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Buried Secrets I
Buried Secrets I
Buried Secrets I
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Buried Secrets I

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About this ebook

Vanished without a trace!

Rebecca is a 12-year-old girl who believes her life would be perfect if her mother would return home.

Following a long night of serious discussion about the mother's pending divorce from her step-father, Rebecca was dropped off at home. While her mother ran to the store, a few blocks away to pick up a pack of cigarettes.

Rebecca was exhausted and went to bed. As soon as she awoke the next morning, she discovered that her mother had not returned. Suddenly, her heart raced and her head whirled.

Days passed and still no sign of Janie. Something was wrong. Her mother had never left her alone.

What happened to Janie Lamb? Someone had information, but wouldn't disclose it, or perhaps they did..... 32 years later.

Every case has an ending!

Release dateMar 13, 2023
Buried Secrets I

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    Buried Secrets I - SHEILA CARROLL

    Main Character Breakdown

    Janie Sue Lamb: Missing , had 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls from 4 different fathers, Janie 5’2, blonde hair blue eyes, full of spunk, an unemployed truck driver who had moved back to her hometown after the decision to divorce her 5 th husband.

    Rebecca: Janie’s youngest daughter who was 12 years old at the time of her disappearance. She thought the world of her mom and considered her to be her best friend.

    Joan: Janie’s dear mother, who searched for her until her death.

    Teresa: Janie’s sister who lived near her and Rebecca.

    Leslie: Janie’s sister who became Rebecca’s guardian after the disappearance.

    Chief Gentry: The chief of police at the time of Janie’s disappearance who was known to conduct a case more on influence than facts at times.

    Officer Jones: A straight arrow that abided by the law and became frustrated at those who didn’t.

    Officer Black: A human puppet controlled by the chief’s wishes. When the chief wanted a certain outcome, he was the one that made it happen.

    Detective Long: Believed everything should be black and white, right, and wrong. Facts were his determining course of action, but as the years went on, he began to bend the rules to keep his much-needed job.

    Donna: The friendly, flirty friend of Janie’s who loved the attention of a male companion.

    Buster McDonald: Possibly a fourth person who knew what happened to Janie. Later, found hanging from a cattle chute on the rodeo grounds. His death was ruled as self-inflicted, but many disagreed with the findings.

    Mrs. McDonald: Buster’s mother.

    Bobby: He was among the three males found to be drinking and smoking with Janie that morning. Bobby passed out earlier in the morning and lay in the back of the truck until after 6 am on Saturday.

    Steve: One of the three males found to have partied with Janie that morning. Asked to be taken home once they left the lot.

    Jimmy: One of the last males to see Janie before her disappearance who eventually separated from his wife and lived with Donna.

    Bonnie: Jimmy’s wife

    Ranger Jordan Smith: A Texas Ranger who had a heart for people. He was an upstanding member of the community and an outstanding Ranger.

    Psychic Brett Lawson:  A gifted individual that served 12 active years in the US Army and then joined the Army Reserves, who offered his service to aid in the disappearance of Janie Sue Lamb.

    Stanton: The father of Jimmy. Stanton loved his son and believed he didn’t have any faults. He would do whatever it took to prove his son innocence.



    It was a nice warm evening in June 1990. The sun shone brightly as a light breeze filled the air. On most evenings Jimmy could be found sitting under his favorite oak tree in the backyard of his farmhouse. It was his way of winding down from a stressful day at work.

    That particular day as he sat and enjoyed the breeze and shade, he had a visitor. It was his friend John, who stopped by for a visit before he left for Florida, where he was moving in a few days.

    As Jimmy and John sat reminiscing of old times and all of the fun they had as teens, Jimmy’s wife, Bonnie came out with freshly made sugar cookies and lemonade. The two gulped down the snack and decided to take a ride in Jimmy’s old truck.

    They drove up and down the dusty back roads as they laughed and talked. The two were inseparable as teens, but somehow had grown a part and was soaking up every bit of time they had left before John’s big move.

    Without warning, Jimmy swerved, as he turned into the parking lot of a convenience  store. He told John he needed to pay a visit to the restroom and grab a drink. John sat in the truck waiting for his return. After about 20 minutes he returned with two cokes in his hand. He got in the truck and pushed one of the bottles toward John.

