with life and stuff, wouldn’t he?

    Good, he replied, and he settled back once more. He still looked a little concerned, but the outright panic had dropped from his face, at least.

    Why does it matter if he did? I asked him. He shook his head.

    It doesn’t matter, he replied, in the tone of voice that I knew was meant to communicate to me that I was to stop asking questions right this damn instant. I could have kept pushing, but it would have been for nothing – he had already made his mind up, and the decision had been made that he wasn’t going to say another word to me about this.

    I rose to my feet, put the coffee on the table, and headed to the bathroom without another word to him. What the heck was wrong with him? I knew things had been off with Mr Damion since – well, since everything that he had gotten up to had been revealed, I supposed.

    I washed my hands and my face and looked at myself in the mirror. If I could have chosen exactly how I was going to look when I ran into someone that I hadn’t seen in years again, I wouldn’t have chosen to look like this. But hell – the way my father was talking, he was making it pretty clear that he didn’t want me to run into Dylan ever again if I could avoid it. And I was just fine with that. He clearly had no memory of who the hell I was – he had moved on, and there was no reason for me not to do the same.




    hat the fuck, I wondered, was a nun doing in a sports car, in the middle of the city, blasting pop-punk so loud from the speakers that it almost made my ears bleed?

    Okay, so I didn’t exactly know the ins and outs of everything that nuns were supposed to do, but I’d bet that wasn’t one of them. Maybe it hadn’t been her. Maybe I was just guessing. But I was sure, with the way she looked at me, that slightly crooked smile on her face, that I hadn’t made a mistake.

    Which meant that the woman from the family that I had spent so long trying to forget was officially back in town. And I wasn’t sure I liked that. Not one little fucking bit.

    What are you thinking about? Charlotte demanded, as we drove away from the marina and back toward my place. The two of us had been out for a boat ride earlier – she had been begging me to give her a hand in getting down her knots and her control on the water, and Mark had asked me to do him a favor and keep his sister busy for a while, so I had gone along with it. She wasn’t awful to spend time around, but sometimes, I was struck by how immature she seemed in comparison to her brother. She had always been the baby of that family, and it seemed as though that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

    Nothing, I replied to her. I didn’t want to come clean about what was going on inside my head. If she found out that I was thinking about a woman, then it would be spread around faster than we could catch up with it, and people would write me off as married in my head before I’d have a chance to put them right. It’s what happened when you got to your thirties without a wife in this side of the world – people liked to guess who you were going to settle down with, no matter how many times you tried to tell them that the answer was always going to be no-one.

    And, in truth, I didn’t even know what I would have said about Elle. That I had thought one thing about her, but it seemed like she had just undercut every little detail that I’d believed about her life? I mean, thinking back, I should have seen straight through it when her father had told me that she had moved to Europe to pursue a career in the church – even thinking about it now, it was hard for me to buy it. But I had just wanted her and her father out of my life so damn much that I had been willing to believe any lies that he spun to me, as long as it assured that she was going to be as far fucking removed from my life as possible.

    But now she was back. Back in the city. And not looking much like a nun. Where the hell had she been for the last couple of years? I hadn’t seen her since the court case that had put my father away – and even then, she had just been there to support her odious old father, the man who had put all this mess into motion in the first place. I didn’t even know how she could look him in the eye. Shit, maybe she believed all the bullshit that he spun to her. Maybe she still thought that butter wouldn’t melt, but I knew better. And I was never going to fall for his bullshit again.

    Here we are, I remarked to Charlotte, as we pulled up in front of my place. Well, my father’s place. Sometimes, it still felt like it was haunted by all the memories of him – not that he was gone forever, but just that he was gone for now. Well, until I turned forty, at least. Eight more years of his sentence to fill out, and a whole decade of his life spent wasting behind bars. The least that I could do in the meantime is keep this place ticking over for him. He deserved at least that, and I was always going to make sure that he could rely on me.

    Thanks for taking me out today, Charlotte told me, batting her lashes at me and smiling widely. Her teeth had been fixed a couple of years ago, and ever since, she had taken every opportunity that she could to flash me the toothiest grin in existence.

    Maybe I could come in for a drink? she suggested, and I shook my head.

    I don’t think that would be a good idea, I admitted, and I watched as her face dropped with irritation. I felt a little bad. I didn’t mean to blow her off like that. It was just that I was busy right now, and I didn’t have the time to dedicate to entertaining her for an evening. Besides, she had been asking to spend more time with me lately, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was starting to inch toward a crush on me.

    I’ll call you a cab, I suggested, and she sighed.

    Fine, she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn’t used to being denied what she wanted, but she was going to have to deal with it.

    I called her the cab and sent her packing, and then headed to the kitchen to get myself a drink. The memory of Elle was pressing hard at the front of my brain. Could it have really been her? I wouldn’t have been sure, except for the way she looked at me – she met my gaze like she already knew who I was, like she already knew what would be going through my head as soon as I saw her. Did she like that? Did she enjoy knowing that she had all this power over me? I had no idea. I wished that I had confronted her then about what she was doing here – if her father was still in town, just what I would have liked to say to him if I’d gotten the chance.

    Not that she would have believed me if I’d told her. I knew that she was still at the point where she was probably defending her old man. She didn’t see through his lies, and he didn’t want her to, either. I hardly blamed him. After he had broken things with my father, I doubted that there was anyone he could rely on other than his family.

    Evening, Dyl! a cheerfully familiar voice called to me as I planted myself down at the enormous dining table. I looked up to see Sarah emerging from the kitchen with a plate of hot food in her hand. She placed it in front of me and then bustled off to grab some for herself, before she returned to join me properly.

    I didn’t think you would be back till later, she remarked, as she took a bite of the scalloped potatoes and chicken that she had made for us. Sarah had worked for my family since I was a kid, and, since I had lost my mom when I had been young, she had pretty much been a mother figure to me. She had insisted on sticking around to work at the house even after my father had been arrested, and honestly, I was so grateful for the fact that she was still there. Some connection that remained, no matter how small, to the life that I had been living before – to the world that I had been a part of for such a long time before it had gone slipping through my fingers.

    I just wanted to get an early night, I offered her, hoping that she might believe it. She grinned at me.

    You know I know you too well to believe that, right? She pointed out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get an early night out of choice.

    Yeah, guess I’m just tired, I replied, covering my mouth and yawning. It was a long day, being out on the boat with Charlotte.

    Yes, I’ll bet it was, she replied, barely hiding her amusement. I knew that she had a soft spot for Mark and Charlotte, but she looked at them as the very definition of the drama-filled rich kids that she had carefully and constantly made sure that I would never turn out to be.

    How was your day? I asked her, hoping to shift the focus away from me and get back to reality. I didn’t want her to read too far into any of this, to work

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