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Between Shadows
Between Shadows
Between Shadows
Ebook534 pages8 hours

Between Shadows

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About this ebook

The mystery surrounding the murder of Eva Tramell near a laboratory of a new methamphetamine called blue crystal becomes a challenge for her husband, the detective of the narcotics unit Darren Tramell, his hope of solving the case is the only witness who fights for survive.
Only five minutes were enough to change the future of Ivanna Shark, when one night she witnesses the murder of a woman.
As a witness to the event, Ivanna finds herself surrounded by a series of events that endanger her life, until Detective Darren Tramell takes charge of her safety.
Refugees in the middle of the forest, shared time and closeness create invisible bonds that bring out inexplicable and deep feelings in them.
Even when danger lurks
Can Ivanna and Darren's love have a chance in the shadows that surround it?
From the author of Teach Me, Contract and False Identity comes a shocking, emotional story full of suspense and emotions.

Release dateMar 16, 2023
Between Shadows

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    Between Shadows - Rogers Davis

    Chapter 1

    Seattle, September 14, 2017


    I heard a couple of taps on the window so I jumped out of bed and ran towards the balcony. Looking out, I saw Ben throw a pebble past me, hitting the glass of the double doors. He smiled when he saw me and dropped the rest of the pebbles in one of the planters.

    You almost didn't make it, I hissed between angry and desperate.

    Less blah blah and more action, princess, stop arguing and come downstairs. He gave me one of his lopsided, amused smiles.

    Fucking Brandon locked me in, I whispered, like a fucking door was going to stop me, I huffed.

    —Then look for an option to go out, I'll wait for you here!

    I rolled my eyes, Benjamin seemed impatient, as always. And it is that since I met him, two months ago, he showed me that life with him is always a thousand per minute.

    Give me a second, I yelled before closing the door, going back into the dark room and looking for my boots in the closet, putting them on quickly.

    Baby. I heard Ben call my name, but I ignored him. I took my lip gloss, slipped it into the pocket of my skirt, and went back to the window, sitting on the balcony railing.

    What the fuck are you going to do, Ivy? You're going to break a fucking leg! I don't want to spend the whole damn night in the ER, baby .

    Shut up, you ominous bird... If you keep cackling you're going to wake Brandon up and we're going to be screwed! You have to be alert and receive me, I have practiced for this, move towards the center.

    "Oh baby, I was hoping you'd say come, but at the end of the night...

    Pervert, try fucking to catch me.

    —Okay, jump in, but I can't guarantee that I can catch you. I didn't wait for him to finish his tirade and dove in, we both fell onto the magnificent, well-kept lawn of the Sanzonettys' garden.

    Ben started laughing, and I punched him in the stomach to shut him up and stood up, brushing bits off my skirt.

    Get up, I want to get out of here. I held out my hand to him and he took it, pushing myself to my feet.

    —I thought you would open the door with a hair clip. You are very crazy!

    -I do not know what are you talking about.

    —A hair clip. Aren't girls supposed to know those tricks? he murmured before enveloping me in a hug, pulling me into his body.

    I crossed my hands on his neck and his lips caught mine in a subtle bite, with a sigh I surrendered to Ben's sweet and soft lips; During the last two months, Benjamin made the shadows that surrounded me disperse, being with him was like a shield in the midst of darkness, I was not in love, but without a doubt, his presence meant fresh water in the middle of the desert in which my existence became

    He made me forget my life before, when I had a brother and parents, a happy family.

    I met him at a party that Larissa, Brandon's neighbor, invited me to. The chemistry was immediate, I wanted to forget and Ben, with his smile, achieved that goal, we danced a couple of songs and by the end of the night we went to his apartment; Although she wasn't a virgin anymore, she wasn't one of those girls who would hook up with a guy she met one night.

    I was aware that my mother would die again if she could see what I became after the accident, but the Ivanna she raised died with them and only the shell remained, the shadow of what I was.

