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Playing With Fire: Dangerous Games, #1
Playing With Fire: Dangerous Games, #1
Playing With Fire: Dangerous Games, #1
Ebook277 pages4 hours

Playing With Fire: Dangerous Games, #1

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Izzy and Kai have been friends since they were children. He is a sporty boy and a complete hummingbird with girls, he dreams of becoming a basketball player in the NBA. She has a much calmer and more restrained personality, her biggest flaw is not knowing how to lie or keep quiet about everything she thinks. During their high school years they enjoy hanging out together, they have no secrets between them. Everything changes when they decide to go to the same university. Izzy is tired of being the usual good and studious girl. As soon as she meets one of the members of the basketball team, she falls at her feet and will do anything to get her attention. Kai does not agree with the radical change of her best friend, she feels that her friendship suffers and she will not stop until she gets her back to the same as before.

In this story you will discover that sometimes the love of your life can be right under your nose, and even disguised as your best friend.

PublisherAlbert Nelson
Release dateMar 14, 2023
Playing With Fire: Dangerous Games, #1

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    Book preview

    Playing With Fire - Albert Nelson


    Table of Contents


    Bored Izzy has stayed in Clarksville

    The usual at a wild Friday night party

    I'll help you kill Cooper.

    You are unable to hide anything

    I hope you're up to it

    that's what friends do

    He said yes

    No one beats me stubborn

    It would have to be a sacrifice

    This is very bad

    The past cannot be changed

    A bad night

    The usual fucking story

    Because she?

    I don't want to lose your friendship

    I do not lie

    Don't try to pretend that you don't love it

    You can't scream

    I'm tired

    She's going out with Thomas Cooper

    We played with fire and got burned

    That ready?

    Sounds like a threat

    This is the end

    It is a farewell

    You play with fire


    Playing With Fire

    Author: Albert Nelson

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

    The reader is solely responsible for any liability, whether caused by inattention or abuse of any policies, processes, or directions contained herein.

    The publisher is not liable for any damages, losses, or reparations caused by the information herein. .

    This information is universal and for informational purposes only. Information is presented without contract or guarantee. The trademarks are used and published without permission.

    Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.



    This is a roll. I don't like this city. I don't even want to think about what the new school will be like.

    Why do we have to live here? I ask, holding on to the leather ball with all my might. I want to go home, to my usual school, with my friends.

    Mom sets one of the cardboard moving boxes on the floor and, with a sigh, crouches in front of me.

    "Kai, honey, Clarksville is our home now. I know your friends are in Memphis and you liked our life there, but understand that dad has found a new job, and in Memphis we didn't have a house as nice as this one. He smiles, holding out his arms and I make a disgusted face.

    Yeah, okay, our old house was much smaller, and Dad was always complaining about his job as a cook. Your new job is supposed to pay you more, but I still don't want to live here.

    When am I going to be able to go see my friends?

    "Honey, I assure you that very soon you will make new friends here. It's just a matter of time. He caresses my blond hair affectionately and smiles again. Come, I have a surprise for you. He stands up and grabs my hand. He pulls me into the kitchen. I don't know what you want me to see. I already know the house. We go through the door that leads to the backyard. Very good, what do you think?

    I open my mouth wide when I see a high basket. Not plastic like the one I had at my old house. This is one of the real ones.

    -Is for me? I ask stunned.

    -Clear. Do you know anyone else who lives in this house and who likes to play basketball? I shake my head from side to side in denial.

    I smile unintentionally. I have my own professional basket. How cool! I would love for my friends to see it.

    "Honey, can you take care of Noah for a second? I still have to unload the car and I can't get him to calm down. ―My father comes out to meet us carrying my brother Noah in his arms, a crybaby two-year-old who only knows how to howl and shit himself.

    "Sure, I take it.

    Dad smiles when he sees me hallucinated looking at the basket.

    "I see that your mother has anticipated the surprise we had for you. Do you like it, mate? I quickly nod. It's the only thing about this site that I like. As soon as the course starts and you make new friends, you can bring them to play basketball with you.

    My smile fades as I remember that I won't be going back to my old school anymore.

    What if I don't make friends? I whisper, clinging tightly to my inseparable ball. What if the kids in this town don't like me?

    Dad's hand lands on my shoulder and he gives it a little squeeze. He always does that when I'm sad or something bothers me.

    "They'll like you. Also, I think they have a great little league basketball team.

    Can I play? I ask excited.

    -Of course. As soon as they see how good you are, they'll want you to join the team.

