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About this ebook

When Mark Monaghan is run down and injured at Mick's Bikes, the owner, the beautiful and feisty McKala Murphy is troubled and afraid. She has been receiving threats from someone who was determined to chase her from her dream of custom building and painting bicycles.

Mark will not walk away from her, no matter the danger th

PublisherRonna Bacon
Release dateMar 9, 2023

Ronna M Bacon

Ronna was raised in the country with a love of animals and reading. She at present works as a medical office assistant to a general surgeon in the Niagara area of Ontario, having been raised in central Ontario and living in Northern Alberta for five years while attending Bible School. When she is not working, she enjoys reading, her gardens, her two Shelties and her two cats, and, of course, writing the stories that God provides to her. Her faith and trust in God are important to her and she strives to show this in all her endeavors.

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    Book preview

    Mark - Ronna M Bacon


    His Defenders

    Book 5


    Ronna M. Bacon

    Copyright © 2023 Ronna M. Bacon

    ISBN 978-1-998821-20-4

    Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42


    Dear Readers

    Chapter 1

    To say that Mark Monaghan was frustrated was an understatement. He stared down at his bike, destroyed as it was by a hit and run. He had left it in the bike rack by the coffee shop, locked up as he walked away from it. He had returned and discovered it missing. Searching for it, Mark had discovered it further away in the parking lot, the lock cut open, and the bike flattened and broken.

    Searching the area, he could see no one who seemed to be interested in what was happening to him. Mark sighed, bending over to pick up the pieces and then heading for his home. He glanced at his watch. It was still mid-morning on that Saturday and he could find a bike shop. Mark was just frustrated that he had to do that. This had not been in his plans for the day.

    Thirty minutes later, Mark walked towards a new bike shop that he had never used before. It was set on the outskirts of Oak City. A friend had recommended it. He studied the building and then the sign that simply read Mick’s Bikes. He walked around the building, noting the trails that ran behind it. It was interesting, he decided. His hand ran through his thick blond curls, his curiously-coloured aqua eyes squinting at the area.

    Nodding, Mark walked back around the building and into it. He stared around, taking in the bikes that were there. A bike on the wall caught his attention and he walked towards it, interest sparking in his eyes. A custom-built bike, he decided, and he liked it.

    Footsteps sound behind him and then stopped. Mark didn’t turn at first. When he did, he stared at the young lady, around his age, watching him with a smile on her face.

    Can I help you? You seem very interested in that bike?

    I am. It’s a great bike. Custom build? Mark turned back to it.

    It is. Are you interested in one like that? The lady moved up to stand beside him. Welcome to Mick’s Bikes.

    Thank you. This place was recommended to me. Mark walked around the showroom again, coming back to stand beside her. Who does the work?

    I do. She smirked at the look that Mark shot at her. I’m McKala Murphy. I do the designs and a lot of the work. Come on back to the work shop and we can discuss this further.

    Thank you. I’m Mark Monaghan. Mark followed her, almost walking on her heels. He studied the long auburn hair and thought of her deep hazel eyes. She was a beauty, he decided, and likely dating.

    Mark walked around the work shop, studying the bikes that were being assembled. He nodded. His friend was right. They did good work here. He paused at a model that sat on a bench nearby.

    Hey, Mick!

    McKala turned as she heard a friend calling her.

    Bob? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be away this weekend. She walked towards him, leaving Mark to watch her and then her friend.

    I am. I was delayed in leaving and am taking Monday instead. Dad wanted me to drop this off for you. He’s made some changes to the bike for himself. Bob dropped off the diagrams and then ran from the shop, heading for his car.

    McKala took a look at them and then turned back to Mark. She walked over to stand beside him, her head tilting to look at him.

    You ride a lot?

    Mark nodded, saddened at how his bike had been destroyed.

    I do. I was out riding this morning when someone stole my bike and then ran over it. It’s not reparable. I need to replace it.

    I see. McKala tilted her wrist to study her watch. I can let you try out some of the ones on display and get a feel of what you want.