    I'm not a normal girl, baby I ended the kiss and felt his cock harden, I thought you knew that. He smiled and then slipped his hands under my skirt, grabbing my behind tighter and pulling me closer to his body.

    -Who's there?! Brandon's yell made me stop Ben's advances, the mansion lights came on and the back door opened.

    "Time to go, baby . " —He gave me another kiss and we were about to hook up again, but we heard footsteps nearby; I gave it a slight push, ran towards the fence that separated the property and that Benjamin broke a couple of weeks ago, surely by tomorrow it would be repaired.

    As I walked away I could hear the screams of my father's half brother, my jailer, yelling once more that it was all . I was absolutely sure that this was the sixteenth time I had heard him tell me that he would send me to Russia.

    The chilly wind made me adjust my jacket once we got out of the property lines.

    Where is Jane? I asked, not seeing Ben's motorcycle in its usual place.

    I left it down the hill so your old man wouldn't see it. I hit him on the back of the neck making him hiss. What the fuck is wrong with you, Ivanna?

    —It's not my old man, don't say it again! I stormed over to Ben's motorcycle.

    Brandon was just my dad's rich brother, I didn't even know him before I woke up in the hospital four months ago, when I found out my family was gone.

    He and his wife were now my legal guardians and would remain so until I was twenty-one; Fortunately, it was six months before I finally had access to the trust that my paternal grandfather left me when he found out about my existence.

    I longed for those months to pass quickly so that I could disappear from his life as he had from my father's.

    Hey, Ben grabbed my arm and I jerked away, baby. He came closer again, I stopped in the middle of the street, crossing my arms at the height of my chest. Okay, I'm sorry, you fucking jailer. I don't want to argue with you tonight, Ivy, you promised me that today we would try something new... —Ben always wanted to try something new, a new position, a new place..., I had nothing to lose, and he offered me what I needed to forget everything. —. Give me a sneak peek of what we'll do when we've had a smoke... He took my hand, leading it to his bulging erection. I've been hard all day just imagining what's going through your head...

    I raised one of my eyebrows, staring at him, Ben was sexy, despite his thin body and gangly appearance, his blue eyes, his Kurt Cobain style hair and the way he dressed made him desirable. He was at the university, but he didn't know what time he went because he was always just a phone call away.

    What do you say we skip Crowel's asshole's party and I take you to a new place I found? He's alone and you can see the city from there —I shook my head, I wanted to dance, I wanted to distract myself a bit before we gave way to sex.

    -I want to go to the party. I let go of his tentacle embrace and kept walking until I got to Jane.

    Oh come on, baby, Ben groaned. You can't leave me like this! He mumbled taking his hands to his crotch, I ignored him. Ivanna...

    I turned, looking at him hard.

    You call me Ivanna again and I swear the next time you ask me for a blowjob I'll bite your balls off, Benjamin. He raised his hands smiling and approached very slowly until he caught my waist.

    Okay, chiquita, but I'll have something special when we're up to the clouds of weed, right?

    I crossed my arms around his neck again and brought my lips to his ear.

    Only if it's the good one, I whispered, sucking on his earlobe. Ben moved our hips back and I hissed when his member made contact with my body.

    "You're going to kill me, Ivy Shark... You're more dangerous than any damn drug, baby.

    I smiled, gave him one last kiss, and turned to go to where the old Harley, or Jane as Ben called her, was parked.

    That night I wanted to lose myself in all the excesses to forget that four months ago I had lost the only important thing in my life:

    My family.



    -Still here? —Gabriel's voice made me look up from the file about that night's operation, that was a stupid question, he was watching me, right? —. Damn, Darren look at your face, and Webber gave me the report of what happened, you can't just get out of control.

    "I didn't just freak out, Gabriel, son of a bitch Stanley had two girls giving him fucking blowjobs. Two girls!

    You will have the full weight of the law on your shoulders.

    I smiled watching my father-in-law walk over to the coffee machine.

    As if the law existed for people with money. Stanley's the brother-in-law of the Governor of Olympia, he's got connections, influence, I'm sure the son of a bitch will be out of jail before I get home.