    I smile from ear to ear and take a deep breath looking around me. Maybe this isn't so bad.


    I'm bored like an oyster. Although I have never understood why oysters get bored. I have to ask Hannah, she's older, she's already in high school, and she always knows everything. I eat another cracker and wiggle my legs dangling off the couch. I don't know why I had to come with mom and dad to the new neighbors' house. This is very boring.

    What's your name, beautiful? the lady who lives in this house asks me.

    The Flames moved in a week ago, and Mommy didn't stop teasing about coming over to welcome them until Daddy agreed. At least the lady seems nice. She is very blonde and has very pretty blue eyes. Her husband also seems nice. I swallow quickly and take a sip of water before answering.

    My name is Izzy, I reply, faking a smile.

    It's our daughter Isabela, Mom says, stroking my wavy brown hair.

    "You are a very pretty girl, Izzy. I guess you're getting really bored, right? I look at my mother out of the corner of my eye.

    I don't want him to be mad at me. She always says that I shouldn't be so honest and cheeky, that sometimes I should keep my opinions to myself. I don't think you're right. If something is true, why can't I say it?

    I, uh... I huff and give up. I'll end up releasing it anyway sooner or later. If they're going to give me a rant, let it be as soon as possible. Yes, this is a roll.

    "Izzy! Dad scolds me.

    The lady, I think her name is Emily, laughs and shakes her head.

    "Don't worry, she's a very smart girl.

    Too much, Hannah hisses quietly, poking me.

    I do not not know what happens. Before it was cooler. Now he behaves like the adults. Dad says he's at the turkey age. I don't know what that is, it just doesn't sound good at all.

    "Honey, our son is about your age. He is in the yard playing. Do you want to go with him?

    Yeah! Anything before being here listening to them talk about things I don't understand.

    I'd love to, I reply, grinning from ear to ear.

    Mom nods permission, and I jump up before she can change her mind. Mrs. Flame tells me which way to go and soon I'm through the whole house. The door is open, so I go straight out onto the patio and see a blond boy dribbling a basketball and shooting it into the basket. He misses the first time and dunks the second. When he looks up at me, his brow furrows and he stops dribbling the ball.

    -Who are you? -ask.

    I shrug and go over to him. He has the same blue eyes as his mother.

    "My name is Izzy.

    And what are you doing in my house?

    - I live there. I point to the facade of the house that is right next door. That is the window of my room.

    "That doesn't explain why you're here.

    I roll my eyes and sit on a small step on the ground.

    "My parents have come to welcome you. I was bored inside and your mom told me that I could come here with you. What is your name?

    Uh... me?

    Is there anyone else here? I ask, closing one eye so the sun doesn't blind me.

    I'm Kai.


    "Yes Kai. Any problem?

    No, none, I reply, shrugging again. When I was little I had a dog with that name. He died. My sister Hannah always says that she had very sweet eyes. I don't remember.

    Are you calling me a dog? he asks, wrinkling his forehead again.

    ―No, I just said that I had a dog named after you, nothing more.

    You're a smartass, aren't you?

    -I don't know. Maybe yes. I like to think I'm smart.

    -Already. What's your name?

    Izzy, I reply, grinning from ear to ear.

    "I don't like your name either.

    -I don't mind. what do you play?

    Point to the ball as if it were obvious.

    "It seems that in the end you are not as smart as you say. I am playing basketball.

    You are kidding me? What is this cute eyes about? I don't know him and I already don't like him.

    -Can I play with you?

    You're a girl, he points out, making a pout with his lips.

    -And? The girls can also play basketball.

    I get up and go over to him and take the ball from him and bounce it a couple of times. It doesn't seem difficult.

    -Do you know how to play?


    Then why did you say that...? He huffs and shakes his head. Does not matter. You have to dunk the ball in the hoop. Do you think you will be able?

    I can try, I reply with a shrug.

    I take aim, narrow my eyes, stick out my tongue, and pull with all my might. The ball goes flying and doesn't even make it to the basket.

    How bad you are, he teases. He picks up the ball and throws it, scoring the first time. It's done like that, see?

    -That is not fair. You are taller than me.

    And I'm sure I'm older, too. How old are you?

    Nine, and you?

    Ten, he answers with a smug smile.

    "Well, okay. Can you let me continue playing?

    He looks at me sideways and snorts before passing the ball to me.

    "Come on, but try to do better this time. You're a shame.

    -Hey! It's the first time I play. Instead of making fun of me, teach me how to do it.