    You would do that? Mark stared at her in amazement. You don’t know me.

    No, not personally. But I have seen you at church. I’m friends with Taran.

    Taran? I didn’t know that. Sure, if I could. Mark had not changed from his bike attire. I have my helmet in my truck.

    Perfect. Go get it and I’ll see what bikes might be suitable for you. McKala watched Mark walk rapidly away, a sudden sense of danger surrounding her. She had learned not to ignore her feelings. She followed him to the outside door, watching as he headed for his truck. She turned back to the showroom, looking over the bikes and pulling three or four out that she thought that he might like. McKala was almost always spot on with what she chose for customers.

    Mark walked around the bikes that she had chosen. His head raised as he stared out of the front door. He could feel the tingles that had always come up when the security team that he was part of was protecting people. He shook it off, thinking that it was just the effects from that morning.

    Heading out on one of the bikes, Mark circled the parking lot and then took to some of the trails. He was happy, he decided, still feeling unsettled. He returned to the shop, once more circling the parking lot.

    Mark didn’t see the truck that was parked in the entrance to the parking lot. McKala was not visible as he circled back towards the building. The sudden revving of an engine caught at his hearing and he turned, his eyes widening as he saw the truck speeding towards him. He spun the bike, trying to head for safety. He just didn’t make it in time. A glancing blow across the rear wheel sent the bike and Mark flying through the air, to land in a broken and crumpled heap. The truck stopped and the driver dropped to the ground. He stood over Mark, a smug and evil look on his face.

    At the sound of the truck, McKala had shoved open the door and then ran towards Mark. She slid to a stop as the man turned to her, a weapon in his hand. Her hands raised in the air as she just stood there, not sure what to do. The man sauntered back to his truck, jumped up on the seat, and then drove away, leaving black tire marks on the pavement.

    McKala ran towards Mark, dropping to her knees. Her hands reached to feel for a pulse and then to feel for injuries. Who was that man, she wondered. And why had he run down Mark?

    Chapter 2

    The red and blue lights on the emergency vehicles cut through the afternoon light. McKala stood back from where the paramedics were working on Mark, distress on her face. She turned as she heard a voice beside her, a very worried voice at that.

    Timothy, a friend of Mark’s and one of his team mates, stood beside her, Taran beside him.

    McKala? What happened? Taran convinced me to come and look at your bikes and we find this? Timothy frowned. Is that Mark?

    It is. He was here to find a new bike. His bike was destroyed in a hit and run. Now this? Who did this? McKala was almost in tears as she spoke. He was just trying out one of the bikes.

    Did you see it? Timothy looked around as he heard another voice as he asked the question. Aidan? You’re here? I didn’t know that you were on call this weekend.

    I am. What’s going on? Someone said that it was Mark.

    It is. McKala here saw some of it. Timothy reached for Taran’s hand and pulled his wife away, his eyes still on Mark.

    McKala? What happened? Aidan waited patiently for McKala to bring her attention to him.

    I don’t know, Aidan. I heard the tires squealing and ran out. I was heading for Mark when the man stared at me and threatened me. I had to wait for him to leave. It was a dark blue truck, extended cab. She went on to describe the man.

    Aidan watched her, seeing how shaken she was.

    McKala? He waited once more for her to look at him. Go and lock up. Grab your stuff. Leave your keys with one of the officers. I’ll take you to the hospital. You need to be assessed.

    McKala stared at him and then down at the pavement. Her feet took her back to the shop where she locked it up and then stood once more by Aidan. Mark had already been loaded into the paramedic rig and she saw it disappearing from view. She prayed for him, asking for healing. She didn’t know how seriously hurt he was but she felt responsible.

    It’s not your fault, McKala. Aidan read her thoughts correctly. It’s not your fault. It’s not Mark’s fault. It’s the fault of whoever was driving that truck. I would like to know why.

