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The Marriage Mouth: Your Mouth is a Weapon. Don't Use It Against Your Spouse.
The Marriage Mouth: Your Mouth is a Weapon. Don't Use It Against Your Spouse.
The Marriage Mouth: Your Mouth is a Weapon. Don't Use It Against Your Spouse.
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The Marriage Mouth: Your Mouth is a Weapon. Don't Use It Against Your Spouse.

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About this ebook

Your words are powerful tools that can shift the atmosphere in your marriage! THE MARRIAGE MOUTH is a book with POWERFUL PRAYERS & CONFESSIONS taken from Scripture to encourage and empower married couples in all stages of marriage. Each chapter includes marriage topics with transparent advice, specific prayers for many of today's common marriage issues and wisdom keys to help you see marriage through the eyes of God.
Release dateMar 14, 2023
The Marriage Mouth: Your Mouth is a Weapon. Don't Use It Against Your Spouse.

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    The Marriage Mouth - LeTroy Brown


    The Marriage Mouth

    by LeTroy and Christina Brown

    Copyright 2023 by LeTroy and Christina Brown

    All rights reserved

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise – without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Scripture verses marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture verses marked NIV are taken from the New International Version of the Bible.

    Scripture verses marked AMP are taken from the Amplified Version of the Bible.

    Cover design by LeTroy Brown

    Printed in the United States of America

    Print ISBN: 978-1-66789-341-9

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-66789-342-6




    Chapter 1. Choosing The Right Weapons

    Chapter 2. Weapons to Bind and to Loose

    Chapter 3. Weapons of Fire

    Chapter 4. Weapons for Commitment

    Chapter 5. Weapons for Priorities

    Chapter 6. Weapons of Faith

    Chapter 7. Weapons for Transition

    Chapter 8. Weapons for Love

    Chapter 9. Weapons for Honor & Respect

    Chapter 10. Weapons for Forgiveness

    Chapter 11. Weapons for Peace

    Chapter 12. Weapons for Protection

    Chapter 13. Weapons for Encouragement

    Chapter 14. Weapons for Strength

    Chapter 15. Weapons for Healing

    Chapter 16. Weapons for Communication

    Chapter 17. Weapons for Sexual Fulfillment

    Chapter 18. Weapons for Financial Increase

    Chapter 19. Weapons for Friendship

    Chapter 20. Weapons for Freedom from Addiction

    Chapter 21. Weapons for Parenting

    Takeaway Keys

    About The Authors


    We would truly like to give glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We would not be married and certainly would not be writing this book if it wasn’t for His Spirit in our hearts. He has been and still is our source for everything good in our life and marriage and we are truly grateful.

    We would like to acknowledge our three children, Letroy (22), Christian (20), and Genesis (16). You all have taught us so much and have traveled this journey with us from the very beginning. You have witnessed first-hand our failures and our triumphs. We pray that each of you will rise up and call us blessed. We pray we have imparted wisdom and have been role models before you that have impacted each of your lives for the good. We are blessed to have each of you and love you all from the bottom of our hearts.

    To all the couples who have allowed us to mentor, encourage, and mediate for you over the years, thank you! Thank you for choosing us to walk with you through one of the most important journeys you will ever take. Marriage is a gift from God, but it is not easy. Thank you for allowing us to experience this journey with you. Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability. You all are our family, and some have even become our very good friends. We pray your marriages will continue to experience the peace, love, and grace of God. Please allow this book to echo back to you some of the things we have shared personally with you in our sessions. We pray it will also be a point of reference to guide you in times of crisis, uncertainties, and discouragement. We love you M4R Family!

    To all of you who have prayed for us, called us to give words of support and encouragement, and who have genuinely wanted us to grow and win, thank you! May the favor and blessings of God surround you like a shield. We pray God will give you the desires of your heart. God bless you!


    The purpose of this book is to help married and engaged couples all over the world prepare and realign their mouths for marriage. This book is for couples who seriously want to do marriage God’s way. We have written this book with sincerity and transparency, and we hope it will be a tool used to bring dead marriages back to life, help take good marriages to a greater level and prepare and train new couples for the life-long journey of marriage.

    As a wife, you have a divine assignment to help, encourage, balance, compliment, and encourage your husband with your mouth. Your husband needs your affirmations, prayers, respect, and honor. Many husbands feel like their wives complain and nag more than they complement and uplift them. Men hear through ears that are covered by what we call respect filters. Your tone of voice and overall attitude toward your husband can make him feel inadequate and discouraged. You don’t ever want to do that, right? The empowerment that comes from your mouth motivates your husband in ways no one else can. Respecting your husband with your mouth is by far your greatest weapon to having a healthy and fulfilling marriage. This doesn’t mean you don’t share your thoughts or feelings. It just means your approach should always be as though you are approaching a king. Respectfully share your perspectives and trust in God to take it from there.

    Husbands, as the leader of your home, your words should not only be words of authority and power but also words of gentleness, love, compassion, and care. Your gentle and caring words can build safety and security within your

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