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The Guardians of Whispering Pines
The Guardians of Whispering Pines
The Guardians of Whispering Pines
Ebook37 pages25 minutes

The Guardians of Whispering Pines

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In the once-sleepy town of Whispering Pines, a darkness has taken root, threatening to consume all that stands in its path. But amidst the shadows, two unlikely heroes emerge, destined to change the course of their world forever.

Lucy and Max, two ordinary kids, find themselves thrust into a hidden realm of supernatural forces and ancient mysteries when they accidentally unleash a powerful magic locked within a silver locket. With the guidance of a wise black cat named Shadow, they embark on a thrilling journey to save their town from the clutches of evil and embrace their roles as the guardians of Whispering Pines.

As they delve deeper into the world of magic and darkness, Lucy and Max must learn to harness their newfound powers and unravel the secrets of their town's haunted past. Along the way, they forge unbreakable bonds of friendship and loyalty, discovering that the power of love and hope can illuminate even the darkest corners of the world.


PublisherB.R. Rolfsen
Release dateMar 15, 2023
The Guardians of Whispering Pines

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    Book preview

    The Guardians of Whispering Pines - Becky Rolfsen

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Welcome to Whispering Pines

    Chapter 2: The Shadow in the Woods

    Chapter 3: The Cat with the Silver Eyes

    Chapter 4: The Hidden Map

    Chapter 5: The Phantom's Trail

    Chapter 6: The Haunted Cabin

    Chapter 7: The Ritual Unraveled

    Chapter 8: The Price of Freedom

    Chapter 9: The Guardians of Whispering Pines

    Chapter 10: The Shadow's Return

    Chapter 11: A New Beginning

    Chapter 12: The Legacy of the Guardians

    Chapter 1: Welcome to Whispering Pines

    Achilling breeze whispered through the treetops as Lucy Mitchell gazed out of the dusty car window, watching the dense forest swallow the narrow road behind them. The fading sunlight cast eerie, elongated shadows that seemed to reach out, trying to pull her back into the darkness.

    It's so creepy here, Lucy whispered to herself, her eyes scanning the twisted branches that lined the road like bony fingers. She thought about her old home, the one they had just left behind. She missed her friends and the familiarity of her old neighborhood, but now, the Mitchells had moved to Whispering Pines.

    We're almost there, kiddo, her dad said with a reassuring smile, adjusting the rearview mirror to catch her eye. I know it's a big change, but we'll all get used to it.

    Lucy sighed, resting her forehead against the cool windowpane. I hope so, Dad, she murmured. As the car rounded a bend, she caught her first glimpse of their new home.

    The two-story Victorian house stood proudly atop a small hill, its weathered wood and peeling paint giving it an air of mystery. A rusty, iron fence encircled the property, its gate hanging slightly ajar. In the front yard, an enormous oak tree reached toward the sky, its gnarled limbs swaying gently in the wind.

    As they pulled into the driveway, Lucy noticed the eerie quiet that enveloped the house. It was as if the entire town was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

    Home sweet home, her mom announced, turning

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