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A Valentine's Day
A Valentine's Day
A Valentine's Day
Ebook236 pages3 hours

A Valentine's Day

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Erotic romance stories that combine falling in love, the formation of romantic and erotic relationships, play an important role in our lives. From the literary point of view, romanticism is the ideal of love, it is the meeting of the perfect couple, it is the hidden longing, the search, the triumph of love over adversity, the hope that there is someone for us along the way. of life, that we are not alone.

Release dateMar 16, 2023
A Valentine's Day

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    Book preview

    A Valentine's Day - Rogers Davis


    Table of Contents


    Let's play?

    Welcome to the family.

    Reward or Punishment

    A decision of two.

    My love, my other half.

    as if it were the first time

    A Valentine's gift

    Blessed technology.

    valentine quote

    Fantasy night

    just a joke



    With all the soul


    The limit of love.

    A Valentine's Day

    Author: Rogers Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    This information is universal and for informational purposes only. Information is presented without contract or guarantee. The trademarks are used and published without permission.

    Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.



    Erotic romance leads us to evoke a series of images that connect our minds with sensations and fantasies that link us to our romantic essence, lead us to escape in some way and allow us to be part of different lives. Sex, eroticism and love are aspects of the same phenomenon, manifestations of what we call life. Eroticism and love are forms derived from sex, sublimations, perversions and pleasant emotions that transform sexuality, leading us to a deep inner knowledge.

    Erotic romance stories that combine falling in love, the formation of romantic and erotic relationships, play an important role in our lives. From the literary point of view, romanticism is the ideal of love, it is the meeting of the perfect couple, it is the hidden longing, the search, the triumph of love over adversity, the hope that there is someone for us along the way. of life, that we are not alone.

    Eroticism lights a wick so that the fire burns, but it does so slowly, so that the desire grows and ignites. It is a suggestive insinuation of sexual pleasure, whose purpose is to promote our own fantasies that will surface to the extent that those suggestions and movements of the story seduce us.

    When both genders merge, we are facing the maximum expression of the body and soul, our purest essence, magical enchantment, the latent union of hope and sensuality, the hidden desire that our soul and our deepest sexuality connect with the loved one forming a bond difficult to break no matter how long it lasts.

    Dear reader, I invite you to accompany me on this journey, to delight yourself and your senses on this path of eroticism, love and sensuality, I invite you to connect with your deepest essence and enjoy this path, accompanied by different characters. Through their struggles, conflicts and evolutions, I know they will move you, make you smile and also help you escape from everyday life for a while.



    Let's play?

    Maximiliano & Evangeline – Teach me

    -What will you do tonight? Sam asked, causing her to look up from her iPad. I was checking what movie she could watch with Max and the kids, when she was finally home.

    -Tonight? I arched an eyebrow. For that night, I only wanted my bed and my family; after two months on tour, all I wanted was to bury my nose in Emmersson's hair, sit untangling Aphrodite's hair, or do something as simple as watch the twins play on the Wii, over a glass of wine. in Max's arms.

    Yes, silly, tonight is February fourteenth, he explained as if I didn't understand. Valentine's Day? We'll be landing —he looked at his watch— in less than an hour, it'll barely be six, they have time to do something special.

    Does watching Netflix count as something special? Sam rolled his eyes at me.

    You and Max aren't going to do anything?

    "There really isn't much you can do on Valentine's when you have kids.

    She hit my arm.

    -Hey...! I have children! He snorted with feigned annoyance. Collin wants us to go to dinner, he's booked at Mable's Smokehouse. He put his hand to his chin. If you want, I can ask him to change the reservation and the four of us will go.

    That was one of the things I loved Sam for, even so, I declined shaking my head.

    You have half the children I have. I rested my head on his shoulder. I appreciate the invitation, but I've been away from home for over a month, I just want to curl up in bed with my family.

    —You talk like an old mom..m! You are thirty-three years old! You need to rekindle the flame of passion.

    —Believe me, we don't need that, when I think we've already explored everything in sex, Max investigates new things and I gladly sacrifice myself for him to certify them. Fucking without thinking that I could get pregnant is one of the few pleasures in life. The lady in the corner of our row grumbled, but Samantha and I laughed. No, seriously, we will most likely go out to eat and then dance on the weekend.

    But what if you bought him something?