    And what do I gain with that? What are you going to teach me in return?

    Uh... I bite my lower lip, my head spinning. I know how to draw very well. Do you like to draw pictures? -Shake your head-. Well, I teach you.

    That's a kid thing, he points out.

    I roll my eyes again. This kid is heavy. It was almost better inside with the older ones.

    -Whatever you say. Are you going to teach me or not?

    - Yes, heavy. With a condition. I raise an eyebrow and he takes a deep breath before meeting my eyes. You go to school, right?

    -Of course I'm going.

    Okay, well, I'll teach you how to shoot a basket if in exchange you help me make friends at school. I start to laugh out loud and he looks at me with a frown. What are you laughing at, girl?

    -Of you. You couldn't have picked a worse person to help you make friends. I don't have a single one.

    -You do not have friends? he asks surprised. I shake my head. Because?

    -Don't know. My parents say that I am too direct and that I scare others away. I only say what I think.

    -Always? -Seat-. Do you never lie?

    -No never.

    No wonder you don't have friends. Although... He smiles, putting on that droopy-lidded look again. I think I like that you always tell the truth. Let's do something. You teach me to be like you and I will be your friend. Done deal?

    I stare at his outstretched hand. My friend? I have never had friends. May be fine. I hold his hand and give it a squeeze.

    "Very well, Tender Eyes, we will be friends.


    Izzy, hurry up! He yells from my room.

    I come out of the bathroom dressed only with a towel wrapped around my body and give him an unfriendly look.

    "Stop rushing me. I still have to get dressed, asshole.

    Kai rolls his eyes and falls back onto my bed.

    We're going to be late for the game, he announces, throwing his inseparable ball into the air over and over again with his gaze fixed on the ceiling.

    It would take less time if you let me fix myself in peace.

    You take like a girl, he mutters.

    "I'm just a girl. I pick up my clothes that are on the dresser and lock myself in the bathroom again. When I come out, already dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, Kai sits up and frowns. That?

    Are you going to the game like this? -Seat-. There is a party afterwards.

    I'm not going, I point out.

    -Because? It will be fun. I'm meeting Samantha Brown. I think he wants to topic with me.

    I put my eye white. All the girls in high school want a theme with him. It's what it takes to be the star of the basketball team. However, my status is very different. At school, Kai and I were always together, we only had each other. We became the best of friends. Everything changed when we got to high school, he made the basketball team and became some kind of teen idol. At first I came to believe that he would forget about me. He no longer needed me. They all wanted to be her friends. Although I was wrong because, despite his popularity, Kai never gave me up or stopped being with me. She's eleven months older than me and she's a grade ahead, she hangs out with a lot of people, but I'm still her best friend.

    I don't miss the parties, I answer, sitting next to him to put on my black Converse.

    Well, you shouldn't. You are only fifteen years old once in your life. You should take advantage of it.

    How do you do it? I point out smiling. He shrugs and pulls me down next to him. We turn and lean our legs against the wall of the headboard. It is a custom that we have since we were children. I don't even remember when was the first time we did it. What's happening? I ask when I notice that he has been quiet for too long. I thought you were in a hurry to get to the game.

    "Yeah, they're not going to start without me. I'm the star, remember?

    "Yeah, and a pompous prick too. Now seriously, what's wrong with you?

    He snorts and turns my head to look at his face. Are you about to cry? That's not like Kai. I'm about to ask him again when he looks at me.

    "My mother told us today that she is sick.

    -That?! I'm going to get up, but he stops me. He pulls me and hugs me, forcing me to rest my head on his chest. What happens? It's bad?

    -Pancreatic cancer.

    Shit, I whisper.

    "Yeah, it's fucking shit. My father has spent more than two hours explaining to us what the doctors have said. It is assumed that with the chemo he has a good chance of making a full recovery.

    "God, I'm so sorry, Kai. How has Noah taken it?

    I don't think you quite get it. He knows that mom is not well, but he is not aware of the seriousness of her illness.

    You'll see how she recovers, I whisper, intertwining my fingers with hers on her abdomen.

    Kai is no longer the skinny boy I knew. Now he's grown into a strong, wiry sixteen-year-old, and though I don't see him that way, I know all the girls think he's the cutest guy in school.

    Kai Flame, I hope you're not stuck in my daughter's bed again, my father mutters as he enters the room.

    Kai jumps up. I stay in the same position seeing my father's frown upside down. He pretends to be pissed off, although deep down he knows that between Kai and me there isn't and never will be that kind of relationship. We are best friends, nothing more.

