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Game Over: Dangerous Games, #2
Game Over: Dangerous Games, #2
Game Over: Dangerous Games, #2
Ebook266 pages4 hours

Game Over: Dangerous Games, #2

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From love to hate there is only one step
Fourteen years have passed since Izzy and Kai discovered that they were made for each other, since then, Kai has managed to reach the top in the NBA, but an unexpected injury forces him to leave the sport he loves so much and dedicate himself to his family. Izzy seizes the opportunity to fight again for her long-forgotten dream of being a successful architect. When everything seems to be going well, their lives take a radical turn that manages to destabilize the strong relationship that unites them.

PublisherAlbert Nelson
Release dateMar 14, 2023
Game Over: Dangerous Games, #2

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    Book preview

    Game Over - Albert Nelson


    Table of Contents

    ​ Foreword

    I like how you think

    Who is Alex?

    He's just your boss

    Wish granted

    I do not want to be alone

    Do I look like I'm joking?

    I couldn't live in a world where Kai didn't exist.

    It's your decision and I respect it.

    You know what I want

    I was not very successful

    For me there is no one else

    stop playing games

    I do not want to talk to you

    Something definitive

    I can not stand it

    Saved by the bell

    It wasn't a good idea to fall in love with your best friend.

    That's what friends do

    It's not fair

    I had to try everything before I gave up

    This is not new to me

    What is celebrated?

    I'm married to an idiot


    Game Over

    Author: Albert Nelson

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

    The reader is solely responsible for any liability, whether caused by inattention or abuse of any policies, processes, or directions contained herein.

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    This information is universal and for informational purposes only. Information is presented without contract or guarantee. The trademarks are used and published without permission.

    Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    ​ Foreword


    From our seats behind the Grizzlies dugout we cheer on the team. I keep one eye on the game and one on Charlie. Every time his father hits a basket, he jumps out of his seat and starts screaming his head off. The public cheers the name of Kai. He's playing great tonight.

    Flame steals the ball again and flies down the court, approaches the line, fakes the pass and takes a jump shot out of his sleeve that adds three more points to the Grizzlies' score. Oh Lord! The golden boy of the NBA is giving it his all.

    -Yessss! Charlie jumps out of his seat again and I scramble to catch him before he falls flat on his face.

    -Careful! I scold him.

    He smiles at me with that soft-eyed look he's inherited from his father, and I roll my eyes theatrically.

    If you break your head, you'll be even dumber than you are, his sister mutters.

    Charlie gives him an unfriendly look and I snort realizing that another battle is brewing between my children. Seriously, they can't go five minutes without arguing.

    Mom, Emily called me dumb, she complains.

    And rat too, she hisses, crossing her arms.

    Guys, that's enough I try to order, although deep down I'm aware that the best I'll achieve is to postpone the fight. If you can't behave, we're going home.

    -I do not want to go. Charlie crosses his arms sulking, and just as Emily is about to retort I look at her sideways and decide to shut up.

    Smart girl, I murmur, watching her sit back in her place.

    Kai continues to make three-pointers and assist his teammates throughout the game. Almost at the end of the fourth quarter, the opposing team calls a timeout and he approaches the bench.

    -Dad! Dad!

    Charlie starts yelling for him and my husband turns his gaze in our direction. He winks at our little boy as he wipes the sweat off his arms with a towel, then blows me a kiss.

    I smile feeling how my cheeks warm up. After fourteen years of marriage, he still manages to take my breath away with just one look. I miss him so much... Luckily, this is the last game of the play-offs for next season and for the next two and a half months he will be at home with us. From the end of September to the beginning of June we only see it intermittently. That's the life of an NBA star: road games, travel, jet flights to a birthday or important kid-related event, and an occasional week at home every month. If you ask me, I'd say it's a big crap. I miss my husband, I want to spend more time with him, but I know that Kai is happy playing basketball. He has achieved his lifelong dream, and that makes me happy too. So I have no choice but to support him and take advantage of the little time we have to be together.

    The game immediately resumes and Kai does not take long to get hold of the ball. He faces the other team's defenders again, and when he is about to shoot he receives a push that sends him to the ground. I jump up and the audience starts to whistle and boo the player who just committed the foul. I move my neck from side to side trying to see Kai. Then I hear a scream that I recognize as his and the coach yells for the emergency services.