    That's not our problem.

    Then what are we supposed to do here? He will go out into the street and continue doing the same if he doesn't have a lesson.

    Have you eaten yet, Darren?


    —I asked if you already had dinner, not everything in life is work, son —he said, completely changing the thread of the conversation—, you should ask for your vacation and go with Eva, maybe a trip to an island paradise where they can make babies.

    I rolled my eyes, I wanted to be a father, but Eva, despite the time that had passed, still hadn't recovered from Matty's death, I didn't want to force my wife.

    Go home, get some sleep, and please have my daughter check out those bruises.

    —They saw me in the hospital, I don't have anything broken, just bumps that will be erased in a few days. I need to be here by the time Mcriley finishes his mission tonight, with any luck we can capture whoever is selling the drugs at Seattle University and he will take us to this Daddy's lair. I looked at my father-in-law. It is impossible to believe that we still do not know the identity of this man.

    He had been working on the identity and capture of one of the most dangerous drug manufacturers that was marketing a new drug called Cristal Azul, a substance whose ingredients were easy to obtain legally, which made it less expensive than cocaine or cocaine. heroin; this new narcotic brought happiness and pleasure and was therefore attractive and popular with young people.

    He wanted to know who the fucker with the God complex was. But it was very difficult to catch someone who was always one step ahead of us; In addition to that, he had no face, the only thing we knew was that he called himself Daddy .

    —There are many criminals who hide behind a nickname, or have people who move their illegal businesses is a tactic to stay in the shade, the big drug lords did it in the nineties, now they are called ghosts, but I don't worry about it, he'll make a mistake and that will be our moment, now, about going home." He was going to repeat that he needed to be here by the time Mcriley arrives. Duncan or Becker can take over that operation. How many hours have you been here? Twenty four? He poured his coffee and turned to look at me. Where is Eve?

    At the hospital, I suppose... I turned to the third page.

    You suppose? He sat down across from me. Do you think that's a good answer, son? You're supposed to know where your wife is. I was going to speak and he stopped me. Her marriage worries me, Darren, Eva, she needs you and you spend more time at the office than at home. —Eva spent more time in the hospital than at home, that was one of the reasons why I stayed at the station. However, I let it go, Eva was for Gabriel his perfect girl. I'm serious about the holidays, son, you have accumulated days that can be managed, they should take advantage and take a breather. I would like to have a grandson.

    —Tell that to your hard-working daughter... The reason I practically live here is that I rarely see her at home, usually I arrive and she leaves or, worse, she's not there.

    Gabriel smiled.

    —You know how it is, she loves the hospital, but if you took the first step and spent more time at home, surely she would see the need to cut her hours at the hospital, don't do what I did, neglect my wife and when I realized it was late. She got up and put the chair back in place before walking towards the exit, only to retrace her steps a few seconds later. Go home, Detective Tramell, that's an order.

    I looked at my wristwatch and saw that it was twenty minutes to ten at night. I wasn't going to get anywhere by staying here, or I was going to get a contempt reprimand.

    Within the walls of that place, Gabriel was my superior, not my father-in-law.

    I took my jacket from the back of the chair and walked out of the office to meet Jackson Webber in the hallway, I placed the documents on his chest, with a little more force than I should have.

    Home, Detective, he said with a nervous smile.

    I took a deep breath before answering:

    Don't try to ingratiate me, Webber, I didn't know you were a snitch... He looked at me blankly. You went like a gossipy girl complaining to Lieutenant Grey. The officer was silent for a moment.

    I was just doing my duty, sir, he stammered. I handed in the pertinent reconnaissance report this afternoon and ran into the lieutenant on my way to get my cup of coffee.

    Now because of your indiscretion I have to leave by direct order of Lieutenant Grey... But if Mcriley calls, sends a message, a smoke signal or whatever, let me know immediately, Webber, I said through gritted teeth.

    -Yes sir!