    Mr. Jensen, I... I swear I...

    "Stop swearing, boy. Don't have a game to play?

    -Yes sir.

    Then get out of here.

    I huff and get up.

    Dad, drop it now, will you? We're leaving now. I grab Kai's hand and pull him toward the exit.

    "Good game, boy.

    -Thank my Lord.

    I roll my eyes and release his hand to sling my backpack over my shoulder as we head down the stairs.

    "Don't let him intimidate you.

    "Sometimes I think your father hates me.

    -What are you saying? He adores you. If it wasn't, you'd already be dead.

    "That doesn't calm me down, Smarty.

    I shrug, and at the bottom I stop and wait for him to open the front door.

    "She's a little emotional about Hannah. It will go away.

    -How are you doing?

    Well, she's still pregnant, I reply with a shrug. He was supposed to go to university to have fun and enjoy the freedom away from home, however, his plans went to shit in one fell swoop. My parents are still trying to assimilate that I dropped out.

    And the child's father still doesn't want to show his face?

    -Yeah. It's a cocoon. The truth is that I think it will be better without him.

    "Yeah, that's for sure. We left the house and headed to my car. Dad gave it to me as soon as I got my license.

    Although we live next door, I am aware that my family's purchasing power is much higher than Kai's. Actually, my father owns the restaurant that his father works at. He hired him a couple of years ago when he lost his job. Kai doesn't have a car, so I share mine with him.

    -Hey. I grab him by the arm before he gets into the car and search his gaze. About your mother...

    I don't want to talk about it, he whispers.

    "I just want you to know that I'm here, okay? For whatever you need. I'm sure he will recover very soon.

    "Thank you, Izzy. You are the best friend anyone could wish for.

    I smile mockingly.

    Are you giving me tender eyes? You know that with me that trick doesn't work.

    He snorts and nods.

    "Sometimes you are unbearable, child. Get in the car at once. I let out a laugh, and I do as he asks, settling next to him. As soon as the engine starts, he looks at me again. I love you Izzy.

    And I to you, idiot. Now step on it or we won't make it to the game.



    As the last people leave the cemetery, I can't take my eyes off my mother's name written on the headstone. I feel sad, although deep down I am also relieved. They have been some very hard years. I have seen with my own eyes how a strong and fighting woman faded day by day. It comforts me to know that now he no longer suffers.

    -How are you? Izzy squeezes my hand hard and I look at her. I know it's a stupid question. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say to help you.

    You're doing it, I whisper. Just stay with me.

    Always, he answers immediately with his green eyes reddened. I know that she also loved Mom very much and will miss her.

    We stayed in the same place for a while longer, barely moving. Izzy continues to hold my hand, hugs me when she thinks I need it, and acts like the friend she's always been, the best ever. I do not know what I would do without her.

    I think the time has come to know my destiny, I mumble, taking an envelope from the inside pocket of my jacket with my free hand. It arrived this morning.

    Is it Corm's? -Seat.

    Corm University is one of the best recruiters in the NBA. I have always wanted to study there. At the beginning of the year I lost hope of being able to achieve it. It's in Houston, more than a thousand miles from home, and with Mom sick it didn't seem fair to me to leave. She convinced me to apply for the scholarship. He hoped he would at least hold out long enough to know the answer. Well...he didn't.

    I'm afraid to open it, I whisper, thinking about it.

    -Do you want me to do it? I nod and hand him the envelope. I release her hand so she can open it and I hold my breath. When a smile tugs at his lips I am aware that my fate is already sealed. They have accepted you, Kai. You are going to study in Corm.

    "We are going to study at Corm. Next year we will be there together.

    That's if they accept me. The Architecture degree is very demanding. Maybe I won't achieve the necessary average to enter.

    -You will do it. You don't need a scholarship. You just have to focus on getting the best grades.

    I see you very convinced, Tender Eyes.

    -I am. I have no other choice, Listilla. I just lost one of the people I love the most in the world. I can't lose you too.

    That will never happen, he murmurs, holding my face in his hands. You and I will always be friends, no matter what. I promise I'll do everything I can to go to Corm.

    "Yes, we will fulfill our dreams. We'll go to the same college, live together, and then I'll be a point guard for the Memphis Grizzlies and you'll be a great architect. Nothing can go wrong.

    -That's what it will be like.

    Bored Izzy has stayed in Clarksville


    As I drive

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