    Mom, what's going on? Emily asks with teary eyes.

    I don't know, honey. ―My little boy holds on to my hand tightly and I hug him by the shoulders. I manage to see him among the crowd that surrounds him and it doesn't take me long to realize that something is wrong. Come on, Kai, get up, I mumble to myself, watching his face contort in pain as his knee is touched.

    -Mother? Charlie looks at me for an explanation and I take a deep breath before picking him up. Daddy's yelling," she sobs, burying her face in my neck.

    I rub her back and pull her sister towards me. Although her rebellious preteen character won't let her admit it, I know she's just as scared as Charlie.


    It's strange how your life can change in a millisecond. A snap, that alone is enough for everything to fall apart. As the doctor continues to talk non-stop, I look around the small room of the clinic where I have been locked up for more than three hours. It's over. I always knew this day would come, I thought I'd be ready to give it up, but it hurts. I've spent my whole life fighting to get to the top, and I've made it. However, as soon as I heard that click in my knee when I fell, I realized that nothing would be the same anymore.

    Are you listening to me, Mr. Flame? I return my attention to the doctor and nod.

    You've said I'm not going to play basketball professionally again, haven't you?

    -Not quite. This injury is very significant, and even if he makes a full recovery with rehab and hard work, he may not be able to physically perform at the same level. I've seen these types of injuries before, and considering his age and physical condition, with good preparation he'll probably be able to keep playing.

    -Half? That's what you're saying, isn't it? I will have to play fewer minutes and not force my knee.

    -Exact. If you overdo it, you'll end up creating an even worse injury, possibly becoming permanent.

    I can go lame, I deduce. The doctor nods and I snort bringing my hands to my head. Is there anything else I can do? I don't know, maybe some treatment, surgery...

    "No, Mr. Flame. I only rest to heal the injury and then rehab. Very sorry.

    I nod and take a deep breath through my nose.

    Do you know if my family is away? I would like to see my wife. I'm sure she's very worried.

    -Yes of course. I myself will go out to look for her in the waiting room.

    -Good. The doctor is about to leave when something crosses my mind. Doctor -he turns around-, don't tell my wife any of this, please. I prefer to tell him myself.

    -Of course. I'll let her know she can come by and then I'll take care of the paperwork so she can go home.

    As soon as I'm left alone, I snort loudly and try to bend my knee. The pain is intense, although bearable. Maybe if I work on my rehabilitation I can come back next season. I'm sure my team won't turn their back on me. Damn, I'm one of the greatest NBA players of all time! They will wait for me, I'm sure. I just have to focus on my recovery and when I get back, everything will be back to the way it was.

    Kai? I look up and see Izzy at the door. His eyes are red and I can see his nervousness. Tell me you're okay," he whispered, leaning closer.

    I smile and open my arms.

    Come here, Clever. He pounces on me and the sweet scent of his perfume invades my nostrils. Good God, after fourteen years of marriage, she still makes my heart race every time I hold her in my arms. Don't worry, I'm fine, I whisper, kissing her forehead.

    He pulls back a little to look at me and a couple of tears roll down his cheeks. I dry them with my fingers and hold her face in my hands.

    -You have given me scared to death. What has the doctor said? I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me anything. He looks at my swollen knee and pouts his lips. You'll be fine?

    I look into her eyes and take a deep breath through my nose. I love this woman more than anything in the world. For fourteen years he has sacrificed so that I can have the life that I have always dreamed of. She is an excellent mother, she has practically single-handedly raised our two children, and still finds time to work from home on some architectural projects for a major construction company. I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me.

    I'm going to be fine, I reply with an exhale. I look at my knee and intertwine my fingers with his. It's a major injury, Izzy.

    Will you be able to play next season?

    I look for his gaze again. I'm about to answer, I close my eyes and shake my head.

    "No, basketball is over for me.

    -That?! It just can't be! She puts her hands to her head and starts to cry hard. There has to be some way...

    There isn't, I cut her off. I hold her face again and smile a little. It's okay, Clever. I am thirty-five years old. At most I had four or five more left playing at an acceptable level.