    —A new watch when we were in Colombia, he adores them and I liked this one, but I did it more out of habit than because of the date, Max and I have been together for seven years, for us there is no special day because they always are.

    —Since you went to live with him, you talk like him... —I shook my head and continued my search, maybe we could repeat Raya and the Last Dragon , the children liked it.

    Sam went back to her reading and I started going through old photos of the twins; Emmerson, would be two years old in six months, it was my first tour after he was born and there was not a day that I did not thank Mark Zuckerberg for creating applications like WhatsApp and Facebook that, when used well, are very helpful.

    Just as Sam had predicted, we landed right at six, I thought Max and the kids would be at the airport waiting for me, so my surprise was great when I didn't see anyone from my family... Not even Brithanny, although I doubted they would. my sister was somewhere other than being cutesy with my best friend.

    That was the reason why Sam and I had to go on that tour alone. David didn't want to get away from Brit, now that their baby was only a few months old. Collin, Sarah, and Sury were waiting for Sam.

    My little princess had stopped being my talkative little girl to become a beautiful preteen who was embarrassed by kisses and hugs in public; Sarah, for her part, ran into her mom's arms.

    Collin insisted on taking me home, despite the fact that they had to take the girls with the person in charge of taking care of them; I didn't want to bother, but he didn't accept a refusal from me. The streets of New York glowed red and white, very much in keeping with the date. In fact, the entire trade and restaurants made an ode to that day. I tried to contact Max to no avail; I tried the same thing with Cassie, JD, and Dereck, but no one answered the phone.

    It was Valentine's, I assumed they were enjoying the date.

    Max doesn't answer you? Sam asked, dialing Maximiliano again, trying to keep my mind from imagining that something bad had happened. The last time I went out for a weekend, I found Aphrodite with the Harry Potter scar on her forehead from a fall in the park.

    No, maybe he's busy with the boys. —Collin parked in front of my new home, we had bought a house in a luxurious residential complex, each house was several meters from the other, leaving a prudent distance between

    they. Max loved it at first sight, he said it had a perfect patio for the little ones.

    Collin helped me get my luggage down.

    Thanks for bringing me, I said, giving him a hug.

    Let me know if anything happens... I nodded and Jerry, the watchman, opened the villa door for me. It took us almost two hours from the airport to the house and the sun was beginning to set on the horizon, I hoped that Sam and Collin would arrive on time at their reservation.

    I opened the door, prepared to hear the laughter of my children, but the whole place was silent and in total darkness. I dropped the suitcase, leaving my keys and purse on the small table to one side of the entryway, and walked inside.

    Max? I called while dialing her number, but she went to the mailbox again, the corridor to our game room and respective studies was dimly lit by candles inside small glass refractories and rose petals, a subtle aroma of lavender floated in the air. —. Eros, Adonis, Aphrodite... Mom arrived. I called out loud again, but no one answered.

    I pushed open my study door to find more candles and a red balloon suspended across the room, like a bad Peny Wise impersonation . I noticed a note dangling from the end of the string, so I went over to it.


    The day I met you, you turned my world upside down.

    You want to play with me?

    If so, come to the kitchen.

    -Where are you? I yelled with the note in my hand, in the kitchen I found a similar balloon.

    You are my best gift, my favorite song and the movie that I would see a million times.

    There are no words to express the gratitude, love and everything I feel for you, Mrs. Evans Farell.

    We still playing? Go to the boys' bathroom, in the game room.

    When you want to stop playing yell Enough

    I smiled and did as the note said.

    The playroom looked as messy as ever, I opened the bathroom door, but this time there were no balloons out of a horror movie, just a message on the mirror in the boys' bathroom, the sink was covered in roses, I grabbed one and brought it to my nose before reading what was written on it with a black marker, I would have to clean that up afterwards.

    And to think that I wanted to die, I don't want to think what your life would be without me.

    Arrogant bastard I continued reading.

    And I don't think about it because I want a long life by your side, one full of wild, soft, tender sex... poetic?, the one in which I adore your body from the moment the sun goes down until it reappears twelve hours later. Yes, I know what you're thinking, with four children it's impossible, but the impossible can be made possible, if you ask the universe so much that it says stop fucking around!

    It's time to go to the boys' room...

    PS: I'll clean up later...

    I love you.

    I looked at the flower in my hand.

    Who would say that Dsex is a romantic?