    What took so long?

    Making plans, buddy, making plans.

    Plans? What type of plans?

    Nothing you should be concerned about.

    John nodded his head and took a sip of the Coke.

    Then, suddenly as they pulled out of the driveway, Jimmy slammed on the brakes.

    What’s going on?



    Over there, do you see her?


    I want to rape and kill her.

    John sat up and starred at him with a shocked look on his face.

    Don’t kid about something like that, it’s not funny.

    Im not trying to be funny.

    I would love to rape her and I will tell you how I would do it.

    John felt like jumping out of the truck, but they were in the middle of nowhere.

    I don’t want to hear your sick thoughts.

    Jimmy laughed and drove away.

    Ok, ok.

    Don’t do that to me.

    He didn’t respond and just drove away with a big smile on his face.

    After they drove for a bit longer, he started to tell him exactly how he would perform the terrible act. John tried to reason with him but his mind seemed to be fascinated by the horrible deed.

    Jimmy only laughed and responded, If there is no body, there is no crime.

    What do you mean?

    I would get rid of her body, Jimmy said with a laugh. Would you like to know how I would do that?

    No definitely not.

    While I raped her, I would continue to cut and stab her with my knife over and over again. Then I would put her body in the back of my truck, take her out to my place and dump her into a container of chemicals. The chemicals would take care of the body. No body, no crime.

    John looked at him with horror, but Jimmy didn’t care. He seemed to become more excited with each detail shared.

    That isn’t funny, take me home.

    Oh come on John, I was just pulling your leg.

    Well I didn’t find it the least bit funny.

    You should’ve saw the look on your face, Jimmy howled with laughter.

    Let’s go to the house and have a few beers.

    The two got out of the truck and walked into the house where they were met by Bonnie.

    What’s wrong John? You look as if you saw a ghost.

    Uh, no nothing’s wrong Bonnie. Just not feeling very well. Perhaps a little sick from bouncing around in that old truck.

    Jimmy laughed and grabbed a six pack of beer. The two walked out to the oak tree, sat down and began to drink.

    After about an hour John looked at his watch and told Jimmy that it was getting late, and he needed to go home to finish packing.

    The two said good-bye for the last time as John drove away.



    Four months later. ..

    Jimmy and Bonnie had grown further apart. She loved him dearly but noticed a huge change in his personality. He seemed so distant and spent most of his time in the barn, doing who knows what. He was so secretive anymore and even banned her from entering the barn.

    Night after night Bonnie could be found home alone, while Jimmy hung out with his friends until all hours of the night. She suspected that he was seeing someone else but had no proof. She didn’t know what to do and hoped that things would change.

    Change came, but it wasn’t the change she had hoped. He seemed preoccupied and even more distant. Then one night, in September he stayed out all night. Doing who knows what. Finally, around 6:30 am he tried to open the kitchen door with his key. Worried, Bonnie met him at the door. She was shocked. He stood there covered in blood. Frantically, she questioned him, her first thought was that he was severely injured.

    He responded in an irate manner and began to threaten her. Her heart raced inside of her chest, and she feared for her life. Then suddenly, he walked away. She listened and heard him turn on the shower. She felt as though she would faint. What should she do, she thought. Quickly, she walked to the bedroom and locked the door. After a few minutes she heard the back door slam. She was relieved that he didn’t attempt to find her but curious to know what he was doing. So, cautiously, she looked out the kitchen window and saw him burning something. He paced in front of the fire and laughed. She had never seen him act in such a manner and feared for her life. She had to get to safety. So, she quietly, snuck out the front door and ran to the neighbor’s house. Where she banged frantically on the door, finally, there was an answer.

    What’s wrong Bonnie?

    Please let me in.

    Yes, come in.

    What’s wrong?

    Jimmy has done something terrible.

    What do you mean?

    He came home covered in blood and threatened me.

    "He’s probably drunk. Would you like to spend the night? Once he’s sober, I’m sure everything will be better.

    Sounds like a good idea.

    Seconds later, Bonnie was led to the guest room. She laid down and tried to rest, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t go to sleep.

    Later that morning, she returned home to find Jimmy waiting at the door to greet her. He acted as though

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