    I left the police station, I had been on that case for about a year. Since the death of Scott White, the first individual found dead from an overdose of Crystal Blue, the department immediately began collaborations with the DEA and the Las Vegas police department, where the first case of an overdose of this substance had been reported. Since then the cases have increased. Less than a week ago, that drug claimed the life of Parker Rhett, an architecture student at Seattle University. My team and I were doing searches, we had dismantled almost thirty laboratories throughout the city, I could feel that we were getting closer, that was the reason why I sent one of my best men to infiltrate the university.

    I got in my car and looked in the rear view mirror, Stanley King motherfucker landed some good shots when I caught him during his escape attempt. My cheekbone was swollen, and both my left eyebrow and lip were broken. I felt my leather jacket, took out a cigarette, the blow to my eyebrow hurt a little and nothing numbed physical pain better than nicotine.

    Eva hated that he smoked at home, so I lit it up and leaned my head back on the seat, inhaling the cigarette and letting the smoke completely fill my lungs. I breathed in and out until the little cylinder was nothing more than a cigarette butt. I started the car and drove to Capitol Hill, the place where I lived.

    I met my wife when I was a child, she was beautiful, an angel who always had a treat and a smile for me when we met in the schoolyard, it didn't matter if she was four years older than me, my heart was beating like crazy when i saw her smile she had a boyfriend i hated but she seemed happy with him.

    With the death of my mother my life changed, I had to wander the streets alone running from social services until Esme came into my life, I lost all contact with the blonde girl who made my heart go like a drum, and when we met, she looked even more beautiful and I was no longer thirteen.

    I was no longer thirteen and she needed me, we got married in a simple ceremony, only with my godmother and her parents as witnesses.

    Six months later our son Mattias was born.

    I hastily turned off the engine without stopping thinking about Gabriel's words, perhaps we needed to reduce our working hours and try to fight more for our marriage. My wife's car was parked in her place, which made the blows more bearable, for eight months most of Eva's shifts were night. If I had known my wife was home, I would have brought flowers or something like that because I was glad that we could spend a whole night together. Before Mattias's death we spent many nights together on the sofa, however, the death of our son fractured our marriage and the last eight months were really hard for both of us, we had drifted apart a lot, between his night shifts and my job we barely saw each other. we saw.

    But I wanted to get our old life back, I had been thinking for some time that maybe we could start therapy and have those vacation days. Wells and Webber honeymooned in Tulum, Mexico and came raving about the place.

    We could try.

    The house seemed empty and I almost thought it was just as my wife came out of the kitchen.

    You're here, he mumbled, drying his hands on a cloth, let me see how beaten up you are. She pointed to the sofa and sat next to me once I was where she asked me to.

    How did you find out?

    "Dad called me to tell me about the fight, you can't fight every criminal, Darren. He put the cloth aside and cupped my face, touching it gently, examining me; Once she seemed pleased, she checked my knuckles. It hurts? I shook my head. Well, it looks like there's nothing fractured. He got up from the couch and disappeared, only to return with the medicine cabinet. — There are gauze, antiseptic and tape, you need to heal those wounds before going to sleep and tomorrow before going to the station.

    -You go? I asked confused.

    "There's an emergency at the hospital.

    I barely noticed that he was wearing his work uniform.

    "It's late, Eve. I thought you were home from work early, you're hardly ever home.

    —I'm sorry, sweetheart, I was at the hospital until six, but they just called me, there was a chain accident near Seattle, they have sent some injured to the hospital, Dr. Smith wants me to be there in case I'm needed.


    "I don't want to argue, Darren. It's my job and you know how much I love it.

    -Me too?! I yelled. And we?! Hell, Eva, I haven't seen you for months, if I arrive you have to leave and if I leave you arrive... We can't go on like this. She looked down, embarrassed.

    Don't push me, Darren! His voice broke. You know how hard it is for me to be here, this house is full of memories.

    Let's sell the house then...

    —We will not sell the house, it was a gift from my mother!

    Breath deeply

    —Love, I hardly see you, how long has it been since we shared a meal? How long have we not been a couple...? I don't even know if it's still you and me.