    Despite how tired I was and my feet asking me to take off my shoes, I wanted to see how far I could go, I headed towards the stairs that led to the second floor, where the rooms were; small red candles lit each step of the stairs.

    Eros, Adonis and Emmersson's room was a complete disaster, the beds were unmade, the dresser drawers were open and there were a lot of clothes scattered on the floor, it was as if a small tornado had passed through the largest room in the home.

    This is as far as the romance...

    We had had to remove one of the walls because Adonis refused to sleep alone, it was cute that Eros and Adonis shared that bond from the womb; so when Emm came into our lives, it was easy to put them all together.

    The note was on our youngest son's crib bed.

    I thank heaven for not having died, every year I am grateful that you have put up with me and that I had the good sense to stick my head out of my ass when I was about to lose you; because, Evangeline, I fell in love with you, the way you smile in the middle of each kiss, the way your lips kiss my neck, the way you laugh at my nonsense, your eyes, your smile , your feelings, your presence... I fell in love with the way you made me live again.

    Love of my life, come to our room, I've had enough of this game, I've thought of other more interesting ones...

    You don't have any clothes on.

    My skin tingled with the expectation of what he had prepared that night, the exhaustion from the long hours of flight faded into the background, being replaced by a subtle warmth inside me that ran through my body with his last words. I left the notes and the rose on Eros's bed and walked to our room, like most of the house, it was also lit with candles, the bed was covered with red and white rose petals, the sliding door to the balcony was open, It was huge, but Max loved that about the house. We had a couch where we would lie down when it was just us.

    Max? I whispered. Where are you? -I did not get any response-. Maximilian Evans Farell? —I was about to take out my cell phone to dial him once more when the balcony curtain moved due to the wind and the figure of the man I loved appeared before me.

    I walked towards him, who was watching me with mischievous eyes and a flirtatious smile.

    You have a lot to clean up, I said, stopping my walk. Rio, she loved hearing him laugh, it was like everything was fine as long as he laughed.

    He closed the distance between the two of us, handing me a bouquet of red peonies.

    —They are beautiful, I thought they would be roses...

    shook his head

    —Peonies are associated with love, the love I feel for you; the happiness that you give me every day and the beauty... Look at you, baby, four children and every minute you look more beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie!

    I was going to tell her that she couldn't be beautiful, it had been a nine hour trip and we had to be at the airport very early. But he didn't let me speak, he took my face in his hands, kissing me sparingly. I slid my arms around his neck and let myself be carried away by the synchronicity of his mouth on mine.

    "God, I missed you, beautiful.

    —Me too... And the boys?

    "Well, Dereck and Lilly are playing babysitter grandparents. —His arm slipped around my waist and that was when I saw that our divan was gone, in its place, there was a very well arranged table and torches that gave the place a magical, romantic and warm touch.

    Max, this is...

    I wanted to do something nice for you, and I know maybe your plan was to watch a kid's movie with the boys, but we also need this: just you and me. I promised to take them to the park tomorrow, after we pick them up at the grandparents' house.

    "This is perfect, honey. He led me to the table and pulled out the chair for me; I sat down, he sat across from me and uncorked the bottle of champagne that was in a cooler, serving the glasses before handing one over to me.

    —For a new Valentine with you, sweetness. We clinked our glasses and drank slowly. I noticed that there was a wide variety of cheeses, sausages and chopped fruit in the center of the table. Dinner's downstairs, but I thought we could dance a little first. He got up from his chair, took my hand, and then led me to the side of the balcony.

    All of Me by John Legend started playing.


    —Shsss... I want you to relax, baby, enjoy this; after dinner, the jacuzzi is waiting for you..." she murmured and immediately began to hum over my head.

    Cause all of me

    loves all of you

    Love your curves and all your edges

    All your perfect imperfections

    Give your all to me

    I'll give my all to you

    You're my end and my beginning

    Even when I lose I'm winning

    'Cause I give you all of me

    I rested my head on his chest, feeling the softness of the music, my body rocking next to his. I stopped the dance, stood on tiptoe and brought my lips to hers; at first, it was just a soft, delicate touch. In response, Max pulled me closer to his body and, as always happened between us, the spark was ignited and the kiss soon took on a different nuance; it was longing, desire, as if the absence of all those separate days claimed him.

    Max kissed my cheeks, tugged at my earlobe and his lips slid to suck the skin between my neck and

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