    I don’t know. Mark said that his bike was stolen and then destroyed this morning. I don’t know where that happened. That’s why he was here. McKala drew in a deep breath. I’ve had threats, Aidan, against the business in the last couple of weeks. Nothing that I felt was concerning. Now, I wonder if I should have been more concerned.

    You have had threats? Written ones? And just where are they? Aidan tamped down his anger. It was not directed at McKala but at whoever it was that had frightened her.

    In the safe inside the shop. McKala turned back that way, Aidan pacing beside her. Once inside, she opened the safe and handed him an envelope. I kept them all. There were voice mail messages and I transcribed them as well as saving them.

    Thank you, McKala. This will become part of this investigation. Now, let’s head out.

    Aidan pointed at a chair in the waiting room of the Emergency Department before he headed back to find out where Mark was. Mark was still unconscious and that worried Aidan.

    McKala slumped in a chair, her eyes on the floor. She was very troubled, she decided, and what had happened to Mark was part of it. She knew of him through Timothy and Taran. She had just not met him. She sighed to herself. This was not how she expected to end her day. McKala’s eyes closed as she began to pray for Mark. She didn’t know how seriously he was hurt and didn’t want to know she decided. Only, God was pushing her to find out how Mark was. And she had learned not to ignore those God nudges.

    On her feet, McKala walked out of the hospital and towards the road. She was frustrated that she didn’t have her car. Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to her brother. She stared at her phone for a moment as it began to ring.

    McKala? Where are you? McKinley had been in a local coffee shop when he received her text. He had quickly ran for his truck, knowing that she would not have called him if she hadn’t had to.

    I’m standing outside of the hospital, Kins. Someone was hurt in the parking lot at my shop. Aidan made me come with him. Can you come and get me? I don’t think that I can retrieve my car yet.

    On my way. Stay on the phone with me, Mick. I won’t be long.

    Both siblings used their pet names for each other. They were close, these two. McKinley was the older of the twins, by about fifteen minutes. He took his position as older brother too far at times, McKala thought, but he was there whenever she needed him.

    Sliding into McKinley’s truck, McKala stared back at the hospital. She felt bad abandoning Mark but he really didn’t mean that much to her, did he? She felt a connection with him, one that didn’t come from what had happened. She didn’t realize that God had brought the two of them together and that together they would be in danger more than once.

    What happened, Mick? McKinley waited patiently McKala to speak.

    Mark Monaghan showed up to look for a new bike. His bike was destroyed this morning. He was trying one out and someone just ran him down. He was unconscious when I left. At least, I think he was. She ignored the vibrating of her phone. She figured that it was likely Aidan and she certainly did not want to speak with him.

    How badly was he hurt? Do you know? McKinley slowed to a stop near his sister’s shop. You won’t be getting your car tonight, McKala.

    No, I didn’t think that I would. I’ll have to come back in the morning. And someone will need to retrieve Mark’s truck. She rubbed at her temple, a headache beginning to be felt. I just don’t understand it, McKinley.

    I don’t either. We’ll talk with Mark and Aidan and see what they have to say. And you will rest, McKala. Let’s grab some stuff from your place and you can crash at mine.

    McKala walked back towards McKinley’s truck, her steps weighted down it seemed. She was exhausted. Today had not been a great day, one of many that were no longer great. She was troubled and worried and didn’t know who to speak with. McKinley would just jump in with both feet if she talked to him.

    Chapter 3

    Aidan stared in disbelief as he paced the waiting room. She really did it, he thought. She ran. Now he would need to track her down. And he wasn’t prepared for that. He returned to the examination room where Mark was being assessed.

    Mark looked up for a moment, squinting against the light. Aidan paused as he heard Mark’s voice speaking with the physician. He waited patiently for the physician to finish and walk away.

    Mark’s head went back on the pillow, his eyes closing against the pain that he was in. He heard footsteps stop beside his bed. He was just too sore to open his eyes.

    Mark? Aidan’s voice, although quiet, caused Mark to jump. Tell me what happened. Talk to me.

    "I don’t really

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