    But what nonsense are you saying? We are husband and wife, Darren, I'm here.

    —Then give me a solution, Eva, you say that we are married, but when was the last time we had sex?

    Is this about the sex?!

    "You know it isn't. —I approached her trapping her waist, I buried my nose in her hair calling for the calm that I always looked for in her. Our marriage has never been based on sex. But I miss you, I miss my wife, Eva. We can't go on like this...

    She moved away from me, her hand touching my face with tenderness, one that I had not seen in her for months.

    —Let's not talk about this now, I don't have time to argue, sweetheart. I have to go. He kissed my lips and walked over to the table by the entrance, where his carry-on bag was.

    I took his hand preventing him from leaving.

    —Don't do it, Eva, stay with me, let's talk. I don't want to argue either, love, I just want us to go back to being us before Matty died, tell Smith to fuck off. -She shook her head-. Well, tell him you can't go, your hot husband wants you to watch movies with him.

    His hands took my face again.

    —I can't do that to Andrew, he's counting on me, when I'm a starter, I promise not to take any more night shifts. Now I have to go, I'm already late and they need me.

    -I need you more. This marriage needs you more! Just like you once needed me," I exploded, and she jerked out of my grasp giving me a hurt look.

    You offered, Darren, I didn't make you, so don't want to blame me for your decision, he murmured, his blue eyes meeting mine, they were glassy.

    —I don't understand what we're doing, Eva, I don't understand why we're still here.

    —Because we're good at being together, because we need each other... I don't understand why you're complaining, that's how we work, Darren. He was silent for a few minutes. Are you beginning to be interested in someone else? she questioned and I looked at her in disbelief. Is that? Do you like someone? It's from the station, that's why the long shifts....

    -What are you taking about?! I interrupted her. My shifts are because I'm always alone in this house," I yelled. I'm your husband, I respect you and I love you, but this marriage is going to hell and we can't go on like this, love, we're getting further and further away, Eva, every time...

    He silenced me with a kiss

    -I know. He kissed me again, a brush between his lips and mine. Let's just talk about this tomorrow and not drag what happened years ago into our current problems, I'm grateful to you for that and I always will be, Darren, but I didn't ask you to.

    I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that... I murmured, "I just don't want to lose you, we lost our son, but we're still here... I want a chance, I deserve a chance, we were happy during the time Matty was alive, we can to be happy again, we just have to do it and it's very hard if our jobs take precedence over our marriage. I caressed her cheek. I've been thinking that we could go on a trip for a few days, just you and me, to a sunny place with a beach, some island in the Caribbean, I have some savings, we can just disconnect from work and take care of the two of us, maybe have therapy later — I joined our foreheads-, you are my partner, my friend and my wife. I nuzzled his nose with mine.

    You're right, we deserve a chance, just give me tonight, he gave me a sad smile. I'm going to talk to Smith about making a few days off, do my best to slow down next month, and talk to Dr. Davis about rotating my night shifts. He looked at the watch on his hand. I really have to go. Heal your wounds, I promise to think about therapies. -Open the door-. Please stop smoking, I hate the smell left on your clothes.

    I love you, drive safe and text me as soon as you're at the hospital.

    -I love you too. I'll write to you when I get to the hospital.

    Without further ado, he left the house.

    I couldn't help but take the whole conversation as a victory, a small ray of hope invaded me, an opportunity, it was all we needed and she was willing to give it to us.

    Chapter 2



    Hey... Ben came to where he was with a glass of beer, he hated beer, it seemed tasteless and bitter to me, nothing pleasant to the palate. I've been looking for you for a while, baby, where the hell were you?

    I was trying to take a joint from Mike, but the son of a bitch wanted a blow job in return. What the hell is up with men?! They think with their fucking dick." Ben smiled, he wasn't jealous at all. Mike was one of his best friends. They think that one goes through life exchanging drugs for sex just like that, who knows where his dick was stuck a few hours ago and he wanted me to put it in my mouth. I gagged to which Ben chuckled.