    But... can't they operate on you or...? I deny again. Kai, it's your dream. If you lose basketball...

    I still have you and the children, I whisper, joining my forehead to his. Everything will be fine. Think of this as an opportunity to give our lives a new direction. I will spend more time at home with our children and you will be able to dedicate yourself to your work. For fourteen years you have put aside your own dreams to fulfill mine. Now is your time, Smarty.

    He hugs me and continues crying against my neck while I caress his back. This is correct. It's up to me to make a sacrifice so she can achieve her goals. After a long moment he pulls away and sighs, wiping his cheeks.

    I have to go out and tell the children that you're okay. Charlie kept asking me if you were going to die.

    I smile shaking my head. My little one tends to dramatize too much. He is a very sensitive child, quite the opposite of his older sister. Actually, they are different in almost everything. Mily came out after her mother, her features, her hair color, her sincerity and impulsiveness... Charlie is physically very similar to me, he loves basketball, although he is very short for his age. He has problems adapting and learning at school, and that creates even more insecurity for him. I know that Izzy fights every day to pull it off and be a happy child, and with Emily... Well, she's at that age where she thinks she's an adult and rebels against anyone who makes her feel childish in any way. They are another good reason for you to want to spend more time at home. My dream has come true, I have managed to get where I wanted, now I must take care of my family.

    I like how you think


    I walk into Charlie's room without knocking and, after opening the blind, I go to his bed.

    Up, sleepyhead, I whisper, touching him to wake him up. You're going to be late for class.

    He opens his eyes and yawns stretching.

    I'm tired, Dad, he grumbles.

    "You are always tired. It's your favorite excuse.

    It's not an exs... er...

    Excuse me, says the little quake sleeping in the next bed. Good morning, Uncle Kai.

    "Good morning, Asher. Up you too. I reach over and ruffle her black curls, smiling.

    The boy jumps up and begins to undress hastily.

    "Come on, Charlie, it's the first day of school. Seeing that his cousin doesn't get up, he approaches and pulls him out of bed. Come on!

    I'm coming, grumbles my son.

    I leave them getting dressed and head to Emily's room.

    Good morning, princess, he murmured after opening the door.

    -Dad! Wrapped in a towel, my daughter shoots me a dirty look. You don't know how to knock on the door?! I'm naked! I stare at her without understanding what she means. By God, until recently I was still changing his diapers! Go away! He tosses me a cushion and I hear a muffled gasp behind me.

    Hello! I turn and see Asher staring at my daughter. I almost saw Mily's boobs, he mutters.

    What boobs? I ask.

    -Dad! I click my tongue and close the door.

    -Hurry up! I yelled from the other side.

    The boy continues to look at the closed door as if he had just seen a ghost.

    Uncle Kai, do you think I'll ever see a girl's tits?

    I smile shaking my head.

    "Knowing you, sooner than you think. I give him a slow blow to the back of the neck. We go to breakfast.

    He runs outside, yelling for his cousin and best friend, and I snort as I feel a little tug at my knee. It's been three months since I was injured. In the end I did not want to do rehabilitation. So that? If I'm not going to play basketball again, there's no point in going through such a painful process. Little by little my knee is healing and hopefully if I don't push it too hard, in a few months it won't even be noticeable that I'm limping a bit.

    I head into the kitchen to find Izzy pouring herself a coffee. It's beautiful. Although I find it strange to see her dressed so elegantly. She's swapped out faded jeans and sweatshirts for skirt and pantsuits, and instead of her usual Converse she's wearing heels which, by the way, give her a hell of a booty. As soon as he sees me he fills another cup and hands it to me without taking his mobile phone from his ear.

    "Yes, Felicity, don't worry. Kai is in charge of taking and picking up the children from school. I hug her from behind and rest my chin on her shoulder. They are already awake. Yes bye.

    She hangs up the call, and after putting the phone down on the counter, she turns around and wraps her arms around my neck.

    Good morning, Smarty, I whisper before kissing her on the lips. I pull away and grab her waist with my free hand. Last night I fell asleep waiting for you.

    -I'm sorry. I was finishing the first sketch of the new project. I hope they give it to me.