    -That is my girl. He put a hand around my shoulders and handed me the glass, it was the only thing they served at that damn party, beer, I was going to have to put up with Brandon's fucking lecture and for nothing, it was incredible that at a college party, alcohol and drugs will be conspicuous by their absence. Come on, princess, have a drink, let's have some fun, and then I promise to get you out of here and to a real party. He smiled again and ran his nose around my neck. I saw you before dancing. I smiled, I loved dancing. Then you vanished, that dance of yours made me crazy and you smell so good, I'd like to fuck you here in the middle of the hall.

    I ignored his heated talk.

    Ben... I put on a spoiled voice. I need a joint, even if it's a small one. —I wasn't a regular smoker, five months ago I wouldn't have even approached a cigar, but when I was high was when I felt freer, it was when the guilt disappeared, today I needed to abstract myself from the real world. Ben arched an eyebrow and I handed him the glass. And something stronger than horse urine. Ben reached into his jeans, pulling out half a joint, and I raised an eyebrow.

    —Don't look at me like that, I was looking for you; but you were nowhere to be found, be thankful that I saved you a bit, you know how hard it is for me. —He excused raising his hands, even though it was only half of what he really needed, I approached him, crushing my lips with his, I put my tongue in his mouth, he grabbed my hips and leaned me against the wall. —. Let's go behind the house, he whispered, nibbling my lower lip. That little skirt of yours is driving me crazy, Ivanna, he said teasingly.

    I smiled about the kiss and broke away from him taking the joint from him, I walked provocatively towards the back of the house, but before Ben could reach me, I bumped into a wall... Or so I thought, in front of me, there was a man He seemed too old to be in college, he was tall and muscular, he had black hair, for a moment we looked at each other, especially since with our shock he spilled his beer on his shirt, revealing abs of steel.

    "Hey, watch where you're walking. -Ben hugged me around the waist-, you could have hurt her and, damn, I would have given little attention to your muscles.

    -Are you OK? —The boy looked me up and down, checking if I had any visible injuries.

    Yes I am, nice to meet you I licked my lips, Ivanna Shark, but you can call me Ivy. I extended my hand.

    I'm Ew. A look of terror passed over his face. Jackson Emerson. He laughed like he was telling a joke to himself.

    It came for what they cried for! Tylor yelled. Who wants sweets, they know where to find me!

    Emmerson raised his eyebrows. Candies, he articulated without a voice and making quotation marks with his fingers.

    Ivy you and I have what we want, I'll text that asshole Tylor to set aside what we need for me, Ben hissed, and I said goodbye to Emm and continued on my way to the backyard.

    Tylor's house was huge and had a large garden, he was a poor rich kid, his parents were always away and he had given that party to celebrate his last year at university, he was very close to Ben, but he didn't even have She hadn't the faintest idea where they'd met, Ben worked at an auto shop when he wasn't in class.

    As soon as we reached the back of the house, near a small shed, Ben desperately attacked my neck.

    "Ben...Ben...Benjamin. I pushed him away from me.

    What the hell is wrong with you, Shark?! I already gave you the fucking joint," he huffed exalted.

    I need to turn it on, idiot, I reproached him.

    Ben was exasperated, he sat down on the grass looking completely annoyed.

    You flirted with that fagot, he said accusingly. I looked at him without understanding, sitting next to him. With the Mole, Ivanna, I saw you, you were flirting with him.

    —Hey, boy, calm down... first the important thing, I need a fire. I tried to calm him down. Reluctantly he pulled a lighter from his pants and lit the joint that was in my mouth, I inhaled the smoke, letting my body relax. I didn't say anything when your gaze went straight to Georgia Wills' big tits.

    Silence dominated us for a few seconds, before he spoke.

    -She is big...

    —Emmerson too, but just because I flirt a little with him doesn't mean I'm going to fuck him. I inhaled the joint again in my mouth, holding the air for a few seconds, Ben took the opportunity to take it from me and inhale it too. He's a little old to be in college, he must be at least twenty-eight.

    —My old man says it's never too late to go to school, maybe Emmerson is a regenerated rebel. —He laughed at his own joke and I took the opportunity to take away the tobacco, Ben attacked again, he began kissing my neck, his right hand massaging my thigh, sliding it slowly inside my jean skirt. You're beautiful...

    I didn't answer, instead I exhaled the smoke looking at the stars, I never closed my eyes when I smoked because I could see my parents' disappointed look, so I preferred to focus on the stars if I was outdoors, not even caring what Benjamin tried to mark my neck with a pacifier, my eyes began to fill with tears, but I forced myself not to spill them and breathed again. The joint was running out and I didn't feel half as high as I should have, I inhaled deeply holding the smoke for a few seconds, fleeing from the memories.

    Ben kissed my cleavage, between my breasts and then moved his mouth slowly back to my neck, I inhaled and exhaled letting go of the smoke... Pleasure, sweet and magnificent pleasure.

    Ben took the joint from me to inhale again and then moved closer, and I opened my mouth, taking a breath from him before I saw him inhale and throw away what was left. My nipples clenched against my lace bra as his fingers touched my privacy over my lace panties.

    Levitating in low flight, I closed my eyes, surrendering to the frenzy that ran through my body and tugged at Ben's hair, while he rubbed my clit before inserting one of his fingers inside me.

    So wet, Shark... he said pleased.

    I arched my back as another finger entered me, Ben knew how to use his fingers, knew which places to touch and what speed to use. I moaned as I grabbed the strands of her hair; Wrapped in the lust of the moment, he kissed me and I kissed him, I separated a little to articulate the word he longed for.

    —fuck me I muttered without a voice, we were in a dark place and somewhat far from the party, my hands focused on removing the shirt from his body, he was still dazed, I unbuckled his belt and my hand took care of his member.

    Ben moaned tremulously when I freed him from his boxers and I took advantage of that moment to separate my face from his, my lips bit his chin and went down his neck, I felt his member harden under my touch, he gently outlined my folds with his fingers and I adjusted. his member to enter me, I was so horny thanks to his caresses, locked in a mission where I was only going to get one goal: the huge orgasm that Ben always gave me. We were so caught up in our desire that we didn't notice when the music went off, not even the bloody police sirens.

    Only the voice of Ricky, one of Ben's friends, alerted us to the officers.

    -Fuck! Those sons of bitches. He stood up quickly, holding out his hand. Come on Shark, you're not of legal age to be here and you smoked a joint.

    Medium, I muttered in his direction getting up from the grass, the sirens could be heard taking away a bit of my comatose and lustful state.

    Fuck whatever, I'm not going to jail for your fucking fault so get off your butt, he said loudly before starting to run.

    Luckily we made it out of Tylor's house without being caught by the police, the last thing I needed was to run into an upset Brandon at a police station.

    Ben kicked a rock in annoyance as we walked through the streets, it was getting cold, but he didn't want to go back to Brandon's. If I was going to fight for running away, at least it would be worth it, right?

    I tugged at the sleeves of my jean jacket causing Ben to turn and start walking backwards.

    Damn cops! You don't know how I hate those motherfuckers Shark, they always ruin the fun!

    I didn't say anything, I just kept ahead of him, walking to the side of the road, at that moment I hated the decision to put on a skirt instead of jeans.

    The wind lashed hard, making me shiver slightly, there was a little less than a month left before winter began.

    Are you cold, Shark? Ben asked, tapping me with his shoulder.

    —Naah... Your presence makes me tremble. A crooked smile crossed his face. Hell yeah, asshole, it's just after half past one in the morning and we're a few weeks away from fucking winter!

    Why the hell didn't you tell me? He murmured, standing next to me, took off his jacket and handed it to me.

    No, thanks... I murmured and heard him snort a woman , I tightened my arms to my chest when a new wave of wind made me tremble.

    Fuck, Shark!