    Sure they will. After giving him another kiss, I drink from my coffee cup. What time is the meeting?

    -In less than an hour. I'm going to have to hurry.

    What did Felicity want?

    "To know how your son is. He's going to pick it up tonight. -Seat.

    Asher spends a lot of time with us. For the redhead, it is not easy at all to combine her work as a teacher with the work of a single mother. Well, the exact term is divorced, but for the case it is the same. Conrad has long since given up caring for his family, so we take care of the little one, who is almost the same age as Charlie, so his mother can have a break. It's the least we can do. She was a great help when Emily was born. I was in my first season with the Grizzlies at the time, struggling to earn a starting job, and couldn't be with my two girls as long as I would have liked. Felicity, Finn and Conrad became the best dudes in the world.

    That was before my friend's fame got to his head and he turned into a jerk. Now we hardly have contact anymore. As soon as the Lakers became interested in him, he lost himself in that world of fame, exclusive parties, luxuries and excesses. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe. I expected something like this from Finn, but never from Conrad.

    -You have everything you need? He nods finishing the contents of his cup, leaves it in the sink and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes tightly. Izzy, you're going to do great. You are beautiful and you have incredible talent. There's nothing to worry about, okay?

    He opens his eyes and smirks.

    I thought you didn't like these outfits, he mutters.

    I move closer again and press my forehead against his.

    I like you with any clothes, and without it too. They are going to give you that project because you deserve it.

    -Is not easy. I have never worked on something so important. It's a luxury hotel, Kai. I don't even know where it's going to be located, but my bet is a big city.

    "Look at this house. I open my arms pointing around us. You designed it and it is perfect, the envy of all the neighbors.

    We hardly have any neighbors, he mutters, beating my chest slowly.

    If we had them, it would be, I reply. Izzy laughs and I grab her around the waist again. You are a magnificent, hard-working and very talented woman. Those idiots at King Cross know it. You've been working for them since you finished your degree.

    -It is different. Until now I have only taken care of small remodeling projects, I worked from home. This new job is on another level and I'm afraid I won't measure up.

    -You will do it. I kiss her again, pressing her against my body and immediately we hear a clearing of the throat.

    Please stop doing those things in the kitchen, Emily complains.

    We pull away smiling and I see that my daughter is making a disgusted face with her lips.

    "Hurry up and have breakfast. We will arrive late.

    I know, I know, he mutters, taking a seat at the huge breakfast bar that presides over the kitchen.

    As soon as I started making a lot of money playing basketball and doing advertising contracts, I asked Izzy to design her dream home. It took us almost two years to build it, but it was worth the wait. Now we enjoy a beautiful modern-style house, with floor-to-ceiling windows in almost every room, six bedrooms, a pool, a gym, a basketball court, and a garden overlooking Sandpit Lake. The nearest neighbors are more than a kilometer away, so we have a lot of privacy. It could not be otherwise. Everyone in Memphis knows me, and in the rest of the country too. Anyone who is even slightly attracted to the world of basketball knows who I am. Sometimes it still seems strange to me that people stop me on the street to ask for my autographs and take photos with me. It's nice, almost always. I'm glad I was able to keep my feet on the ground and not stop being who I am. I admit that during my first years in the NBA the temptations were countless, after each game my teammates went to celebrate with famous models and actresses, I, however, went to my apartment and spent all my free time talking on the phone with my wife. Those were hard times because of the distance and how much I missed them both. My head and body were in Memphis, but my heart was still in Houston with them. Luckily, things got better when Izzy finished college and they moved to Memphis with me, to our new house, where we were able to start a real family.

    ―Mily, can't you put your phone down even to eat? scolds Izzy. Our daughter mumbles something under her breath, and I know right away that this hasn't been her best move. Could you repeat what you just said? He hisses, arching an eyebrow in her direction. I'd swear you just whispered something like leave me alone, but that's not possible, is it? -Oh oh. Emily's in trouble. My daughter would never say something like that, unless she is looking forward to spending the rest of the month grounded without going out, without a computer and without a mobile phone.

    They both look into each other's eyes, it's like a silent battle that Izzy doesn't take long to win.

    I didn't say anything, Mily murmurs,

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