    Ben put his jacket on my shoulders, it smelled like his cologne mixed with cigarettes and some weed.

    -You have cigars? —My voice came out a little shaky because of the cold.

    "Yeah, in my jacket pocket... Shit, I couldn't even buy Tylor a few joints. Clancy told me he wouldn't give me merchandise until I paid him for last time... damn cops. —He kicked a pebble, he knew that Benjamin sold drugs at the university, but that was part of his private life. So I didn't have to care. If you don't want them to ask about your past, don't look into the past of others.

    I lit the cigarette quickly, I took a strong drag feeling how the smoke warmed me up a bit, I didn't like smoking, but it was freezing.

    Pass me one, baby... I handed him the pack and the lighter and took another puff, feeling the inhibition of the cold. While watching Ben blow out the smoke.

    Are we going to walk all damn night? I muttered with the cigarette still in my mouth.

    —I don't know, I'm thinking, Ivy, I didn't have a plan B, all I wanted for tonight was to get drunk at Tylor's party, smoke some weed and fuck until dawn. I smiled because sometimes Ben was very idealistic until dawn? Yes of course-. I know someone who can sell us some joints, and if he doesn't have one, I'm sure he must have something to get us high just the same.

    "I don't want drugs, Ben, I'm not doing heroin or coke. I dropped the cigarette and put it out with the toe of my shoe.

    —No, it's not coke, nor heroin, he deals in pasta.

    -Pasta? I'm not going to...

    Well, that's it, Ivanna! -I interrupted-. I'll get some joints, you know I hate it when you get intransigent," he said annoyed. I stopped arching an eyebrow at him, all traces of anger evaporating as he approached. I don't want to fight, princess. He stroked my arms up and down. I promised you a trip and I will give it to you, just be patient. Daddy has his headquarters in the south, so you just have to wait a bit for the police to move away from Tylor's house to go after Jane. We can wait there. He pointed to a small park, it was dark and he could see a couple of homeless people.

    -There? I raised one of my eyebrows.

    —Well, if you have the money to go in there... I won't object. He pointed to a hotel.

    "Ha, like Brandon doesn't control every cent of what my parents left behind. I shrugged and walked towards the park, sitting in a chair with Ben next to me.

    I won't complain if you give me a blowjob, baby, there's a dark alley over there.

    That's a good joke, Ben, I'm not going to fuck you until I smoke a whole joint, I sentenced.

    —I gave you half a joint, that at least makes me worthy of a blowjob, besides, a few minutes ago you weren't complaining when we were in Tylor's garden —We both laugh—, but it's okay, you're the boss, I'll get a couple of joints and then We continue with the plan to fuck all night.

    Half an hour later we walked hand in hand back to Tylor's house, the place was completely dark, but both the terrace and some broken glass confirmed that there was a party in that place. Jane was parked by the bushes where Ben had left her.

    We took Sixth Avenue until we reached a neighborhood to the south, a light drizzle was falling that had me soaked, I had Ben's leather jacket covering my hands and part of my thighs.

    —Daddy sells the best of the best, he makes his own merchandise, as I told you, he is the one who distributes to Tylor and Clancy.

    Daddy? That's a weird name.

    —Obviously it's a nickname his name is... his name doesn't matter...

    This place is scary, I whispered, cutting him off. How did you meet this man?

    —For Tylor, I once went with Clancy, but we had a debt and he didn't want to provide for me, so Ty brought me here, the man was born in the city, but he lived in Las Vegas for many years, there he learned everything about the preparation of drugs, then his boss died leaving him as the owner of the business, he made connections and then he came back, he has his own weed farms and other things. When Tylor doesn't have merchandise because he owes it and Clancy gets annoying, I come and buy my sweets here, he doesn't like to sell to small vendors, but he knows me, he's a client of my father, he has a very old Mercedes and a 90's Harley and eight, which is my dream come true," he said as we walked across an uninhabited piece of land.

    We dropped Jane off near a playground, but we'd walked from then on. I was a little afraid, although I would never admit it, my heart was pounding, I

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